




How do/does sb. get to ... 常用来询问交通方式,该问句的答语有以下几种:

1.take + 限定词 + 交通工具名称,如 take the bus/subway/train/taxi 等。

——How does your father go to Guangzhou

——He takes the train.

2.in/on + 限定词 + 交通工具名称,如on a bus/bike, on the train/in his car 等。

——How does Lily go to school

——She goes to school on her bike.

3.by + 交通工具名称,如by bus/by train/by taxi/by subway/by plane/air/by sea/ship 等。

——How do you go to Beijing

——I go to Beijing by plane.


4.动词+ to + 地点名词。常用的动词有walk, ride, drive, fly 等。

He wants to ride to his friend’s home.

My mother often walks to the office.

注意:动词后面若直接接地点副词(here, there, home等)时,介词to 要省略。

My uncle is going to drive here tomorrow. He walks home from work every day.

5.on foot 步行。

Lucy goes to school on foot every day.


关于交通工具的英语单词: bus公共汽车 car小汽车 plane 飞机 bike自行车 motobike 摩托车 Benz, Mercedes-Benz 奔驰Cadillac 卡迪拉克 Chrysler 克莱斯勒Chevroler 雪佛莱 Citroen 雪铁龙 Ford 福特 ferry 轮船 Honda 本田 Helicopter 直升飞机 Mazda 马自达 Mustang 野马 Porsche 保时捷 Renault 雷诺 Rolls-Royce 罗尔斯罗伊斯Santana 桑塔纳 Toyota 丰田 Volvo 沃尔沃, 富豪Volkswagen 大众 first gear 一档 second gear 二档 reverse 倒车档 two-stroke engine 二冲程发动机 diesel 柴油机 limousine 豪华轿车drophead 活动车篷汽车(美作:convertible) racing car 赛车 saloon 轿车(美作:sedan) roadster 敞蓬车 wecker, beat-up car, jalopy 老爷车 notchback 客货两用车 four-wheel drive 四轮驱动front-wheel drive 前轮驱动trailer 拖车 station wagon 小旅行车 truck 卡车compact car 小型汽车 light-van 小型货车 garbage truck 垃圾车 automobile carrier 货运卡车 fire engine 消防车 tractor 牵引车 ambulance 救护车 taxi 出租车, 计程车 trailer truck 拖车 sports car 跑车 formula car 方程式赛车, 方程 式汽车 mail car 邮车 jeep 吉普车 bloodmobile 血浆车 bumper car 碰撞用汽车 camper 露营车 police car 警车 wrecker 清障车 ambulance 急救车 train 火车 underground 地铁 shinkansen 新干线 关于旅游景点英语单词: 西湖十景Ten Views of the West Lake 断桥残雪Melting Snow at Broken Bridge 平湖秋月Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake 曲院风荷Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard 双峰插云Twin peaks piercing Clouds 苏堤春晓Spring Dawn at Su Causeway 三潭印月Three pools mirroring the moon 花港观鱼Viewing Fish at flower harbor 南屏晚钟Evening bell at Nanping hill 雷峰夕照Sunset glow at Leifeng pagoda 柳浪闻莺Orioles singing in the willows 新西湖十景Ten New Views of the West Lake 宝石流霞Precious stone hill floating in rosy clouds 黄龙吐翠Yellow Dragon cave dressed in green 满垅桂雨Sweet osmanthus rain at Mannjuelong 虎跑梦泉Dream of the tiger spring 九溪烟树Nine creeks in misty forest 龙井问茶Enjoying tea at dragon well 云栖竹径Bamboo-lined path at Yunqi 玉皇飞云Flying clouds over jade Emperor hill 吴山天风Sky wind over Wu Hill 阮墩环碧Ruan Gong islet submerged in greenery 孤山Solitary hill 楼外楼LOU wailou restaurant 西泠印社Xiling Seal-Engravers’ Society 西泠桥和苏小小墓Xiling bridge and Su xiaoxiao tomb 岳飞庙和墓Yue Fei’s temple and his tomb 杭州花圃Hangzhou flower nursery 杭州植物园Hangzhou botanical garden 玉泉Jade spring 灵峰探梅Visiting Lingfeng for plum bolssoms 灵隐寺Lingyin Temple 杨公堤Yang Gong causeway 郭庄Guo’s villa


