

stop doing/to do

stop to do停止,中断做某事后去做另一件事。

stop doing停止做某事。

They stop to smoke a cigarette.他们停下来,抽了根烟。

I must stop smoking……我必须戒烟了。


She reached the top of the hill and stopped ___on a big rock by the side of the path.

A. to have rested

B. resting

C. to rest

D. rest

答案:C.由题意可知,她到了山顶,停下来在一个路边的大石头上休息。因此,应选择"stop to do sth. 停下来去做另一件事".而不仅仅是爬山动作的终止,所以stop doing sth.不正确。

forget doing/to do

forget to do忘记要去做某事。(未做)

forget doing忘记做过某事。(已做)

The light in the office is stil on. He forgot to turn it off.


He forgot turning the light off.


Don't forget to come tomorrow.

别忘了明天来。(to come动作未做)


---- The light in the office is still on.

---- Oh,I forgot___.

A. turning it off

B. turn it off

C. to turn it off

D. having turned it off

答案:C.由the light is still on 可知灯亮着,即关灯的动作没有发生,因此用forget to do sth.

而forget doing sth表示灯已经关上了,而自己忘记了这一事实。此处不符合题意。

remember doing/to do

remember to do 记得去做某事(未做)

remember doing记得做过某事(已做)

Remember to go to the post office after school.


Don't you remember seeing the man before?


regret doing/to do

regret to do对要做的事遗憾。(未做)

regret doing对做过的事遗憾、后悔。(已做)

I regret to have to do this,but I have no choice.


I don't regret telling her what I thought.



——You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.

——Well,now I regret ___ that.

A. to do

B. to be doing

C.to have done

D.having done

答案:D.regret having done sth. 对已发生的事感到遗憾。regret to do sth. 对将要做的事感到遗憾。本题为对已说的话感到后悔,因此选D.

ease doing/to do

cease to do长时间,甚至永远停做某事。

cease doing短时停止做某事,以后还会接着做。

That department has ceased to exist forever.


The girls ceased chatting for a moment when their teacher passed by.


try doing/to do

try to do努力,企图做某事。

try doing试验,试着做某事。

You must try to be more careful.


I tried gardening but didn't succeed.


go on doing/to do

go on to do做了一件事后,接着做另一件事。

go on doing继续做原来做的事。

After he had finished his maths,he went on to do his physics.


Go on doing the other exercise after you have finished this one.


be afraid doing/to do

be afraid to do不敢,胆怯去做某事,是主观上的原因不去做,意为"怕";

be afraid of doing担心出现doing的状况、结果。doing 是客观上造成的,意为"生怕,恐怕".

She was afraid to step further in grass because she was afraid of being bitten by a snake.


She was afraid to wake her hu**and.


She was afraid of waking her hu**and.


be interested doing/to do

interested to do对做某事感兴趣,想了解某事。

interested in doing对某种想法感兴趣,doing 通常为想法。

I shall be interested to know what happens.


I'm interested in working in Switzerland. Do you have any idea about that?


mean to doing/to do

mean to do打算、想

mean doing意味着

I mean to go,but my father would not allow me to.


To raise wage means increasing purchasing power.


begin(start)doing/to do

begin / start to do sth

begin / start doing sth.


2)How old were you when you first started playing the piano?


3)begin,start用进行时时,后面动词用不定式to do

I was beginning to get angry.我开始生起气来。

3)在attempt,intend,begin,start 后接know,understand,realize这类动词时常用不定式to do.

I begin to understand the truth.我开始明白真相。


It began to melt.

感官动词+ doing/to do

感官动词see,watch,observe,notice,look at,hear,listen to,smell,taste,feel + do表示动作的完整性,真实性;+doing 表示动作的连续性,进行性

I saw him work in the garden yesterday.


I saw him working in the garden yesterday.(强调"我见他正干活"这个动作)



1)They knew her very well. They had seen her ___ up from childhood.

A. grow

B. grew

C. was growing

D. to grow

答案:A.因题意为,他们看着她长大,因此强调的是成长的过程,而非正在长的动作,因此用see ** do sth 的句型。

2)The missing boy was last seen ___ near the river.

