新编大学英语第一册Unit 1单词听写

新编大学英语第一册Unit 1单词听写
新编大学英语第一册Unit 1单词听写

Word Dictation of Unit 1

Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word of this unit.

1.Most wines contain between 10% and 15% ____________

2.She left suddenly, for no ____________ reason.

3.His hand shook slightly when he ____________ the key into the lock.

4.One of the college girls became a ____________.

5.He smokes an ____________cigar, but he doesn’t smoke regularly.

6.When his parents were killed in an accident, the little boy became an __________.

7.The drugs brought him some ____________ from the pain.

8.We are making slow but ____________ progress.

9.The man’s body was ____________ when it was found in the snow.

10.The driver of the car was shocked but ____________.

11.The prisoner before the judge with life ______ ______ ______ ______.

12.He was even prepared to ______ ______ his life for his friends.

13.I ______ ______ a cry of pain.

14.The ____________ between the two is shown by a line on the map.

15.Don’t forget to take out the ____________.

16.The building was ____________ used as a prison.

17.Y our clothes always look ______ ______ ______.

18.They didn’t go there because of ____________ reason.

19.Some boy ____________ when a pretty girl smiles at them.

20.There isn’t enough room for us, ______ ______ my guests.

Answers to Word Dictation of Unit 1

1.Most wines contain between 10% and 15% alcohol.

2.She left suddenly, for no apparent reason.

3.His hand shook slightly when he inserted the key into the lock.

4.One of the college girls became a missionary

5.He smokes an occasional cigar, but he doesn’t smoke regularly.

6.When his parents were killed in an accident, the little boy became an orphan.

7.The drugs brought him some relief from the pain.

8.We are making slow but steady progress.

9.The man’s body was stiff when it was found in the snow.

10.The driver of the car was shocked but uninjured.

11.The prisoner before the judge with life hanging in the balance.

12.He was even prepared to lay down his life for his friends.

13.I let out a cry of pain.

14.The boundary between the two is shown by a line on the map.

15.Don’t forget to take out the garbage.

16.The building was originally used as a prison.

17.Y our clothes always look out of style.

18.They didn’t go there because of religious reason.

19.Some boy blush when a pretty girl smiles at them.

20.There isn’t enough room for us, let alone my guests.

新编大学英语第一册Unit 1单词听写

Word Dictation of Unit 1 Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word of this unit. 1.Most wines contain between 10% and 15% ____________ 2.She left suddenly, for no ____________ reason. 3.His hand shook slightly when he ____________ the key into the lock. 4.One of the college girls became a ____________. 5.He smokes an ____________cigar, but he doesn’t smoke regularly. 6.When his parents were killed in an accident, the little boy became an __________. 7.The drugs brought him some ____________ from the pain. 8.We are making slow but ____________ progress. 9.The man’s body was ____________ when it was found in the snow. 10.The driver of the car was shocked but ____________. 11.The prisoner before the judge with life ______ ______ ______ ______. 12.He was even prepared to ______ ______ his life for his friends. 13.I ______ ______ a cry of pain. 14.The ____________ between the two is shown by a line on the map. 15.Don’t forget to take out the ____________. 16.The building was ____________ used as a prison. 17.Y our clothes always look ______ ______ ______. 18.They didn’t go there because of ____________ reason. 19.Some boy ____________ when a pretty girl smiles at them. 20.There isn’t enough room for us, ______ ______ my guests.