交通方式的表达方法 How do/does sb. get to ...? 常用来询问交通方式,该问句的答语有以下几种: 1.take + 限定词+ 交通工具名称,如take the bus/subway/train/taxi 等。 ——How does your father go to Guangzhou? ——He takes the train. 2.in/on + 限定词+ 交通工具名称,如on a bus/bike, on the train/in his car 等。 ——How does Lily go to school? ——She goes to school on her bike. 3.by + 交通工具名称,如by bus/by train/by taxi/by subway/by plane/air/by sea/ship 等。——How do you go to Beijing? ——I go to Beijing by plane. 注意:该结构中交通工具名称前不加任何冠词,而且不用复数形式。 4.动词+ to + 地点名词。常用的动词有walk, ride, drive, fly 等。 He wants to ride to his friend’s home. My mother often walks to the office. 注意:动词后面若直接接地点副词(here, there, home等)时,介词to 要省略。 My uncle is going to drive here tomorrow. He walks home from work every day. 请浏览后下载,资料供参考,期待您的好评与关注!


解决交通拥挤的方法时间:2012-02-03来源:栏目:英语六级作文作者: 英语作文收藏:收藏本文How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic?怎样解决城市交通拥挤问题如何解决城市交通拥挤问题Nowadays, people in many big cities are complaining about the heavy traffic. It has seriously influenced people's daily life and economic development. How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic? 怎样解决城市交通拥挤问题如何解决城市交通拥挤问题 Nowadays, people in many big cities are complaining about the heavy traffic. It has seriously influenced people's daily life and economic development. To solve the problem, some pieces of advice are put forward. Some people suggest that more streets and roads should be built. In this way, the traffic density can be rednced hence speeding up the flow of buses and cars.But the new roads and streets will be filled with many cars and buses soon. Some people advise to limit the number of bikes and cars. This can decrease the traffic flow. But on the other hand, this will affect the consumption and make buses more crowded. In my opinion, the number of private cars should be put under control. And at the same time, buses should have their own special routes which cannot be used by other vehicles. Besides, underground train and city train should be developed quickly. ( 151 words) 怎样解决交通拥挤问题 现今,许多大城市的人们都在抱怨交通拥堵。它已经严重地影响了人们的日常生活和经济发展。为了解决这个问题,人们提出了一些建议。 有人建议修建更多的道路。通过这种方法,可以减小交通密度,因此公共汽车与小汽车的速度就可以提上来。但是不久,新的道路又将被更多的公共汽车与小汽车所塞满。 有人建议限制自行车和汽车的数量,这可以减少交通的流量。但是另一方面,这会影响消费并使公共汽车更加拥挤。 我认为,应该控制私家车的数量。同时,公共汽车应该有自己的线路,这些线路不能被其它交通工具所占用。此外,应快速发展地铁和城市铁路。 感谢hualuocaoqing@https://www.360docs.net/doc/415617640.html, 提修改建议 第五行redncedi应改为reduced,第八行,on the other hand 本文来自作文地带:https://www.360docs.net/doc/415617640.html,/cet6/586.html 雅思范文参考:用纳税人的钱改善交通状况时间:2010-08-12来源:英语学习方法栏目:雅思英语作文作者:雅思作文英语作文收藏:收藏本文雅思范文仅供参考,不可背诵,更不可用于实际考试,否则可能因为雷同得到极低分数,甚至0分。用纳税人的钱修路,改善交通状况To construct and maintain roads is a public service administered by the government. However, where does the money come from? Somebody believe that the governmen 雅思范文仅供参考,不可背诵,更不可用于实际考试,否则可能因为雷同得到极低分数,甚至0分。 用纳税人的钱修路,改善交通状况 To construct and maintain roads is a public service administered by the government. However, where does the money come from? Somebody believe that the government should allocate money


