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运动前绝不能喝的5种饮料5 Things to Never Drink Before a Workout


“当你的身体脱水时,你会缺乏运动所需要的肌肉力量、准确性和平衡性。”来自亚利桑那州的营养学家Angela Onsgard 说。


我们要告诉你们的,就是运动前千万不能喝的饮料。Hydrating before a workout is clutch.

“When your body is dehydrated, you don’t have the proper muscle power, accuracy, and balance you need to complete a decent workout,” says Angela Onsgard, R.D., resident nutritionist at Miraval Resort & Spa in Tucson, Arizona.

But what you put in your body pre-workout definitely matters. According to Columbia University, you’re supposed to drink 20

ounces of water two hours before a workout, another eight ounces during warm-up, and an additional eight ounces every 10 to 20 minutes depending on the amount of sweat you’re producing. That’s a lot of liquid—so you best be sure you’re sipping the right stuff.

Here what you should never chug before a workout.含糖果汁Sugary Fruit Drinks


“这些果汁饮料含有高果糖玉米糖浆(HFCS)、以及会导致肝脏功能障碍、代谢综合征和肥胖的人造甜味剂。”Onsgard 说。

相反,如果吃一些新鲜的柑橘类水果、浆果、薄荷、罗勒,或选择椰子汁,则能补充你在锻炼时所失去的电解质。”Onsgard说。As a kid, you might have loved those squeezable Capri Sun packs, but they’re just about the worse thing you can fill up on before a workout.

“Most of these fruity drinks are loaded with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), a manmade sweetener that’s been shown to initiate liver dysfunction, metabolic syndrome, and obes ity,” says Onsgard.

Instead, liven up your water bottle with fresh citrus fruits,

berries, mint, or basil. “Or opt for coconut water, which replenishes the electrolytes you’ll lose during your workout,”Onsgard says.运动饮料Sports Drinks




Most sports drinks on the market are actually loaded with sugar and contain little-to-no nutrition.

“You might get some added vitamins and electrolytes from some brands on the market, but the high sugar content goes right through your system to cause an energy crash later on,” says Onsgard. “It can wreak havoc on your hormonal system and is a strain for your body to process, on top of the repairing requirements that follow a workout.”

Instead, gulp down some additive-free tomato juice, which provides potassium, has natural sugars, and promotes healthy blood pressure.碳酸饮料Carbonated Beverages
