新编英语教程第三版3unit 3知识点

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3. 这位年轻学者专心致志地开发新型的电脑翻译软 件,他深信在不久的将来自己会成名。
This young scholar devoted all his attention to the development of a new type of computer translation software in the full conviction that he would make a name for himself in the near future.
7. 令人难以置信的是他在两年内竟然把这些普通的 女孩子训练成了世界一流的长跑运动员。
It’s unbelievable that he made world-class long distance runners out of these ordinary girls within two years.
What kind of tone of this text?
Sentence patterns: 1. There is no country where Shakespeare’s work is not read with something very like awe because there is something fascinating about a man whose work was so much better than that of anyone else. 2. Nobody even knows the exact date of his birth ... Nor can it be proved that he went to the excellent local grammar school ... 3. It can never be proved, but it seems ...
After reading exercise
Before Reading Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Useful Expressions
1. 签遗嘱
sign one’s will
2. 富裕
3. (数目)达 4. 因„„而兴盛 5. 牵涉到 6. 说服某人(做某事)
2. 他提出这个问题是出于好奇心,而非出于求知欲。
He asked the question out of mere curiosity rather than out of any genuine desire for knowledge.
这里的“是„„,而非„„”句型可以用“rather than”来表示,“求知欲”可以用“desire for knowledge”表示。
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Free Discussion 2. Can you give some idioms from Shakespeare?
bay (bark at) the moon 对月亮吠叫(干徒劳无益的事) What’s done is done. 事情干了就算了(既往不咎)。 Murder will out. (Truth will come to light.) 纸包不住火
What kind of tone of this text?
Sentences using superlatives:
1. ... out of its most famous citizen ... 2. ... would have the greatest of difficulty ... 3. ... but of all the probabilities the most likely one is that he travelled abroad ... 4. were proof that the greatest literary career of all time ...
6. 我们的班长两个星期前突发高烧,此后一直卧床 不起。 Our monitor was suddenly down with a high fever two weeks ago and has been keeping to his bed ever since (since then). “突发高烧”可以用“be suddenly down with a high fever”来表示,“卧床不起”可以用“keep to one’s bed”表示,“此后”可以用“ever since”表示。
(真相终将大白)。 strange bedfellows 同床异梦
to gild the refined gold / to paint the lily / to smooth the ice
measure for measure 一报还一报 much ado about nothing 无事生非
“竭力做某事,但无济于事”可以用“try one’s best to do sth., but in vain”来表达。
9. 那些过着富裕生活的农民从未想过要迁居到大都 市去生活。
It never occurred to those comfortably off farmers that they would move to a metropolitan city.
e.g. 1.她突然来了一阵灵感,想出答案来了。 2. 一晃就是5年。
1. The answer came to her in a flash of inspiration. 2. Five years have elapsed in a flash.
Comments: What kind of tone in this text?
“令人难以置信”可以用“it is unbelievable that” 句型,“竟然”不需要特别翻译,因为“it is unbelievable”的表达已经有这个意思了。
8. 他们竭力说服她放弃诉讼,但都无济于事。
They tried their best to talk her into giving up the lawsuit, but in vain.
comfortably off
amount to
thrive out of become involved in
talk somebody into (doing sth.) a mass of questions nothing remains of Write with great conviction
5. 这扇门这么低,那个高个子进屋时无法挺直身子, 只能低头猫腰进入。 It was such a low doorway that the tall man had to bend his head rather than keep upright when entering the room. 这句话可以用“such … that”结构表示,“低头猫 腰”可以用“bend one’s head”来表示。
“某人从未想过”可以用“it never occurred to sb. that”的句型来表示。
10. 他在餐厅享用美味的晚餐时,听到车子的警报声, 猛然间他想起自己停在外面马路上的车子未上锁。 While enjoying his delicious dinner in a restaurant, he heard the car alarm and realized in a flash that he left his car outside in the street unlocked. 这句话中的“猛然间”可以用“in a flash”来表示。
7. 一堆问题 8. 什么也没留下 9. 以巨大的信服力写作
1. There is no country where Shakespeare’s work is not read with something very like awe because there is something fascinating about a man whose work was so much better than that of anyone 1. 没有一个国家不是怀着一种类似敬畏的心情阅读莎士比亚的作品, 因为这是一个令人着迷的男人,他的作品远比其他人的要好。
Specific words/ Sentence patterns /Sentences using superlatives :
1. The most interesting part of the will ... 2. There is something fascinating about a man ... 3. ... that have been written about this amazing writer.
Using the above sentence patterns to make up sentences.
4. Translation A. Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English.
1. 凡是听到她不幸遭遇的人无不深表同情。 No one who has heard about her misfortune will not feel deep sympathy for her. 这句话为“双重否定”,用“no one … not”来表 示,“深表同情”可以用“feel deep sympathy for ...”表示。
这里的“专心致志”可以用“devote all one’s attention to”表 示,“成名”可以用“make a name for oneself”表示。
e.g. 我完全相信他很勇敢。
I'm in the full conviction that he is courageous.
4. 别把它当作一回事,我刚才所说的并非指你。 Don’t take it seriously. What I’ve just said is not meant for you. “当作一回事”可以用“take it seriously”表示。