

The guidance of Ancient Chinese Jade

Welcome to the Ancient Chinese Jade(中国古代玉器)! Jade has a long history of more than 7000 years in China; we have over 1000 artifacts(手工艺品)on display in all the jade exhibiting halls. All these are shown following a sequence of jades’development history; our visitors can enjoy the exhibiting not only by the jades which unearthed in different dynasties, but also can see the perfect artifact of jade-carving that the empires used in Ming and Qing dynasties.

According to political and different needs of living of human beings, ancient people image lots of spirit to jades. It represents happiness, wealth, morality and other good wishes, it also being an important component of constituting Chinese traditional culture. Then, let’s go and take a look.

The first one we see here is the Jade Jue which has been unearthed at

4000B.C, it’s very popular from Neolithic Age to Zhou Dynasty, most of them are found besides people’s ears, and many people conjectured that is the common Jade decorations for earrings during that time. Besides, Jade Jue has 3 special meanings,: first is , people consider that only the gentleman can wear it; second is , people give this as the evidence when you want to break up with somebody else; third is , people wear it on thumb to protect it when doing archery.

What we see here is the agate(玛瑙)of rain flower. As we know the rain flower(雨花石)is famous in Nanjing, and they were unearthed in 4000 B.C. and are also the earliest ones that we found till now. Next to the agate of rain flower is the Jade Hatchet, it didn’t has real functions in ancient time, and people used it to represent the owner’s power, identity and riches.

There is a representative Jade Burial tomb in Liangzhu culture. It has a long history of more than 5000 years. In that time, people believed that nobles’tomb should be higher than the ground. We can see the pieces in the tomb from left to right. At the right corner there is some tableware, which means the living people wish died man don’t need to worry about starving in heaven. In the middle, it’s called Jade Yue, which represents the power; The small thing put on it is called Jade Xi. Let’s take a close look at the Jade xi, it bottom looks like mankind, on the top of it is a bird which represents the heaven, under the bird is a squirrel which represents the earth. Then the whole thing means a combination of heaven, earth and mankind. During the ancient time, people don’t have word to record the things that they do, therefore they use knot to help them do a record. Every time they finish a thing then they used the beak of Jade Xi to untie the knot. They put this small thing in the tomb means they wish the person who was died don’t need to worry about anything when he entered heaven.

Over here is called Jade Cong. This also has its special meaning, in the ancient time, people think the sky is round and the earth is a square, and the hole inside it means a connection between the universe and the earth. We can also find that the Jade Cong has different length, it means a lot. The person who owns longer Jade Cong has larger power, the person who owns shorter Jade Cong has smaller power. It’s a sign of the owners’identities.

Look at here; it’s a Jade Burial Tomb as well. The burial accessories(附属的)totaled more than 120 pieces, including jade, stone and earthenware(陶器). The occupant(占有者)of this tomb is a male about 20 years old, the head of the tribe(部族)who was in charge of fortune, rite(仪式), army and clan(氏族)authority(权利). We can see some black print on the accessories. Scientist found out that’s because of cremation(火化), people believe use the fire can make died person reborn.

Please walk this way, this we can see is the Jade suite Threaded with silver, it has a long history of over 1800 years from now on. The Jade suite is a kind of burial dress for noble to wear when they are died, because of a special religion, people believe when mankind wear this kind of suit, the body will never decomposed as the jade can exist forever. However, actually, the Jade suite doesn’t have this kind of function. When we discover this suite, all the pieces are separated; we use modern technology to fix this up. According to different

identities, the Jade suite was classified into 4 groups: Threaded with gold, silver, copper and silk. This Jade suite has a total length of 1.7 meters, used 800grams of silver string and 2600 pieces of jades. At the same time, in the middle of the top of head, there is a hole, people guess that this hole is soul to come and go freely. There is also a Jade Pig hold in died person’s both hands, this Jade pig represent wealth, this shows the living people wish they died man can bring all his riches away when entering heaven.

Here is the Jade Cicada(禅), which ancient people keep it in mouth; this was given the wish of far away from the corrupted world. Next to it, it’s the Jade Pendant(垂饰,悬挂物)with Dragon and Phoenix Design, this is the sign of Nanjing Museum as well, the dragon and phoenix perch each other, form the shape of “S”. The phoenix coil on the tail of dragon, which told us dragon, has the highest level in that society. And in ancient time, people believe that Jade can bring good luck, and with carving mascot(吉祥物,幸运儿)on it can make it more holy.

Right here is called, Jade Crown, which ancient male wear on head. Due to that time, it’s very famous to have this decoration, and it’s also a sign of your identity and position. People first twine(线)their hair to the top, then used the crown to fix it, and put the stick through the two small holes into the bottle of the crown. Finally it’s done. Very simple but it’s heavy as well.

Look back is the Jade Raytown- Shaped Cup. Because its look like a horn belongs to animal, and can be filled with alcohol, therefore people think this is used by god, just off its unique appearance. Ancient people considered use this cup to drink can prevent you from getting poisonous, and drink the liquor inside by once can show your prospect to the goodness.

