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1. The Browns ______ a nice car and Brown's brother _______ a nice jeep. A. have / have B. has / has C. have / has D. has / have

2. If their house ______ not like ours, what _______ it look like?

A. is / is

B. is / does

C. does / does

D. does / is 3. - ______ you think he will come? - If it _______ tomorrow, he will not come. A. Do / rains B. Are / rains C. Do / will rain D. Are / will rain 4. The little child ______ not even know that the moon _______ around the earth.

A. do / move

B. do / moves

C. does / moves

D. did / moved

5. Many a student _ A. are / goes



______ fond of films, but a good student seldom _______ to the cinema

B. is / goes

C. are / go

D. is / go 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B is / am / are + 现在分词

1. How can you ______ If you are not ______ ?

A. listening / hearing

B. hear / listening

C. be listening / heard

D. be hearing / listening to 2. ___________________________________________ The girl even won't have her lunch before she ____________________________________ her homework. A. will finish B. is finishing C. had finished D. finishes

3. Those who have applied for the post( 职位 ) _______ in the office.( 此题超前 ) A. are being interviewed B. are interviewing C. interviewing

4. The old scientist _______ to do more for the country. A. is wishing B. has been wishing C. wishes

5. If he ______, don't wake him up.

练习答案】 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B


1. Yesterday I _______ (think) that you were not in Beijing.

2. Alice usually ______ (sit) in the front of the classroom, but she ________ (sit) at the back this morning.

3. He ______ (tell) the news to us three days ago.

4. He ______ (begin) to teach Chinese in 1990.

5. she would not telephone me if she ______ (have) no time.

测试精编 II :

1. They ______ the trip until the rain stopped. A. continued B. didn't continue C. hadn't continued

2. The local peasants gave the soldiers clothes and food without which they ______ of hunger

and cold.(without 在这里表条件,你知道吗 ?)

A. would die

B. will die

C. would be dead

D. would have died

3. It was not until then that I came to know that the earth _______ around the sun.

D. to be interviewing

D. has been wished A. still sleeps B. is still sleeping

C. still has been sleeping

D. will be sleeping still

D. would continue

A. moved

B. has moved

C. will move

D. moves

4. When all those present(至U场者)____ h e began his lecture.(重点题)

A. sit

B. set

C. seated

D. were seated

5. If I had had time, I would have written to you. But in fact I ______ not.

A. have

B. would have

C. had

D. had had


I 1.thought 2.sits,sat 3.told 4.began 5.had

II 1.B 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.C


1. My brother _______ wh i l e he _____ his bicycle and hurt himself.

A. fell / was riding

B. feel / were riding

C. had fallen / rode

D. had fallen / was riding

2. He _______ his leg as he _______ in a football match.

A. broke / played

B. was breaking / was playing

C. broke / was playing

D. was breaking / played

3. -Myfather will be here tomorrow. -I thought that he _______ today.

A. was corning

B. is coming

C. will come

D. comes

4. Jack was going out of the shop when he collided with an old woman who _______ in.

A. come

B. was coming

C. had been coming

D. had come

5. Michike couldn't come to the telephone when Mr. Smith called her because she ______ in the lab.

A. had been working

B. has been working

C. was working

D. worked

练习答案:1. A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C


1. The prices _______ going up all the time in the past few years.

A. keep

B. kept

C. have kept

D. are keeping

2. For the whole period of two months, there ______ no rain in this area.

A. is

B. will b e

C. has been

D. have been

3. Today is Jane's wedding day. She ______ Jo h n .

A. have just married with

B. was just married to

C. has just been married to

D. just has beenmarried to

4. No wonder the flower have withered, they ______ any water for ages.

A. hadn't

B. haven't

C. haven't had

D. hadn't had

5. Nowadays computer _____ a wide application with the development of production and science.

A. found

B. has found

C. finds

D. had found

练习答案:1. C 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B
