

1.(有效赠与满足的三个条件)three requirements for an effective gifts:(1) delivery :Delivery is obvious in most cases, but some objects cannot be relinquished physically(2) donative intent:Donative intent (the intent to make a gift) is determined from the language of the donor and the surrounding circumstan ces.(3)acceptance by the donee: The final requirement of a valid gift is acceptance by the donee.

2. (反向取得的四个条件) adverse possession:(1) Possession must be actual and exclusive, than is ,the possessor must take sole physical occupancy of the property.(2) The possession must be open ,visible and notorious, not secret and clandestine.The possessor must occupy the land for all the world to see.(3) Possession must be continuous and peaceable for the required period of time.(4) Possession must be hostile and adverse

3.Battery(非法接触)and Assault(威吓)的异同:(1) Similarity: Both have intention to make contact (2) Difference: contact : 1.The first of intentionally inflicted injury is battery.Battery is the intentional, unconsented, harmful or offensive touching of another.2. Assault o ccurs when the defendants’s acts intentionally cause the victim’s reasonable apprehension of immediate harmful or offensive contact. The contact must be seen as imminent. Intention:In case of the assault there is no physical harm to victim , it is just threat from criminal to victim. While in case of battery ,there must be some physical contact between criminal and victim.

4.Conversion(侵占)的概念和特征:概念:Conversion is a

special type of trespass.It is

an intentional interference with

plaintiff’s possession or owners

hip of property that is so

substantial that D should be required to pay the property’s full value. It involves a major interference, more serious interference with the possesssor’s rights.

特征:(1) Conversion is an

Intentional tort(2) Distinguishe

d from trespass to chattels


(1) An easement is the

right of s person to

make limited use of

another persons’ real

property without taking

anything from the


(2) An easement, for example

, can be the right to walk

Across another’s property. In

contrast, profit is the right

to go on to land in possession

of another and take away

some part of the land

itself or some product

of the land


elements of negligence:

(1) the duty of care and

Its breach (2) the injury(3)





Issues:1.How is the duty of

due care that is owed


2.To whom does a party

owe the duty of due care?

Holding and Rule

(Cardozo –“Zone of

Danger” rule)

1.A duty that is owed must

be determined from the risk

that can reasonably be

foreseen under the


2.A defendant owes a duty

of care only to those who

are in the reasonably

foreseeable zone of danger.

a."there was nothing in the situation to suggest to the most cautious mind that the parcel wrapped in newspaper would spread wreckage through the station. If the guard had thrown it down knowingly and willfully, he would not have threatened the plaintiff's safety, so far as appearances could warn him."

b.Without any perception that one's actions could harm someone, there could be no duty towards that person, and therefore no negligence for which to impose liability. 一个正常的小心谨慎的人所感知的危险的范围决定应承担责任的范围(the orbit Of the danger aS diSClosed tO the eye Of reasonablevigilance would be the orbit of the duty) 2 土地测量误差

Issues:1.Is tacking of possessi

on by subsequent occupants

permitted if the land is occup

ied under a mistake of fact?

2.May a party prevail on a

claim of adverse possession

if physical use of the

property was limited to

summer occupancy?

Holding and Rule

1.Yes. Tacking of possession

by subsequent occupants is

permitted if the land is occupied under a mistake of fact provided the occupants are in privity.

2.Yes. A party may prevail on

a claim of adverse possession

if physical use of the property

was limited to summer occupa


Issue: 1. Is a claim of adverse possession defeated because the house was only used as a summer property?

2. Can a person who has recorded title to a tract of land adjacent to his, but

thinking that he has correct title to the land which he possesses, tack his adverse possession onto the previous periods of occu

pancy which went before his?

Holding: 1.No. To establish continuity of possession, a person must only occupy the property for periods of time which are consistent with the nature of the property.

2. Yes. Where there are several successive bona fide purchases and recordings of a

deed to a tract of land adjacent to the tract of land occupied,and the cumulative possessions are longer than the statute of limitations for actions to recover property, there is sufficient privity to permit tacking and thus establish adverse possession.

Reasoning: 1. The court reasoned that the rule of continuity was not one requiring absolute mathe matical continuity, but rather if the land is occupied during the period of the year when it is capable of use, that is sufficient.

