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o Implies it is secondary, of less importance or effectiveness
“Integrative Medicine”
o “The practice of medicine that reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches, healthcare professionals, and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing.
o Integrates the best of all the available modalities
o More options for effectiveness o More options to minimize toxicity o More options to meet patient
o The Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine
“Integrative” Medicine = Good Medicine
o Focus on wellness as well as disease management
o Acupuncture o Ayurveda
o And More?. . . .
Why here and now?
o My own opinion: it is the face of medicine to come because it works.
o Mainstream medicine is failing in chronic disease management
o It is “sexy” – attractive to patients and to prospective residents
o It is the reality of what our patients are doing and we might as well offer them some guidance
Some Teaching Points for Discussing Integrative Medicine
with Residents. . .
Keep your mind open, but not so open that all your brains fall out. . . .
o Medical training promotes a toxic lifestyle
⁂ Resident wellness will be a part of the curriculum we offer
Integrative Medicine
What is it? Why do we care?
A Rose by Any Other Name. . .
“Alternative Medicine”
o Implies this is being used instead of traditional/allopathic approaches
i.e. addressing the whole patient in their social and family context.
And using an expanded toolkit. . . .
The Expanded Toolkit
o Allopathic and osteopathic approaches
Physician, Heal Thyself
o Most of the chronic diseases we are treating are lifestyle diseases
o We cannot be good lifestyle coaches to our patients if our lifestyles are not healthy
preferences/provide patient-centered care
o A little comment on my own journey. . .
So What Do You Integrate?
o The Classic Biopsychosocial Model that Family Medicine adheres to. . .
o MedicaFra Baidu bibliotek o Surgical o Manipulative
o Mind-Body (and Spirit?) o Nutritional Medicine/Functional Medicine o Herbal Medicine o Modalities from other cultures:
o Potential for harm, if potentially effective treatment is not considered
“Complementary” Medicine
o Implies it is used to “complement” traditional/allopathic approaches
The same evidence-based approach that we use for evaluating any intervention applies to these
Caveat: there may only be small or older studies because of research funding priorities/profit motives