A. playing

B. to be playing

C. play

D. to play

答案A. 本题强调其动作,正在河边玩,应此用see **. doing sth句型。


Lesson 1 A private conversation 课文内容: Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. ‘I can't hear a word!’ I said angrily. ‘It's none of your business, ’the young man said rudely. ‘This is a private conversation!’ Notes on the text 课文注释 1 go to the theatre,去看戏。 2 got angry,生气。

3 turn round,转身,也可用turn around。 4 pay attention,注意。 5 I could not bear it.我无法忍受。其中的it 是指上文中的那对男女大声说话又不理会作者的愤怒 目光。 6 none of your business,不关你的事。 参考译文: 上星期我去看戏。我的座位很好,戏很有意思,但我却无法欣赏。一青年男子与一青年女子坐在我的身后,大声地说着话。我非常生气,因为我听不见演员在说什么。我回过头去怒视着那一男一女,他们却毫不理会。最后,我忍不住了,又一次回过头去,生气地说:“我一个字也听不见了!” “不关你的事,”那男的毫不客气地说,“这是私人间 的谈话!”


stop doing/to do stop to do停止,中断做某事后去做另一件事。 stop doing停止做某事。 They stop to smoke a cigarette.他们停下来,抽了根烟。 I must stop smoking……我必须戒烟了。 典型例题 She reached the top of the hill and stopped ___on a big rock by the side of the path. A. to have rested B. resting C. to rest D. rest 答案:C.由题意可知,她到了山顶,停下来在一个路边的大石头上休息。因此,应选择"stop to do sth. 停下来去做另一件事".而不仅仅是爬山动作的终止,所以stop doing sth.不正确。 forget doing/to do forget to do忘记要去做某事。(未做) forget doing忘记做过某事。(已做) The light in the office is stil on. He forgot to turn it off. 办公室的灯还在亮着,它忘记关了。(没有做关灯的动作) He forgot turning the light off. 他忘记他已经关了灯了。(已做过关灯的动作) Don't forget to come tomorrow. 别忘了明天来。(to come动作未做) 典型例题 ---- The light in the office is still on. ---- Oh,I forgot___. A. turning it off B. turn it off C. to turn it off D. having turned it off 答案:C.由the light is still on 可知灯亮着,即关灯的动作没有发生,因此用forget to do sth. 而forget doing sth表示灯已经关上了,而自己忘记了这一事实。此处不符合题意。 remember doing/to do remember to do 记得去做某事(未做) remember doing记得做过某事(已做) Remember to go to the post office after school. 记着放学后去趟邮局。 Don't you remember seeing the man before? 你不记得以前见过那个人吗? regret doing/to do regret to do对要做的事遗憾。(未做) regret doing对做过的事遗憾、后悔。(已做) I regret to have to do this,but I have no choice. 我很遗憾必须这样去做,我实在没有办法。 I don't regret telling her what I thought. 我不为告诉她我的想法而后悔。 典型例题 ——You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. ——Well,now I regret ___ that. A. to do B. to be doing C.to have done D.having done


四年级英语学科教师辅导讲义 年级:四年级辅导科目:英语课时数:3 学生:***** 辅导老师:***** 课题Lesson 1 —Lesson 2 教学目的1.熟读并记忆Lesson 1 —Lesson 2 的单词 2.认识be动词,冠词,介词,名词和代词 3,掌握be动词,冠词,介词,名词和代词的用法4,学习两个音标 5,做相关习题并熟读unit1.2单元课文 教学内容 Step 1: New words and expressions Window 窗户board 写字板light 灯picture 图画Door 门floor 地板classroom 教师computer 计算机Wall 墙fan 电风扇Chinese book 语文书storybook故事书Notebook 笔记本thirty 三十fifty 五十heavy 沉重的 Step 2:认识be动词,冠词,介词,名词和代词 A:be 动词 _____________________________________________________________ B: 介词 C: 冠词 D: 名词 E:代词 ____________________________________________________________

