












一件有趣的事 An Interesting Thing(初中英语作文)

一件有趣的事An Interesting Thing 初中英语作文 The first day I went to middle school, I found a special girl in my class. Her name sounds almost the same with mine. When the teachers or my classmates called one of us, we would both answer, then other students looked at us. We felt awkward. But soon we had our nicknames and it was convenient to distinguish us. Now we are good friends. Every time when we talk about the names, we think it is very interesting. We have a lot in common, which make our friendship become strong. I feel so lucky to find someone who shares the same interest with me, and the funny thing is that our names sound so closed.我上中学的第一天,我在班里发现了了一个特别的女孩,因为她的名字听起来几乎和我的一样。老师或同学叫我们中的一个时,我们都会回答,然后所有人都看着我们,我们感到非常尴尬。但很快我们就有了自己的昵称,我们就可以很方便地加以区分。现在我们是好朋友,每次我们谈论名字的时候,我们都觉得很有趣。我们有很多共同之处,这使我们的友谊变得牢固。我很幸运能找到和我有共同兴趣的人,而且有趣的是我们的名字听起来也那么的相近。


英语作文带翻译:一本有趣的书 An Interesting Book The DA VINCI CODE is really a good book! It's very interesting. Although I don't have the knowledge of religion, I am crazy about it! However, myforeign teacher told me that some people who believe in Jesus don't like this book. They hold the opinion that the book tells them something wrong. Because I know nothing about religion, I am not sure if it is true. I think that everything has pros and cons, we should learn the good things from the book and don't care about the bad things. We can benefit from reading. We can learn lots of knowledge from books. Let's read. Books are the food of our spirit. 作文翻译: 《达芬奇密码》真的是一本好书,这本书很有趣。即使我不懂得 宗教知识,我仍然为之疯狂。但是,我的英语老师告诉我信仰耶稣的 人都不喜欢这本书。他们认为这本书给他们灌输了错误的东西。因为 我对宗教一无所知,我不确定它是否是真的。我认为每件事都有利弊,我们应该学习书中好的东西,不理会不好的东西。我们能够从阅读中 受益,我们能够从书本中学到很多知识。让我们读书吧,书本是我们 的精神粮食。


Express love Not long ago I answered a telephone call from an old friend. He didn’t phone me for a long time. “Hi, Steve,”he said.”I just want to see how you’re getting along.” For whatever reason, our paths had simply not cleaned for months. It was good to talk with him. I wondered why we hadn’t kept in touch better. Toward the end of the talk, he said, “If you need me in any way, I’ll be happy to help out.” And he meant it! That call came at just the right time, as they so often did. I needed those words of encouragement. I hung up the phone with my chest filled with a felling of warmth. And that day I relearned something important about life: Life is primarily about people –not plans and programs, not to-do lists and a million takes left undone –it’s about people. To love and to know that we are love is the greatest happiness in life. But happiness to be something that is in short supply for too many of us! My friend reminds me that it is never enough just to love; we must also express it. What good are our friendly feelings toward others if we don’t find ways to let them know?


有趣的一天英语作文3篇 【有趣的一天英语作文篇一】 Ihadaonderfulholidayatspringfestival.Ienttotheparit hyfriends.eetateighto'clocattheschoolgate.eenttothe parbybie.Itasabeautifulday.esatunderabigtreeandchat editheachother.etooaboutsoeoviesandsoefunthings.eha dlunchthere.eatehaburgersandsoedrins,butInotheyaren othealthyandnotgoodforus.Theneplayedsoegaes. eereallfelltired,buteereveryhappy!Itasgreatfun! 我有一个美好的假期在春节。我和我的朋友去了公园。我们八点钟在学校门口见面。我们骑自行车去了公园。这是一个美好的一天。我们在一棵大树下坐着,互相聊。我们花了一些电影和一些有趣的事情。我们在那里吃午饭。我们吃了汉堡包和一些饮料,但我知道他们是不健康的,对我们没有益处。然后我们玩了一些游戏。 我们都累了,但我们很快乐!这真是太有趣了! 【有趣的一天英语作文篇二】 Itasasunnyonday.Ientouttoplayithyfriend---jane.Ilie toplayithher,becausesheisastronggirl.erodebiestoaga

