gossip girl绯闻女孩第一季第二集台词

gossip girl绯闻女孩第一季第二集台词
gossip girl绯闻女孩第一季第二集台词


ur one and only source

into the scandalous lives

of manhattan's elite.

top story on my home page-- serena van der woodsen, everybody's favorite "it" girl, has just returned

from a mysterious absence. you'll never believe

what's on "gossip girl." someone saw serena getting off a train at grand central.

and everyone is talking. blair,it's serena.


and b.'s boyfriend nate-- rumor has it--

he's always had a thing

for serena.

but you're back now.

i didn't come back for you. look, blair's my best friend, and you're her boyfriend,

and she loves you.

why did she leave?

why did she return?

must be a lot of rumors

why you're back.

yeah, but none of them mention you.

he tries to take his own life, and you're worried

it's gonna cost you, mom?

you have no idea

what it's been like.

the best friend

and the boyfriend--

that's pretty classy, s.

and nate's friend chuck

won't let serena

forget about her past.

i'm trying to change.

i liked you better before. and then there's dan,

the outsider.

looks like his childhood crush has returned.

she doesn't know me.

nobody knows me. it's cool. no. no, no, no, no, no.

uh, serena, um,

do you know this young man? oh, from last night.

you remember me?

you'd really go out

with some guy you don't know? well, he can't be worse

than the guys i do know.

guess whose dad is cool.

it's a trick question.


'cause it can't be ours.

"top ten forgotten bands

of the '90s."

yeah, check out

who's number nine.

he's very proud.

hey! hey,

way to be forgotten.

why is my daughter

going to one of your concerts? well, our kids were bound

to meet. it's a small island.

are you sure it's not some ploy, your using my daughter

to get to me

now that your wife left you? serena and her mystery man made a surprise appearance

at blair's

kiss on the lips party.

serena's here?

what is she doing here?

she wasn't invited.

but serena wasn't the only one who made an impression...

who's the newbie?

jenny made an impression

on chuck.

let's go and talk somewhere quieter.

get off! stop!

hey! that is my little sister! don't you

ever touch her again!

hey, your life is over, slut! she better

not show her face again.

i'm actually hoping

she will.

you think i got a shot

at a second date?

we'll talk about it

in the cab.

and now that s. is back,

will the upper east side

ever be the same?

we're all just dying

to see what happens next. and who am i?

that's a secret

i'll never tell.

you know you love me.

x.o.x.o., gossip girl.

i bet you're wondering

what gossip girl

is doing up so early.

truth is, i never went to bed. why waste precious time dreaming

when waking life

is so much better?

* i did cause a commotion

* i can't help

but make a scene *

* ooh

* i ain't looking

is there really anything better than a lazy sunday? reading the paper in bed, sipping coffee, scrambling an egg or two. yeah, right.

we upper east siders

don't do lazy.

breakfast is brunch,

and it comes with champagne, a dress code and a hundred

of our closest friends...

and enemies.

* say, hey,

is it gonna be tonight? *

* come hit me up,

come hit me up *

chuck's dad, bart bass,

is hosting the annual brunch for his foundation. everyone is invited.

well, not everyone.

* held me right

oh. hey, you're up.

and you're

checking up on me.

i'm okay.

really, i'm okay.

you know, i was okay

when you asked me at the party and in the cab,

when we got home,

before and after

i brushed my teeth.

look, i just feel

really stupid.

i mean, how could

i have actually thought

that chuck bass

just wanted to talk to me? because you trust people, which is normally

a good thing.

yeah, except

when it involves chuck. yeah, pretty much.

so the real question is,

uh, how are you?


why wouldn't i be okay?

you know, at the end

of the night, with serena

and the--the--the...

was it really that bad?

this is me.

so... good night.



um, yeah, good night.

go! walk her

to the door. something. go! okay.

oh! oh, god.

that hurt a lot.

whoa, whoa, stop, stop.

sir, stop, stop, stop.


oh, i think

i have brain damage.

you know what, dan?

if you had brain damage,

you wouldn't even know

if you had brain damage. no, let's go, please.

uh, wi--williamsburg.



so he waved?


no, he was just trying

to be funny.

maybe he's shy.

or he hates me.

no guy in the history

of the world has ever hated you. she probably thinks

i hate her now.

i've waited my entire adolescent life for a date with this girl, you know,

serena van ddsen...

and i decide to close the evening with a wave.

it was a nice wave.

at the end of a date?

come on, there's no such thing. and you only get one shot with a girl like serena.

i got mine, and i blew it. which means

you have nothing to lose. no, nothing except

my last shred of dignity.

