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学生姓名:焦阳学号: 201005734546专业:通信技术

2011年10月 25日

摘要:在这个“网络就是计算机”的时代,伴随着有线网络的广泛应用,以快捷高效,组网灵活为优势的无线网络技术也在飞速发展。无线局域网是计算机网络与无线通信技术相结合的产物。从专业角度讲,无线局域网利用了无线多址信道的一种有效方法来支持计算机之间的通信,并为通信的移动化、个性化和多媒体应用提供了可能。无线局域网(Wireless local-area network,WLAN)是无线通信技术与网络技术相结合的产物。从专业角度讲,无线局域网就是通过无线信道来实现网络设备之间的通信,并实现通信的移动化、个性化和宽带化。通俗地讲,无线局域网就是在不采用网线的情况下,提供以太网互联功能。




Abstract:In this "network is the computer" era, along with extensive use of cable networks, by an efficient, flexible networking, wireless networking technology for the advantage of also developing fast. Wireless LAN is a computer network and wireless communication technology of the combination. From a professional perspective, use of wireless wireless LAN multiple access channel is an effective way to support communication between computers, and mobile communications, personalization and multimedia applications possible. Wireless LAN (Wireless local-area network, WLAN) is a wireless communications technology and network technology product of the combination. From a professional point of view, the wireless LAN network through the wireless channel to communicate between devices and to achieve mobile communications, personalization and broadband. More simply, the use of wireless LAN cable is not the case, to provide Ethernet connectivity.

Wireless LAN with the rapid development of wireless communication technology and the emergence of a new network. This article describes the basic components of wireless local area network, topology, advantages and disadvantages, detailing several wireless LAN standards, and lists the wireless LAN security issues and detailed solutions.

Potential applications, a wide range of market needs and technology can be realized, and promote the improvement of wireless LAN technology and industrialization, has been commercially available 802.11b networks are also confirmed this. With the 802.11a network, commercial and other wireless LAN technology continues to evolve, wireless local area network will usher in golden age of development.

Keywords: wireless LAN, communications, LAN standards, 802.11b,Bluetooth


前言 (8)

第一章无线局域网的发展历史 (10)

1.1 WI-FI(无线局域网)的发展 (10)

1.2我国无线局域网的发展 (14)

第二章无线局域网优缺点 (16)

2.1无线局域网的优点 (16)

2.2无线局域网的不足之处 (16)

2.3有线局域网 (17)

第三章无线局域网的相关技术及标准 (18)

3.1WLAN技术 (18)

3.1.1 WLAN技术的概念及特点 (18)

3.1.2 WLAN标准 (18)

3.1.3 WLAN安全 (21)

3.1.4 WLAN前景 (22)

3.2蓝牙(B LUETOOTH)技术 (22)

3.2.1 蓝牙技术简介 (22)

3.2.2 蓝牙技术优势 (23)

3.2.3 蓝牙技术标准 (24)

(2)更佳的省电效果 (25)

2.蓝牙3.0技术规范 (25)

3.蓝牙4.0技术规范 (25)

第四章无线局域网的组网实现 (27)

4.1组建家庭无线局域网 (27)

4.1.1 选择组网方式 (27)

4.1.2 硬件安装 (27)

4.1.3 设置网络环境 (28)

4.2组建办公无线局域网 (29)

4.2.1 组建前的准备 (29)

4.2.2 安装网络设备 (30)

4.2.3 设置网络环境 (30)
