

Pollution has become a serious problem about which we worry.

It is people that throw millons of tons of waters into rivers, lakes and seas.

We must do something to solve our environmental problems.

First of all,we must let everyone see the imprtance of keeping our enviroment clean.

Only when everyone makes a joint-effcet to eliminate pollution can this problem be solved.

Generally speaking,its advantages can be seen as follows

Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that...

As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes.

As society develops, people are attaching much importance to...

As to whether it is worthwhile ....., there is a long-running controversial debate. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it.

In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma.

Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern, some people are in alarm that..

China finally succeeded in jointing the WTO after many's efforts.

What's more, the Chinese people can buy productd of high quality with less pay.

Every thing has two aspects.

Joining the WTO can also bring us some challenges.

In addition, it will be more difficult for us to get a job, as the requirement for the employees will become higher.

However, this great event does more good than harm to us.

This letter comes to you from one of your students.

In it, some opinions are put forward for you to reflect upon.

As you know, our students are the main customers of the university canteen.

But unfortunately, we don't find the service there satisfying sometimes.

As a result, some of us become thinner and weaker at university. Besides, sometimes the canteen people just bring us steamed bread with their dirty bare hands. 

And what's more, the fare is also a little higher at university.

For instance, Ic cards have taken the place of money in the canteed, and the attitude of the service people is also changing.

But in my opinon, progress is not so quick and thorough.

To be belief, though a bit dissatisfied with the present canteen conditions,

I do believe that, with the efforts of all people concerned, we can solved the problems there. Thanks.

As society develops, people are attaching much importance to....

...... plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes the biggest concern of the present world, there comes a question, is it a blessing or a curse?"

Now we are entering a new era, full of opportunities and challenges,

People from different backgrounds would put different interpretations on the same case.

The controversial issue is often brought into public focus. People from different backgrounds hold different attitudes towards the issue.

When asked ..., some people think..... while some prefer...

Generally speaking,its advantages can be seen as follows.

On one hand,….One the other hand,。。。。

But every sword has two blades.

To make matters worse,。。。。

When asked about 。。。。,some people hold the idea that 。。。。

In my opinion,。。。。

First of all,。。。。.

In addition,。。。。

With the development of the society,with the advent of 。。。。.we have to face a problem that 。。。。.


In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures should be taken. For one thing, it is hight time that people all over China realized the importance of 。。。。;for another,the government should issue laws and regulations to put the situation under control.

Just as the saying goes: "so many people, so many minds". It is quite understandable that views on this issue vary from person to person.

To this issue, different people come up with various attitudes.

There is a good side and a bad side to everything, it goes without saying that...

When it comes to ..., most people believe that ..., but other people regard ...as ....

When faced with...., quite a few people claim that ...., but other people think as...

To this issue, different people come up with various attitudes. There is a good side and a bad side to everything, it goes without saying that...

When it comes to ..., most people believe that ..., but other people regard ...as ....

When faced with...., quite a few people claim that ...., but other people think as...

There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of .... There who criticize ...argue that ...., they believe that ...,but people who favor .., on the other hand, argue that...

Some people are of the opinion that..

Many people claim that...

Some people advocate that ....

They hold that ...

Those who have already benefited from practicing it sing high praise of it.