oh, no. i think that's gone. you're right.

you know what? i'm just--

i'm gonna go talk to her.

i'm gonna apologize

for the wave.

i'm gonna tell her

how much i like her,

and i'm gonna ask

for a second shot.

no, i'm gonna get

a second shot.

yeah, you are.


wait, wait, wait.

i love the plan,

but, uh, you need

a better outfit.

and maybe a shower. whatever.

it's probably for the best.

the last thing i need

in my life is a new guy.

he was just so smart,


and--and funny...

it sounds like

you like him.

and really nice.

god, blair was

so mean to me last night.

i don't even know why. whatever.

i'm sure if we talk about it,

we can work it out.

hey, maybe i should

go over there.

- went to paus brunch at 2 wear peale! - serena had better just stay away. thank you, dorota.

(yeah, thanks.

we love sleeping at blair's.

i don't want

to see serena at school,

and she better not show

at brunch today.

you're really mad at serena.

yeah, i hope you never

get that mad at us.

well, you would never do

what serena did.

no, never.

of course not.

i wonder if nate

remembered brunch.

it would be so wrong

for me to show up

without my boyfriend

whom i love, and who loves me. mm.


hi, sweetie.

did i wake you?

no, i'm up.


get some strong coffee

and jump in the shower, sleepyhead.

chuck's dad's brunch

for his foundation

is today at the palace.

oh, right. of course.

nathaniel, keep it down.

some of us are trying

to regain our strength.

your dad's brunch is today.

alarm's set for 9:00. it's 10:00.

ladies, double-time.


oh, unless... nathaniel...

i'm good.

actually, could you two

bring some coffee

when you get a chance?

and some water... lots of water. you want ice with that?

looks like

you could use some.

that's enough, ladies.

and i'll be sure

to tell my father

just how committed you are

to the hospitality industry.

that kid popped

you pretty good, huh?

never mess

with a guy's sister.

and if i knew his name,

i'd hunt him down and kill him. why, 'cause you

kill people now?

you gonna strangle him

with your scarf?

don't mock the scarf, nathaniel. it's my signature.

i'm just saying,

death by scarf--

not that intimidating.

he sucker punched me.

i told you.


better a broken nose

than a broken heart.

what? i didn't even talk

to serena last night.

who said anything

about serena?

do i look okay?


second-shot material.

all right,

then i'm gonna go.

oh, um,

and about what happened, you know, with, uh, chuck?

if you wanna,

like, talk to someone...

n-not your brother--

just let me know.


yeah, i'll...

all right.

hey, uh, wait.

actually, there is someone

i wanna talk to.

hey, hey,

where you guys going?

i was gonna make waffles. ooh. sorry, dad.

yeah, can't.

but i wanna hear

about your date.


and your party.

when we get back.

you guys missed

a really great show,

and i make

really good waffles.

* my engine's ready

to explode, explode, explode * palace hotel lobby.

hi. this is,

uh, nate archibald

calling from the bass suite.

i know you don't normally give out this information,

but can you tell me what room the van der woodsens

are in, please?

hey, blair. it's me.

uh, i guess

you're still sleeping,

but i'm gonna come over. i think we need to talk.

okay. uh, see you soon. bye.

* so if you feel me,

let me know, know, know *

* come on now

it looks like

the table's all set.

as soon as the guests arrive,

we can start dishing.

here's what's on the menu...

* watch me go, go, go, go

* get you where you wanna go, if you know what i mean *

* baby, you got the keys


my michel perrys?

i can't find anything in here! well, it might help

if you unpacked.

look, you're home now.

it's your life.

you should start living it.

this is not life,

this is a hotel--

which we're living in because you decided you didn't like

the color of the walls

in our real home.

mom, i said

i'd go to this brunch.

what more do you want from me? sweetie, why are you

being like this?

you love parties.

this is just not like you.

maybe it is like me. maybe you don't know what i'm really like. oh, okay, tell me.

(rooney's "when did your heart go missing?" playing)

so did you and dan have fun

at the concert last night?

we, um, never made it.

we actually ended up

at the kiss on the lips party. ah. well,

that must have pleased blair. blair? actually,

no, not that pleased,

which is why i'm going

to talk to her.

well just be back

in time for brunch, okay? mom.

look, honey, i know how hard it is for you to be back,

but the more

you hide yourself away,

the more people are gonna think you have something to hide. coming from someone

who's keeping my brother

in an institution.

that's different.

i mean it. don't be late.

* so misled, oh

wait! thanks.