Step 2: Lead-in Step 3.Teaching key points A..Lesson 2 the dream 看课文图片按自己的理解用简单的英语讲故事 B.读课文,理解课文内容及情景 C.熟读课文并掌握故事及人物情景 D. New words . about 关于dolphin 青蛙dragon 龙dream梦fight打斗 had to 不得不her 她的nasty凶狠的story故事told讲了 ★给下面故事排列正确的顺序 ( ) Dad told her a story . _____________________________________________ ()It was a nasty story . _________________________________________________ ( ) Biff could not sleep. _____________________________________________ ( ) Biff dreamed about dragon. _________________________________________________ ( ) The story was about a dragon . _________________________________________________ ( ) Biff went downstairs. _________________________________________________ ( ) Mum told her a story . . _________________________________________________ ( ) The story was about a dolphin . _________________________________________________ ( ) It was a very nasty dragon. _________________________________________________ ( ) Biff had to fight it . _________________________________________________ ( ) Biff dreamed about a dolphin.


4月8日练习题 一、单项选择 1. Bob can play _____ basketball but can’t play ______ violin. A. the; the B. the; × C. ×; the D. a; the 2. ______ Saturday morning, I usually get up ______ 10:00. A. In; on B. On; in C. In; at D. On; at 3. --What _____ does Alice like? --She likes koalas because they’re _____cute. A. clothes; a lot B. subjects; a lot of C. animals; kind of D. sports; lots of 4.. --_____ does you father go to _____? --By car. His company(公司) is far from home, but he likes this _____. A. Where; job; work B. How; work; job C. Where; work; work D. How; job; job 5. Hamburgers are my favorite food. They ______ very good. A. sound B. taste C. look D. show 6. --Is it 8:40 now? --Yes, it’s _______. A. twenty to eight B. twenty to nine C. twenty past eight D. twenty past nine 7. --Where is your brother? --He _____ a movie in his room. A. looks B. watches C. is watching D. looking 8. Kate doesn’t like yellow, so she _________ yellow clothes. A. always wears B. never buys C. usually is wearing D. sometimes buy 9. ______ I go to bed, I always ______ first. A. After; take a walk B. So; get dressed C. Before; take a shower D. When; get up 10. Jim, can you _____ me a story ____ English? A. speak; speak B. talk; with C. say; use D. tell; in 11. As a student, you mustn’t _____ class. A. be strict in B. help with C. be late for D. talk with 12. --What do you ______ the computer game? -- It’s funny. A. talk to B. look at C. play with D. think of 13. --_____ do you _____ the bus stop? --At 7:45 in the morning. A. When; get B. What time; get to C. When; arrive in D. What time; arrive 14. --______do you need to get home from here? -- Only 10 minutes. A. How long B. How far C. How much D. How old 15. --I don’t have _______ rules at home, what about you? --I don’t, ______. A. much too; too B. too much; either C. many too; too D. too many; either 二、完形填空 Hi! My name is Li Lei. I like drawing a lot and I’m in the school 1 club. I like sports, too. Every morning, I 2_ at half past six. After taking a shower, I run 3 about half an hour. At about a quarter past___4 , I have a quick breakfast. I usually go to school by 5_ at half past seven. It takes me about fifteen ____6 to ride to school. I’m always on time and I’m __ 7 late for school. Before classes, I usually play ping-pong 8 chess with my classmates. The first class begins(开始) at eight o’ clock. After school, I __ 9 first, and after doing my homework, I like drawing pictures. It’s four o’clock in the afternoon now. I’m drawing a picture of my pet10 . It’s a smart dog. Ha! I really feel very happy. 1. A . art B. science C. English D. chess 2. A. take walks B. go out C. eat out D. get up 3. A. in B. at C. for D. with 4. A. six B. seven C. eight D. nine 5. A. bike B. bus C. car D. subway 6. A. minutes B. hours C. days D. weeks 7. A. always B. never C. sometimes D. usually 8. A. but B. because C. or D. so 9. A. wash the dish B. wash my clothes C. do homework D. do sports 10. A. lion B. panda C. cat D. dog