所有交通工具的英文单词 bus 公共汽车 driver 汽车司机 double decker bus 双层公共汽车coach, motor coach, bus 大客车 taxi, taxicab 计程汽车, 出租汽车trolleybus 无轨电车 tramcar, streetcar 电车, 有轨电车underground, tube, subway 地铁 stop 停车站 taxi rank, taxi stand 计程汽车车站, 出租汽车总站 taxi driver, cab driver 出租车司机conductor 售票员 inspector 检查员, 稽查员 ride 乘车 minimum fare (of a taxi) 最低车费railway 铁路(美作:railroad) track 轨道 train 火车 railway system, railway net-work 铁路系统 express train 特别快车 fast train 快车 through train 直达快车 stopping train, slow train 慢车excursion train 游览列车 commuter train, suburban train 市郊火车railcar 轨道车 coach, carriage 车厢 sleeping car, sleeper 卧车 dining car, restaurant car, luncheon car 餐车 sleeper with couchettes 双层卧铺车berth, bunk 铺位 up train 上行车 down train 下行车 luggage van, baggage car 行李车 mail car 邮政车 station, railway station 车站 station hall 车站大厅booking office, ticket office 售票处ticket-collector, gateman 收票员platform 月台, 站台 platform ticket 站台票 buffet 小卖部 waiting room 候车室 platform bridge 天桥 left-luggage office 行李暂存处platform-ticket 验票门 terminal, terminus 终点站 coach, passenger train 客车 car attendant, train attendant 列车员guard, conductor 列车长 rack, baggage rack 行李架 left-luggage office 行李房(美 作:checkroom) registration 登记 timetable 时刻表 change, transfer 换乘 connection 公铁交接处 ticket inspector 验票员 porter 搬运工人 to change trains at... 在(某地)换车the train is due at... 在(某时)到达 to break the journey 中途下车 boat, ship 船 (passenger) liner 邮轮, 客轮 sailing boat, sailing ship 帆船 yacht 游船 (ocean) liner 远洋班轮 packet boat 定期客船, 班轮 cabin 船舱 hovercraft 气垫船 life buoy 救生圈 lifeboat 救生艇 life jacket 救生衣 berth, cabin, stateroom 客舱 first-class stateroom (cabin) 头等舱second-class stateroom (cabin) 二等舱


英语中交通方式的表达 方法 Document serial number【LGGKGB-LGG98YT-LGGT8CB-LGUT-

英语中交通方式的表达方法: 1、用“by+交通工具”表示交通方式。如:by bike, by bus, by car , by plane , by train , by subway 等。但是,“步行”用on foot , 而不是by foot. 例句:They go to school by subway every day . 他们每天乘地铁去上学。 注意:by后面的交通工具名词是单数,而且名词前面不能加任何修饰词。 2、用"take a +交通工具”表示交通方式。如:take a bus , take a train , take a ship , 但“骑自行车”要用ride a bike 来表示。 例句:Mr . Smith often takes a train to work . 史密斯先生常坐火车去上班。 take + 限定词(如a / the)+交通工具名词"也可表示"乘坐"。如: You'd better take the No.3 bus to go there. I go to school by bus every day. 我每天坐公共汽车上学。 She takes a bus to go to school every day. 她每天坐公共汽车上学。 3、用某些动词短语来表示交通方式。如:walk to:步行去;drive to :开车去; ride to :骑马/车去;fly to :乘飞机去等。 注意:如果后面接地点副词here , there , home 等,介词to应省去。例句:I walk to school . You can drive there .