2. The requirement of "privity" is intended to keep chains of unrelated squatters from voiding the title of the original owner, and clearly those are not the facts in this case. Each possessor was a bona fide purchaser from the previous one. Furthermore, where a person claims more than his deed describes, the question of privity is not defeated, so it should be the same for where the deed describes an adjacent parcel of land.


1.Is tacking of possession by subsequent occupants permitted if the land is occupied

under a mistake of fact?

2.May a party prevail on a claim of adverse possession if physical use of the property

was limited to summer occupancy?

1.Under WA property law, may a person who receives record title to tract A under the

mistaken belief that he has title to tract B (immediately adjacent to tract A) and who subsequently occupies tract B, for the purpose of establishing title to tract B by adverse possession, use the periods of possession of tract B by his immediate predecessors who also had record title to tract A?

Holding and Rule

1.Yes. Tacking of possession by subsequent occupants is permitted if the land is occupied under a mistake of fact provided the occupants are in privity.

2.Yes. A party may prevail on a claim of adverse possession if physical use of the property was limited to summer occupancy.

3.Yes. When several successive purchasers received record title to tract A, under the mistaken belief that they were acquiring tract B, immediately adjacent, and where possession of tract B is transferred and occupied in a continuous manner for more than 10 years by successive occupants, there is sufficient privity of estate to permit tacking and thus establish adverse possession as a matter of law.


《英美文化》教学大纲 课程名称:英美文化适用层次、专业:英语本科 学时:64 学分: 4 课程类型:选修课程性质:专业方向课 先修课程:(无要求) 一、课程的教学目标与任务 本课程适合英语专业二、三年级学生。开设本课程的目的在于使学生通过学习,能够比较全面地了解英美国家的各种基本情况和制度,学会与之相关的英语语汇和表达方式。 本课程涵盖量较大,要让学生在较短的时间内完全了解英美两国的具体情况是无法做到的。因此,在进行本课程的教学时,应注意以下几点: 1.学生在课外多收集关于英美两国的资料,有助于充分理解各个部分的知识。 2. 教师除了进行课堂讲解外,还应多提供一些知识内容有关的资料。 3.要求学生做好课前预习和课后知识的巩固。 二、课程讲授内容 英国部分(总学时:32学时;理论学时:32;实验学时:无) Chapter 1 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom(2学时) 1.具体内容: After learning this chapter, students should have a knowledge of 1) British history of invasions and the influence of each invasion on English culture; 2) the general characteristics of each part of the UK; 3)some political problems in Northern Island and the causes for the problems 2. 基本要求: 了解英国的历史概况和四个组成部分的地方特色。 3. 教学重点与难点: the effects of its imperial past; a member of the European Union; a significant role of London; cultural and economic dominance of England; invasion from the Roman Empire; settlement of the Anglo-Saxons; strong Scottish identity; Brief introduction to


2013-2014学年度第一学期 英国国家概况期末试题 (考试时间120分钟,总分100分) 班级姓名成绩 得分评卷人复查人 I. Multiple Choice Questions. (50 points, 2 point for each) Directions: In this part of the test, there are 50 unfinished statements or questions. For each of the unfinished statements or questions, four suggested answers, marked A. B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on your Answer Sheet. I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts: 1.The British Isles are made up of________ A.two large islands and hundreds of small ones B. two large islands and Northern Ireland C. three large islands and hundreds of small ones D. three large islands and Northern Ireland 2. There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain. They are_______ A.Britain,Scotland and Wales B. England,Scotland and Wales C. Britain,Scotland and Ireland D. England,Scotland and Ireland 3.The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries______ A. that have a large number of British immigrants B. that fought on the side of Britain in the two world wars C. that speak English as their native language D. that were once colonies of Britain 4. About a hundred years ago,as a result of imperialist expansion,Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the world's people and ______of the world's land area. A.one third B. one fifth C. one fourth D. two fifths 5.The earliest invasion of England is that by _____. A. the Iberian B. the Danes C. the Celts D. the Anglo-Saxons 6.the Celts religion was _____. A.Christianity B. Druidism C. Norman belief D. Roman Catholic 7.the Anglo-Saxons brought _____ religion to Britain.


