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l. Each country, of course, in (城市名称前不用冠词) Copenhagen has its own particular priorities and concerns, which is why an agreement is so difficult to reach. (reach/ arrive at /come to an agreement达成协议,取得一致)

2. ---Have you told him what has happened to the company?

—No, I will do that instantly he gets back from abroad.(instantly, immediately 连词,一…就…)

3. I had meant to meet you at the station this afternoon but I was too busy, for I was writing a report which I had to hand in soon.

4.The door opened and in came Jerry, and the party began.

5. –What beautiful flowers! Are they for me?

--You guessed it !(你猜对了) I’m glad you like them.

6.--Remember the first time we met, Julia?

-Sure I do. I was being treated in hospital, which I remember quite well.

7. Since housing prices are rising so rapidly late1y, further prices are quite uncertain, and the risk that(同位语从句) a new investment depending on them may fail is greater.

8.-lt seems that the manager is very unhappy.

--Surely he is. You see, Steve left the company half an hour ago, with his work left unfinished.

9. –Was the driving pleasant when you went to Mexico last summer?

--No, it had been raining for four days when we arrived. So the roads were very muddy.

10. I wouldn’t have picked the shades of yellow they picked, but it was fine –I got used to


11. When asked why he walked in without permission, he just stared at us and said nothing.

12. I would have come here sooner but I didn’t know that you were waiting.

13. The mountain, of which the peak is hardly seen, is the highest mountain in the area.

14. It was extremely dark in the passage so he struck a match. (strike a match划火柴)

15. Even if you have won great fame and success, without friends or family, with whom to share

your happiness, your loneliness will make it hard for you to bear.

16. A lot of young people like Stephen Chow’s films because he can make a sad situation


-What you said just now made the audience confused.

--Sorry, I should have made it clear.

17. On one occasion(曾经), Jack liked western food. But now he is especially interested in Chinese food.

18. The rainy weather will continue tomorrow when a cold air current is expected to arrive.

19. Being exposed to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.

20. I t’s believed that if an event is astonishing, it will surely astonish the readers of the paper. 21.–Does your sister work as a teacher in Canada?

-No, but she once taught there for 5 years.

22. Our country is developing at an amazing speed, which is what makes me feel so proud.

23. Having given a satisfactory operation, the doctor believed the patient would recover from his

illness very soon.

Having been given a satisfactory operation, the patient believed he would recover from his