* i'm waiting,

waitinthing *

* you're leaving,

leaving me hanging *

* when did your heart

go missing? *

* when did

your heart go missing? * (bach's "brandenburg concerto no. 3" playing)

hey. how you doing?

uh, i-i was in yesterday

with serena.

how could i forget?

yeah, well, um,

is she in?

just missed her, actually,

but you're welcome to wait. okay, maybe i will.

she--she probably

won't be that long, right? once she went out and didn't come back for six months, but feel free to sit.

over there.

over there

is where i'll be.

hi, nate.

it's great to see you.

hi, mrs. van der woodsen. good to see you.

oh, i'm just heading out. oh, is serena in?

oh, you just missed her,

but i'll tell her you came by. i'm sure she'll

be happy to hear it.

uh, i don't know aut that. oh, what?

come on, serena loves you.

i mean, i think she's always had a little crush on you.

of course, you and blair

are the perfect couple. mm. is serena gonna be long?

i could just wait.

oh, well, dexter here

can take care of you.

i'm just gonna step out

for a while.

nate's gonna wait

for serena.

great. he can get in line behind that guy.

i had a feeling

you'd be back.

dan, is it?

humphrey. yes.

it's nice to see you again, mrs. van der woodsen.

i hope you've had

a pleasant, uh...

uh, 21 hours

since i last saw you.

yes, it has

been very pleasant...

until now.







hey, i got two bone-dry caps and audrey.

i must

have totally blanked

on the part

where i invited you over.

i-i called you.

blair, it's sunday morning. coffee, croissants, "breakfast at tiffany's."

it's our tradition.

i have new traditions now. well, they're not traditions

if they're new.

look, blair, i'm really trying

to make an effort here.

i thought everything

was good between us.

it was...

before i found out

you had sex with my boyfriend. how'd you find out?

nate told me.

at least he felt he owed it

to me to tell the truth.

i don't know what to say.

don't bother saying anything.

i wouldn't believe you anyway. blair, it was...

you know...

i always knew

you were a whore.

i never took you

for a liar, too.

blair, how can i fix this?

you don't, serena. you just stay away

from me,

my boyfriend

and my friends.

you're done here.

serena's visit was short

and apparently not very sweet. but you know what is? revenge.

we hear it's best served cold. who's hungry?

dorota, i told you

i didn't want to see anyone.

hi, jenny.


what do you want?


i realized that i still have

your calligraphy pens

from the party invitations,

and thought you might

need them for something.

that is the lamest excuse

i've ever heard.

you wanna know what chuck bass is saying about you.


is he... saying things?

is anyone?

mm... no.

not yet, anyway.

chuck likes to brag about

his conquests, not his victims. come on. you can help me

get ready for brunch.

okay. sure.

nice flowers.

they're hydrangeas.

just coffee.

i'm not staying long.

i'd like to get out of here

before someone throws me down and tattoos me.

this is brooklyn, lil,

not the warped tour.

and don't tell me you had

all your tattoos removed.

i mean, even that one,

that little heart-shaped one between your, uh...

uh, don't try to be cute, okay? those days

are well behind you.

and here i thought i was getting better-looking every day.

so what's the big emergency? dan went out

with serena last night.

and us humphreys

sure are proud of him.

well, currently,

he's sitting in the lobby

of the hotel

where we're living.

hi. can i help you?

two americanos...

one with an extra shot?


you don't actually think

i'm gonna tell my kid

who he can and can't date.

i mean, is that really

the reason you came down here? oh, well, i know

what you're implying.

admit it.

you're falling for me again.

you're right, you're right.

it's the low-income tax bracket, the bad v-neck t-shirts,

the awful jokes.

i don't know

why your wife you.

well, she's got better

taste than you.

here you are. thanks.

i mean, come on.

why else have i seen you more in the last 2 days

than in the last 15 years?

an unfortunate twist of fate. but fate nonetheless.

unless you, uh...

are you seeing someone? no, not really.

uh-huh, not serious...

or he's married.

that is your type.

that's enough, rufus.

what's his name?

i've read about him

in "forbes" or "rolling stone"? well, whoever he is, i'm sure he can't keep up with you. well, i'm gonna take that

as a compliment,

but i'm serious.

i'm worried about serena.

i don't need some new boy influencing her,

distracting her

from her needs.

well, no offense, lil,

but i'm guessing a kid like dan is exactly what serena needs. so, uh...

what do you need

to talk to serena about? nothing,

just in the neighborhood. you?


am nowhere near

the neighborhood,

but i'm working

on a better excuse.

you guys, like...

oh, uh...

i... i don't know.