一、 1、当我知道详细情况时,我意识到我不该在办公室发脾气。 When I knew the details ,I realized that I shouldn’t have lost the temper at the office. 2、我和鲍勃不是很熟,不过我们偶尔出去喝一杯。 I don’t know Bob very well ,but we go out for a drink occasionally. 3、会议应该在周二召开,但我们不得不推迟。 The meeting is supposed to be held on Tuesday, but we have to put it off. 4、我国政府采取行动使那个国家的所以中国人回到了祖国。 Our government took action to get all the Chinese back to homeland in that country. 5、包括周末在内,仅仅还有12天时间可以用来买圣诞礼物。 Including the weekend ,there is only 12days to buy Charismas presents. 6、如不立即采取行动,许多野生动物就会因饥饿而死亡。 Without taking action immediately ,many kinds of wild animals would die from hunger. 三、 1、除非你有经验,否则你得不到这份工作。 You won’t got this job unless you have got the experience. 2、我把大部分时间都花在研究中美文化差异上了。 Most of my time is spent studying the differences between Chinese and American culture. 3、这句话意思很清楚,绝不会引起误会。 This sentence is so clear that it can’t cause any misunderstanding. 4、他希望能给予她比现在更多的帮助。 He hopes he could give her more help than he does. 5、要记得邀请她来参加生日晚会,不然她会抱怨的。 Remember to invite her to the birthday party ,or she would complain. 6、主任说,你必须把购置设备的2500美元加到成本中去。 The Director said ,you have to add 2500 dollars for equipment purchase to the cost. 7、了解自己的长处、弱点以及所处的环境很重要。 It’s important to be aware of your strengths, weaknesses and the environment you are in. 8、如果你继续对大家这么粗鲁,不久你就会发现自己什么朋友都没有了。 You will find yourself without any friends at all if you keep on being so rude to everyone. 四、 1、做出贡献的人太多了,无法一一提及。 The individuals who have contributed are far too many to mention. 2、半夜里,嘈杂声把我们吵醒了。 The noise woke us up in the middle of the night. 3、他不应该对我说的话感到生气,那仅仅是个玩笑而已。 He shouldn’t have been angry at what I said, it was nothing more than a joke. 4、我们邀请了所以的朋友去野餐,但是由于下雨只来了其中5位。 We invited all our friends to the picnic ,but it rained and only 5 of them showed up. 5、婚姻被视为一件严肃的事。 Marriage is viewed as a serious matter. 6、令我失望的是,这部电影并不像我期待得那么好。 To my disappointment ,the movie didn’t live up to my expectations. 七、

2019新版外研必修一unit 6单元核心词汇听写卡(含答案)

Unit 6--At one with nature单元核心词汇听写卡 【根据汉语提示或首字母提示填词】 1.She's always full of ________ (力量,活力). 2.Somalia is mostly ________ (沙漠),where the living condition is very tough. 3.In modern life, more and more ________ (注意力) is paid to indoor air quality. 4.The first edition was a big success, so we try to ________ (出版) the second edition as quickly as possible. 5.Our team of ________ (专家) will offer help and advice between 12 noon and 7pm daily. 6.They wanted to d________ a machine that was both attractive and practical. 7.His wife was a keen g________,who enjoyed dealing with the trees and flowers. 8.A severe storm destroyed the natural b________ between the house and the lake. 9.The bank has b________ all over the country. 10.Her riding soon drew the a________ of the older girls. 11.The road was covered with a ________ (一大片) of ice. 12.This ________ (地区) is calm again after last night's disturbances. 13.The magzine will appear in a new ________ (设计) from next month. 14.There is still much to discuss. We shall, ________ (因此), return to this item at our next meeting.


小学五年级下册英语单词听写专用 吃早饭_______________ 上……课_________________ 进行体育运动__________________ 活动;运动__________________ 做早操____________________ 吃晚饭________________________ 打扫我的房间____________________ 散步_______________________ 去买东西;购物__________________ 学习;上(课)_____________________ 跳舞;舞蹈__________________ 上舞蹈课________________________ 什么时候;何时__________________ 在(时间)后_________________ 开始_________________________ 通常地;惯常地___________________ 西班牙______________________ 晚;迟_______________________ 午前;上午_________________ 午后;下午_____________________ 为什么_____________________ 购物__________________ 工作_______________________ 上一个的;刚过去的______________ 听起来好像_______________ 还;也___________________ 忙的_________________ 需要_____________________________ 戏剧;剧本_______________________ 信__________________________ 居住________________ 岛_________________ 总是;一直______________ 山洞;洞穴________________ 去游泳_________________ 获胜__________________ 春天________________________ 夏天_________________ 秋天_________________ 冬天_________________ 野餐_________________ 去野餐________________ 摘;采集_________________ 摘苹果_______________ 雪人___________________ 堆雪人_________________ 去游泳__________________ 哪一个___________________ 最;最高程度地________________ 雪____________________ 做得好_________________ 因为_________________ 假期__________________ 粉色;粉色的____________ 可爱的;美丽的_______________ 叶子______(复数)______________ 落下;____________ 【美】秋天_______________


