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A. to solve

B. to be solve

C. being solved

D. solving

A. for her to return

B. that she must return

C. her returning

D. of him to return

A. costs... to get

B. costs... getting

C. takes... to get

D. takes... getting

A. to explain

B. to have been explained

C. to be explained

D. to be explaining

A. to learn

B. to be learning

C. to have learned

D. to have been learning

Keys: 1-5 A A C C C


1.The flu is believed_______ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.

A. causing

B. being caused

C. to be caused

D. to have been caused

2.There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars road conditions need

A. that. .. to be improved

B. which ... to be improved

C. where. . . to be improving

D. when.. . improving

3.Remember_________the magazine when you have finished reading it.

A. putting back

B. having put back

C. to put back

D. will put back

4.—I'm sorry I forgot________ your dictionary.

—Let's use Li Hua's.

A. to take

B. taking

C. to bring

D. bringing

A. to do what

B. what to do

C. doing what

D. what doing

A. writing... phoning

B. to write. . . to phone

C. writing... to phone

D. to write. . . phoning

7.Tom is always forgetting things he has done. Yesterday, he forgot and looked for it eve-


A. to post the letter

B. to have the letter posted

C. to having posted the letter

D. having posted the letter

A. to be not

B. not to be

C. not being

D. being not

9.My brother regretted _______ a lecture given by Prof. Wang.

A. missing

B. to miss

C. missed

D. being missing

10.I regret _______ you that we are unable to offer you a job.

A. informing

B. having informed

C. to inform

D. to informing

11.He felt tired with typing the lecture. So he stopped_______ a short break.

A. having

B. to have

C. taking

D. to taking

12.In order to gain a bigger share in the international market, many state-run companies are

striving their products more competitive.

A. to make

B. making

C. to have made

D. having made

A. to sit... wept

B. to sit. .. weeping

C. sit... wept

D. sat. . . weeping

14.—You have come just in time to

help us.

—Fine. What needs



A. I do

B. done

C. to be done

D. to do

15.That evening, he set about_________ t he report_______ the next morning.

A. write... to hand in

B. to write.. . handing in

C. written... to hand in

D. writing... to be handed in

16.There seemed nothing ________ to do but ________ f or the doctor.

A. leave... send

B. left... to send

C. left... send

D. leaving... send

17.Do you think it difficult________ a dolphin ________ ?

A. to train... jumping

B. training... for jumping

C. to train... jump

D. to train... to jump

18.I prefer _______ rather than_______ .

A. to do some reading... watching TV

B. doing some reading... watching TV

C. to do some reading... watch TV

D. doing some reading... to watch TV

19.The two boys pretended _________ v ery hard, though they did nothing.

A. study

B. studying

C. to be studied

D. to be studying Keys: 1-5 CACCB6-10 CDBAC 11-15 BAB CD 16-19CDCD