yeah, well,

that's serena.

with her,

you'll never know. nathaniel.

there you are.

what are you doing? nothing, waiting for you. him?

hey, what are you

doing here?

why, what is this--

uh, your hotel?

actually, it is.

yeah, so unless you have

a reason to be here,

i'll have to ask you

to wait on the curb

with the rest of the trash. trash? look, man,

i live in brooklyn, all right? not the ozarks...

no offense to the ozarks.

but don't you think we're taking this class warfare thing a little too far?

i haven't even started, man. okay, man, let's just go.

don't tell me you're sticking up for serena's new bitch.

if anyone's got a reason

to kick his ass, it's you.

he's not worth it.

not here.

this isn't over.

hey, anytime, man.

that one black eye

looks a little lonely.

come on, chill out.

wow. blair, it's...

it's beautiful.

i mean, you look... beautiful.

it's average.

the color is last season,

and besides,

stella mccartney has a much better version

at bergdorf's.

right. i... i've been meaning

to go by bergdorf's.


these dolls are great.

oh, my god.

you have a cabbage patch.

my brother used to have one

of these. his name was cedric. your brother's name

is cedric?

uh, no that was

his cabbage patch kid.

my brother's name is dan. actually, you might know him. he, um, he went out

with serena last night.

that's your brother?

so does that mean

you're friends with serena now?

i mean, i don't have

a problem with her,

but if someone did have

a problem with her,

i wouldn't have a problem

with that either.

you know...

if you like that dress,

you can have it.

what? no, no.

i'm sure you'll

find some way to repay me. oh, blair, thank you.

i mean,

for the dress and...

for the other thing

about, uh, about chuck.

if you want to be

part of this world, jenny, people will talk... eventually,

and you need to decide

if all this is worth it.

(ferraby lionheart's "the ballad of gus and sam" playing)

* i'm an honest guy

* i've got no reason to lie

* you're a superstitious girl dan. hey.

i-i-i was

in the neighborhood...

uh, give or take 70 blocks.

* yeah, i can tell

um, i just wanted

to tell you in person

that, uh,

the end of last night

may have not been

my finest hour.

there was a, uh, a wave.

i-i-i saw that, yeah.

yeah, yeah, and since then,

i've just

been wondering, uh...

* your position's good

are you hungry?


actually, i've had


well, you--you wanna--

you wanna talk?

and eat? not necessarily

in that order.

yes, i would love to do both, but food first,

because i'm starving. great.

just in time for brunch. mom.

ms. van der woodsen. dan... still here.

look, mom,

i really don't think

it's a good idea

for me to go to that brunch. you promised.

yeah, but that was bef-- before i knew dan

was hungry, too.

i can't let the boy starve.

it would be inhumane.

he's not invited.

yeah, that's why

i'm going with him.

because i can't go

with her.

and we have plans

to go to brunch togeth

we had those plans.

serena, you're home,

living under my roof,

my rules.

what is it gonna take

to get you dressed

and through that door?

(joss stone's "tell me 'bout it" playing)

* i need a little loving

at least two times a day *

* so when i call you, boy,

you better run here right away * * let's have a show of hands

* who's addicted to their man?

* if i can do the things

i want to you *


uh, you know what? may-- maybe this was a-a bad idea.

you've got to be kidding. yeah, this was--this was definitely a bad idea.this should be fun. looks like chuck and blair showed up

with quite an appetite...

for destruction, that is.

oh, tell me, baby

tell me, baby

hey, dad,

how's the new song going?

oh, i think

i need more coffee.

whatever works.

where'd you get the dress?

oh, it was a thank you-gift from blair for doing

the party invitations.

oh, and it looks like a

very expensive thank you-gift. dad, she has a closet

the size of this apartment

just full of them.

see, her mom designed it.

and her mom is very talented,

but the dress you made

for yourself is much nicer.

which is why

you don't wear dresses.

uh, one of a couple

of reasons.

hey, you think

the farmers market's still open? yeah. why, you wanna go?


i thought you were getting too

old to go places with your dad. well, you used to be cool,

and the '90s

are having a comeback.

you have no idea

how much that hurts.

well, i can't say much

for his child-rearing skills,

but bart bass

knows brunch.

um, i, uh, i-i need to use

the ladies room.

uh, you think you'll be okay

by yourself for a while?

yeah. come on.

me and, uh, some beluga caviar? can't get enough

of the stuff.

hey, how's it going?

no, you're--you're okay.

yeah, just, uh, go ahead and do your thing.

oh, no


she's at the bottom

of that bottle


she's only one more swallow hey


would you excuse me? father.