This is a Jade Belt; it showed its face first in Neolithic(新石器时代)Age. They’re belonging to Li Wei, a high-ranking official in that time. The belt was made up by 20 pieces of jade, the two pieces with carving was added later, with this detail, and some archeologist(考古学家)conjectured(推测)that this belt was collected by Li Wei, he didn’t wear it daily.

Here we can see is the Rose Quart Dragon-Headed Censor, (by the way, censor is the container where people put incenses inside when doing sacrificial activities. This one was given by Sirizanka’s empire as a gift to Qianlong. It isn’t a jade, in ancient time, people think if the stone is beautiful enough, then it can be called jade. Qianlong liked this very much and gave his orders to the officials to carve(雕刻)it into this way. It’s very beautiful but the only disadvantage is that it’s a solid, which means it cannot contain anything inside it.

This is the Jadeite(翡翠)Screen, the color matches the picture on it very well, and it expresses a famous man in Chinese literary(文学的)history, he’s

called Su Shi. This picture is the process when Mr. Su drives a boat along the Chibi in the evening.

By Nanjing Foreign Language School Xueying Wang


土火之艺——馆藏历代陶瓷展览 Exhibition of Pottery and Porcelain through Dynasties 2009/11/17 前言 水、土、火的碰撞,产生了绚丽多彩的陶瓷文化。陶器是全人类共同拥有的财富。而瓷器是中华民族对世界文明的重要贡献,中国因此而拥有了“瓷之国度”的美称。 早在新石器时代,我们的祖先就已经学会制造和使用陶器。商周时期出现了原始瓷。成熟的青釉瓷器烧成于一千八百多年前的东汉时期。经过三国两晋南北朝的初步发展,到了唐宋时期,我国的制瓷业进入第一个发展高峰。明清时期,我国陶瓷业发展到了巅峰阶段。 至少在唐代,我国已开始大量出口陶瓷器。此后历经宋、元、明、清各朝,日益发展,长久不衰。从东海和南海通向东亚、东南亚、中西亚、非洲、欧洲以及美洲的各条航线,无不见证了这一辉煌。因此这条海外贸易通道也被称为“陶瓷之路”。 广东最早的陶器出现在新石器时代早期。晋代开始出现青釉瓷器。唐、宋、元时期广东的制瓷业飞速发展,并大量输出国外。明、清时期,石湾陶器、广彩瓷器成为斐声中外的著名品种。 一部中国陶瓷史,反映的不仅仅是整个中国文化史的面貌,而且也书写了经济贸易史、工艺美术史、航海史、对外贸易史等方面的华彩篇章。 Introduction Collision of water, clay and fire gave rise to colorful pottery and porcelain culture. Pottery is a treasure of humankind. However, porcelain is an important contribution of the Chinese nation to the world civilization. China won its name as "Country of Porcelain". As early as the Neolithic Age, Chinese people had already got to know how to make and use pottery. Proto-porcelain had been made in the Shang Dynasty. Mature green glazed porcelain was made in the Eastern Han Dynasty and had well developed in the Three Kingdoms, the Eastern and Western Jin Dynasties, and the Southern and Northern Song Dynasties. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, Chinese ceramic industry reached its first peak of development. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Chinese ceramic industry developed to a summit stage. Porcelain had begun to export in the Tang Dynasty. In the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, large quantities of pottery and porcelain exported from the East Sea and


Introduction of Shaanxi History Museum Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Shaanxi History Museum. First, I want to give you a brief introduction of this museum. Shaanxi History Museum is a sizable national museum with a wide range of artifacts, about 375,000 historical and cultural relics, which were all excavated in Shaanxi Province. It covers an area of 70,000 square meters, with a floor space of over 50,000 square meters. Shaanxi Province had been the cradle of the ancient Chinese civilization. And people often say that the ancient history of Shaanxi is a microcosm of Chinese history. The museum shows a great deal of elegance and originality in style. It was designed by Zhang Jinqiu, a very famous female architect in China, and assumes the architectural features of ancient Chinese palaces and courtyards of Tang Dynasty. PREFACE HALL Now we are in the hall. The giant stone walking lion was originally erected in front of Shunling Mausoleum, the tomb of Empress Wu Zetian’s mother of the Tang Dynasty. With its exquisite craftsmanship and imposing appearance, the lion is believed to rank the first in Asia. Since lion and their carving skills were introduced to China from Afghanistan through the Silk Road in ancient times, so this lion also represents the cultural exchange between China and other countries. THE MAP OF SHAANXI PROVINCE Lying in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, and in the eastern part of the northwest region of China, Shaanxi Province serves as the gateway to the northwest of the country, and offers a link of communication between the Southwest, Northwest and East China. Shaanxi Province covers the area of about 205,800 square kilometer, and has the total population of 37 million. Topographically, Shaanxi Province can be divided into three natural regions. The top part is the Loess Plateau in the northern part of Shaanxi Province. The middle part is Guanzhong Plain, and here is Xi’an city where 13 dynasties set their capitals during 1,100 years in Chinese history. The southern part of the Shaanxi Province is mainly about some mountainous regions. This is Qingling mountainous region, which is not only the natural boundary in separating the northern and the southern part of China but also the watershed of the two greatest water systems in China—the Yellow River system and the Yangtze River system. THE PREHISTORIC AGE