澳门法律现状与改革 骆伟建1 [摘要] 简明扼要介绍了澳门特别行政区法律的现状和构成澳门特区法律的五个主要渊源,澳门特区法律改革的计划和组织。重点分析了澳门特区法律改革的原因、进程和遇到的困难。展望并提出了澳门特区法律改革的前景、有利的因素和改革的重点。 关键词:澳门特别行政区法律现状法律改革 一、澳门法律的现状 《中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区基本法》第18条第一款规定,“在澳门特别行政区实行的法律为本法以及本法第八条规定的澳门原有法律和澳门特别行政区立法机关制定的法律。”根据基本法的规定,澳门特别行政区现行法律是由澳门基本法、被采用为特别行政区法律的澳门原有法律,及特别行政区自行制定的法律三大部分构成。所以,对澳门特别行政区法律现状要清晰、全面地理解必须从以下三个方面认识。 (一)澳门原有法律的渊源 澳门自古以来是中国的领土,16世纪中叶以后被葡萄牙逐步占领,葡国对澳门实行殖民管治。在葡国管治澳门期间,在澳门适用的法律主要有两大部分构成。 1.葡国法律延伸适用澳门 澳门在葡国占领下主要经历两个时期。第一时期(殖民时期),视澳门为葡国领土的一部分或海外省。葡国1822年首部宪法规定,澳门是葡萄牙领土的组成部分。2 1914年《海外省行政组织法》对澳门采用殖民地管理模式。1917年《澳门省组织章程》规定,有权制定在澳门生效的法律的立法机关包括议会、中央政府及殖民地 1法学博士,澳门大学法学院教授,澳门特别行政区政府法律改革咨询委员会副主席。研究方向是宪法和特别行政区基本法。曾任中葡联合联络小组中方代表,澳门特别行政区筹备委员会委员。 2肖伟华著:《澳门宪法历史研究资料》,澳门法律翻译办公室、澳门法律公共行政翻译学会出版, 1997年9月第一版,第21页


国际条约的法律制度 十届全国人大常委会专题讲座第二十四讲讲稿 李鸣 一、国际条约在国际法上的地位 (一)缔结国际条约的重要意义 国际社会为什么要缔结条约?这主要是因为条约在国际关系上有着重要的实际意义。 条约是国际交往的重要工具。我们处在一个国际社会,任何一个国家都需要与他国进行往来,再封闭的国家也不能例外。当今国际社会交通极为便利,信息高度发达,经济相互依存,国际交往日益密切。哪里有国际交往,哪里就有国际法。国际交往需要法律规则,需要明确相互的权利和义务,而条约提供了这样的规则,确立了国家之间的权利和义务关系。国际交往表现在政治、经济、文化、军事、法律等各个领域,任何一个领域的国际交往都离不开条约。 以国际政治关系为例。当今国际政治秩序建筑于一些重要的法律原则基础之上。这些原则主要有:国家主权平等、和平解决争端、禁止使用武力、忠实履行国际义务、不干涉他国内政、尊重基本人权。它们都是《联合国宪章》和其他一些重要国际条约确立或重申的国际法原则。国际政治秩序不能离开这些原则。国际条约对于确保国家之间和平共处、友好往来不可或缺。 条约又是国际合作的重要工具。国家不仅要交往,而且还要合作,以便共同发展并解决彼此关心的问题。国际合作是当代国际关系的主旋律,是构建和谐世界的重要方面。国际合作更是离不开国际法和国际条约。国际法现在已经不仅仅是国家之间共存或交往的法律,而且越来越呈现出合作的性质。 一个明显的例子是《联合国反腐败公约》。该公约的第四章通篇在讲国际合作,例如引渡合作、司法协助、执法合作、没收事宜的合作等。这个公约很好地说明了条约在国际合作方面的重要性。离开了条约这个工具,是很难谈国际合作的,因为合作需要确定合作方的权利和义务。 (二)条约是国际法的重要渊源 我们今天所说的国际法,是指主要调整国家之间关系的法律。国际法调整的是“公”的关系,又被称为“国际公法”。传统上,国际法一直是以国家关系作为调整对象的。在当代,国际法还调整国家与国际组织的关系,以及国际组织相互间的关系。不过,国家仍然是国际法的最重要、最基本的主体,国际法主要是国家之间的法律。


