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摘要 (1)


0文献综述 (5)

1引言 (7)

1.1BJ1021汽车所用发动机的主要技术规格 (7)

1.2离合器的主要作用 (7)

1.3汽车离合器设计的基本要求 (8)

1.4离合器的工作原理 (8)

1.5离合器的类型 (10)

1.6影响离合器工作的因素分析 (11)

2 BJ1021轻型卡车车用周布弹簧离合器的结构及工作原理 (12)

2.1BJ1021轻型卡车周布弹簧离合器组成 (12)

2.2工作原理 (12)

3 液压操纵系统的设计计算 (15)

3.1液压操纵系统的基本工作过程 (16)

3.2液压操纵机构设计要求 (17)

3.2.1对操纵机构的要求 (17)

3.2.2操纵机构结构形式选择 (18)

3.2.3 踏板力的要求 (19)

3.2.4踏板行程的要求 (19)

3.2.5 结构要求 (19)

3.2.6 其他要求 (20)

4 离合器工作缸及主缸直径计算与分析 (20)

4.1后备系数 的选择 (21)

P (21)


4.3摩擦片外径D、内径D和厚度B (22)

4.4压盘的工作压力F及缸径的计算 (22)

5 离合器踏板力与踏板行程的计算与分析 (23)

6 液压油管选择注意事项 (25)

6.1液压油管的选择 (25)

6.2离合器液压操纵管路的布置 (25)

6.3液压管径的选择 (25)

7结论 (26)

参考文献 (27)

致谢 (29)







BJ1021 clutch of hydraulic control system design


College of Engineering and Technology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400716, China

Abstract: this paper weeks cloth spring clutch and diaphragm spring clutch their respective advantages and disadvantages, structure and work principle of contrast, analysis, this paper expounds the BJ1021 vehicle clutch the significance of modified design and modification design is feasible, and generally determined the modified design scheme and the design of concrete calculation process, including: the clutch structure scheme analysis, clutch basic parameters and the main size of choice, the choice of the main parameters of the diaphragm spring, shock absorber design and clutch torsion modified after the design their matching hydraulic control system with modification of the design. BJ1021 the use of the traditional

weeks cloth spring clutch, and weeks of buy the spiral spring at high speed, by centrifugal force can produce lateral buckling role, spring serious a drum, which reduces the pressure plate to the compaction force. The diaphragm spring is from a simple structure, smooth engagement. Diaphragm spring itself can also up pressure spring and separation of leverage effect, and has good elasticity characteristics. So more and more replaced the traditional weeks cloth spring clutch. Clutch operation is used to control the clutch and the driver of a set of institutions soft joints. It began in the clutch and terminated in the clutch of shell bearings. And hydraulic operation simple structure, friction small resistance, high transmission efficiency, stable clutch engaging, and the easy to decorate, not easy to be CheJia body deformation affected.

Keywords: hydraulic control clutch design