《燃情岁月》Legend of the Fall 《美丽心灵》A Beautiful Mind 《早餐俱乐部》The Breakfast Club 《骄阳似我》Good Will Hunting 《几乎成名》Almost Famous (感兴趣摇滚乐的同学可以找来一看) 《日落之前》Before Sunset (a very smart movie,女主角的英语有点法国味儿) 《阿甘正传》Forrest Gump (发音就别从这里学了) 《我的盛大希腊婚礼》My Big Fat Greek Wedding (很有意思的文化冲突) 《大河恋》A River Runs Through it 《西雅图不眠夜》Sleepless in Seattle 《后妈》(又名《亲亲小妈》)Step Mother 《谈谈情跳跳舞》Shall We Dance 《似是故人来》Sommersby (美国南方口音,了解一下,关键是故事很感人,呵呵) 《当哈里遇见萨莉》When Harry Met Sally 《漂亮女人》Pretty Women 《爱情十日谈》How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days 《爱是妥协》Something's Gotta Give 《天使之城》City of Angel 《时尚女魔头》The Devil Wears Prada 《公主新娘》The Princess Bride 《卡萨布兰卡》Casablanca 《魂断蓝桥》Waterloo Bridge 语言相对较简单:《南极大冒险》Eight Below 《小鬼当家》Home Alone 《公主日记》The Princess Diaries 动画片: 《海底总动员》Finding Nemo 《鲨鱼黑帮》Shark Tale 《怪物史莱克》Shrek 《花木兰》Mulan 《美女与野兽》Beauty and Beast 《冰河世纪》Ice age 《熊的传说》Brother Bear 连续剧: Friends Gilmore girls(我的最爱,哈哈,中译:《吉尔摩女孩》,语速较快,文化背景较深。适合听力口语水平较高,同时对西方文化较了解的同学观看。) the Apprentice 英式发音: 《真爱至上》love actually 《傲慢与偏见》新版Pride and Prejudice 《BJ单身日记》 《英国病人》English Patient 《面纱》The Painted V eil 励志(学习男主人公永不放弃的精神): 《肖申克的救赎》Shawshank Redemption 《当幸福来敲门》The Pursuit of Happiness <中青网> 美国电影学会于近日评选出了美国电影中的一百句最佳台词,《乱世佳人》的克拉克-盖博口中的“坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎”荣膺榜首。 评选结果的影片涵盖面十分广泛,最早的可以追溯到1927年的第一步有声片《爵士歌手》,最近的则是2002年的《指环王之双塔骑兵》。其中《乱世佳人》、《卡萨布兰卡》、《绿野仙踪》等经典老片在榜上占据了不止一席之位,而《卡萨布兰卡》凭借6句经典台词居首位。 美国电影学会总监费斯登堡认为,这些经典的电影台词已经成为了美国语言文化的一个组成部分,评选的目的是为了重新激起人们对美国经典电影的热情。以下是从这一百句最佳台词中精选部分台词,英汉对照,以飨读者。(以下的序号是台词的排名号) 1. Frankly,my dear,I don't give a damn.坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。(《乱世佳人》1939) 2. I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.我会给他点好处,他无法拒绝。(《教父》1972) 3. Y ou don't understand!Icoulda had class.I coulda been a contender.I could've been somebody,instead of a bum,which is what I am.你根本不能明白!我本可以获得社会地位,我本可以是个竞争者,我本可以是任何有头有脸的人而不是一个毫无价值的游民!(《码头风云》1954) 4. Toto,I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.托托,我想我们再也回不去堪萨斯了。(《绿野仙踪》1939) 5. Here's looking at you,kid.就看你的了,孩子。(《卡萨布兰卡》1942) 6. Go ahead,make my day.来吧,让我也高兴高兴。(《拨云见日》1983) 7. All right,Mr.DeMille,I'm ready for my close-up.好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我的特写镜头了。(《日落大道》1950)