英 美 法 律 制 度 班级:法学081902班 柳雨彤:200819010215 马立国:200819010217 宁旭杰:200819010219 肖扬:200819010232

Abstract The tendency of very personal works constitute a strong narrative tone, justice and injustice as early in the proceedings before sentencing were pronounced, which also coincide with the runaway jury trial. If you look at the legal position in the literary story, and to avoid the default of the standard, the so-called "heroes - the role of justice," it is hard to make people agree, Nicholas and Marlee in order to get a significant amount of money, the two schemed , followed by tobacco companies for compensation cases (Before this, tobacco companies have won eight lawsuits seeking compensation) traveled all over the country, Nicholas disguise, a number of changes of the name, as was the case into the jury is , when he successfully entered after the jury, and should be foreign joint within Marlee, using intimidation, false accusation, and other means to successfully poison the jury excluded the alien force to control the jury. It can be said, as a justice on behalf of Nicholas and Marlee are also engaged in criminal acts. However, literature and the law of sight deviation occurs, the emotional logic of the rational alternative to the logic of law, the standard in the literature is another interpretation, the legal basis of the narrative system lost the possibility of self-justified. 1 The point is that the legal system to the existing capacity (conservative) for the continued maintenance of general order and coherence, and to act as a restraint system requirements, the law of changing human nature is yet to utter a matter of fact, in the In this sense, as the ethical, moral and emotional factors seem to be so cold and rational to exclude the law out law to a system of iron face appears, without a trace of tenderness. But the solemn faces of the law is needed in a society full of ways of the world carried out by other means the conversion of discourse, this discourse through the conversion (probably not too accurate, legal education will "debate" into "you can fight, but not curse "), more ordinary people to be a relatively convenient from the perspective of the" reading order "(to borrow Mr. Su Li's a title), the modern rule of 1柳雨彤:200819010215宁旭杰:200819010219


《英美概况》教学大纲 课程编号:12307058 课程名称:英美概况 学时分配:36学时,2-19 学分:2分 考核方式:考查,闭卷 课程类别:专业限选课 面向对象:外事二年级学生 一、课程的任务和目的: 《英美概况》是介绍英语国家社会与文化入门的一门课程。开设本课的目的在于使学生通过学习,了解英美国家的历史、地理、社会、经济、政治、教育等方面的情况及其文化传统,内容庞杂、信息量大。 培养学生正确分析有关英美等国问题的能力,并能以正确的眼光看待世界上所发生的问题,提高学生对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性,培养学生跨文化交际能力。把学生培养成为高素质的人才,同时又能爱祖国、热爱社会主义,致力为祖国的繁荣、发达而努力的人才,培养学生树立正确世界观。 同时,通过课文的学习和各种练习的实践,达到提高英语水平的目的。通过比较学习不同文化中具有特殊文化涵义的词语与表达式,可以促使学生掌握一些特殊词语的深层次意义,是对词汇的学习以及翻译水平的提高的有益补充;通过开展中外文化的比较,让学生切身感受到成功的交际仅有语言是远远不够的,文化方面的因素有时所起的作用远远大于语言本身,必将为英语学习者成功地参与国际商务活动,更有效地进行国际合作与交流打下坚实的文化基础。

二、课程的基本要求: 要求熟悉英语国家的地理、历史、发展现状、文化传统、风俗习惯,具有较强的跨文化交际意识。 三、课程的主要内容: 主要包括英美两国的地理、历史、政体制度、教育、新闻媒体、风俗习惯等内容,目的在于开阔学生的视野,扩大他们的知识面,并注意借鉴最新研究成果,合理吸收最新知识,进一步增强其实用性。 四、课程教学内容与要求 第一章:美国简况(国家的组成、国土等)(2学时) 教学要求:通过教学使学生掌握美国地理简况:国家的基本组成,国土等。以及美国国家形成的基本历史发展过程。 教学重点:美国国家形成过程中产生的几个重要的历史事件。 教学难点:分析并了解American Revolution产生的原因。

