








1.Why does the woman want the blue sweater?

A.It is cheaper.

B. She likes blue best.

C. It is more fashionable.

2.What is the man probably doing?

A.Studying for an exam.

B. Writing an article.

C. Reading a magazine.

3.Who are the speakers talking about?

A.The man’s cousin.

B. Their friend.

C. A singer.

4.Where are the speakers?

A.In a hospital.

B. In a library.

C. In a classroom.

5.How does the woman feel about her job?


B. Confident.

C. Satisfied.






6.What does the woman ask the man to do?

A.Clean her house.

B.Help her move house.

C.Take care of her house.

7.What has the woman already done?

A.She has cancelled the milk and the newspaper.

B.She has locked all the windows and doors.

C.She has taken away the ladder.


8.How far can the woman run in an hour on the running machine?

A.About 3 kilometers.

B. About 8 kilometers.

C. About 10 kilometers.

9.What is the man trying to do?

A.Encourage the woman to run faster.

B.Persuade the woman to take swimming lessons.

C.Show the woman how to use a machine.


10.Why is the woman against going to the Mexican restaurant?

A.It must be full.

B. It isn’t open any mor e.

C. The food is expensive.

11.Where does the man suggest going in the end?

A.To a theatre.

B. To a sports field.

C. To a swimming pool.

12.What is the man going to do?

A.Buy a pair of new shoes.

B. Go to get a coat.

C. Watch a game.


13.What are the speakers talking about?

A.The man’s dad.

B.The man’s birthday party.

C.The woman’s brother.

14.What does the man think of his father’s look at his birthday party?


B. Funny.

C. Great.

15.How will the man help the woman?

A.Make up with a funny look.

B.Ask his father to perform at a party.

C.Make stuff with balloons.

16.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man is ashamed of his father.

B.The man’s father has a good career as a clown.

C.The woman thought the man’s father was a comedian.


17.Who is Ms. Tyler probably?

A. A cook.

B. A waiter.

C. A restaurant owner.

18.What does the speaker complain?

A.He can’t arrange time to stay with his family.

B.He doesn’t get along well with his children.

C.His working hours are long.

19.What do we know about the speaker?

A.He is tired of his work.

B.He doesn’t take work seriously.

C.He can rest for two days a week.

20.What does the speaker want Ms. Tyler to do?

A.Be grateful to others.

B.Fix the working hours.

C.Give monthly working plan.





Olympic gold medalist Morolake Akinosun walked through the halls of her high school in Illinois in the US,surprised at how little had changed at her old high school other than the green color on the walls.

Akinosun won her medal with the 400﹣meter relay team at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro this summer.Her return to her high school recently included a chance for the young woman to tell what she's learned since running track for Wsubonsie more than fours year ago.

Her first piece of advice to the crowd of students was asking them to listen to their parents."They see things you can't see,"she said."In high school I thought I was on the top of the world."

In Akinosun's case,her parents encouraged her to consider going to the University of Illinois,which at the time had a team that was coached by Olympic medal winner Tonja Buford﹣Bailey."I wouldn't be where I am today without my parents,"she said.

Her parents saw Buford﹣Bailey as a good fit to coach their daughter,something Akinosun said she didn't understand at the time.It didn't take long,however,for her to see they were right and she ended up following Buford﹣Bailey to the University of Texas at Austin when the coach took a job there.Akinosun admitted it was three years before she told her parents they were right.

Becoming an excellent athlete who can take part in the Olympics needs serious dedication.She says her success came from viewing herself as an athlete﹣student instead of a student﹣athlete.

"I always put track and field first,and then comes school,"Akinosun said.A social life comes last."It's about sacrifices(牺牲).You can't be on the track team unless you're chosen,"she added.Making athletics the most important thing in her life meant committing fully,no matter how she might feel on a given day."I never missed a training session (环节)in my four years in college,"she said."It's my job;it's what I do.Think about that when you want to sleep in." 21.Which of the following statements is TRUE about Akinosun according to the article?

A.She was a big fan of Buford﹣Bailey in high school.

B.She make up her mind to win Olympic medals in high school.

C.She still doesn't want to admit that her parents helped her a lot.

D.She is thankful to her parents for finding her the right coach.

22.According to Akinosun,she became a successful athlete because.

A.she had great confidence in herself.

B.she always put training before anything else.

C.she was pushed by her coach to train hard.

D.she could keep a good balance between school and training.