交通方式英语作文带翻译 交通方式英语作文带翻译 在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。你写作文时总是无从下笔?下面是小编整理的交通方式英语作文带翻译,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 Bus: This is the most common transporting means, because it's so cheap and efficient. You can go to other cities by bus, but it's very slow in rush hours. And sometimes it's dangerous to take the bus, because the traffic accidents may happen at any time on high ways. 公交车:这是最常见的交通运输工具,因为它是如此的便宜和高效。你可以做公交车去别的城市但是在上下班高峰期是很慢的。有时候坐公交车很危险,因为在高速公路上交通事 故是随时都可能发生的。 Train: It's suitable for the long trip. Not only it is fast and convenient, but also it's so economical. Most people can afford it. What's more, it's more pleasant than taking any other means of transportation. You can walk around and open the windows on the train. Besides, you can have a rest when you feel tired. And then you'll get to your destination the next day. 火车:对于长途旅行很合适。它不仅快速、方便,也很经济。大多数人都能坐得起。更重要的是,它比乘坐其他交通工

英语单词表 交通工具

aeroplane /airplane飞机 bicycle 单车 carriage 马车 coach 旅游巴士 boat 船 junk帆船 ferry 渡海轮 helicopter 直升机 ship 汽船 lorry 货车 motor-car汽车 bike/bicycle 自行车 motorbike/motorcycle 摩托车scooter 小型电单车 train 火车 tram 电车 peak-tram 缆车 truck 货车 taxi 的士 wagon 蓬车 rickshaw 人力车 Bus 巴士 school bus 校巴 minibus 小巴,面包车 underground / subway 地铁 light-van小型货车 garbage truck 垃圾车 automobile carrier 货运卡车 fire engine 消防车 tractor 牵引车 ambulance 救护车 taxi 出租车,计程车 trailer truck 拖车sports car 跑车 formula car 赛车 mail car 邮车 jeep 吉普车 police car 警车 wrecker 清障车 ambulance 急救车 五一小长假,带宝宝认识交通工具英语儿童常用英语单词大全 短语部分:这些交通工具的英文短语你都认识吗?一起来读读看吧~ ride a bike 骑自行车 get on/get off the bus 上/下公交车 get on/out of the car 上下轿车 traffic jam 堵车 railway station 火车站 bus stop 公交车站 traffic light 信号灯 句子部分:最后来看看这些交通工具英语句子吧, I got there on foot. 我走路去那儿。


英语中交通方式的表达方法: 1. 用“by+交通工具”表示交通方式。如:by bike, by bus, by car , by plane , by train , by subway 等。但是,“步行”用on foot , 而不是by foot. 例句:They go to school by subway every day.他们每天乘地铁去上学。 注意:by后面的交通工具名词是单数,而且名词前面不能加任何修饰词。 2. 用“take a +交通工具”表示交通方式。如:take a bus , take a train , take a ship , 但“骑自行车”要用ride a bike 来表示。 例句:Mr. Smith often takes a train to work.史密斯先生常坐火车去上班。 3. 用某些动词短语来表示交通方式。如:walk to 步行去;drive to开车去;ride to骑马/车去;fly to乘飞机去等。 注意:如果后面接地点副词here , there , home 等,介词to应省去。 例句:I walk to school. You can drive there.我步行去学校。你们可以开车去那儿。 4. 用“by+水、陆、空等”来表示交通方式。如:by water ~ 从水路;by land经陆路;by sea经海路;by air 乘飞机等。 例句:We went to Beijing by air this summer holiday.今年暑假我们坐飞机去北京了。 形式各异的交通方式 英语中表示交通方式的形式很多,但总的来说,不外乎两种方式,即:用介词和动词来表示。 一、用介词表示。 1.by + 表示交通工具的名词,泛指“乘/坐某种交通工具”,其中名词前无任何修饰语,且只能用单数。如: He came by train, but his wife came by bus.他坐火车来的,但他妻子坐汽车来的。 Travelling by elephant is great fun. 骑象旅行很有趣。 类似的词组还有:by car乘车;by plane乘飞机;by ship乘船;by taxi乘计程车;等。