the, uh,

the invitation said

"black tie,"

not "black eye."

are you okay?

i mean, if you're

in some kind of trouble...

only of my own making.

why do you think

i do all this, huh?

this party is for you,


so you can meet people,

you know,

become a part of something, make some kind of change. really?

i thought it was

another excuse for an open bar and, uh, rehiring

of the nearly nude statues.

do me a favor, will you?

lose the scotch.

it's barely noon.

she's at the bottom of that bottle hey

serena, i really need

to talk to you.

actually, i need to talk to you, which means you can listen. nate, you told blair.

what were you thinking? look, i want to explain.

excuse me.


we can't talk here.


where blair might see us?

meet me in chuck's suite.

i'm not sneaking around with you. please. just to talk.

ten minutes.

i'll meet you up there.

you look beautiful,

as always.

where's your lovely mother


paris. must be some drama

at the atelier.

oh, nothing too dramatic,

i hope.

her line is doing very well.

i was just telling my firm what

a great investment she'd make.

she's really going places.

hopefully places

far, far away.

just kidding.

hey. let me get you a refill.

i'll be right back.

i'll go with you.

excuse us.

oh, no

blair seems happy.

it looks like, uh,

you're taking care

of business, as discussed.

dad, not everything in life's

a business deal.

come talk to me

in thirty years.

i want to introduce you

to timothy good.hi.

his firm has got some really interesting summer internships.nice to meet you. she's only one more swallow

hey from being oh, so hollow hey, hey

i can't believe serena

came to this brunch.

i told her to stay away.

you worried about nate?

just a shot in the dark.

i think you know what you need to do to get his attention.

and what's that?

the key to my suite,

nate's heart

and your future happiness.

i'm honored to be playing even a small role

in your deflowering.

you're disgusting.

yes, i am, so why be shy?

just grab nate

and finish this.

report back with details.

oh, no


she's at the bottom

nice to meet you. dad.

hey, can i get you a drink?


how about me?um...

what, you have

a better offer or...

no, of course not.


uh, now?

now. now.


hey, hey, hey, hey, hey mmm.

where are we going?

i got us the best room

in the whole place.

wait,this is chuck's suite. nate.



spotted--n. and b.

hot and heavy in the halls

of the palace hotel,

only to find s.

already waiting.

sparks were flying for sure,

but will it be a 3-way

or d-day?

is she doing here?

i was meeting nate.

just to talk, i swear.

you said you'd never speak to her again. you said that? why would you say that? because you can't be trusted.

it's not serena's fault.

do not defend her.

i asked her to come.

oh. oh, so youdo want to talk to her. yes, to explain

why i'm not talking to her.

maybe i'll leave you two

to finish that fascinating conversation.

oh, no, no. i'll go. let you

guys get back to your quickie.

it wasn't a quickie.

sex is actually kind of

a big deal to some of us.

oh, yeah, i can see that.

chuck's bed? very romantic.

classy, too.

oh, like you?

i'll bet your new friend dan wouldlove to hear

all about how classy you are.

dan? what...

what, you really think

she would tell him? it's blair.

i can't believe you told her.

you just expected me to keep it a secret? yes, nate. there's nothing wrong

with keeping a secret

if the truth is gonna hurt someone.

that's a hell of a way to look at things. oh, i'm sorry. i didn't

realize all of a sudden

you're the most honest guy

on the planet.

well, it just seems to me

that you're the one

that doesn't want to be seen together in public.

no, ido want to be seen together.

i just don't want to see you

with anyone else.

tell your harem

of shopgirls and models

that you're seeing someone.

i am, but those conversations take a little time.

well, they've got nothing

but time, bart. they're 25.

excuse me.

dan, wai

look, i really don't appreciate

your lurking in the shadows, eavesdropping

on my private conversation.

what? no. no, no, i wasn't.

i was looking for serena.

well, i don't see her.do you?

no, which is why i was looking.

i don't know

what you're doing here

or what you think you heard... nothing. i heard nothing.

but serena doesn't know.

and neither do i, okay?

so now if you'll excuse me,

i'm gonna go back inside,

not tell anyone a thing

and mind my own business.

so if you feel me,

let me know,w, kw

come on now, what you

waiting for, for, for?

my engine's ready

to explode, explode, explode

so start me up

and watch me go, go, go


hi. i'm blair waldorf,

serena's friend.

oh, hey. yeah, uh, do you

happen to know where she is?

as a matter of fact, i do.


serena, there you are.

uh, where were you?

she was waiting in a hotel room

for my boyfriend.

to talk.