rden.Thisasabigandbeautifulgarden.Inthegarden,these eresoerosesandsoelilies.childrenlietoplayinthisgard en.edidalotofthingsthere.Soetiesesatonthegrasssideb yside,closingtheeyesandquietlyandhearingthebirdsing songs.Soonerodethebiesquicly.Suddenlyjanestopped.“hat’stheatter?”Iasedher,”ybieisbroen”shesaid,“oh,it’stoobad!”Isaid,“Don’torry.”Shesaid.Shefoldedherbie,andputitonybie,“Let’sgotoendybie!”eenttoashoptoendit.Thenherbieaso.ebecaeveryhappyaga in. Thisisaninterestingday.ehadagoodtietogether! 这是一个阳光明媚的星期一。我和朋友出去玩---简。我喜欢玩她,因为她是一个坚强的女孩。我们骑自行车去一个花园。这是一个又大又漂亮的花园。在花园里,这些都是一些玫瑰花和百合花。孩子们喜欢在这个花园玩。在那里我们做了很多的事情。有时候我们并排坐在草地上,闭上眼睛,静静地,听鸟儿唱歌。我们很快就骑自行车很快。简突然停了下来。“怎么了?出什么事了?”我问她,“我的自行车坏了”她说,“哦,这太糟糕了!”我说,“别担心。”她说。她把她的自行车,把它放在我的自行车,“让我们去修理我的自行车!“我们去商店修理它。然后她的自行车是o。我们又变


1 . English in the World Some people say that the English language no longer belongs to the English, and it belongs to the world. It is estimated that the number of people who use English exceeds 750 million. Among these, about 350 million are native speakers, while the rest use it as an official language. If we ad d to this number the people who have acquired the language to some extent, the total is close to one billion. English plays an increasingly important role in the world as a medium for conducting international business and diplomacy, as well as in science and medicine, the Internet, air and sea communications, international sports events, radio and TV programs, pop songs and movies. 世界上的英语 有人说英语已不再属于英国人了,它属于全世界。据估计,使用英语的人超过七亿五千万,其中大约有三亿五千万是以英语为母语的人,而其余的人将英语作为官方语言使用。如果我们再加上已经掌握英语到一定程度的人,这个总数将接近十亿。 英语,作为进行国际业务和外交的工具,在世界上起着越来越重要的作用。它还在科学、医药、互联网、空中及海洋通信、国际体育赛事、电台电视节目、流行歌曲及电影中发挥着越来越重要的作用。estimate 估计exceed 超过native 本族的,本国的 official 官方的acquire 掌握to some extent 达到某种程度billion 千万increasingly 越来越多地medium 工具,手段conduct 实行,执行international 国际的dipl omacy 外交 medicine 医药communication 通信event 事件 2.A Friend When you read an English book, you often come across new words. You might try to guess what the words mean from the words you know, but when you cannot guess the meanings of new words at all, what should you do? You have a good friend then. From him you can learn what a word means, how to pronounce a word, how to use a word, and so on. This friend can always be with you, and you can always ask him to help you. Do you know who this friend is? It is


短小有趣的英语文章 一,The easiest question in the world one day , a rich man met Sam. the rich man asked , " I`ve heard you are very clever and nothing is difficult to you. Can you tell me why you are so clever." Sam answered, "I`m not clever, but you are too silly." The rich man became very angry. Sam said, "Sir, please don`t be angry, if you don`t believe what I said, let me ask you a question now. If you have a group of sheep, I give you another group. How groups of sheep do you have?" "Why, that`s the easiest question in the world, one and one is two.Anybody knows that. I have two groups of sheep. " Sam laughed and said," You are wrong, sir.two groups of sheep put together is still one group. That is easiest question in the world." 二,I`ll not go home tonight because of the rain When a friend was visiting David, it began to rain. So David told him not to go home that night."You may stay here for the night," he said." Ok, " answered his friend.