Test for US 英美国家概况 美国部分测试题

1. The official full name of the United States is usually referred to as . It is often called , , , , or simply , or the “” in American spoken English. 2. National Holiday of US is . 3. Nicknames for the flag include ,,, and which is also the name of the country's official national anthem. 4. served as the political theory behind the American Revolution. 5. On July 4, 1776, the Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence drafted by a committee including and , with most of the work done by . 6. By the Declaration of Independence the United States held its separate and equal position among the powers of the earth, and also by it the United States had been founded, based on the right “.” 7. The American Civil War was in fact a conflict during 1861-1865 in the USA between the Southern or of America and the Northern or . 8. Four great empires—, , , and —had disappeared by the end of WWⅠ. 9. American Attitudes towards WWⅡ were excitedly divided into who opposed any involvement in the European war, and who urged immediate aid to the Allies. 10. The Cold War was an ideological, political, and economic state of tensions, conflicts and hostility from 1945 to 1990 between the USSR and on the one hand, and the US and on the other. 11. The Berlin blockade promoted the signing of and the founding of . 12. is the only “hot war” between the USA and the Soviet Union during the Cold War period.


澳门法律的特点 1、法律形式主要是成文法,即由立法机关依照权限和程序用条文形式制定并公布实施的法律、法令和法规。 2、法律呈法典化模式 3、法律以葡文为主,中葡版本 法律规范从葡萄牙延伸来澳门适用的多,澳门本地立法机关制定的少;本地立法机关制定的法律,集中于行政机构和人员、制度、经济、文化和社会事务等方面,且法典化程度不高 澳门特别行政区司法制度的特点 1、属于地方性司法制度 澳门属于中央辖下的地方行政区域;在该区域内的任何制度都只能是地方性制度 对国防、外交等国家行为无管 2、拥有单独的法律体系 澳门基本法, 列于附见三在澳门实施的全国性法律 澳门原有法律和特区立法机关制定的法律。 3、享有独立的司法权和终审权 澳门特别行政区法院行使审判权,独立进行审判,只服从于法律,不受任何干涉。澳门特别行政区设立初级法院、中级法院和终审法院,澳门特区的终审权属于特区终审法院。特区法院除对国防、外交等国家行为无管辖权,并继续保持澳门原有法律制度和原则对法院审判权所作的限制外,对澳门特别行政区所有案件均有审 4、法律本土化和司法人员本土化 澳门特区司法机关除使用中文外,还可以使用葡文 司法机关在政治体制中的地位以及司法组织架构不同于内地 澳门特别行政区各级法院的法官,根据当地法官、律师和知名人士组成的独立委员会的推荐,由行政长官任命,检察长也由澳门特别行政区永久性居民中的中国公民担任,由行政长官提名,报中央人民政府任命。 5、司法制度是具有典型大陆法系特征的司法制度 (1)法院及检察院作为司法机关,分别行使审判权和检察权 (2)法院和法官遵从独立审判的原则,检察院遵从独立行使检察职能的原则。 (3)法院依法定管辖权进行审判,检察院依法定程序参与司法诉讼 廉署组织机构的特点 1、廉署地位独立,仅对行政长官负责。根据《澳门基本法》规定,澳门特别行政区设立廉政公署,独立工作。廉署只受行政长官领导,对行政长官负责 2、人事上有独立决定权。廉署的编制包括廉政专员、助理专员及辅助人员。廉署专员由特区行政长官提名并报请中央人民政府任命,是廉署一切权力的拥有者。专员可拣选两名人士担任助理专员以辅助其工作,还可任用顾问、技术顾问、调查员等协助工作,任用时仅进行登记及在政府公报上公布即可 3、办公经费保障充足。廉署经费从政府每年的总预算中拨付,以确保经费上不受制于其它部门。廉署每年都把预算呈交行政长官,使其在制定特区总预算时,在支出部分中包括一项专供廉署使用的款项。《澳门廉政公署组织法》规定:由澳门总预算的可动用资金补足或在有需要时开立信用而以往年的预算年度结余抵销廉署的预算负担。高级专员有执行廉署财政预算的权限,并且还被立法会赋予批准秘密用款的权限,其目的是应对预防和调查中的特