最新八年级下册英语辅导资料人教版 一、重点词汇 1. 名词: rocket火箭space station太空站moon月亮,月球astronaut宇航员robot机器人 paper纸,纸张building建筑物,楼房pollution污染interview 面试,面谈human人,人类 prediction预测sound声音company公司scientist科学家factory工厂 2. 动词: fly飞行(flew)take乘(took)fall落下(fell)write写(wrote)keep养(kept) thinght) come true实现(came) dress穿衣(dressed) predict预测(predicted) seem好像(seemed) 3. 形容词: be able to能够bored厌烦的,厌倦的unpleasant使人不愉快的possible(impossible)(不)可能的 4. 副词: probably大概casually随意地alone单独地,孤独地already已经everywhere到处 5. 代词:everything每件事物myself我自己which哪个,哪几

个 词汇运用 1.名词单复数变化:paper(不可数)company-companies factory-factories human-humans 2.动词过去式:fall-fell write-wrote fly-flew 3.形容词---副词:casual-casually possible-impossible 5.名词---形容词:bore-bored / boring pleasure-(un)pleasant 4.代词变化:I-myself 二、重点短语 1. in the future 在将来 2. in 100 years 一百年后 3. fall in love with… 爱上… 4. hundreds of 数百,成百上千的 5. the same as 和…相同 6.live to (be) … years old 活到…岁 7. less free time/pollution 更少的空闲时间/污染8. fewer people/buildings更少的人/楼https://www.360docs.net/doc/086777068.html,e true 实现 10.get bored 变得厌倦11. be able to do sth.能,会做某事12.try to do sth. 尽力做某事 13. like living alone喜欢单独居住14.work for myself为自己工作15.help sb.with/do/to do sth.帮助某人做某事 三、重点句型(情景交际用语1.2.3; 书面表达句型6) 1. -Where do you live -I live in an apartment.


UNIT 1 (P15) 1.Your job as a future employee is to help the hiring manager mitigate that risk. (alleviate) “key player”. (expected) every other player on the field. (surpassed) (originates) thousands of workers in a protest against the cuts. (organized) 7.This creates a requirement not only for people who can act quickly, but for those who can think fast with the courage to act on their convictions. (beliefs) 8.His speech was made with such great ambiguity that neither supporter nor opponent could be certain of his true position. (vagueness) 9.The scientist who is transitioning into the business world must prioritize his or her relationship above their technical assets. (advantages) 10.This approach, combined with a liberal use of the and not just “I” when to a selfless collaborator. (impression) 11. an interest in classical music in my children. (encourage) with a Swiss firm to develop the product. (cooperated) UNIT 2 (P46) . (food) 2.Guangdong Province is located in southern China, with a and abundant produce all year round. (mild) influence on other parts of China. (widespread) 4.Many Chinese restaurants in China, as well as other parts of the world, serve this dish, but often the flavor is less authentic. (genuine) 5.The names of Chinese dishes are diverse. (varied) 6.This dish of streaky pork is prepared over a slow fire. (fatty) 7.People later named it Dongpo Meat, to commemorate this gifted and generous poet. (honor) 8.It is famous for leaving a lingering aftertaste in the mouth. (continuing) 9.The eating process is a time to show humility and concern for others. (modesty) 10.Qu Yuan drowned himself in the Miluo River after being politically wronged. (treated unjustly) UNIT 4 (P107) 1.Although such a statement may seem self- things, people who like themselves are more open to criticism and less others. (exacting of) 3.It can be romantic, exciting, obsessive, and irrational. (compulsive)


I words. life 生活happy life 幸福生活 different 不同的be different from 与…不同 ago 以前many years ago 很多年以前television 电视机(简写TV) grandchildren (外)孙子(女)(复数)grandmother (外)祖母grandfather (外)祖父grandparent (外)祖父(母)lady 女士;夫人fire 炉火 radio 收音机telephone 电话 field 田地hope 希望 learnt (learn的过去式) 学习 these 这些those 那些this 这个that那个 dancer 舞蹈演员dance 舞蹈 class 班级study 学习 hard 努力地retired 退休的 II Useful expressions. 1.a programme about China关于中国的节目 2.very different 非常不同 3.many years ago 很多年以前 4.live in 居住注意:live 后面必须加上in再加地点 5. enough food足够的食物 6. many buses and cars 许多公共汽车和小汽车 7. miss my grandmother 想念我的祖母 8. last night 昨天晚上(last week, last month, last year) 9. talk about讲述 10.my grandmother 我的祖母 11.many Chinese cities 许多中国城市 12.foreign languages 外语 13.study English 学习英语