英语中很有趣的八个句子: 1. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。 第一、四个trouble是动词,第二、三个trouble是名词。 2. I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong. 我认为那个学生写在黑板上的那个“that”是错误的。 第一个that是连词,引起宾语从句;第二、五个that是指示代词“那个”;第三个that在这儿相当于名词;第四个that是关系代词,引起定语从句。 3. I know. You know. I know that you know. I know that you know that I know. 我知道。你知道。我知道你知道。我知道你知道我知道。 4. We must hang together, or we'll be hanged separately. 我们必须团结在一起,否则我们将被一个个绞死。 这是一句双关语。前面的hang together是“团结一致”的意思,后面的hanged是“绞死”的意思。 5. The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. 这个句子包含了英语中的26个字母 那只敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过了一只懒惰的狗。 6. Was it a bar or a bat I saw? 我看到的是酒吧还是蝙蝠? 这是一句回文句,顺着读和倒着读是一样的。 7. 上联:To China for china, China with china, dinner on china. 去中国买瓷器,中国有瓷器,吃饭靠瓷器。 下联:到前门买前门,前门没前门,后门有前门。 这是一副对仗工整、妙趣横生的英汉对联。下联中的第二、四、五个“前门”指“大前门”香烟。 这是一种文字简化游戏。它的意思是:To be or not to be, that is a question. (生存还是毁灭,那是一个问题。)


关于有趣的英语故事短文大全 There was once an enchanter巫师,魔法师 who was standing in the midst of a great crowd of people performing his wonders. He had a cock brought in, which lifted a heavy beam and carried it as if it were as light as a feather. But a girl was present who had just found a bit of four-leaved clover, and had thus become so wise that no deception could stand out against her, and she saw that the beam was nothing but a straw. So she cried, "You people, do you not see that it is a straw that the cock is carrying, and no beam?" Immediately the enchantmentvanished, and the people saw what it was, and drove the magician away in shame and disgrace. He, however, full of inward内部的 anger, said, "I will soon revenge myself?" After some time the girl's wedding-day came, and she was decked out, and went in a great procession over the fields to the place where the church was. All at once she came to a stream which was very much swollen, and there was no bridge and no plank to cross it. Then the bride nimbly took her clothes up, and wanted to wade through it. And just as she was thus standing in the water, a man, and it was the enchanter, cried mockingly close beside her, "Aha! Where are thine eyes that thou takest that for water?" Then her eyes were opened, and she saw that she was standing with her clothes lifted up in the middle of a field that was blue with the flowers of blue flax亚麻. Then all the people saw it likewise, and chased her away withridicule and laughter. There was a poor but good little girl who lived alone with her mother, and they no longer had anything to eat. So the child went into the forest, and there an aged woman met her who was aware of her sorrow, and presented her with a little pot, which when she said, "Cook, little pot, cook," would cook good, sweet porridge, and when she said, "Stop, little pot," it ceasedto cook. The girl took the pot home to her mother, and now they were freed from their poverty and hunger, and ate sweet porridge as often as they chose. Once on a time when the girl had gone out, her mother said, "Cook, little pot, cook." And it did cook and she ate till she was satisfied, and then she wanted the pot to stop cooking, but did not know the word. So it went on cooking and the porridge rose over the edge, and still it cooked on until the kitchen and whole house were full, and then the next house, and then the whole street, just as if it wanted to satisfy the hunger of the


