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UNIT 10 Profits Of Praise

Teaching Time: 8 hours

Students’ level: non-English majors of the second semester of the 1st year.

Teaching Objectives:

1.To shed new light on the positive effect of praise that not only brings joy into other people’s lives, but also, very often, adds happiness into our own.

1)To remember that “praise produces far better results than criticism”;

2)To get rid of the habit of being "ready to criticize but reluctant to praise";

3)To develop the habit of being alert to the small excellencies around us".

2. About the text, Ss should grasp the text content, text structure, basic vocabularies and required grammar points of the section.

Words: alert, apply, appreciate, comment, constructive, convey, critical, criticize, discourage, dozen,drown,earn, load, reluctant, routine,scold, somehow, profit, quit

Phrases & Expressions: make out, only too, no much of a, fish out, shrug off, pass on, live on

Grammar: instead of, it is that...

3. About reading, Ss review the skills of reading.

4. About writing, Ss review the skills of paragraph developing.

5. About listening, Ss finish Unit 10 directed by the teacher.

Teaching Procedures:

I.Pre-reading Activities

1.Background information:

tip, behavior and behavioral science

2.Introductory remarks:

Which do we benefit more from, praise or criticism? What profits does praise bring? What kind of people need praise most and why? The author of this article used her own experience to answer these questions.

3.Warm-up questions

(1) Do you like to hear praise? Why or why not?

(2) What profits can praise bring?

---Pleasure, encouragement, confidence, strength, favor, etc

(3) What can be regarded as praise?

---Favorable remarks, compliments, pleasing comments, supportive opinions, appreciative gestures, pat on the back, etc.

4.Key words and expressions:

1) profit:

a) n. advantage or good obtained from sth.; money gained in business Example:

Unlike nonprofit organizations, we do everything for a profit.

b) vt. be of advantage to Example:

The new bus route profits those who do not have cars.

c) vi. he benefited or helped Example:

1 profited a lot from the trip abroad.


a)v. put a full amount of things on or in sth. Example:

The father loaded the family into their old tuck and drove west.

b)n. that which is to be carried or supported Example:

Your arrival took a load off my mind.

3)only too:

very Example:

If you invite him,he will be only too glad to attend

4)not much of a :

a) not noteworthy; having poor quality; not a good

E.g. He's not much of a linguist / artist.

b) < related phrases> much of: deserving note; something of; to some extent; in some sense

E.g. He is much of an officer.

He's something of a liar, don't you think?


give an often exaggerated feeling of pleasure to; praise insincerely Example:
