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Abstract: the birds and the environment, the environment through temperature, precipitation, and other factors to influence the breeding ground for birds. At the same time, changes in the number and species of birds in an area can show the change of the regional environment.


Keywords: birds; environment; environmental capacity; regional environment

鸟类是大自然中最常见的一类动物,而且处于食物链的中上层。为此鸟类与我们身边的周围环境可以说是息息相关。首先,鸟类的生存和繁殖,就必须从周围环境中获得食物和生存所必须的一切条件,环境会对鸟类产生一定的影响。当鸟类减少时,那么一定说明环境水平下降。同时,鸟类的兴衰存亡也会对周围的环境产生一定影响,它们有着十分密切的关系。在全世界中,鸟类共有9 000多种,估计有1 000亿只。它们的食性复杂,生活方式多样,栖息在各种生态环境中,是维护自然界生态平衡的重要因素。

The bird is a kind of animal is most common in nature, and in the pelagic food c hain. This bird and our side of the surrounding environment can be said to be closely linked. First of all, survival and reproduction of birds, we must get all the conditions needed for food and living from the surrounding environment, the environment will have a certain impact on birds. When birds are reduced, so that environmental degradation. At the same time, the birds rise and decline will have a certain impact on the surrounding environment, they have a very close relationship. In the whole world, there are 9000 kinds of birds, is estimated to have 100000000000 only. Their diet complex, life style diversity, habitat in the various ecological environment, is an important factor to maintain the natural ecological balance.


Effect of environment on the 1 birds.


For a bird, a bird to extinction, the main factor is not human 's capture, but because the environment is bad, the bird environment capacity decline. And the influence of the birds is usually also to affect bird by the destruction of the environment.

1.1温度当一个地方的环境气温上升或者下降超过一个鸟类可适应的范围,那么鸟类的正常生理活动就会受到干扰。此时,鸟类就将发生迁徙,离开这个地方。最明显的例子莫过于冬候鸟、夏候鸟的迁徙。同理也是如此,当这个地方的温度上升时,会出现原先许多不常见的鸟种。随着全球气温回暖,在1980年后,福建省的日常温度相较于之前高0.6℃。所以从1980年起,在福清发现第一只黑翅鸢后,接下来的数十年间,福建省各地陆续发现黑翅鸢的踪迹。黑翅鸢目前已经成为福建省的留鸟。而之前该鸟种一直存在于海南等地。1.1 temperature when a local temperature rise or fall more than a bird can be adapted to a range, then the birds in normal physiological activity will be disturbed. At this time, the birds will have to migrate, leaving this place. The most obvious example of migration than winter, summer migratory birds. Similarly also is so, when the local temperature rises, there will be many of the original is not common bird species. With the development of global warmer temperatures, in 1980, before the daily temperature of Fujian province compared with the high temperature of 0.6 ℃. So from 1980, found the first Black-shouldered kite in Fuqing, for decades to come,