高一英语作文-一本有趣的书 The DA VINCI CODE is really a good book! It's very interesting. Although I don't have the knowledge of religion, I am crazy about it! However, my foreign teacher told me that some people who believe in Jesus don't like this book. They hold the opinion that the book tells them something wrong. Because I know nothing about religion, I am not sure if it is true. I think that everything has pros and cons, we should learn the good things from the book and don't care about the bad things. We can benefit from reading. We can learn lots of knowledge from books. Let's read. Books are the food of our spirit. 《达芬奇密码》真的是一本好书,这本书很有趣。即使我不懂得 宗教知识,我仍然为之疯狂。但是,我的英语老师告诉我信仰耶稣的 人都不喜欢这本书。他们认为这本书给他们灌输了错误的东西。因为 我对宗教一无所知,我不确定它是否是真的。我认为每件事都有利弊,我们应该学习书中好的东西,不理会不好的东西。我们能够从阅读中 受益,我们能够从书本中学到很多知识。让我们读书吧,书本是我们 的精神粮食。


关于有趣的活动英语作文500字带翻译精选篇1 “请全体大队委到队室开会。”广博响了起来。我听见了,飞快地跑向队室,边跑边想:今天又会开怎样的会议呢? “Please come to the team room for a meeting.” It's broad. I heard that. I ran quickly to the team room and thought: what kind of meeting will we have today? 到了队室,我发现缪老师手中有一卷垃圾袋,心想:不会是要去捡垃圾吧?果不其然,缪老师给我们分成四组,我、朱子萱,还有四3班的泮奕成、苏果分为一队,我们来到食堂附近,话不多说,开始徒手捡垃圾了。 When I arrived at the team room, I found that Mr. Miao had a garbage bag in his hand. I thought to myself, “isn't it to pick up garbage?”? Sure enough, Mr. Miao d ivided us into four groups, I, Zhu Zixuan, pan Yicheng and Su Guo from class 43. We came to the canteen, didn't talk much, and began to pick up garbage by hand. 别小瞧我们人少,”战利品”可不少呢!其中,令我最深刻的是那包不起眼的辣条。 Don't look down on the fact that we have few people. There are many “spoils of war”! Among them, the most profound thing for me is that package of inconspicuous spicy bars.


关于有趣的英语小短文 The lion and the mouse When a lion was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down beside him. This soon wakened the lion. He was very angry, and caught the mouse in his paws. "Forgive me, please." cried the little mouse. "I may be able to help you someday." The lion was tickled at these words. He thought, "How could this little mouse help me?" However he lifted up his paws and let him go. A few days later, the lion was caught in a trap. The hunters wanted to take him alive to the king, so they tied him to a tree, and went away to look for a wagon. Just then the little mouse passed by, and saw the sad lion. He went up to him, and soon gnawed away the ropes. "Was I not right?" asked the little mouse. 狮子与报恩的老鼠 狮子睡着了,有只老鼠在他的周围爬上爬下,很快吵醒了狮子,狮子很生气,一把抓住了老鼠。 “饶了我吧,”老鼠请求说,“也许有一天我能帮上你的忙呢。”狮子觉得很好笑,他想:“这只小老鼠怎么能帮上我的忙?”但他还是抬起爪子放他走了。 不久,狮子被陷阱困住了。猎人们想将活狮子献给国王,就把他捆在一棵大树上,然后去找马车。 这时,老鼠路过这里,看到了绝望中的狮子。他走过去,很快啃断了绳索,说:“我虽小,可是我也能帮上你的忙。” 寓意: 有些朋友也许平时看似微不足道,但却有可能在我们身处困境的时候提供巨大的帮助。 New Discovery 新发现