23.The underlined word"dedication"in Paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to.A.committing fully B.knowing oneself C.a clear purpose D.a strong desire

24.What's the best title of the passage?

A.How Akinosun spent her high school years.B.The story of Akinosun's success.

C.Being an athlete is not easy.D.Akinosun's advice to her schoolmates.


Getting ripped off from time to time is just part of traveling﹣﹣﹣don't let it ruin your day or your overall experience.But there are things you can do to avoid some of the most common rip﹣offs.Let me share my travel tips for how to avoid hidden fees,disappointed experiences and overpriced items.

Baggage Fees

Depending upon the airline,you can pay 15to75for the first checked bag,and more for overweight bags.When possible,pack a bag lightly enough to a carry﹣on or fly airlines that still allow free checked bags(two bags for Southwest and one for JetBlue).Many airline programs allow members with a high status to have a free checked bag,so check your status.

Overpriced Hotel and Airport Food

To avoid the overpriced water sold at airports,bring an empty water bottle with you through security at the airport.Then,fill it up at a water fountain or ask a waiter at a coffee shop to fill it up for you.Pick up some snacks at a local corner store instead of hitting the hotel room mini bar,which can lead to expensive surprises on your final bill.

Tourist Trap Restaurants

If you're visiting a restaurant or attraction that has online presence,Google it or search it on Yelp to see what the locals say about it and to find any available coupons(优惠券)that might get some extra savings.Often restaurants run deals on Yelp where if you"check in"at that restaurant and review it,you get a free dessert or 15% off the total bill,etc.By researching online,you'll not only see whether there are any coupons or extra savings available,but people will tell you if the chef changed a month ago and the food is awful now.

25.To have a free checked bag,you shall not.

A.take a light carry﹣on B.have a high status C.take overweight bags D.choose Southwest Airlines 26.If you want to drink free water at an airport,you can.

A.take a bottle of water through security B.go to a water fountain

C.go to a store at the airport D.order a coffee at a coffee shop

27.The passage is probably written by.

A.a travel agent B.an economical person C.an experienced traveler D.a skilled net﹣worker.


When The New Republic magazine predicted who would win the 2016Nobel Prize in literature on Oct.6,it said:"Not Bob Dylan.That's for sure."

But the award came as a surprise to many.On Oct 13,the famous US musician was named the Nobel laureate by the Swedish Academy.He has"created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition",according to the organization.

Although Dylan,75,is not really thought to be a literary writer,he has given the world a lot of creative works over 50years,especially when it comes to his folk songs.

In his 1985album Biograph,Dylan wrote about the appeal of folk music to him.Rock songs"weren't serious enough or didn't reflect life in a realistic way",according to Dylan.But folk,was"a more serious type of thing.The songs are filled with more sadness,more joy…much deeper feelings."

Dylan's music and lyrics(抒情诗)spoke to many people during the 1960s.His lyrics were often about great political issues,such as the civil rights movement.The 1960s were a time of change when the young were making sure that their voices were heard.The idea is most famously expressed in Dylan's The Times They Are a﹣Changin'(1964),which warns the world,"You better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone.For the times they are a﹣changin'!"

There were complaints that a literary prize had been given to a singer.But ancient"Greek poets Homer ND Sappho wrote poetic works that were meant to be listened to,that were meant to be performed,often with instruments and it's the same way with Dylan",the Swedish Academy's permanent secretary Sara Danius told CNN.

It could even be said that giving the important prize to Dylan has brought back an old literary tradition.The millions whose lives Dylan's words and music have changed will surely welcome the award.

28.Dylan found folk music attractive because.

A.It brought joy to people.

B.It could be used to express feelings freely.

C.It reflected life on a much deeper level.

D.It needed more creativity than other types of music.

29.Which of the following statements is TRUE about Dylan according to the article?

A.He never thought that he would win the Nobel Prize.

B.Most of his influential works were created in the 1960s.

C.His songs expressed people's feelings well during the 1960s.

D.His fans were mostly young people who were active in political movements.

30.According to the last two paragraphs,.

A.lyrics can be seen as a literary form.

B.a literary prize should not be given to a singer.

C.Dylan's works were inspired by Greek poets.

D.Dylan deserves the award because he influenced many song﹣writers.

31.What's the author's attitude toward giving Bob Dylan the 2016 Nobel Prize in literature?A.supportive B.objective C.doubtful D.negative.


