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与贸易专业学生姓名张厚学号 B08181048 指导教师

李佳职称讲师指导教师工作单位三江学院起讫日期2011.12-2012.5 摘要随着经济全球化的发展江苏机电产品出口贸易发展非常迅速在江苏省经济发展中占有重要地






又快的发展提供更好的服务。关键词江苏机电产品国际贸易优化策略 ABSTRACT With the development of the economy globalization the export of Jiangsu Mechanical

and Electronics products maintains quick increase and takes an important part in the economic development. It affects the general export the advancement of technique the construction of the manufacture and the employment and so on. But at the same time there are many problems such as the lack of nuclear technique and finance the hinder of the international trade protection. Thus it can improve the increase of export competitiveness of Jiangsu Mechanical and Electronics industry by researching the actuality and effect factor. Though the tendency of international competitiveness of Jiangsu mechanical and electrical products seems to go to up on the whole many problems still exist and should not be neglected such as over-dependence on processing trade high rate of market concentration conspicuous difference on international competitiveness of broad heading mechanical and electrical products and so on. Therefore the study on the status and influence factors of international competitiveness of Jiangsu mechanical and electrical products is helpful in seeking measures to promote international competitiveness and then in the service

of Jiangsu economics. Keywords: Jiangsu Mechanical and Electrical Products International trade 目录第一章绪论 (1)

1.1 研究背景和研究目

的 .......................................... 1 1.2 研究内容和研究方

法 .......................................... 2 第二章江苏省机电产品出口贸易现状分

析 ................... 3 2.1江苏机电产品出口贸易现

状 .................................... 3 2.2江苏机电产品出口的特

点 ...................................... 3 2.3江苏机电产品出口对江苏外贸的贡

献 ............................ 6 2.4 江苏省机电产品在国际市场的竞争优势 .......................... 7 第三章江苏省机电产品出口存在问题分

析 ................... 9 3.1 缺乏自主出口品

牌 (9)


低 .................... 9 3.3市场结构仍以欧、美、日、港为主新兴市场需要重视 ........... 10 3.4机电产品出口增长方式和产品结构仍需深刻变革 .................

10 第四章江苏省机电产品出口优化策

略 ...................... 12 4.1 提高产品增值率提升品牌意识 ............................... 12 4.2加强对外合作大力发展高新技

术 ............................. 13 4.3境外投资有利于提升江苏机电产业的国际竞争力 .. (13)


力 ......................... 14 4.5 利用机遇积极迎接挑战 ..................................... 15 第五章案例分析——以泰州苏中天线集团为例 .. (16)


绍 ................................................ ... 16 5.2案例分

析 ................................................ ... 16 结束

语 ................................................ .. 18 致

谢 ................................................ .. 19 参考文

献 ............................................... 201 三江学院2012届本科生毕业设计论文 1 第一章绪论1.1 研究背景和研究目的 1.1.1 研究背景受国际金融危