西安旅游介绍导游词 各位领导、朋友们: 大家好,欢迎大家来到美丽的古城西安观光游览。西安,一个被人们赐予太多太多美妙称谓的地方。尤其通过今年世园会的召开,西安再一次把她特有的魅力展示给世人。今天我将带领大家一步步走近这座古老的城市,这可是一个看不完、听不尽、吃不烦、逛不够的地方,希望您带着轻松的心去聆听、去观察、去感受、去品味。一起去品古都上下五千年历史神韵,尝老城街头巷尾美食七滋八味,阅西安改革三十年城市全新风貌,观新区科学规划建设热火朝天。 【地理位置】 西安是陕西省省会、副省级城市,是陕西省的政治、经济、文化中心。西安位于黄河流域中部的关中盆地,北临渭河,南面是秦岭山脉,山脊海拔2000-2800米,是我国地理上北方与南方的重要分界。西安市辖9区【新城、碑林、莲湖、雁塔、灞桥、未央、阎良、临潼、长安】4县【蓝田、周至、户县、高陵】,总面积10108平方公里,总人口843万,其中市区面积3782平方公里,人口大概646万左右。 西安属于暖温带半湿润的季风气候区,雨量适中,四季分明,气候温和,春秋两季是旅游黄金时期。大家远道而来,也许您是带着自己潜意识中的“西安印象”【古老陈旧、黄土飞扬、干旱缺水、满目苍茫】来的,现在看见西安是否有出乎意料的感觉呢?其实这里历史上素有“八水绕长安”之说,指的是西安城四周的八条河流:渭河、泾河、沣(fēng)河、涝(lào)河、潏(yù)河、滈(hào)河、浐(Chǎn)河、灞(bà)河。渭、泾是其中两条大的河流。西汉文学家【司马相如】在著名的辞赋《上林赋》中写道“荡荡乎八川分流,相背而异态”,描写了汉代上林苑的巨丽之美,之后就有了“八水绕长安”的描述。大家现在能看到西安这般的景象和市政府的重视和规划是分不开的,这些河流流经于此也让这座城市有了勃勃的生机和灵气。【君未睹夫巨丽也,独不闻天子之上林乎?左苍梧,右西极。丹水更其南,紫渊径其北。终始灞浐,出入泾渭;酆镐潦潏(fēnghàolàoyù),纡馀委蛇,经营乎其内。荡荡乎八川分流,相背而异态。——《上林赋》】 【陕西得名于西周,是大西北的门户,面积20.56万平方公里,所在的位置兼具南北,联通东西,所以陕西所处的地理位置十分重要。渭河虽发源于甘肃,但是流经陕西,联接灞河、泾河、浐河等最后汇入黄河,因此渭河是黄河上最大的支流,它和它的分支流冲击而成的平坦台面就是今天陕西省的中部,我们也把它叫做关中平原也可称为渭河平原。渭河与长安关系十分密切,在古代有很多物资就是通过渭河运到长安,而“泾渭分明”这一成语也来源于这条大河。】 【历史背景】 在中国旅游界有几句俗话:二十年中国看深圳,一百年中国看上海,一千年中国看北京,而五千年中国则看西安。98年美国总统克林顿访华,首站来到西安,他对西安的评价就很高,他说:“要了解一个民族,首先要了解它的历史”。由此可以看出,西安是一座历史悠久的文化古城,在这片物华天宝的土地上,五千年的古国文明从这里发祥。 早在《广博物志》《述异志》《山海经》中就有所记载,传说中的盘古开天辟地、女娲补天等故事都发生在这里;据考古证实,早在旧石器时代,这里就是蓝田猿人的聚居区;新石器时代早期,这里哺育了“华胥古国”“姜寨”等半坡先民。到了汉唐时期,西安更是发展成为了中国政治、经济、文化和对外交流的中心,是当时人口最早超过百万的国际大都市。“西有罗马,东有长安”是当时西安在世界历史地位的真实写照。 至今,西安与世界名城希腊的雅典、埃及的开罗、意大利的罗马齐名,同被誉为世界四大文明古都。而且,西安也是中国七大古都之首,是中国历史上建都时间最长、建都朝代


经典英文电影台词100句 美国电影学会于近日评选出了美国电影中的一百句最佳台词,《乱世佳人》的克拉克·盖博口中的“坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎”荣膺榜首。评选结果的影片涵盖面十分广泛,最早的可以追溯到1927 年的第一步有声片《爵士歌手》,最近的则是2002年的《指环王之双塔骑兵》。其中《乱世佳人》、《卡萨布兰卡》、《绿野仙踪》等经典老片在榜上占据了不止一席之位,而《卡萨布兰卡》凭借6句经典台词居首位。美国电影学会总监费斯登堡认为,这些经典的电影台词已经成为了美国语言文化的一个组成部分,评选的目的是为了重新激起人们对美国经典电影的热情。 1,Frankly,my dear,I don't give a damn. 坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。(《乱世佳人》1939) 2,I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. 我会给他点好处,他无法拒绝。(《教父》1972) 3,You don't understand!Icoulda had class.I coulda been a contender.I could've been somebody,instead of a bum,which is what I am. 你根本不能明白!我本可以获得社会地位,我本可以是个竞争者,我本可以是任何有头有脸的人而不是一个毫无价值的游民!(《码头风云》1954) 4,Toto,I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. 托托,我想我们再也回不去堪萨斯了。(《绿野仙踪》1939) 5,Here's looking at you,kid. 就看你的了,孩子。(《卡萨布兰卡》1942) 6,Go ahead,make my day. 来吧,让我也高兴高兴。(《拨云见日》1983) 7,All right,Mr.DeMille,I'm ready for my close-up. 好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我的特写镜头了。(《日落大道》1950) 8,May the Force be with you. 愿原力与你同在。(《星球大战》1977) 9,Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night. 系紧你的安全带,这将是一个颠簸的夜晚。(《彗星美人》1950)