am, is, are的用法 I 用am, you 用are, is 用于他她它, 复数(句子)都用are。 For example: 1. I ____ a student in Loudi No. 3 Middle school. 2. She _____ ill at home. 3. He ____ our monitor. 4. It ____ my pet dog. 5. We ____ Chinese. 6. _____ you interested in English? 7. ____ Tom your roommate? 8. Jim and Tommy _____ twin brother. 9. I ____ a league member. 10. There ____ a lot of birds in the forest. 11. The number of the students in our school ____ 12000. 12. There _____ 1.3 billion (十亿) people in China. 13. The population (人口) of China 1.3 billion (十亿). 14. What _____ you going to do this aftenoon? 时态 一般现在时 1. 表示现在经常发生或进行的状态。 2. 动词标志:一般用动词原形,但第三人称单数后动词要加--s 或--es,另外be 和have 有特殊的人称形式。 be 动词用法见上 have的用法 1. I ____ a bike. 2. Y ou ____ a letter. 3. He/She ___ a lovely dog. 4. We ____ a very nice classroom. 5. They _____ a lot fruits. 动词第三人称单数后动词要加--s 或--es的变化规则: 1. 一般的加s, 例read----reads 2. s, x, ch, sh (或o) 结尾的加es. 例teach---- wash---- guess----- watch---- go---- do--- fix(安装,修理)----

八年级上册英语辅导讲义(人教版)Unit 6

Unit 6 I'm going to study computer science. 讲义一、【重点单词】 computer programmer / 'pr??gr?m?(r)/计算机程序设计员;编程人员 cook /k?k/ n.厨师v.烹饪;煮 doctor /'d?kt?(r)/,/ 'dɑ:kt?(r)/ 医生 engineer / ,end??'n??/ ,/end??'n?r/ 工程师 violinist /'va??'l?n?st/小提琴手 driver / 'dra?v?(r)/ n.驾驶员;司机 pilot /'pa?l?t/ n.飞行员 pianist /'p??n?st/ n.钢琴家 scientist/'sa??nt?st/ n.科学家 college /' k?l?d?/,/'kɑ:l?d?/ n.学院;大学;高等教育 education /'ed?u'ke??n/ n.教育 medicine /'medsn, 'med?sn / n.药;医学 university /'ju:n?'v?:rs?ti/ n.(综合性)大学;高等学府 London / 'l?nd?n/ 伦敦 article /'ɑ:(r)t?kl/ n.文章;论文 send /send/ v.邮寄,发送 team /ti: m/ n.队;组 foreign /'f?:r?n/ daj.外国的 able /'e?bl/ adj.能够 question / 'kwest??n/ v.表示疑问;怀疑;提问;质询 meaning /' mi:n?? / n. 意义;意思 discuss /d?'sk?s/ v.讨论,商量 promise / pr?m?s/,/ 'pr a: m?s/ n.承诺;诺言;v.许诺;承诺 beginning / b?'g?n?? / n.开头;开端 improve /?m'pruv/ v.改进,改善 physical /'f?z?kl/ adj.身体的 themselves / e?m'selvz/ pron.他(她、它)们自己 self-improvement/self ?mp'ru:vm?nt/ n.自我改进,;自我提高 hobby / 'h?bi/,/'hɑ:bi/ n.业余爱好 weekly / 'wi:kli/ daj.&adv.每周的(地) schoolwork /'sku:lw?:k/ n.学校作业;功课 agree / ?'gri:/ v.同意;赞成;允许 own /o?n/ adj&pron 自己的;本人的 personal /'p?:(r)s?nl/ adj.个人的;私人的 relationship /r?'le??n??p/ n.关系;联系 resolution /,rez?'lu:?n/ n.决心;决定