about why we weren't talking.

that doesn't sound any smarter the second time.

why weren't you talking?

does this have

anything to do with

why you were waiting for serena this morning?

you were what?

and here i thought you were waiting for me.

oh, exactly what the situation needs--chuck.

now what is going on here?

we were just getting into that.

blair, please, don't do this.

sorry. oh,do you wanna tell him?

i'll tell him.

you know?

i know everything.

and apparently,i know nothing.

look, dan, it--it was a long time ago, and i regret it.nlook, serena,

stop trying to pretend

you're a good girl.

so you slept with

your best friend's boyfriend.

i kind of admire you

for it.

is that true? well, then she ran away

and lied about it.

i just thought you should know

before you fall head over heels

for your perfect girl

and her perfect world,

and then get left all alone

with no one but your cabbage patch kid. cabbage patch?

did you talk to my sister?

ah, yes, little jenny.

i do believe she and i

have some unfinished business.

you stay away from her.

poor daniel. so little time,

so many sluts to defend.

it's fine. it's fine.

everyone can stop looking.

he's a jerk...

but it's my fault,

and--and i'm leaving.

i--i'll go with you.


i'd prefer if you didn't.

hope you're happy.

not even close.

looks like

it's just you and me.


my room is available.

shut up and drive,

drive, drive

some might call this

a "fustercluck,"

but on the upper east side,

we call it sunday afternoon.

dan, wait. i'm so sorry.

there's no--there's no need to be. really, i shouldn't have come

here today. i made a mistake.

no, you didn't. look, i'm sorry

about blair and chuck--

it's not about

blair or chuck.

i mean, it is,

but it's--it's not just them. no, i know. trust me, i know. this world--it--it's crazy. yeah, it--it is...

and you're a part of it. what, and you didn't

know that?

i don't know.

i-i thought you were different. well, i'm sorry

i'm not who you thought i was, but what's happened

is in the past,

you know, and all i can do

is try to change.

but if you

can't accept that,

then, you know, you're

not who i thoughtyou were. well, i guess

we both made mistakes.

hi.hey, jen said

you went looking for serena. did you find her?

mm. yeah, yeah, i found her, and, uh, and then i lost her. oh, uh, that's, uh...

it's fine. it's fine.

really, it's all for the best. serena and her friends

and her family...

her whole world...

turns out it wasn't for me. wait, dan. what happened?

did you tell blair waldorf about cedric?


it may have come up.

you can't trust

these people, jen.

don't tell 'em anything.

they're nice flowers.

they're hydrangeas. look, blair,

either you try

to forgive me and move on... or we end it.

the faces all around me

they don't smile,

they just crack

waiting for our ship to come but our ship's

not coming back

well, serena's mystery man

is a mystery no longer.

his name is... oh, who cares? now that he and s. are over,

so are his 15 minutes.

but his sister jenny

was spotted with a new dress... gifted from blair herself. everyone knows

an eleanor original

is the uniform

of b.'s private army.

but will j. be a loyal soldier

or will she side

with s.'s rebel forces?

and as for s. herself,

we hear that she left

today's brunch with nofriends, no boy

and nowhere left to run.

so give me something

to believe

'cause i am living

just to breathe

and i need something more

to keep on breathing for

so give me something

to believe

it looks like

the ultimate insider

has become a totaloutsider.

it's your move, serena,

and you know

who will be watching--

gossip girl.

that i am just nothing now it's

just what i've become what am i waiting for? it's already done


so give me something to believe

'cause i am living

just to breathe

gossip girl绯闻女孩第一季第二集台词

第二集 ur one and only source into the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite. top story on my home page-- serena van der woodsen, everybody's favorite "it" girl, has just returned from a mysterious absence. you'll never believe what's on "gossip girl." someone saw serena getting off a train at grand central. and everyone is talking. blair,it's serena. serena? and b.'s boyfriend nate-- rumor has it-- he's always had a thing for serena. but you're back now. i didn't come back for you. look, blair's my best friend, and you're her boyfriend, and she loves you. why did she leave? why did she return? must be a lot of rumors why you're back. yeah, but none of them mention you. he tries to take his own life, and you're worried it's gonna cost you, mom? you have no idea what it's been like. the best friend and the boyfriend-- that's pretty classy, s. and nate's friend chuck won't let serena forget about her past. i'm trying to change. i liked you better before. and then there's dan, the outsider. looks like his childhood crush has returned. she doesn't know me. nobody knows me. it's cool. no. no, no, no, no, no. uh, serena, um, do you know this young man? oh, from last night. you remember me? you'd really go out with some guy you don't know? well, he can't be worse than the guys i do know. guess whose dad is cool. it's a trick question. yeah, 'cause it can't be ours. "top ten forgotten bands of the '90s." yeah, check out who's number nine. he's very proud. hey! hey, way to be forgotten. why is my daughter going to one of your concerts? well, our kids were bound to meet. it's a small island. are you sure it's not some ploy, your using my daughter to get to me now that your wife left you? serena and her mystery man made a surprise appearance at blair's kiss on the lips party. serena's here? what is she doing here? she wasn't invited. but serena wasn't the only one who made an impression... who's the newbie?