Internet data shows that younger adults have become the main audience crazy about changing their appearance.Once the world of the female in her fifties,plastic surgery(整形手术)has become the focus of the younger Internet users.

The recent death of Stephanie Kuleba,an 18﹣year﹣old high school cheerleader who died as a result of plastic surgery,brought our attention to the fashion of becoming a more"ideal"body among teenagers.In fact,search data confirms this phenomenon.One of the most popular sites visited from the search term"plastic surgery"is the official site of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (www.plastic surgery.org).Over 25% of the visitors,which is up from 19.6% two years ago,fell within the 18to 24years old.

Plastic surgery has become an American obsession (痴迷).Checking other countries,such as the UK and Australia,the 18to 24﹣year﹣old's being interested in plastic surgery is an obvious US phenomenon.Unlike the other groups who visit sites related to diseases and keeping healthy,younger Internet users rush to sites that deal with personal appearance,such as those focused on body﹣building,weight loss and skin﹣care,and obviously plastic surgery.

While television on surgery may be driving the interest of a younger audience,one factor appears to be a key in preventing such teens from changing their bodies:the failing U.S.economy.There has been a decline in all plastic surgery topics over the last year.While older age continue to search for information on procedures such as liposuction(抽脂),it's younger Internet users who in tough

economic times are focusing on improving their outer beauty,though at a discount price.32.Why does the author mention the death of the 18﹣year﹣old cheerleader?

A.To show cheerleaders pay more attention to their appearance.

B.To warn people that plastic surgery is not as safe as it is said to be.

C.To prove the fact that people will pursue beauty at any cost.

D.To draw attention to the issue of young people having plastic surgery.

33.While young people are surfing on the Internet,they are very interested in.

A.how to be physically and mentally healthy.

B.how to make themselves look young.

C.how to prevent and cure diseases.

D.how to have more attractive appearance.

34.What may affect young people's decision on whether to have plastic surgery?

A.The safety of the operation B.The total expense of the surgery.

C.The need for having the operation.D.The results of the surgery.

35.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.Americans,old or young,are crazy about plastic surgery.

B.Liposuction is the most expensive plastic surgery.

C.Outer beauty means more to young people than inner beauty.

D.Young people often get discount when having plastic surgery.

36.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能放入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.E=AB F=AC G=AD(10分)

Exercise is very important when it comes to dropping pounds.So if you're eager to lose weight,then here are three everyday changes that will help increase your calorie burn.

Hello Sunshine

(36).Research shows that people who exercise in the morning work harder and for longer periods,which may be because they're clearer in thinking and more energetic and they don't feel as rushed as afternoon or evening exercisers.(37),which will help even more with your weigh ﹣loss journey.

(38)When it comes to cardio(有氧运动),running will help you lose more weight than walking since it burns more calories.But if you increase your speed just a little,then you'll burn even more.(39.Adding sprinting intervals(间隔冲刺)is a useful way to increase your calorie burn and has also been proven to reduce belly(腹部)fat.Also be sure to swing your arms as you move,and you'll burn 15percent more calories.

Strength Train

Muscle burns more calories than fat does,so the more muscle quality you have,the better it is for weight loss.(40).Include strength﹣training moves throughout your day,such as push ﹣ups on the bathroom counter and kick your legs while brushing your teeth.You can also work your body by carrying a basket instead of pushing a cart,using the stairs whenever possible and sitting on an exercise ball instead of a chair.

A.Getting into a morning routine will also help you stick with it

B.Run instead of walking

C.Muscles exercise is the key to weight﹣loss

D.And don't stick to a consistent pace during the entire training

E.Morning exercises burn more calories

F.Don't just hit the weight room at the gym

G.Get Speedy.



I know I'm not perfect.But I think there is a(n)(41)side of my own weaknesses and faults,for they seem to bring joy to others.Or maybe it's just that I underestimate the importance of my own (42).I might be the man who was driving a car with a(n)(43)that read,"Hang up and drive."A police officer was (44)to see the sign,as she had witnessed too many (45)caused by motorists talking on cell phones.Wanting to show her agreement to the driver,she pulled up alongside the car.But she was (46)to see the car driver shaving.Maybe it is just (47)to tell the weaknesses in others.It's like the camel.An African proverb states,"The camel (48)sees its own hump(驼峰),but that of its brother is always before its(49)"I probably don't see my own humps very(50).