从翻译目的论看博物馆解说词汉英翻译——以宁波博物馆 解说词英译为例-汉语言文学 从翻译目的论看博物馆解说词汉英翻译——以宁波博物馆解说词英译为例梅盛王晨婕 摘要:本研究运用翻译目的论,分析博物馆解说词译文的预期功能、目的和受众情况。选取宁波博物馆解说词英译文为研究对象,批判性地分析了其在文化和语言层面出现的翻译问题并提出改进策略,总结了一系列适用于博物馆解说词汉英翻译的方法,如:增添、重组等,剖析了博物馆解说词英译翻译问题产生的根源及应对策略,旨在提高博物馆解说词英译文的质量,更好地为中国的对外文化传播服务。 关键词:博物馆解说词目的论翻译问题对策 由于全球化进程步伐的加快,各国间跨文化交流日趋频繁,旅游作为跨文化交际的一种重要形式,在国际经济文化交流过程中发挥着积极的作用。随着中国对外开放的不断深入以及对外交流的不断增加,越来越多的外国人能够游历中国,并通过多种途径了解中国丰富多彩、博大精深的历史文化。其中,参观博物馆是一种行之有效的途径。博物馆解说词的翻译是向外国游客介绍和传播中国历史文化的重要手段。目前,对旅游资料汉英翻译的研究大多集中于旅游景点介绍和景点公示语的汉英翻译问题的探讨,很少触及博物馆解说词的英译问题,缺乏相应的理论指导。 本文尝试运用翻译目的论,以实地拍摄的图片资料为佐证,选取宁波博物馆解说词的英译文为研究对象,分析其存在的问题并归类,同时提出解决方案和总结相关的翻译策略与方法,从而提高博物馆解说词英译文的质量,更好地为中

国的对外文化传播服务。 一、翻译目的论概述 翻译目的论认为“翻译是人类的一种行为活动,而且是有目的的行为活动,而‘制约翻译过程的首要法则便是翻译行为的目的’”[1]。翻译行为的发起者确定翻译目的,规定翻译要求(translation brief)。“翻译要求涉及到多方面,包括规定译本文本的功能(信息功能、表达功能或呼唤功能)、报告译文的预定目的、接受者、接受文本的时间、地点和场合[2];文本分类并不是说每个文本属于某一类型,事实上,大多数文本会同时兼有以上三种功能,差别在于侧重的功能不同。翻译目的论宣称翻译的标准应当是充分(adequacy),而不是等值(equivalence),充分是指译文要符合翻译要求。译者根据翻译要求采取相应的翻译策略”。这就为译者“增加了可供选择的翻译策略”[3]。与传统“等值观”相比,目的论注重的不是译文与源文是否对等,而是强调译文应从其预期功能出发,根据各语境因素,选择最佳处理方法,因而具有较高的科学性和可操作性[4]。 在目的论框架下,本文将博物馆解说词汉英翻译的具体要求整合成以下三个方面:译文的预期功能、目的和受众情况。博物馆解说词一般包括该馆的概况介绍、最新资讯信息、展品与史料介绍等。从译文文本功能来看,博物馆解说词英译文兼具信息和操作功能,旨在为国外参观者提供准确而详尽的博物馆信息,以促进文化交流与合作。译文接受者是以“对中国事物知之甚少的一般外国受众”[5]为主。由此,笔者认为以下两点可视为博物馆解说词汉英翻译的原则:1.以服务外国游客为导向,译文能准确地传达博物馆相关信息,并且做到通俗易懂;2.以顺利实施跨文化交流为主旨,即译文能有效帮助外国游客观赏博物馆所