曲筱绡语录摘抄 导读: 1. 他犯贱,我乐意,你管得着吗 2. 欲扬先抑,懂不懂啊? 3. 美女是拿来调戏的 4. 恋爱中的女子好怕怕哦 5. 妈,你接我回来战斗的,还是接我回来坐牢的 6. 恋爱中的女子好怕怕哦 7. 天底下没有不透风的墙 8. 今天晚上这种场合,只认衣服不认人 9. 我还没嫌弃你呢,什么表情啊 10. 人家都说恋爱中的你承认智商为负 11. 我们去MINT酒吧让人掐去喽 12. 常与同好争高下,不共傻瓜论短长 13. 这渣男劈腿还敢报警,真实渣出新境界了 14. 妈,你接我回来战斗的,还是接我回来坐牢的 15. 有多大本事,享多大福,要想花钱就得是自己赚的 16. 我现在这个岁数啊,就应该自找苦吃,吃的苦中苦方为人上人 17. 车子房子不过是鸡蛋,家里的公司才是生钱的金母鸡 18.他犯贱,我乐意,你管着么 19.人行走江湖靠的是什么呀,是义气。

20.常与同好争高下,不与傻瓜论短长。 21.什么叫局限,就是砍柴的以为皇帝挑金扁担 22.我爸常说“常与同好争高下,不共傻瓜论短长”。 23.那怎么了,他有没有女朋友跟我有什么关系 24.别人打我的左脸,我把右脸也拿上去,那是傻子才干的事。 25.妖精是什么呀?妖精就是不走寻常路。 26.要对付那种欺软怕硬的人,就要整得他印象深刻! 27. 我身上每一个细胞都充满着压力,怎么睡得着呢 28. 这不是我那个歌刚买了豪宅跑车,天天只知道伸手要钱的哥哥哥吗? 29. 邱莹莹,你脑子进水了按这个时候哪有自己吓唬自己的啊,万一你的乌鸦嘴灵验怎么办 30.爱情来的太得快去得也快只有猪肉卷是永恒的决不能为了一个接触帅哥的机会而放弃挣钱 31.每次谈恋爱都摆出天长地久的`架势,不结婚就算失败,累不累啊。谈恋爱就是看对了眼,天雷勾地火。与其在那想东想西,不如上前亲一亲抱一抱,你才能知道自己心里最真实的感受。想的越多越错。喜欢就上,别犹豫,谈恋爱就是谈恋爱哪有那么多的约束。 33.那是因为我知道自己要什么、不要什么,什么担得起、什么担不起,拿得起、放得下。 34.男人啊,谈恋爱的时候躲躲藏藏露出来的小坏,结婚以后肯


They say the early bird gets the worn. Inspiring motivation...if you're the bird. The worm, however, has no idea when her future will be plucked away by the next airborne attacker.都说早起的鸟儿有虫吃。励志之极...如果你是只鸟的话。但是,虫儿却不知道她的未来何时会被飞翔的猎食者啄食。 Everything I have was from scheming and lying and working the angles. You are Mozart. I'm Salieri. No matter how hard I work, I will never be you. 我所拥有的一切都是靠施诡计耍手段投机取巧得来的。你好比莫扎特,而我却是萨列里。无论我怎么努力,都不会有你的成就。(萨列里是与莫扎特同时代的杰出音乐家。但一个由来已久的传说使得人们认为,他是一个才能不及莫扎特,妒忌心重的作曲家,并且设计害死了音乐天才莫扎特。) It's the people you know best that you can hurt the most. 我们伤害得最深的往往是我们最亲近的人。 Are you sure that I'm the one person you wanna be with? 你确定我就是那个你想要与之共度一生的人吗? The things that have been slowly simmering always taste the most satisfying. Bon appetite. 慢慢煨炖的东西口感才是最好的。祝有个好胃口。(在这句话中bon是法语词汇,译为“好的”。在英语中经常用到,比如,Bon voyage! 祝您一路平安) I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you. 如果你发生了什么事我也不能独活下去。 A man accepts responsibility for his actions. A man takes care of his family. A man doesn't pay a mother to abandon her child and then tell that child his mother is dead. A man doesn't try to have his own son killed! 男人会对自己的行为负责;男人会照顾他的家庭;男人不会雇人遗弃他的孩子,然后告诉这个孩子他的妈妈已经死了;男人不会去谋杀自己的孩子。 Every trembling bone in my tired and scared body wants to marry you. 我疲惫害怕的身体里,每一根颤抖的骨头都想要嫁给你。 - Live with you could never be boring. - Blair Conrnelia Waldorf, will you marry me? - 跟你生活在一起不可能会无聊的。 - 布莱尔·科妮莉娅·霍道夫,你愿意嫁给我吗? Once I got inside, I wasn't leaving, because that's when I saw you. 一旦我进去了,我就不会走,因为在那时我看到了你。 -We're just two crazy kids dying to tie the knot. - If anyone recognizes you, then that knot will become a noose around your neck. - 我们只是两个渴望喜结连理的孩子。 - 如果有人认出你来了,那就不是结连理而是绕脖子了。