交通方式 Means of Transportation_英语作文_2

交通方式Means of Transportation Bus:This is the most common transporting means, because it's so cheap andefficient. You can go to other cities by bus, but it's very slow in rush hours.And sometimes it's dangerous to take the bus, because the traffic accidents mayhappen at any time on high ways. 公交车:这是最常见的交通运输工具,因为它是如此的便宜和高效。你可以做公交车去别的城市但是在上下班高峰期是很慢的。有时候坐公交车很危险,因为在高速公路上交通事故是随时都可能发生的。Train:It's suitable for the long trip. Not only it is fast and convenient, but alsoit's so economical. Most people can afford it. What's more, it's more pleasantthan taking any other means of transportation. You can walk around and open thewindows on the train. Besides, you can have a rest when you feel tired. Andthen you'll get to your destination the next day. 火车:对于长途旅行很合适。它不仅快速、方便,也很经济。大多数人都能坐得起。更重要的是,它比乘坐其他交通工具都要愉快。你可以到处走走,打开火车上的窗户。此外,累了你可以好好的休息。然后第二天你就会到达你的目的地。 Plane:Air travel is very fast and enjoyable. It seems that our


英语交通工具教案活动目标:1. 学习新单词能够标准发音bike,taxi,car,bus. 2. 老师提问How do you go to travel? 幼儿会回答By bike/taxi/car/bus… 3. 乐于参与活动游戏,体验获得新知识的快乐。 活动准备:? 各交通工具单词卡片。 活动过程: 一.导入 T:大熊猫去旅游,坐车坐船乐悠悠。bike,bike自行车,taxi,taxi,出租车,car,car小轿车,bus,bus公交车,plane,plane飞机,飞机plane天上飞,ship,ship轮船,轮船ship水上行,truck,truck卡车,卡车truck地上跑,train,train火车,火车train呜呜叫。 Boys and girls, do you like to go to travel? 小朋友你们喜欢去旅游吗?How do you go to travel? 那你们喜欢坐什么去旅游呢? C: 坐自行车/出租车/小轿车/公交车… T:Oh, by bike/taxi/car/bus. 二.学习新单词bike,taxi,car,bus 游戏一:猜单词 将四张单词卡片都贴在黑板上,老师说出一个英文单词,请一个幼儿猜是哪个卡片,猜对了得一面红旗。幼儿跟读。

游戏二:看谁快又对 将四张卡纸放在地上,每组选一名代表,老师念出一个单词,所有的幼儿要马上跑到这个单词旁边。站对的可以得一面红旗。 游戏三:掷帅子 每组选一个代表,掷帅子,数字小的一方要念单词。念错的要扣掉一面红旗。 三:综合复习:童谣 大熊猫去旅游,坐车坐船乐悠悠。 bike,bike自行车, taxi,taxi,出租车, car,car小轿车, bus,bus公交车 That’s all for today. Class is over. Bye-bye. Boys and girls.


英语中交通方式的表达方法首先要学习英语中的交通工具: car 车 carriage 马车 rickshaw 人力车 bicycle 单车 scooter 小型电单车 motorcycle 摩托车 taxi 的士、出租车 motor-car 汽车 bus 巴士 school bus 校巴 coach旅游巴 jeep 吉普车 orry(美式) 货车 truck(英式) 货车 peak-tram 缆车 wagon 蓬车

简单的说交通方式: 坐火车by train/take a train 坐飞机 by air、by plane、Taking an Airplane、take a plane、Flying 步行 on foot 坐船by ship、take a boat、by water 坐公共汽车take a bus 坐汽车by car 坐出租汽车take a taxi 具体详细的学习: 1、用“by+交通工具”表示交通方式。如:by bike, by bus, by car , by plane , by train , by subway 等。但是,“步行”用on foot , 而不是by foot. 例句:They go to school by subway every day . 他们每天乘地铁去上学。 注意:by后面的交通工具名词是单数,而且名词前面不能加任何修饰词。 2、用"take a +交通工具”表示交通方式。如:take a bus , take a train , take a ship , 但“骑自行车”要用ride a bike 来表示。 例句:Mr . Smith often takes a train to work . 史密斯先生常坐火车去上班。 take + 限定词(如a / the)+交通工具名词"也可表示"乘坐"。如:


讨论交通方式的英语作文 导语:你出门都是使用什么交通工具呢?下面是yuwenmi 小编为备考的同学准备的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! 交通方式 Means of Transportation One way to get around in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai is to take a taxi, but it’s too expensive. Many people like to go out by subway or light rail. They are very fast and convenient. Now they are becoming more and more popular. Buses are cheap, but they are very slow in rush hours. If you want to see a city well, you can go out by bike. However, most people prefer to get around in a downtown area on foot, because it’s good for health. 在像北京和上海这样的大城市中坐出租车是到处走走的一种方式,但是太贵了。许多人都喜欢乘地铁或轻轨。地铁和轻轨是非常快和方便的。而且现在他们也变得越来越受欢迎。公共汽车是便宜的,但是在高峰期走得很慢。 如果你想好好看看一个城市,你可以骑着自行车。然而,大多数人更喜欢徒步去市中心,因为对健康有好处。


交通工具类英语单词 The Standardization Office was revised on the afternoon of December 13, 2020

交通工具 ambulance [‘?mbjul?ns] 救护车 bike [baik] 自行车(口语) bicycle [‘baisikl] 自行车 motorcycle [‘m?ut?,saikl] 摩托车 cart [ka:t] 二轮马车 carriage [‘k?rid?] 四轮马车 car [ka:] 小汽车 jeep [d?i:p] 吉普车 tractor [‘tr?kt?] 拖拉机 lorry [‘l?:ri] 重型卡车 truck [tr?k] 卡车 bus [b?s] 公共汽车 coach [k?ut?] 四轮大马车 van [v?n] 厢式货车 taxi [‘t?ksi] 计程车,出租汽车subway [‘s?bwei] 地铁 railway [‘reilwei] 铁路 train [trein] 火车 locomotive [‘l?uk?,m?utiv] 火车头,机车express [ik’spres] 快客列车,快车 boat [b?ut] 小船 ship [?ip] 船 yacht [j?t] 游艇 vessel [‘ves?l] 大船 warsh ip [‘w?:?ip] 军舰,战船aeroplane [‘ε?r?plein] 飞机 plane [plein] 飞机 aircraft [‘ε?kra:ft] 飞机 airplane [‘ε?plein] 飞机 jet [d?et] 喷气式飞机 spaceship [‘speis?ip] 宇宙飞船 space shuttle [spies '??tl] 航天飞机helicopter [‘helik?pt?] 直升飞机


我喜欢的交通方式英语作文 我喜欢的交通方式英语作文 Amongall means of transportation, I like bicycle most. Its cheap as well aspopular. 在所有的交通工具中,我最喜欢的是自行车。它很便宜也很受欢迎。 Thereare many advantages to ride the bicycle. In the first place, riding bicycle makesme feel independent. I can go anywhere by bicycle. Especially during rushhours, I can still move freely. Secondly, using a bicycle is good forenvironment protection, because it wont emit any waste gas. Moreover, bicycle ridingis also a good sport. While riding a bicycle, I can exercise myself, which ishealthful to me. 骑自行车有很多优点。首先,骑自行车使我感到独立。有了自行车我可以去任何地方。尤其是上下班时间,我仍然可以自由的移动。其次,使用自行车有利于环境保护,因为它不排放任何废气。此外,骑自行车也是一种很好的运动。骑自行车,对我来说是很健康的,我可以锻炼自己。 Inmy free time, I often ride my bicycle to get around in the downtown area or inthe countryside, so as to relax myself. Its really a nice outdoor activity forme, I think. 在我的空闲时间,我经常骑自行车在市区或者乡村到处走走,为的.是自我放松。我觉得那对我来说真的是一个很好的


交通工具 bike 自行车 bicycle 自行车 motorcycle 摩托车 cart 二轮马车 carriage 四轮马车 car 小汽车 jeep 吉普车 tractor 拖拉机 lorry 重型卡车 truck 卡车 bus 大客车 coach 大客车 van 厢式货车 taxi 计程汽车,出租汽车Ambulance 救护车 racing car 赛车 compact car 小型汽车 light-van 小型货车 garbage truck 垃圾车

automobile carrier 货运卡车sports car 跑车 mail car 邮车bloodmobile 血浆车camper 露营车 police car 警车underground 地铁 subway 地铁 railway 铁路 train 火车 boat 小船 ship 船 yacht 游船 vessel 大船;血管;管束warship 军舰 airplane 飞机 plane 飞机 aircraft 飞机 airplane 飞机 jet 喷气飞机spaceship 宇宙飞船