《英语国家社会与文化》教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程编号:990230070 课程中文名称: 英语国家社会与文化 课程英文名称:Exploring English-speaking Countries 课程类型:专业方向选修课 总学时:36理论学时:32 实验学时:4 学分:2 适用专业:初中毕业起点五年制小学教育专业英语方向2012级专科段 先修课程:英语网络阅读 开课院系:小学教育系 二、课程性质和任务 《英语国家社会与文化》本课程是以英语为授课媒介,重点介绍英国、美国、澳大利亚、加拿大和新西兰等主要英语国家的历史、宗教、政治、教育、体育、经济、娱乐等社会文化各个层面的背景性人文学科知识。要求学生了解主要英语国家社会和文化的起源和发展和变迁、各国文化间的共性与差异,以及当今英美的流行文化。主要任务在于扩展学生的文化和社会视野,引导他们注意到英语语言内在的文化土壤、英语语言外在的多面性、语言和产生其语言的社会的一致性、相关性;提高学生对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性以及处理文化差异的灵活性,培养学生的跨文化交际能力。 三、课程教学目标 本课程的总体目标在于使学生通过学习,了解这些国家的社会与文化概况,如地理、历史、政治、经济、教育、社会生活以及文化风俗等方面的基础知识,理解英美文化、思维方式、价值观念和生活习惯,扩大学生的知识面培养学生正确分析有关英美等国问题的能力,并能以正确的眼光看待世界上所发生的问题,提高学生对文化差异的敏感性和宽容性,培养学生跨文化交际能力。同时也促进加强学生的语言学习,达到提高英语水平的目的。培养学生成为热爱祖国、热爱社会主义、为国家繁荣发展而奋斗的人才。 四、理论教学环节和基本要求 本课程重点是通过教学,使学生了解英、美两国的国家地理、人文特征、宗教、社会、教育与文艺等基本情况,包括社会各层面的发展和特征表现以及传统的风俗习惯等

Test for UK 英美国家概况 英国部分测试题

1.Off the coast of mainland Western Europe lie two islands called the British Isles of which the big one is the island of , or , and the small one is the island of . 2.Britain is divided into three parts: , and . 3.GMT is short for , which is the time on the line of (degree) longitude, which passes through , a district of southeast London, used as a basis for calculating time throughout the world in different time zones. 4.The national flag of the United Kingdom is also called or . 5.England was once conquered by , , and . 6.Of the four nations, feel most British, is the most confident of its own identity, and is most closely related to England. 7.Monetary unit of UK is . 8., , and are major industries in UK. 9., , and are major trading partners of UK. https://www.360docs.net/doc/ed15711587.html, is known as “”, due to its declines in economy. 11.National Holiday of UK is . 12.and weakened the European monarchies, and introduced the age of constitutional monarchy, a monarchy with powers limited by Parliament. 13.Three major national parties of UK are , and . 14.Depending on the relative strengths of the parties in the House of Commons, the Opposition may try to overthrow the Government by defeating it on a “” vote. 15.The Prime Minister’s official residence is , which is the symbol of the British Government. 16.In UK, Ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of . 17.As the language of England, English is a language belonging to the branch of the family. 18.Standard English is variously known as , , , and or . 19.and are very popular Christian festivals in UK. 20. a system now in general use of arranging the months in the year and the days in the month, introduced by Pope Gregory ⅩⅢ (1502-85). 21.The only really important patriotic festival is on which are remembered in special church services and civic ceremonies. 22.The population of UK is nearly million. 23., and are the main language used in UK. 24.is national nickname of UK. 25.The English have a mixed cultural heritage combining , , , and elements. 26.The English have many differences in regional speech. The Chief division is between and . 27.The ancestors of the Welsh were , who escaped to the wild mountains of Wales form the invading Angles and Saxons. 28.Today about % of the Welsh population still speak Welsh as their first