Unit 6 A World of Mystery The Bermuda Triangle [1] On 5th December 1945, Flight 19, which consisted of five US Navy planes, took off from Fort Lauderdale, Florida in fine weather. There was a total of fourteen men on board the planes. The planes were in good condition; they had the best equipment on board including compasses and radios, and they also carried life rafts. The planes could float on water for ninety seconds. One and a half hours after the take-off, a radio message from one of the planes was heard at the control tower at Fort Lauderdale. [2] "I don't know where we are." [3] After that the planes could no longer speak to the control tower, but they could speak to and hear each other, and the control tower could hear them. [4] "The magnetic compass is going crazy." [5] "We're completely lost." [6] No other messages were heard after that. Nobody else heard from the planes or saw them again. Three hundred planes and many boats searched the area, but not one trace of Flight 19 was found. Then one of the planes that was sent to look for them also disappeared completely. [7] These planes had disappeared in a very mysterious part of the world in the western Atlantic Ocean where lots of strange events have taken place. The mystery started long before 1945, and since that year many other ships and planes have also disappeared in this area. It is called the Bermuda Triangle. It is a large, triangular area of the ocean with the island of Bermuda at its northern tip. [8] Planes and ships disappear in other parts of the world, but there are more disappearances in the Triangle than in other areas. For years now scientists and others have been puzzled by this mystery. There have been many attempts to explain why people, planes and ships disappear in such high numbers here . [9] One writer, John Spencer, believes that the ships and planes have been carried off from the sea and sky by flying saucers or UFOs from another planet. Since there are millions of other planets in the universe, Spencer believes there must be other intelligent creatures somewhere in the universe. These creatures are interested in collecting humans and their equipment so that they can examine them carefully. [10] Another theory is that the geography of the area is responsible for the disappearances of the ships and planes. Bermuda lies on an earthquake belt. Underwater earthquakes result in large waves appearing suddenly. These waves are so big that they can break a ship into pieces. In the air, a similar thing can happen to airplanes because of


必修1 Unit 1 1 . survey n. 2 . add up 3 . upset adj. vt. (upset, upset) 4 . ignore vt. 5 . calm vt. & vi. adj. 6 . calm(…)down 7 . have got to 8 . concern vt. n. 9 . be concerned about 10 . walk the dog 11 . loose adj. 12 . vet n. 13 . go through 14 . Netherlands n. 16 .German adj. n. 19 . set down 20 . series n. 21 a series of 23 . outdoors adv. 25 . on purpose 26 . in order to 27 . dusk n. 28 . at dusk 29 . thunder vi. n. 30 . entire adj. 31 . entirely adv. 32 . power n. 33 . face to face 34 . curtain n. 35 . dusty adj. 36 . No longer/not…any longer 37 . partner n. 38 . settle vi. vt. 39 . suffer vt. & vi. 40 . suffer from 41 . △loneliness n. 42 . highway n. 43 . recover vi. & vt. 44 . get/be tired of 46 . pack (sth) up 47 . suitcase n. 48 . △Margot n. 49 . Overcoat n. 50 . teenager n. 51 . get along with 53 . fall in love 54. exactly 55 . disagree vi. 56 . grateful adj. 57 . dislike n. & vt. 58 . join in 59 . tip n. vt. 60 . △secondly adv. 62 . item n. Unit 2 63 . △subway n. 64 . elevator n. 65 . petrol n. 66 . gas n. 67 . official adj. 68 . voyage n. 69 . △conquer vt. 70 . because of 71 . native adj. n. 72 . △Amy n. 73 . come up 74 . apartment n. 75 . actually adv. 76 . AD 77 . base vt. 78 . at present 79 . gradual adj. 80 . gradually adv. 81 . Danish n. adj. 82 . △enrich vt. 83 . vocabulary n. 84 . △Shakespeare 85 . make use of 86 . spelling n. 88 . △Noah Webster 89 . latter adj. 90 . identity 91 . fluent adj. fluently adv. 93 . Malaysia n.