space shuttle 航天飞机 helicopter 直升飞机 英语中表示"乘坐"交通工具的有两种词类,即介词的“乘”和动词的“乘”。你得比较选用-- 1. by ①by + 交通工具名词,表示“乘坐”。 如:by bus, by bike, by plane, by train, by car, by taxi, by ship等。 ② by + 地理名词,表示“通过;由……途径”,此时表示旅行方式,而不涉及交通工具。 如:by sea (从海路),by air (由航空、坐飞机) 等。 【注意】在英语中,要表示乘坐某种交通工具可用by。介词by表示“乘”时,其后可直接跟表示交通工具的名词,该名词前不能有代词或冠词修饰。 2. in, on 介词in (on) + 冠词 (形容词性物主代词等) + 交通工具名词也可表示“乘、坐”。 in多用于带舱或车厢的交通工具名词前,侧重于封闭式的交通工具; on 多用于开放式或半封闭式的交通工具。 如: They often go to the farm on a bike. 他们通常骑自行车去农场。One day, you can go to the

辅导 电子邮件,怎么去上学 交通方式的英语表达 语块梳理

交通方式的英语表达 英语中的交通方式可以用动词短语和介词短语来表达。 ◆动词短语是由“动词 + the / a(n) / 形容词性物主代词 + 表示交通工具的名词”构成,在句中常作谓语。如: We take the bus to school. Helen sometimes rides a bike home. Mr. Miller usually drives his car to work. ◆介词短语是由“by +表示交通工具的名词”构成,在句中常作状语。如: We go to school by bus. Helen sometimes goes home by plane. ◆对交通方式进行询问要用how引导的特殊疑问句,其答语既可用动词短语也可用介词短语,通常两者可以互换使用。如: Mr. Brown usually goes to work by bike. (对划线部分提问) → How does Mr. Brown usually go to work? —How do you usually go home? —I usually drive my car. / By car. 注意:英语中on foot表示“步行;走路”,可与动词walk互换使用。 【运用】 Ⅰ. 汉译英 玛丽(Mary)乘坐地铁去上学。 ____________________ 或 ____________________ Ⅱ. 完成下列各题,每空一词。 1. My sister often gets to the store by car. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ your sister often get to the store? 2. Lily usually goes to Beijing by train. (改为同义句) Lily usually ________ ________ ________ to Beijing. 答案:


英语交通方式的表达方 法 集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]

交通方式的表达方法 How do/does sb. get to ... 常用来询问交通方式,该问句的答语有以下几种: 1.take + 限定词 + 交通工具名称,如 take the bus/subway/train/taxi 等。 ——How does your father go to Guangzhou ——He takes the train. 2.in/on + 限定词 + 交通工具名称,如on a bus/bike, on the train/in his car 等。 ——How does Lily go to school ——She goes to school on her bike. 3.by + 交通工具名称,如by bus/by train/by taxi/by subway/by plane/air/by sea/ship 等。 ——How do you go to Beijing ——I go to Beijing by plane. 注意:该结构中交通工具名称前不加任何冠词,而且不用复数形式。 4.动词+ to + 地点名词。常用的动词有walk, ride, drive, fly 等。 He wants to ride to his friend’s home. My mother often walks to the office. 注意:动词后面若直接接地点副词(here, there, home等)时,介词to 要省略。


有关旅行交通方式的英语作文 导语:你旅行的时候会选择自驾游还有跟团组织呢?下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! In general, there are two ways of traveling, private cars and public transportation. Chinese people should regard public transportation as their first traveling opinion. First, there are so many people living in this countries that make it so crowded. If each chinese people own a car, there will be far more traffic jams and accidents, which increase you impatience. Moreover, there will be far more pollution resulted from cars. Once a car started, it release huge amount of dirty gas and heat, which lead to great pollution and result in green house effect. All in all, Chinese people should take public transpotation into consideration first。 一般来说,有两种方式的旅行,私家车和公共交通。中国人应该把公共交通作为他们的第一次旅游意见。
