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How do/does sb. get to ...? 常用来询问交通方式,该问句的答语有以下几种:

1.take + 限定词 + 交通工具名称,如 take the bus/subway/train/taxi 等。

——How does your father go to Guangzhou?

——He takes the train.

2.in/on + 限定词 + 交通工具名称,如on a bus/bike, on the train/in his car 等。

——How does Lily go to school?

——She goes to school on her bike.

3.by + 交通工具名称,如by bus/by train/by taxi/by subway/by plane/air/by sea/ship 等。

——How do you go to Beijing?

——I go to Beijing by plane.


4.动词+ to + 地点名词。常用的动词有walk, ride, drive, fly 等。

He wants to ride to his friend’s home.

My mother often walks to the office.

注意:动词后面若直接接地点副词(here, there, home等)时,介词to 要省略。

My uncle is going to drive here tomorrow.

He walks home from work every day.

5.on foot 步行。

Lucy goes to school on foot every day.
