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➢ To master English forms and vocabulary commonly used in entertainment activities
➢ To cultivate main abilities to serve the guests with professional competence as an ourbound tour leader
• Discuss with your partner about the following entertainment sports.
Hot air balloon
Roller Coaster
(导游领队常用英语) Lesson6Entertainment
Lesson 6 Entertainment
➢ Teaching objectives:
➢ To know the entertainment ways and service for the
guest as an outbound tour leader
Make him /her spit by patting him/her on the back.
To avoid this, we shouldn’t talk or laugh when eating.
What happened in each picture? What kind of first aid should you give?
Step 2 Dialogues
Dialogue 1
Rent ski equiment 租用滑雪雪具 • (A: tourist B: staff)
• A: Can we rent ski equipment here? • B: We have various kinds of equipment here for rent. What would you
• TeachingFra Baidu bibliotekSteps
– Step 1: Warming up – Step 2: Dialogues and expressions – Step 3 Practice – Step 4: Exercises
Step 1 Warming-up
• What kinds of entertainment sports do you like? Why?
a bloody nose
•Stay calm. •Breathe through the mouth, not the nose. •Sit up and bend the head slightly forward. •Pinch (捏) both nostrils (鼻孔) shut using a thumb and forefinger. •Spit out any blood that collects in the mouth.
Some first-aid Knowledge
drown bleed choke
sprained ankle a broken arm
Accident First aid
burn/catch fire cut
a snake bite a bloody nose
What happened in the picture? What kind of first aid should you give?
a broken arm
• Do not move the patient. • Support the broken arm in the
most comfortable position. • Get medical help immediately.
What happened in each picture? What kind of first aid should you give?
What happened in the picture? What kind of first aid should you give?
•Try to stop the bleeding •Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there. •Hold up the part of body which is
injured ankle. • It is correct to use ice bag for removing
pain and bleeding, and also not influence our own body healing.
What happened in the picture? What kind of first aid should you give?
like? • A: I’d like a pair of skis. • B: Sure, what size, please. • A: One pair of skis 170cm, please. By the way, how much is te deposit? • B:100 yuan . • A: OK. Here is the deposit. • B: Thank you. Here are the ski.
a snake bite
•The person bitten must get a doctor or go to hospital at once. •Speed is very important. •It will help the doctor greatly if you can tell him what kind of snake it was, or describe the situation.
bleeding if possible.
What happened in the picture? What kind of first aid should you give?
a sprained ankle
• Tied with medical bandage. • It is better to avoid walking with the