西安碑林博物馆导游词 各位游客,中国有四大碑林,而陕西省的西安碑林博物馆,以碑石之多、价值之高,名列四大碑林之首。它始建于北宋元祐二年(公元1087年),历经900多年的历史,是我国收藏碑石最早最多的艺术宝库。该馆藏石3000余方,现展出的仅是藏石的三分之一,下面,请大家尽情地欣赏一番碑林的艺术精华吧。 碑林博物馆是典型的中国传统庙宇式建筑群。它的前半部分是由孔庙改建而成,至今仍处处可见孔庙的痕迹。自古孔庙无南门,礼门仪路两边开。所以孔庙的门开在东西两侧,西门称礼门,东门称仪路。走进去之后映如我们眼帘得是高大而不失精巧的太和元气坊,它是在明万历年间有皇族资助400两黄金建造而成。北边有两个半圆形的水池,是孔庙特有的建筑。叫泮池。泮池以北的石牌坊也是孔庙特有的建筑,叫棂星门。中门刻有文庙东门刻着德配天地西门道冠古今。在当时,进棂星门有严格的规定,祭孔活动时,只有主祭最高官员才能由中门出入。门内有4根华表相向而立,在第2道门戢门的东侧的钟亭里陈列的是景云钟。它铸造于唐睿宗景云年间而得名。它用青铜制成,上面有唐睿宗书写的铭文。不说不知道,一说吓一跳,我们在除夕之夜,中央人民广播电台播放的新年钟声就是以景云钟录制的。与钟亭位置对应的马亭里有另一文化瑰宝——大夏石马。大家看这匹马的腿部下方刻有大夏真兴6年。。大将军等字样,它和景云钟都属于国宝级文物。 大家抬头远远可以看见正前方的碑亭上方刻有碑林两个大字的烫金匾额,匾额出自清代爱国志士林则徐之手,是他在鸦片战争之后,被革职戍边新疆伊利时,路径西安时所写的。 接下来我们看见的这块石碑是博物馆内形制最大、最华丽的《石台孝经》。《孝经》是孔子的学生曾参编撰的讲的是孝道,提倡事君如事父唐玄宗李隆基亲自为此碑作释作序并书写,目的就是想表示自己是以孝来治理天下。此碑高近6米,碑身、背座、碑首由35块巨石组成。所以此碑显的是顶天立地气度不凡,因此也有迎客第一碑之称。 下来请大家跟我到碑林的第一陈列室参观,这里展示的是《开成石经》。开成是因刻成于唐文宗开成年号,经是中国古代儒家的经典著作。(包括孝经,周易,尚书,诗经,周礼,仪礼,礼记,春秋左传,春秋公羊传,春秋谷粱传,论语,尔雅,孟子)这些书都是古代文人学士必读之书,由于古代印刷术不发达,所以将经文刻到石头上作为范本供人们校对。《开成石经》由114块碑石双面组成,共计288面,650152字,最初只有12部经书,清代又补刻了《孟子》一书,合称13经。中国历史上曾组织过7次经籍石刻,只有这一部保存得最完整,加上时代又早,史料价值极高,于是,人们称其为世界上最厚最重的书籍。 参观完了开成石经之后,我们就来到了第二展室,这个展室主要向大家展示的是一些唐代名碑。以及和书法毫无关系的《大秦景教流行中国碑》。这通碑是唐朝波澜壮阔的中外交流史的一个见证,。大秦是中国古代对罗马帝国的泛称。景教是基督教中斯脱里派的中国称呼。此碑记载了景教的教规,教义,教旨。更难能可贵的是用古叙利亚文记载了景教徒再中国的活动和一些教徒的名字。为研究中国古代同欧洲,中亚交流提供了珍贵资料。在它的拓片传入国外后引起了国际上的广泛关注,据说现在已经有了好几块景教碑的复制品,但真品还是在我们的西安碑林博物馆。


博物馆英文欢迎词 篇一:大连英文导游词 半日游导游词 行车路线: 大连港—港湾桥—人民路—中山广场—延安路—大外—胜利路—观景台(停车15分钟)--胜利路—花园广场—五四路—鲜花大世界门口(停车15分钟)—附属医院后身—五四路---中山路—星海广场(停车20分钟)--滨海路---北大桥(停车10分钟)--老虎滩群虎雕像(停车,卫生间15分钟)--中南路—朝阳街—鲁迅路—友谊商城(40分钟) BusRoute 1.dalianHarbor 2.HarborBridge 3.RenminRoad 4.zhongshanSquare 5.Yan‘anRoad 6.dalianUniversityofForeignLanguages 7.ShengliRoad 8.GreenmountainViewingPlatform(parkingfor15minutes) 9.ShengliRoad

10.GardenSquare 11.wusiRoad 12.atthegateofTheFreshFlowerworld(parkingfor15minutes) 13.Backoftheaffiliatedhospital 14.wusiRoad 15.zhongshanRoad 16.XinghaiSquare(parkingfor20minutes) 17.BinhaiRoad 18.northBridge 19.TigerSculpturesonTigerbeach(parking,toiletfor15minutes) 20.zhongnanRoad 21.chaoyangStreet 22.LuxunRoad 23.FriendshipShoppingmall(40minutes) (码头引导客人上车,清点人数致欢迎词)首先自我介绍:我叫XXX,我来自XXX旅行社,我们的司机师傅姓X,我们可以称呼他X师傅,大家今天在大连的游览就是由我们两位为大家服务。(Guidethegueststogetonthebusatthedock,countthenumberoftheguests,mak eaself-introductionanddeliverawelcomingspeech) Goodmorningtoeveryone!Firstofall,i ‘dliketointroducemyselftoyou:i'm....,fromchinaTravelagency.ourdr ivertodayis….wecallhim......welcometothebeautifulcoastalcityofdalian!Pl