论澳门法律的特征 邓伟平 2012-8-7 17:06:04 来源:《中山大学学报:社科版》1999年06期内容摘要:葡萄牙占领澳门后,将其法律延伸适用于澳门,澳门逐步脱离中国法律体系而形成有别于其他法律体系的特征,如法律渊源多样,跟随大陆法系的传统,法律多以葡文表达以及对澳门社会的实际影响有限等。中国恢复对澳门行使主权的问题提上议事日程后,澳门本地立法快速发展,澳门法律开始脱离葡萄牙法律体系而逐步发展成为相对独立的法律体系。澳门特别行政区成立后,澳门的法律制度基本不变,澳门法律的特点除因应主权的回归而发生变化外,其余特征将长期保留。 关键词:澳门法律特征过渡 作者简介:邓伟平,中山大学法律学系副教授。 葡萄牙占领澳门后,将其法律延伸适用于澳门。澳门逐步脱离中国内地的法律体系,自我发展,形成其有别于其他法律体系的一些特征。1999年12月20日,我国将恢复对澳门行使主权。根据“一个国家,两种制度”的方针,澳门原有法律基本不变,将过渡到澳门特别行政区适用。澳门特别行政区法律将不可避免地受澳门原有法律的影响,并在一定程度上保留原有法律的特色。因此,研究澳门法律的特征,对全面而准确地理解澳门特别行政区的法律,具有十分重要的意义。 一、实行“双层双轨”的立法体制,法律渊源复杂多样 作为澳门的管治者,葡萄牙人自19世纪中期起将葡萄牙法律延伸到澳门适用。1822年葡萄牙第一部宪法正式认定澳门为葡萄牙的海外殖民地,葡萄牙法律亦因此而当然成为澳门法律。此后,葡萄牙一直保留着为澳门立法,或将葡萄牙法律延伸到澳门适用的权力。1976年以后,澳门本地亦享有立法权,该等立法权由澳门总督和立法会分享,法律并明确规定了总督和立法会各自行使立法权


国际税收法律制度(二) 国际重复征税 国际逃税与避税 第一节国际重复征税 一、国际重复征税产生的原因 1、居民税收管辖权和来源地税收管辖权之间的冲突 2、居民税收管辖权之间的冲突 3、来源地税收管辖权之间的冲突 二、国际重复征税概述 (一)法律意义上的国际重复征税 两个或两个以上的国家,对同一纳税人就同一征税对象,在同一时期内课征相同的或类似的税收。 构成要件: (1)、存在两个或两个以上的征税主体 (2)、存在同一纳税主体 (3)、课税对象的同一性 (4)、同一征税期间 (5)、课税相同或类似性质的税收。 (二)、经济意义的国际重复征税(国际重叠征税或国际双层征税) 完整的国际重复征税的概念:两个或两个以上的国家,对不同纳税人就同一征税对象或同一税源,在同一时期内课征相同的或类似的税收。 案例:M国R公司,某一纳税年度末,其设在甲国的分公司获利10万美元,设在乙国的子公司获利50万美元从税后利润中向R公司支付利息20万美元。 提问: (1)在该纳税年度中,R公司及其分公司和子公司,应缴纳哪些税收? (2)在上述纳税中,哪些属国际重复征税?哪些属国际重叠征税? 案例:某甲在A国有自己的居所。1999年甲离开A国去B国从事经营活动,在B国居住了150天并取得一笔收入。甲国回到A国,先后收到A国和B国要求其交纳个人收入所得税的纳税通知。根据A国税法规定,A国居民离开A国满180天的为A国非居民;根据B 国税法规定,凡在B国居住满90天的个人为B国居民。 问题: 此例是否为国际重复征税?产生的原因是什么? 案例:甲国A公司拥有在乙国成立的B公司50%的股权,在某纳税年度,A公司在甲国所得为100万美元,B公司在乙国的国内所得也为100万美元。甲国、乙国企业所得税率分别为50%、30%。B公司在该年度向乙国缴纳30万美元企业所得税后,将税后利润70万美元中的35万美元以股息的方式支付给A公司。之后就A公司该年度的所得135万美元(即A公司国内所得100万美元加上B公司支付的35万美元股息所得)适用50%的税率,征收