Book 1 Translation Exercises Unit 1 Translation 1) 我累了。昨晚我不该那么晚睡觉。(should not + 动词完成式) 2) 我和鲍勃不是很熟,不过我们偶尔一起出去喝一杯。(occasional) 3) 我们应该到火车站接她。(be supposed to) 4) 你可以清楚地看到有人快要淹死, 而你却没有采取行动救他们。(drown, take action) 5) 包括周末在内,仅仅还有12天时间可以用来买圣诞礼物。(including) 6) 如果不立即采取行动,许多种野生动物就会因饥饿而死亡。(without, hunger) I’m tired. I shouldn’t have gone to bed so late last night. I don’t/didn’t know Bob very well, but we go/went out for an occasional drink together. We’re supposed to meet her at the train station. You could clearly see people drowning, but/and yet you took no action to save them. Including weekends, there are only twelve more days to buy Christmas presents. Without immediate action, many kinds of wild animals would die from hunger. Unit 2 Translation 1) 那首歌总是使她回想起在芝加哥度过的那个夜晚。(remind…of…) 2) 街角处刚巧有一位警察,我便向他问路。(happen to, corner) 3) 由于天气恶劣,今天所有去纽约的航班都延误了。(delay) 4) 谁有责任谁就必须赔偿损失。(whoever, responsible) 5) 我找不到我的支票簿。我准是把它留在家里了。(checkbook, must have) 6) 到足球比赛快开始时,暴风雨已经停了。(by the time) That song always reminded her of the night spent in Chicago. There happened to be a policeman on the corner, so I asked him the way. All flights to New York today are/were delayed because of the bad weather. Whoever is responsible will have to pay for the damage. I can’t find my checkbook. I must have left it at home. By the time the football match was going to start, the storm had already stopped. Unit 3 Translation 1) 除非你有经验,否则你得不到这份工作。(unless) 2) 我把大部分时间花在研究中美文化的差异上了。(spend) 3) 这句话意思极清楚,决不会引起误解。(so…that) 4) 他希望能够给予她比现在更多的帮助。(more than) 5) 穿上外套,否则你会感冒的。(or) 6) 她的收藏品中增加了一张毕加索(Picasso)的画。(add…to…) 7) 我没意识到以前曾来过这儿。(be aware of) 8) 如果你继续对每个人这么粗鲁,你很快就会发现自己什么朋友都没有了。(find oneself without) 1)You won’t get the job unless you’ve got the experience. 2) Most of my time is spent studying the differences between Chinese and American culture. The statement/sentence is so clear that it can’t cause any misunderstanding. He wishes that he could give her more help than he does. She has added a Picasso to his collection.


For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use 单元知识检测必修一Unit1 –Unit2 姓名分数. 一、单词检测 1.十几岁的青少年n.______________ 2.伙伴,合作者,合伙人n.______________ 3.目的,意图n.______________ 4.平静的,沉着的;(使)平静/镇静adj.&v.________ 5.黄昏n.______________ 6.捆扎,包装;小包vi.vt.& n.______________ 7.窗帘n.______________ 8.恢复,痊愈,重新获得vi.& vt.______________ 9.公路,大路n.______________ 10.项目,条款n.______________ 11.连续,系列n.______________ 12.心烦意乱的;使心烦adj.&v.______________ 13. 不理睬,忽视v______________ 14.项目,条款n. ______________ 15.(使)担忧;涉及;担心v/n______________ 16.交换vt______________ 17.松的;松开的adj.______________ 18.整个的;完全的;全部的adj.______________ 19.积满灰尘的adj.______________ 20.安居;定居v______________ 21.德国人(语)的adj./n____________ 22.打雷;雷声v/n______________ 23.完全地;全然地adv______________ 24.提示;消费;倾斜v/n______________ 25.感激的;表示谢意的______________ 26.确实如此;正是adv______________ 27.不同意vi______________ 28.不喜欢;厌恶n/vt______________ 29.大衣;外套n______________ 30.手提箱;衣箱n______________ 31.能力;力量;权力n______________ 32.在户(野)外adv______________ 二、词组检测 1.关心,挂念______________ 2.面对面地______________ 3.一连串的,一系列,一套______________ 4.将……合计起来______________ 5.平静下来;镇定下来______________ 6.爱上,喜欢上______________ 7.经历;经受______________ 8.放下,记下,登记______________ 9.参加,加入______________ 10.故意______________ 11. 对……厌烦______________ 12.不再______________ 13.遛狗______________ 14.为了……______________ 15.将(东西)装箱打包______________ 16.遭受;患病______________ 17.不得不;必须______________ 18.与……相处;进展______________