1,Frankly,my dear,I don't give a damn. 坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。(《乱世佳人》1939) 2,I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. 我会给他点好处,他无法拒绝。(《教父》1972) 3,You don't understand!Icoulda had class.I coulda been a contender.I could've been somebody,instead of a bum,which is what I am. 你根本不能明白!我本可以获得社会地位,我本可以是个竞争者,我本可以是任何有头有脸的人而不是一个毫无价值的游民!(《码头风云》1954) 4,Toto,I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. 托托,我想我们再也回不去堪萨斯了。(《绿野仙踪》1939) 5,Here's looking at you,kid. 就看你的了,孩子。(《卡萨布兰卡》1942) 6,Go ahead,make my day. 来吧,让我也高兴高兴。(《拨云见日》1983) 7,All right,Mr.DeMille,I'm ready for my close-up. 好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我的特写镜头了。(《日落大道》1950) 8,May the Force be with you. 愿原力与你同在。(《星球大战》1977) 9,Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night. 系紧你的安全带,这将是一个颠簸的夜晚。(《彗星美人》1950) 10,You talking to me? 你是在和我说话吗?(《出租车司机》1976) 11、原文:“Would you be shocked if I changed into something more comfortable?” 出处:琼·哈罗(Jean Harlow),《地狱天使》Hell's Angels,1930 译文:“假如我换一身更舒服的衣服你会觉得震惊吗?” 12,I love the smell of napalm in the morning. 我喜欢闻弥漫在清晨空气中的汽油弹味道。(《现代启示录》1979) 13,Love means never having to say you're sorry. 爱就是永远不必说对不起。(《爱情故事》1970) 14、原文:“I could dance with you'til the cows come home. On second thought, I'd rather dance with the cows until you came home.”


摘要:本研究运用翻译目的论,分析博物馆解说词译文的预期功能、目的和受众情况。选取宁波博物馆解说词英译文为研究对象,批判性地分析了其在文化和语言层面出现的翻译问题并提出改进策略,总结了一系列适用于博物馆解说词汉英翻译的方法,如:增添、重组等,剖析了博物馆解说词英译翻译问题产生的根源及应对策略,旨在提高博物馆解说词英译文的质量,更好地为中国的对外文化传播服务。 关键词:博物馆解说词目的论翻译问题对策 由于全球化进程步伐的加快,各国间跨文化交流日趋频繁,旅游作为跨文化交际的一种重要形式,在国际经济文化交流过程中发挥着积极的作用。随着中国对外开放的不断深入以及对外交流的不断增加,越来越多的外国人能够游历中国,并通过多种途径了解中国丰富多彩、博大精深的历史文化。其中,参观博物馆是一种行之有效的途径。博物馆解说词的翻译是向外国游客介绍和传播中国历史文化的重要手段。目前,对旅游资料汉英翻译的研究大多集中于旅游景点介绍和景点公示语的汉英翻译问题的探讨,很少触及博物馆解说词的英译问题,缺乏相应的理论指导。 本文尝试运用翻译目的论,以实地拍摄的图片资料为佐证,选取宁波博物馆解说词的英译文为研究对象,分析其存在的问题并归类,同时提出解决方案和总结相关的翻译策略与方法,从而提高博物馆解说词英译文的质量,更好地为中国的对外文化传播服务。 一、翻译目的论概述 翻译目的论认为“翻译是人类的一种行为活动,而且是有目的的行为活动,而‘制约翻译过程的首要法则便是翻译行为的目的’”[1]。翻译行为的发起者确定翻译目的,规定翻译要求(translation brief)。“翻译要求涉及到多方面,包括规定译本文本的功能(信息功能、表达功能或呼唤功能)、报告译文的预定目的、接受者、接受文本的时间、地点和场合[2];文本分类并不是说每个文本属于某一类型,事实上,大多数文本会同时兼有以上三种功能,差别在于侧重的功能不同。翻译目的论宣称翻译的标准应当是充分(adequacy),而不是等值(equivalence),充分是指译文要符合翻译要求。译者根据翻译要求采取相应的翻译策略”。这就为译者“增加了可供选择的翻译策略”[3]。与传统“等值观”相比,目的论注重的不是译文与源文是否对等,而是强调译文应从其预期功能出发,根据各语境因素,选择最佳处理方法,因而具有较高的科学性和可操作性[4]。 在目的论框架下,本文将博物馆解说词汉英翻译的具体要求整合成以下三个方面:译文的预期功能、目的和受众情况。博物馆解说词一般包括该馆的概况介绍、最新资讯信息、展品与史料介绍等。从译文文本功能来看,博物馆解说词英译文兼具信息和操作功能,旨在为国外参观者提供准确而详尽的博物馆信息,以促进文化交流与合作。译文接受者是以“对中国事物知之甚少的一般外国受众”[5]为主。由此,笔者认为以下两点可视为博物馆解说词汉英翻译的原则:1.以服务外国游客为导向,译文能准确地传达博物馆相关信息,并且做到通俗易懂;2.以顺利实施跨文化交流为主旨,即译文能有效帮助外国游客观赏博物馆所陈列的展品以及发布的各种信息,同时激发其了解中国文化的兴趣。 下文将根据诺德(nord)自上而下翻译问题的分类模式,以实地拍摄的图片资料为佐证,选取宁波博物馆解说词的英译文为研究对象,着重剖析其文化和语言两大层面的翻译问题,依照笔者所提出的博物馆解说词汉英翻译原则,提出改进建议,同时剖析宁波博物馆解说词汉英翻译问题产生的根源及应对策略。 二、宁波博物馆解说词汉英翻译中存在的问题 (一)文化层面翻译问题 博物馆解说词里常常会出现人名、地名等专有名词,承载着深厚的历史底蕴。若只是简单机械地采用音译的方式,则势必无法让外国游客了解这些专有名词所包含的文化内涵。试


