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1、通常情况下,some系列适用于肯定句中。any系 列适用于否定句或疑问句中。
1)There is something wrong with his car 。 2)She didn’t feel like eating anything 。
2、在表示请求、建议等或期望得到肯定回答的疑问 句中,用some系列,而不用any系列。
e.g: Everything is not ready .
4、复合不定代词被形容词、动词不定式等修饰时要后 置。
e.g :1)There is something wrong with my bike .
2)I have something important to tell you.
5、复合不定代词作主语,变反意疑问句时,要看不定 代词指人或是指物:指人时,附加问句的主语用they或 he;指物时,附加问句的主语用it。
A. Can it B. can’t it C. can they D. can’t they
4、We must find_A_____ to do the work .
A. Somebody careful B. careful nobody
C. Nobody careful
D. careful somebody
★7、复合不定副词在句子一般作状语。其他的用法与 不定代词相同。
e.g: 1)He looked for his pen everywhere . 2) This summer he stayed at home or go nowhere .
1、She looked inside the box, but she saw__D___ in it .
No . The table hasn’t been set yet .
A. Anything B. everything C.nothing D. something
作 文 点 评(范文)
Dear Emily, I'm sorry to hear that you are ill again. My mom often tells something about how to stay healthy. I will tell you what she tells me. She often says, “Drink more milk and water.”She asks me to eat more fruit and vegetables. She says that I should eat vegetables at least three times a day . She also encourages me to go outside and play . I like to play basketball with my friends. Maybe you could do the same. I think my mom's advice is good . Maybe you can try the same and see if it helps. I hope you get well soon .
注:1)not只用于any-系列之前,不能用于any-系列 之后。在这种情况下,只能用no-系列来替代。
e.g: Anybody is not here . ( wrong )
Nobody is here. ( right ) 2)not与 every-系列连用表示部分否定,意为“并 非每一…” 。要表示全部否定则使用no-系列。
---- Faming Liang
词根 body one thing where
Some- somebody someone something somewhere
Any- anybody anyone anything anywhere
No- nobody No one nothing nowhere Every- everybody everyone everything everywhere
A. Something B. anything C. somebody D. nothing
2、In China everyone__B____eating dumplings .
A. Like B. likes
C. is like D. are like
3、Nobody can help him now,____C___?
5、Could you give me__B____to drink ?
A. anything B. something C.nothing
D. everything
1、There is something wrong with the computer . (否定句)
There __i_s_n_’_t__ a_n__y_t_h_i_n_g_in the box .
4、She didn’t feel like eating anything . (同义句)
She felt like eating__n__o_t_h_i_n_g_. 5、Is___B____ready for dinner?
e.g : 1) Someone is knocking at the door, isn’t he / aren’t
they ?
2) There, everything goes well , doesn’t it ?
6、复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词必须用单数形 式。
e.g : 1) Everything begins to grow in spring. 2) There is something new in today’s newspaper .
1)Would you like something to drink ? 2) Can’t you smell something ?
3、no系列通常用于肯定句中表示否定,相当“not + any”于系列。
There is nothing in the room.
= There isn’t anything in the room .
There___is____ _n_o_t_h_i_n_g_wrong with the computer.
2、We’re all here today .(同义句)
_E__v_e_r_y_o__n_e_ is here today .
3、There is nothing in the box . (同义句)
Your penfriend,
Sun Xiaoli
谢谢观看! 2020