人教版 七年级英语上册辅导材料

七年级英语(上册)辅导材料人教版 单词第一块 不定冠词,表示“(人,事或物)”,用于读音以辅音音素开头的单数可1.a 为辅音音素) a pen /pen/ 一支钢笔(/p/ 数名词前。以辅音音素/ju:/,一本有用的书(u 是元音字母,但它读作 a useful book 以元/'au?/,h是辅音字母,但它不发音,hour读作开头) an hour 一个小 时(音音素开头)a.m.,十二点之前都用是下午.是把一天二十四小时分一半,2.A.M/P.M a.m.是指上午,p.m.之后直到次日零点都是p.m. 3.after介词,意为“在......之后”,其后可接名词,代词,动词ing形式。反义词为before。After class意为“课后”。 4.all作形容词意为“所有的,全部的”。还可用做代词意为“所有,全部”。 5.always副词,意为“总是”,常用在一般现在时中,表示动作发生的频率。eg.The boy is always early for school.这个男孩总是很早到校。 6.and 连词,意为“和;又;而”,在句中有承上启下的作用。and还做并列连词,意为“和”。他可以连接两个单词,短语或句子,表示并列关系。 7.ask做及物动词,意为“请求,要求”,其常用短语ask sb.for sth.意为 “像某人索取某物”,ask for意为“寻求,要求”,ask sb. for help意 为“向某人请求帮助” eg.You can ask her for the book.你可以找她要那本书。 8.at介词,常用于“钟点时刻”前,表示“在具体的某一时刻”。


英语辅导资料分析 一、单词类: 这里面的单词书那可真是太多了,最出名的应该是星火系列了,其他当然新东方的核心词汇大家说好像也很好,还有人大出版社谢振元的词汇等。往往是一个牌子的,比如星火的,就要出版很多种类别的,大本小本都有,这里不再一一列举。 简单说几句题外话,单词辅导书要挑自己喜欢的,适合自己需要的看,不要别人买什么你也跟着买什么,往往买了之后很多人都是在前面几页记来记去的,后面的根本没有看过,挑的时候比如这本恩,包装印刷不错,编写体例也可以,恩,就要这本了,也有的同学喜欢大本的,解析的比较详细,往往还有例句,难点分析什么的;也有的同学喜欢小本的,认为携带方便,心里负担比较轻,先把基本意思掌握了才是硬道理。这个学要和自己的个人情趣爱好结合起来,还有一点就是记单词一定要有毅力,但是不是你三天两天就能找到成就感的,只有厚积方能薄发。而且最好是结合阅读来记,否则会非常枯燥无味,对人的考验确实不小。 说句实在的,单词书我也用了不少,最后的单词记得真不咋地,当然通过阅读也记了不少,尤其是有些生词我会多次碰到,我又印象了就想搞清它们的意思。我就把他们专门摘到笔记本上来记忆。以后再借助阅读来回忆巩固,也算记住了不少把,当然总量也没有测过,应该和大纲要求的还是有不小差距的。这个心里还是很清楚地,呵呵,我是吃够了单词的苦了,好在阅读理解能力还不错,弥补了一下。 补充:单词类图书我还是选择了星火系列的《巧记·速记·精练》。确实如wangliu师兄所言,背单词要选择适合自己的书籍。我从高中开始用《巧记·速记·精练》记忆四级单词,之后六级单词也用的这个系列,当我去买考研书时几乎没有犹豫就选定了这本。 另外,如果你还没有掌握一种好的背单词的科学方法的话,那我推荐新东方冲刺班录音里面的词汇部分(网上有下,不用我教你怎么去找吧,都信息时代了^_^),里面介绍了集中方法都很实用的。还有,强调一点,背单词是为了阅读,阅读反过来能加强背单词的效果,两者应该结合起来。 二、阅读类: 这个尤其需要大家注意的是现在冒牌图书非常多,市面上100篇,120篇,160篇,180篇,200篇,220篇(还有个双博士也给自己的阅读书起个名字叫220篇,殊不知人家220篇都出了名的时候它还在娘胎里酝酿呢,看到人家这么风光,不顾自己发育不完全就提早出来了,先天性不良的能是好东西么?),250篇,280篇都有,一定要看清作者,以免上当,280篇好像是王常喜的,他的考研书非常不推荐,其考研系列书籍非常垃圾,敬请辨别! 1清华吴咏麟《阅读理解100篇》 名气应该是和《220篇》齐名的两大王牌阅读图书了。虽然吴咏麟老先生已经西去,不过那出版社为了好卖(只有活人才可以把书年年更新),硬是把以前标在名字上的方框给去掉了,年年都有最新版,其实基本没变化,虽然包装越来越豪华,我用这本书是很复杂的感觉,全文翻译翻的很僵硬,题目解析的也是难以接受,居然还有政治题材的文章,考研从来不考这类题材的文章的,虽然我也用,但是最终的感觉却是说不清好在哪里,呵呵,当然推荐的人还是相当多的,可能是不适合我自己把,呵呵,见仁见智了。