古城西安导游词50字 【篇一:西安旅游介绍导游词】 西安旅游介绍导游词 各位领导、朋友们: 大家好,欢迎大家来到美丽的古城西安观光游览。西安,一个被人 们赐予太多太多美妙称谓的地方。尤其通过今年世园会的召开,西 安再一次把她特有的魅力展示给世人。今天我将带领大家一步步走 近这座古老的城市,这可是一个看不完、听不尽、吃不烦、逛不够 的地方,希望您带着轻松的心去聆听、去观察、去感受、去品味。 一起去品古都上下五千年历史神韵,尝老城街头巷尾美食七滋八味,阅西安改革三十年城市全新风貌,观新区科学规划建设热火朝天。【地理位置】 西安是陕西省省会、副省级城市,是陕西省的政治、经济、文化中心。西安位于黄河流域中部的关中盆地,北临渭河,南面是秦岭山脉,山脊海拔2000-2800米,是我国地理上北方与南方的重要分界。西安市辖9区【新城、碑林、莲湖、雁塔、灞桥、未央、阎良、临潼、长安】4县【蓝田、周至、户县、高陵】,总面积10108平方 公里,总人口843万,其中市区面积3782平方公里,人口大概646 万左右。 【陕西得名于西周,是大西北的门户,面积20.56万平方公里,所 在的位置兼具南北,联通东西,所以陕西所处的地理位置十分重要。渭河虽发源于甘肃,但是流经陕西,联接灞河、泾河、浐河等最后 汇入黄河,因此渭河是黄河上最大的支流,它和它的分支流冲击而 成的平坦台面就是今天陕西省的中部,我们也把它叫做关中平原也 可称为渭河平原。渭河与长安关系十分密切,在古代有很多物资就 是通过渭河运到长安,而“泾渭分明”这一成语也来源于这条大河。】【历史背景】 在中国旅游界有几句俗话:二十年中国看深圳,一百年中国看上海,一千年中国看北京,而五千年中国则看西安。98年美国总统克林顿 访华,首站来到西安,他对西安的评价就很高,他说:“要了解一个 民族,首先要了解它的历史”。由此可以看出,西安是一座历史悠久 的文化古城,在这片物华天宝的土地上,五千年的古国文明从这里 发祥。


湖北省博物馆英文导游词 Good morning ladies and gentlemen; Today, we will go to visit Hubei Provincial Museum. On the way to the museum, I ‘d like to show a present to express my warmest welcome to you. You may wonder what the present is. Well let me introduce it to you. The music you are going to listen to is the very gift. Now, please enjoy the music. Have you ever listened to the music? And what musical instrument is used to play the beautiful melody? That’s the serial bells, a wonder in the wor ld. Indeed a wonder in the world. Every year tourists from all over the world continuously come to visit them and appreciate the programs played by it. Each year they return with unforgetable memory. The building with red wall and green tiers before us is the very museum, Hubei Provincial Museum. Constructed in 1953, the museum is the center for collecting, studying, preserving and displaying historical and cultural relics in Hubei. More than 700,000 ancient relics are stored up in it. There is a collection of 100,000 books on history,


20部经典英文电影对白, 哪个最经典? 20部经典英文电影对白, 哪个最经典? 每部电影都有让人难忘的经典对白,下列对白哪个是您最欣赏的呢? 1.《乱世佳人》 Tomorrow is another day. 2.《泰坦尼克号》 Jack: "You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go o f that promise. 3.《007系列》 "Bond. James Bond." 4.《阿甘正传》 Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're go nna get." Mother: It's my time. It's just my time. Oh, now, don't you be afraid sweetheart. Death is j ust a part of life, something we're all destined to do. I didn't know it. But I was destined to be your momma. I did the best I could. Jenny: Are you stupid or something? Forrest: Momma says that stupid is as stupid does. 5.《终结者》 "I'll be back!" 6.《英国病人》 We die, we die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have entered and swum up like rivers, fears we have hidden in like this wretched cave. I want all this m arked on my body. We are the real countries, not the boundaries drawn on maps with names of powerful men. I know you will come and carry me out into the palace of winds, that's all I'v e wanted- to walk in such a place with you, with friends, on the earth without maps. 7.《空军一号》 “My family first” 8.《罗马假日》 I have to leave you now. I'm going to that corner there,and turn. You stay in car and drive away. Promise not to watch me go beyond the corner. Just drive away and leave me as I leave you. Well, life isn't always what one likes, isn't it? 9.《绿野仙踪》 "There's no place like home." 10.《卡萨布兰卡》 Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine.
