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Words and Expressions
5. supplement: to add to or complete with sth else.
• My doctor suggested a diet supplemented with vitamin tablets. • He works in the evenings to supplement his student grant. 译:他打些零工来贴补家用。 He does odd jobs to supplement his family income. 6. freelance: n/ adj. /v/ adv a self-employed person, esp a writer or artist, who is not employed continuously but hired to do specific assignments • She works freelance so she does not have a regular income . • The idea came from a freelance designer. 译:他厌倦了在办公室给老板打工,决定自己干。 He is bored with working for a boss in the office and decided to freelance.
2) carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in
• He now pursues a lot of extra-curricular activities. • We decided not to pursue the matter. 我们决定不再追究此事。 译:我正在攻读博士学位。
Words and Expressions
10. on balance: with all things considered.
• Their suggestion has, on balance, proved practicable. • On balance, it’s probably not advisable to change the company’s name. 译:总体而言,毛泽东的功大于过。 On balance, Mao’s achievements outweigh his faults.
2) pull or drag sth. with effort or force
• I got stuck in the mud and the others had to haul me out. • Rescue workers hauled passengers out of the bombed commuter train(市郊火车). 译:她费劲的下了床。 She hauled herself out of bed.
Words and Expressions
12 generate: bring into being; give rise to • generate heat / power / employment / enthusiasm • The widespread use of English in France has generated a public as well as an academic debate over language in the country. 译:误解有时候会使恋人间产生怨恨。 13. pick up: be ready to pay • If he loses the case, Michael will have to pick up the bill for legal costs. • Taxpayers will be picking up the tab for the improved public transport net work.
Words and Expressions
8.pursue: 1) to strive to gain or accomplish
• pursue lofty political goals / pleasure / one's studies • After graduation Martin chose to pursue the same career as his father as a minister.
Words and Expressions
15. dine out: eat a meal away from home ( usu. in a restaurant) • More people have accepted the growing trend of dining out on weekend. • As more working mother appear, many families have to dine out. 译:今天你过生日,你想出去吃饭吗? It’s your birthday today. Would you like to dine out?
Words and Expressions
14. minor: 1) smaller, less serious or less important than others • minor repairs / operations / injuries / role in a play • Shoplifting is a minor crime. 2) n. a subsidiary subject in which a college or university student needs fewer credits than in his or her major • She is a chemistry minor . • What do you minor in?
2) be good enough but not very good
• Your work will get by, but try to improve it. 译:他买不起一件新大衣,但他可以穿旧大衣将就着过冬。 He can’t afford a new coat, but he can get by with his old one. 你的作文写得还行,但是你要注意一些拼写错误。 Your writing will get by, but pay more attention to the spelling mistakes.
Words and Expressions
7. cut back: reduce in size or amount (cut back sth/ cut back on sth) • If we don’t sell more goods, we’ll have to cut back (on) production. • The government has cut back on defense spending. 译:他紧缩日常开支, 准备买一台笔记本电脑。 • He is cutting back on his daily expenses for a laptop.
Words and Expressions
1. get by: 1) manage ,especiallLeabharlann Baidu in spite of difficulties
• How can he get by on such low wages? • It is a little bit difficult for the old to get by on such a small pension.
译:火车还有一刻钟就出发了,我们怎么也赶不上了。 你们都是聪明学生,你们可以学好英语,你们一定行!
Words and Expressions
3. haul:
1) transport, as with a truck, cart, etc.
• The farmers haul vegetables to the market on a truck every day. • The rescue team hauled medical supplies and food to the disasterstricken area.
11. illustrate: provide with visual feature; clarify by use of examples, etc.
• The editor has illustrated the book with black-and-white photographs. • His story illustrates her true generosity very clearly. 译:你能举例说明你的观点吗? 在《绝望的主妇》里,苏珊给儿童书画插图。
n. pursuit
in pursuit of
She is now traveling around the world in pursuit of her dreams.
Words and Expressions
9. get through: come successfully to the end. • The local government has taken some measures to ensure that all the people will get through the winter. • She got through the entrance examination, and was accepted by the college. 译:生活离不开劳苦。 One cannot get through life without pain.
Unit 1 Changes in the Way we Live
Text A
Mr Doherty Builds His Dream Life
• • • • •
Words and Expressions Culture Notes Pre-reading tasks Text Analysis Exercise
Words and Expressions
4. overdue: 1. not paid, done, returned by the expected time • an overdue rent/library book. • Her baby is two weeks overdue. 2. that should have happened or been done before now • The economic reform is long overdue. 译:你的作业早就该交了。 Your homework is long overdue. 上周末,我洗了攒了好久的衣服。 I did my overdue laundry last weekend
Words and Expressions
2. make it: (informal) 1) to be successful in one’s career. • He’s never really made it as an actor. 2) to succeed in reaching a place after difficulty, effort, etc • It was a terrible journey but we finally made it. 3) to attend sth. • I am afraid I won’t be able to make it to your party next week.