1. 以Introduction About Myself为题,写一篇简短的自我介绍。 Introduction About Myself Hello, everyone, now I want to give you a introduction about myself. My name is Gina Green. Gina is my first name and Green is my family name. I am a girl at the age of 12. I like chatting on the Internet(上网),and my QQ number is 7845362. What's yours? 自我介绍 嗨,大家好,现在我想给你们做一个自我介绍。我叫吉娜?格林。吉娜是我的名字,格林是我的姓氏。我是一个12岁的女孩。我喜欢在网上聊天,我的QQ号是7845362。你的呢? 2. 以My English Teacher为题,写一篇短文。 My English Teacher Miss Wang is my English teacher. She looks very young. She's about thirty years old, and she wears glasses. She's funny . But she is strict with us. She wants us to study hard. Her lessons are interesting. We are very happy in her class and we all like her lessons. She is a good teacher, and we all like her. 我的英语老师 王老师是我的英语老师。她看起来很年轻。她大约三十岁,她戴眼镜。她很有趣。不过,她严格要求我们。她要我们努力学习,她的课很有意思。在她的课上,我们非常快乐,我们都喜欢她的课。她是一位好老师,我们都喜欢她。 3. 以My Friend为题,写一篇短文。


一个有趣的东西英语作文范文 an interesting thing Hell, everne, nae is... Tda, I a ver glad t stand here, als ver hnred t ae a speech. The tpic f speech is... Recentl, a parent-ffspring realit TV shw“ Where are we ging,Dad?” has a strng appeal t large audience. It shws interactin between father and sn, which has ved illins f TV viewers. their dail lives are expsed t the audiences, full f happiness and tears. It reinds e f sething interesting and eaningful between dad and e last spring. That is a sunn weeend, I a at he with dad, idle and bring. S, I suggested t fl ites utside with dad . Dad agreed iediatel . In rder t achieve a greater sense f satisfactin, we ade a ite urselves. At the beginning, I drew a big wl head n the cardbard with the help f father. Then, in rder t ae the ite re beautiful, father painted it clrful . Finall, we find ut the line used n the ite at he . Everthing is read, we drived t the East Taihu eclgical par . Upn arrived there, we find an pen lawn, wndering hw t cperate. Dadd let e hld the ite while he t the line, he canded, &qut;1, 2, 3&qut;. We ran tgether. But as I ran t fast, I fell t the grund with ite. What is wrse? The ite line is nearl bren. Fr the secnd tie, I tried again. But this tie because f ite is high enugh, I failed again. Has experienced tw failures, father decided t change ur wr. This tie, I t the line, he t the ite. qut;1, 2, 3&qut; canded, we ran tgether. This tie, the ite is fling up , but because I didn't grasp the principle , it fell dwn again. After an failures, I lst cnfidence and wanted t quit. Father taled t e patientl, dear, failure is the ther f success. After I listened t hi, I thught fr a while, ndded. Piced up the ite line, went n with father again. This tie, I astered the principle f fling a ite. the ite flied up, higher and higher . Seeing ur wn ite fling in the s, I filled with a sense f achieveent exactl that ent. ite fling is a ver sall thing, but, thrugh this ite fling, let e understand a truth: Where there is a will, there is a wa.


初中英语作文带翻译:一本有趣的书 An Interesting Book The DA VINCI CODE is really a good book! It's very interesting. Although I don't have the knowledge of religion, I am crazy about it! However, myforeign teacher told me that some people who believe in Jesus don't like this book. They hold the opinion that the book tells them something wrong. Because I know nothing about religion, I am not sure if it is true. I think that everything has pros and cons, we should learn the good things from the book and don't care about the bad things. We can benefit from reading. We can learn lots of knowledge from books. Let's read. Books are the food of our spirit. 翻译: 《达芬奇密码》真的是一本好书,这本书很有趣。即使我不懂得 宗教知识,我仍然为之疯狂。但是,我的英语老师告诉我信仰耶稣的 人都不喜欢这本书。他们认为这本书给他们灌输了错误的东西。因为 我对宗教一无所知,我不确定它是否是真的。我认为每件事都有利弊,我们应该学习书中好的东西,不理会不好的东西。我们能够从阅读中 受益,我们能够从书本中学到很多知识。让我们读书吧,书本是我们 的精神粮食。