3月18日练习 一.单项选择 1. ---Who is ________ man with glasses? ---Oh, he’s our new English teacher, Mr. Brown. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. Tomorrow is my brother’s ________ birthday. I want to buy a gift for him. A. five B. the fifth C. fifth D. the five 3. David, _________ drop litter everywhere. It’s bad for the environment. A. don’t B. doesn’t C. didn’t D. hasn’t 4. Mr. Smith _______ our school if it doesn't rain next week. A. visits B. visited C. has visited D. will visit 5. Lily’s father was _______ ill last week, but he still went on working. A. bad B. badly C. hard D. hardly 6. You’d better _______ to call me when you arrive in Chongqing. A. don't forget B. not forget C. forget D. not to forget 7. ---Excuse me, could you tell me _______? ---Sorry, I’m new here. A. where is the bank B. how can I get to the bank C. which is the way to the bank D. there is a bank near here 8. ---Would you like to go to Water Park with me? ---No, thanks. I_________ there many times. A. have been to B. have been C. went to D. have gone 9. With the development of society, young people speak _______ than before. A. polite B. more polite C. politely D. more politely 10. The little boy __________ his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus. A. lent B. offered C. took D. brought 11. . --- What’s the matter? ---I can’t do my homework. I _______ my homework in the classroom this morning. A. leave B. forget C forgot D. left 12. __________give him a watch? A. What about B. Let’s C. Why don’t D. Why don’t you 13.You should save some money __________ you can buy a gift for your mother. A. in order to B. because C. so D. so that 14. --- We can use QQ to talk with each other on the Internet. --- Really? Will you please show me _________? A. what to use B. how to use it C. how can I use it D. what can I use 15. My uncle usually has lunch at home, but today he had lunch in the school ________. A. instead of B. instead to C. instead D. for instead 二. 改写句子 1. She put some paper on the table. (改为否定句) She ____________ ____________ any paper on the table. 2. My mum helped me with my homework yesterday. ____________ ____________ your mother do yesterday? 3. The iPhone cost my father 5,800 yuan. (改为同义句) My father ___________ 5,800 yuan ___________ the iPhone. My father ___________ 5,800 yuan ___________ the iPhone. 4. Many visitors are coming to our city next month. (对划线部分提问) ___________ ___________ many visitors coming to our city? 5. 交卷前你应仔细检查。


语音 26个英文字母及发音音标 A a [ei] B b [bi:] C c [si:] D d [di:] E e [i:] F f [ef] G g [d3i:] H h [eit∫] I i [ai] J j [d3ei] K k [kei] L l [el] M m [em] N n [en] O o [ ;u] P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r [ɑ:] S s [es] T t [ti:] U u [ju:] V v [vi:] W w [′d∧blju:] X x [eks] Y y [wai] Z z [zi:][zed] 元音字母 是语言里起着发声作用的字母。元音又作"母音",就是这个意思。 a [ei] name cake lake e [i:] bee fee see read i [ai] eye fly kind o [?u] nose,coat,boat u [ju:] 辅音字母 是一个和元音字母相对的概念。所有非元音字母的,一般都是辅音字母,简单来说,除了半元音字母以外的所有非元音字母就是辅音字母了。 (辅字组读音例词) b [b]bag bike bus blue c [k] cake car d cool c [s] fac e decide cinema d [d] desk dad day f [f] fine five face off g [g] good g [d?] gym giraffe gentle g [?] massage h [h]ello hat hot hand heat j [d?] jacket job June July Japan k [k] key like bike nook l [l] hello like lake l [?] milk bell cycle m [m] morning name me