So I can (51)the story of an elderly couple who,while on a car trip,stopped at a roadside restaurant for lunch.The woman left her (52)on the table.Her husband (53)all the way back to the restaurant about her (54)leaving her glasses behind.They eventually arrived,and the woman got out of the car to get her eye glasses,the old man said,"(55)you're there,you may as well get my hat,too".

Everything that annoys us about others can lead us to a(n)(56)of ourselves.The humps we can't help but seeing in others are (57)like the humps others see in us.Or,perhaps they are like the humps we see in ourselves.So,what would happen if we'd (58)other people's faults and humps as a gift?After all,they're (59)us about ourselves.And that's what

makes us (60)from camels and we can make some changes.

41.A.safe B.positive C.important D.every 42.A.behaviors B.situations C.questions D.shortcomings 43.A.sign B.mark C.slogan D.advertisement 44.A.pleased B.interested C.worried D.frightened 45.A.sufferings B.accidents C.complaints D.changes 46.A.satisfied B.relaxed C.disappointed D.confused 47.A.impossible B.necessary C.easy D.difficult 48.A.never B.often C.ever D.just 49.A.hands B.feet C.shoulders D.eyes 50.A.clearly B.fully C.gradually D.finally 51.A.write B.ignore C.retell D.appreciate 52.A.hats B.glasses C.clothes D.foods 53.A.complained B.cried C.warned D.apologized 54.A.ever B.always C.already D.still 55.A.Although B.After C.Because D.While 56.A.understanding B.impression C.opportunity D.possibility 57.A.nearly B.hardly C.a lot D.little 58.A.present B.buy C.keep D.accept 59.A.blaming B.teaching C.judging D.disturbing 60.A.far B.separate C.different D.free It was her giggling that drew my attention.Note taking really wasn't all that funny.

Walking over to the offender,I asked for the(61).Frozen,she refused to give it to me.I waited,all attention in the classroom on the quiet(62)between teacher and student.When she finally(63)it over she whispered,"Okay,but I didn't draw it."

It was a hand﹣drawn(64)of me,teeth blackened and the words"I'm stupid"coming out of my mouth.

I managed to fold it up calmly.My mind,(65),was working angrily as I struggled not to (66).I figured I knew the two most likely candidates for drawing the picture.It would do them some(67)to teach them a lesson,and maybe it was high time that I did it! Thankfully,I was able to keep myself(68).

When there were about six minutes remaining,I showed the class the picture.They were all silent as I told them how(69)this was for me.I told them there must be a reason(70)and

now was their chance to write down anything they needed to tell me.Then I let them write silently while I sniffed in the back of the classroom.

As I(71)the notes later,many of them said something like,"I've got nothing(72)you,"or "I'm sorry you were hurt."Some kids said,"We're afraid of you."But two notes,from the girls who I(73)were behind the picture,had a list of issues.I was too(74),too strict…

Reading those notes,I realized that over the course of this year,instead of(75)my students,I had begun commanding them to(76).Where I thought I was driving them to success I was (77)driving them away.

I had some apologizing to do.But the next day in the classroom,one boy and one girl each handed me

a card.The one(78)by all the boys expressed sincere regret for the ugly joke.The one from the girls asked for(79).

This was a lesson for both the kids and me.Forgiveness does not change the past,but it does enlarge the(80).

61.A.reason B.advice C.note D.help 62.A.battle B.competition C.argument D.conversation 63.A.took B.thought C.handed D.turned 64.A.statue B.picture C.graph D.poster 65.A.otherwise B.however C.therefore D.besides 66.A.leave B.explain C.cry D.argue 67.A.good B.harm C.favor D.punishment 68.A.amused B.controlled C.uninterested D.relaxed 69.A.meaningful B.hurtful C.regretful D.forgetful 70.A.aside B.above C.beneath D.behind 71.A.wrote B.finished C.collected D.read 72.A.beyond B.from C.against D.for 73.A.confirmed B.promised C.concluded D.figured 74.A.talkative B.mean C.clumsy D.considerate 75.A.encouraging B.forcing C.comforting D.teaching 76.A.appreciate B.achieve C.compromise D.apologize 77.A.actually B.normally C.immediately D.generally 78.A.decorated B.offered C.signed D.bought

79.A.thankfulness B.forgiveness C.compensation D.communication 80.A.friendship B.education C.knowledge D.future

第II 卷








Dear Sir,


Li Hua.