仁爱英语八上单词听写专 用版 Revised final draft November 26, 2020

2013最新秋仁爱英语八年级上单词表 Unit1 Topic1 I am going to play basketball. 在...期间 对着,反对 队,组 v.获胜,赢得 v.加油,欢呼;喝彩;n. 欢呼声,喝彩声 为...加油 v.& n练习,实践 v.更喜欢,宁愿(选择) v.划船;n.(一)排,(一)行 adv.相当,很,十分 v.加入,参加;连接;会合 v.溜冰,滑冰 v.骑自行车 n.网球 乒乓球 n.比赛者,选手 n.梦,梦想;v.做梦 v.成长,生长;发育;种植;变成 长大成人,成长 n.科学家 n.将来 今后 乐手,音乐家 n.飞行员,驾驶员 男警察 女警察 邮递员,邮差 渔民,钓鱼的人 v.跳跃;n.跳跃;猛扑 v.度过;花费(金钱、时间等) n.锻炼,做操;练习,习题v.锻炼 n.棒球 擅长于…的,精通的 n.周末 部分,一些,片段 参加,加入 对……有益 健康,保健 adj.流行的,大众的,受欢迎的 到处,遍及 世界,地球 n.心脏,心;纸牌中的红桃 n.肺;肺脏 后天健康的,健壮的 adj.健康的;适合的;v.(使) 适合;安装 保持健康 晚饭,晚餐 v.(使)放松,轻松 adj.着名的 队友 adj.激动的,兴奋的 坏的, v.离开;把……留下,剩下; n.假期,休假 动身去某地 遗憾,可惜,同情,怜悯 Unit1 Topic 2 We should learn teamwork. adj.有病的;不健康的 患病,病倒 v.介意;关心;n.思想,想法 踢,踹 传递,经过,推移,及格 帮某人一个忙 在某方面做得好 确定,肯定 adv.在某处 n.扔,投,掷 斥责(某人),对某人大声说 v.争论;打仗(架),与…… 打仗(架);n.打仗(架),争论 尽(某人)最大努力 协同工作,配合 发怒的,愤怒的,生气的 生(某人)的气 完成,做好,最后部分 (外)祖父,爷爷,外公 v.发明,创造 发明家,创造者 n.球场,运动场;法庭;法院 在户外,在野外 n.世纪,百年 起初,起先 室内的 变得,变成 进入,到…里 形成,产生 目标,进球得分,射门 通过,穿过


UNIT 2 Remembering and Forgetting In-Class Reading Special Delivery 特种快递 到了机场,我才发现我兄弟搭乘的航班延误了一个小时。通常我在机场等候接人时,会把时间消磨在观看飞机起落上。可那天晚上我头疼得厉害。我想喷气发动机发出的噪音会使我头疼更厉害,于是决定在机场内逛一会儿。 当我走过那些店铺时,碰巧看到陈列在那儿的航空箱包,这使我想起了自己的公文包。我这才意识到公文包没在身上。我马上努力回忆会把它遗忘在了哪里。自从离开航空公司票务柜台后,我没有在其他任何地方停留过,所以我推想,我一定是把包留在那里了。我急忙回去取,可是公文包已无影无踪。起先我确信一定是有人顺手把它拿走了,但随后又想,也有可能看到包的人已把它交给了柜台,于是便在票务柜台排队等候。轮到我时,我描述了包的特征,并询问是否有人把它交到了柜台。那位航空公司代理摇了摇头。这时我朝他身后的行李输送带瞥了一眼,输送带正把行李从办理登机手续处往下面的装货区传送。我大声叫道:“我的包在那儿!”然而,当代理回头看时,公文包已传送到输送带的尽头,突然消失了。 “你看到你的包了?”代理问我。 “是的!”我大声说。“它刚穿过那边那个入口。这下我怎样才能把它取回来呢?” “这不难,”代理回答说。“把你的行李领取凭证给我,我想我们能够在装机前截住它。” “可我没有行李凭证!”我答道。“我没办托运!我哪儿都不去。我是来接人的。”我平静了一下情绪,解释了事情的经过,并指出很可能有人把包交到了柜台,而某位代理把它和其他行李一起办了托运并放到了传送带上。 代理告诉我,能找回包的唯一办法是,填写一张认领单,在上面写清公文包的外观特征。等我填完表格,代理打电话到下面的行李区查询时,包已被装上了一架航班,但不知是哪一架。代理记下了我的电话号码,并保证他们一找到包就给我打电话。尽管我住在苏城,离机场有一个半小时的车程,他们还是会一找到包就把它送到我家来。 我兄弟的航班到了。我们取了他的箱子后便走向停车场找我的车。回家的路上我把公文包的事告诉了他。到了家,我们把行李从车上卸下来。当我兄弟从车里拿出一只公文包时,我真不敢相信自己的眼睛。原以为已丢失的公文包其实根本就没有被带进机场!它一直躺在后座的地上。我意识到,此时此刻航空公司的人正在飞往丹佛、圣路易斯和芝加哥的航班上逐一检查核对行李,寻找我的公文包。一想到要打电话告诉他们我已经在自己的车里找到了包,心里真叫痛苦。 我们进屋时电话铃正响着。接电话时,我惊呆了。电话里一位航空公司的工作人员说:“我们有好消息告诉你!我们在丹佛找到了你的公文包,十一点前应该到这里。午夜后不久便


