高一英语下 (Unit6.A variety of viewpoint 基础知识梳理)教师辅导讲义教案

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Our neighbour earns a living by selling fruit.我们邻居靠卖水果谋生。

His good manners earns him a good reputation.他举止礼貌得体,这使他赢得了好名声。

3. take action 采取行动

Immediate action must be taken to stop the fire spreading.必须立刻采取行动防止火的蔓延。

【拓展】意思相同的短语有take measures, take steps。

We must take measures/steps to protect ourselves against terrorists at home and abroad.


5. with reference to 关于

With reference to your order of 100 chairs, I'm happy to tell you that delivery will take place next week.


with reference to your reply关于你的回信

6. in addition 此外,另外,而且

The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition, it makes shareware freely available.


7. have fun( with …)(拿……)玩乐,作乐

I bought some game programs and started learning to have fun with my computer.


You do not have to spend a lot of money just to have fun with your car.你不必花大量的钱只是为了拿车来作乐。

8. learn from sb. /sth 向某人学习/从……学习

If we do not learn from our past mistakes, we are sure to make the same mistakes again.


Ⅱ. Key Sentences重难点句子

1. ...is Asia's fastest growing consumer group —children.


the rising sun东升的旭日(=the sun that is rising)

a sleeping child熟睡的孩子(=a child who is sleeping)

working people(=the people who are working)

2. To get the attention(and the money) of these young viewers, commercials use child actors.

To get the attention (and the money) of these young viewers在句中作目的状语,其中to get相当于in order to get。

To finish the task on time, we should check the equipment at once.为了准时完成任务,我们应该马上检修设备。

3. Not everyone is happy to see kids turned into consumers.

(1)在这个句子中,not everyone是部分否定,应该理解成“不是每个人”。部分否定通常南“not


e. g. Not everyone agreed with what he had proposed, though he was confident of himsel



(2)过去分词短语turned into consumers作宾语补足语。可以带过去分词作宾语补足语的常用动词有:

①see, hear, feel, find, think等表示感觉和心理状态的动词。

We found her greatly changed.

Everyone thought the battle lost.

①make, get, have, keep等表示“致使”意义的动词。

She got her bad tooth pulled out.

Please keep us informed of the latest developments.

In Australia, the Asian make their influence felt in business, large and small.

①like, want, wish, order等表示希望,要求,命令等意义的动词。

I don't want any of you (to be) involved in the scandal.

He won't like such questions (to be) discussed at the meeting.

4. ...the more TV commercials children watch, the more materialistic they become.


The harder you work, the greater progress you'll make.越努力,进步越大。

The more confident and positive you look, the better you will feel.你看上去越自信和乐观,你就感觉越好。

The more books you read, the more knowledge you will gain.书读得越多,获得的知识就越多。


The more careful you are, .

A. the fewer you will make mistakes

B. the less you will make mistakes

C. the fewer mistakes you will make

D. the less mistakes you will make


5. It is illegal for them to work in factories, so why are they allowed to make commercials?

It is illegal for them to work in factories中,it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式结构to work in factories。

It is convenient for us to go to the shopping mall because it is within a stone's throw.


6. Regarding the high salaries,……至于高薪,…… regarding为介词,意为“关于;至于”

I know nothing regarding the accident.关于这起事故,我什么都不知道。

He made no comment regarding your mistake.对你的错误,他没有发表任何评论。

【拓展】★in/with regard to sth关于

I have nothing to say with regard to your complains.对于你的投诉,我无可奉告。

★regardless of不顾;不管

He continued speaking, regardless of my feelings on the matter.他不顾及我在此事上的感情继续往下说。

7. In addition, many things advertised, such as toys, are silly and encourage violence.

many things advertised中,advertised一词是过去分词作定语,表示被动的含义,修饰前面的many things。这部分可以转换成定语从句:many things that are advertised。

The opening ceremony held yesterday was quite a success.昨天举行的开幕式很成功。

8. They cannot be harmful or the government would have banned them long ago.

would have banned them是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。所表达的含义相当于:If they had been harmful, the government would have banned them long ago.

He cannot be there or he would have telephoned me an hour ago.


9. Furthermore, what is wrong with children earning money or asking their parents to buy things for them?