关于一件有趣的事英语作文400字带翻译精选篇1 在我的记忆里,我做过许多有趣的事,好像天上数不清的星星。其中,有一件趣事,至今,我都记忆犹新,就是和我的外公打篮球。 In my memory, I have done many interesting things, like countless stars in the sky. Among them, there is an interesting thing, which is still fresh in my memory, that is, playing basketball with my grandfather. 我记得,那是二年级放暑假的时候,我兴致勃勃地和外公来到了篮球场,准备学习打篮球。外公先教我投球,刚开始,我怎么都投不进去,我就有点着急了,我就问外公:”外公,我怎么连一个都投不进去呢?”外公说:”你才刚开始练习打篮球,投不进去是很正常的,你性子太急了。投篮球的时候,先要姿势正确,再对准篮筐发力。”我听了外公的话,开始专心致志地投篮,慢慢总结经验,过了很久,我终于把球投进了篮筐,那时我高兴的手舞足蹈,大喊:”我成功了,我把球投进篮筐了。” I remember, it was the second grade summer vacation, I came to the basketball court with my grandfather, ready to learn to play basketball. Grandpa first taught me how to pitch. At the beginning, I couldn't even throw in. I was a little worried. I asked Grandpa,


一堂有趣的课英语作文 I could never forget my first composition lesson at middle school. It was full of excitement. My Chinese teacher walked into the classroom one morning,and instead of taking out some books,she only held an egg in her right hand With a big smile on her face,she looked into our surprised eyes and walked up to her desk. She put down the egg,and it rolled on the desk. She looked at us with teasing eyes and asked,“What are we going to do with this,class?Guess!”looked at the egg,and scratched my head. “What are we doing with a funny egg?Eat it?Not me,I don’t like to eat eggs. ” I told myself.“Helen,what do you think we are going to do?” The teacher asked me.“Er…,I suppose you will give the egg to a classmate to eat.”“ No,I’m going to challenge you to stand the egg up on its tip. Now,who wants the first try?”To stand the egg up on its tip?How? A big boy had the first try. He carefully picked the egg up and stood it up on the desk. But as soon as he took his fingers off the egg,it fell down and tumbled around. He tried some more times,but each time the egg came rolling down. He went back to his seat,looking rather distressed. “Never mind,who wants another try?” The teacher asked. “I will.” said Joe, a boy who was often full of tricks. As he went up to the teacher’s desk,he took out a tube of paper glue from his pocket,and started to stick the egg to the desk. Several classmates giggled,but we watched with interest. Unfortunately,the paper glue was not useful,and the egg rolled like a tumbler as if it was laughing,and it couldn’t help tumbling back and forth. We burst into laughter. The boy made a face at the egg,and had to give up. “I say,why don’t girls have a try?It seems quite interest-ing. ” “OK,I’ll have a try. ” Oh,it was my-friend,Elizabeth, a very clever girl. She examined the egg from “head ”to “foot”,and smelled it. Suddenly,she seized the tiny pointing end of the egg and PRESSED it against the desk. With a crisp little sound,the egg husk of the tiny end cracked a little,but the egg—stood right up!We all opened our mouths with astonishment,unbelieving our ?eyes. What a sight it was—an egg,standing up firmly on its tip!We began to clap our hands loudly. “Congratulations to you!What a nice job you have done!Would you tell us how you stood the egg up?”The teacher was mightily pleased. “Yes,yes,tell us please!” We all demanded. “Oh,that’s easy,I found the egg was boiled,so when I pressed it against the desk,it didn’t break and let the egg white and y olk flow out. In fact,the egg did crack a little,but that didn’t matter,after all,it stood. ” “Thank you!That was a fine explanation!Now attention,everyone. Would you like to write down this experience as today’s composition?” So we did,and wrote excellent papers. What an interesting lesson it was!