八年级下册英语单词默写 Unit1 What’t the matter 1.问题;事情n____________ 2.怎么了出什么事了_______ 3.疼痛的;酸痛的adj__________ 4.感冒____________ 5.胃痛;腹痛n____________ 6.胃痛___________ 7.脚;足n_______________ 8.脖子;颈部n _____________ / 9.胃;腹部n________________ 10.喉咙;咽喉_n________________ 11.发烧; n_______________ 12.躺;平躺v_______________ 13.躺下______________ 14.放松;休息v n__________ 15.咳嗽n v________________ 16. X射线;X光n___________ 17.牙痛n______________ 18.量体温_____________ : 19.头痛n_______________ 20.发烧____________ 21.间歇;休息n________________ 22.休息____________________ 23.(使)疼痛;受伤v___________ 24.乘客;旅客n______________ 25.离开(某处);不工作;从..去掉 26.下车_____________________ 27.使...惊讶的;出乎...意料____ 28.向;朝prep________ 、 29.问题,苦恼n___________ 30.(用手或器具)击;打v_______ 31.立即;马上__________ 32.陷入;参与__________ 33.她自己pron_____________ 34.绷带n 用绷带包扎v_______35.生病的;有病的adj__________ 36.膝;膝盖n___________ : 37.鼻出血n___________ 38.呼吸v___________ 39.晒伤的adj___________ 40.我们自己pron___________ 41.登山者;攀登者n________ 42.习惯于...;适应于..._______ 43.危险;风险;冒险n v_________ 44.冒险___________ 45.交通事故;意外遭遇n______ 46.情况;状况n__________ ! 47.千克;公斤n__________ 48.岩石n_________ 49.用尽;耗尽__________ 50.刀n___________ 51.切除___________ 52.血n__________ 53.意思是;打算;意欲v________ 54.离开;从...出来___________ 55.重要性;重要n_________ 56.决定;抉择n__________ ( 57.限制;约束;管理n v_____ 58.掌管;管理_____ 59.勇气;意志n_____ 60死;死亡n_____ 61.放弃_____ 62.护士n_____ …


Unit 10 Agriculture Farming for the Future [1] Every year, more people face poverty and hunger and more of the earth's resources are ruined. The problems are enormous, but many experts believe that the situation is not hopeless. The solution will require big changes in how we think about agriculture, food, and our planet. [2] First of all, farmers everywhere need to develop methods that are less destructive to the environment. The change from single crop farming to a mixed crop system would be one important step. The planting of several different crops improves the soil and helps prevent erosion. Erosion could also be prevented by planting trees to protect the fields from the wind. Another way farmers could improve the soil is to avoid deep plowing. In fact, only a slight plowing is necessary if proper methods are used. [3] If the soil were treated better, farmers would not need to use chemical fertilizers. They could use natural animal and vegetable products instead. With mixed crops, farmers would need fewer toxic chemical insecticides. They could use biological methods of controlling insects and disease. [4] Farmers could also help save the earth's precious supplies of water and petroleum. To save water, they could plant more water-efficient plants instead of the standard types of wheat or corn. They could also use watering systems that are much less wasteful. To save petroleum, farmers could make use of bio-gas generators which could be fueled by the vegetable and animal wastes of the farms. In less-developed countries, bio-gas generators could reduce the need for firewood and so help save forests, as well. [5] In less-developed countries, the small farmers need help. They need to learn more about crops that are better suited to local conditions. They need to learn how to limit erosion and make the best use of their resources. These farmers will never be successful without land and economic reform. This should be the aim of governments and international agencies. The current industrial and cash crop policies are only making the situation worse. [6] Industrialized countries could use their economic resources to help bring about these changes. They could make some changes in their own policies. At present, much food is wasted in these countries for political reasons. In Europe and in North America, tons of fruit and dairy products are thrown away every year. Eating habits, too, could be changed in these countries. For example, people often eat foods from distant places instead of local foods. The transportation of the imported foods adds to the global pollution problem. People in industrialized countries also eat a lot of meat, especially beef.