海南师范学院本科英语专业理论课教学大纲:美国文学 课程编号:03101026 学时:36 学分:2 一、课程的性质和任务 《美国文学史及选读》是英语语言文学专业(本科)的一门专业知识必修课。它简要介绍了美国文学从十七世纪殖民时期到二十世纪的发展历史及其主要作品。本课程是英语专业的专业基础课,目标是:通过文学史的教学拓宽学生的知识面,提高学生的文学修养,使学生了解英美文学各个历史时期的文艺思潮、文学流派、主要作家和作品; 通过美国文学作品的教学,提高学生对英文原著的理解能力、鉴赏能力,培养学生发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力; 通过课外实践活动,激发学生的文学兴趣,培养学生的文学鉴赏和批评能力及论文写作能力 二、相关课程的衔接 本课程是为英语专业高年级学生开设的,学生必须具有良好的英语阅读和理解基本功方能顺利地学习该课程,与此同时,它与美国历史、文化、社会背景等关系密切,因此,学生先期完成英语听说读写等技能训练基本课程,相关衔接课程有《英国文学》,《英语国家概况》《跨文化交际》等课程。 三、教学的基本要求 1.了解美国文学发展史上的重要时期和阶段,包括殖民地时期、独立战争时期、浪漫主义时代、南北战争时期和两次世界大战前后文学现象及特征。 2.了解各个重要发展阶段的代表作家及作品,熟知其内容、风格和艺术价值及其在世界文学史上的重要地位。 3.了解伴随美国文学各个阶段产生的文艺批评思潮,提高学生的文艺理论水平。 四、教学方法与重点、难点 教学方法:教学方法以课堂讲授为主,辅以讨论,并要求学生在课外大量阅读参考书,撰写读书报告及评论课上充分利用网络资源及现代化教学手段,使学生能够积极主动地进行学习 本课程的重点与难点相对来说是一致的 从时段上来说,19世纪20年代以后的美国文学由于处于第二次繁荣时期,对于美国文学的历史走向曾发生了相当重要的影响,自然是本课程的重点而这一阶段的文学语言丰富、色彩各异,且与哲学、史学、艺术学等结合得比较紧密,所以这一时期的文学作品在语言上和思想上都具备一定的难度,是本课程的难点所在另外,后现代文学作品的出现也增加了学生阅读的难度,因此了解后现代作品的创作手法,写作动机也是本科的一个难点解决的办法主要是在专业基础课之外,定期安排专家讲学,题目多涉及与课程难度相关的内容,旨在拓宽


Chapter1 1.The two main islands of the British Isles are A . 不列颠群岛的两个主要岛屿是 A. Great Britain and Ireland B. Great Britain and Scotland C. Great Britain and Wales D. Great Britain and England 2. B is the capital city of Scotland. 是苏格兰的首府 A. Belfast B. Edinburgh C. Aberdeen D. Cardiff 3.Among the four parts of the United Kingdom, D is the smallest. 在英国的四个部分中,是最小的 A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Northern Ireland 4.group of Indo-European family of languages. A. Celtic B. Indo-Iranian C. Germanic D. Roman 5.The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of D words to English. 基督教传入英国,增加了英语的第一个元素。 A. Danish and Finnish B. Dutch and German C. French and Italian D. Latin and Greek 6.The evolution of Middle English was reinforced by the A influence. 中间英语的演变因影响而增强 A. Norman B. Dutch C. German D. Danish 7.Samuel Johnson’s dictionary was influential in establishing a standard form of C . 塞缪尔约翰逊的字典对建立标准形式有很大影响 A. grammar B. handwriting C. spelling D. pronunciation 8.’s population communicate in English. A. half B. a quarter C. one third D. one fifth Chapter2 9. A. Norman B. Danish C. Celtic D. Germanic 10. A. Celtic Christianity B. Anglo-Saxon Christianity C. Germanic Christianity D. Roman Christianity 11.The C marked the establishment of feudalism in England. 标志着英国封建制度的建立 A. Viking invasion B. signing of the Magna Carta C. Norman Conquest D. Adoption of common law 12.The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of C . 玫瑰战争的结束导致了统治的结束


英美国家概况课后题及答案 Chapter 2 1.The British history before 55BC is basically undocumented.(T) 2.The Celts became the dominant group in Britain between the 8th and 5th centuries BC.(T) 3.The name of Britain came from a Celtic tribe--- the Britons.(T) 4.The Anglo--Saxons came to Britain in the mid--5th century.(T) 5.The chief or king of the Anglo--Saxon tribes exercised power at their own will.(F) 6.The Vikings began to attack the English coast in the 8th century.(T) 7.Henry II built up a large empire which included England and most of France.(T) 8.The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and the townspeople.(F) 9.The Hundred Years' War was a series of wars fought between England and Normans foe trade and territory.(F) 10.In an effort to make a promise between different religious factions,Queen Elizabeth I actually defended the fruit of the Religious Reformation.(T)