Y ou’re more than a shadow, I’ve just to believe. 我坚信,你不会只是我生命中的一个过客。Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill) 永远不要、不要、不要、不要放弃。(英国首相丘吉尔) It's not our abilities that show what we truly are,it is our choices.决定我们成为什么样的人,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。 Sometimes you have to smile and act like everything is okay, hold back the tears and walk away.有时候你不得不笑,表现得好像一切OK,然后,忍着眼泪走开。 Chuck:“your world would be much easier if I didn't come back. 如果没有我,你的世界会简单些。。。。Queen B :“but it wouldn't be my world without you in it.”但是失去了你,我的世界将不复存在。《Gossip Girl》 I want someone who's afraid of losing me.我希望找到一个会担心失去我的人。 【Chanel告诉女孩】1.A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位且光芒四射。2. In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different. 想要无可取代,就必须时刻与众不同。3. fashion passes, style remains.时尚会过去,但风格永存。 My favorite part of the day is when I first wake up because for those five seconds, I don’t remember any thing. 一天当中我最爱的时刻就是早晨刚刚醒来的那五秒钟,因为自己什么也不记得,一片空白。 Falling in love with a town,it is probably because someone you love resides in it. 爱上一座城,大抵是因为,这里住着一个你爱的人。 Y ou’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction. 如果晚上带着满意入睡,早上就会更有决心起床! Sometimes you gotta shut up, swallow your pride and accept that you're wrong. It's not giving up. It's called growing up. 有时候,你需要做的就是闭嘴,放下所谓的自尊,承认自己的错误。这不叫放弃,而叫成长。 The key for happiness is not to find a perfect person, but find someone and build a perfect relationship with him.幸福的关键不在于找到一个完美的人,而在于找到一个人,然后和他一起努力建立一个完美的关系 The god creates the fingerprints because he wants us to know that actually everyone has a scar.上帝之所以创造指纹,是因为,他想让人们知道其实每个人都有伤痕。 Y ou are the reason why I became stronger.But you are my weakness.因为你,我懂得了成长,可你,依旧是我的伤。 A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for many things, but will stick around.如果一个女人真的爱你,她会因为很多事情对你发脾气,却始终坚守在你身边。 Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.情人眼里出西施。 Y ou'll never have to go through anything alone, ever again, because you have me now.你再也不必独自经历风雨,因为,你现在有我了。 Three things in life when gone never come back: time, opportunity, and words.人生有三样东西不可挽回:时间,机遇,以及说出去的话 Y ou cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too. 不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。 To have a moonlight walk with you tonight is my best dream. 今晚和你在月光中散步是我最大


欢乐颂经典台词对白 导读:本文欢乐颂经典台词对白,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 欢乐颂经典台词对白 1.相亲回来,邱莹莹追着她问东问西,表示穷不要紧,万一是个潜力股呢。 都快四十了还潜力股啊,这隐藏得也太深了,照这速度下去,估计五六十还潜着呢,谁买入谁套牢,一准能炒成股东。 2.那他长得帅吗? 帅,真帅,一米八几的大个儿,腰以下全是腿…有什么用啊,是能当菜吃还是能当饭吃,还是能出去挣钱啊?这也就能骗骗你们这些小姑娘,真要是结婚了,基本等同于自杀。 3.邱莹莹说婚前同居没问题,不是很多人奉子成婚吗? 那你可以在租来的房子里结婚,生没户口的孩子,请不起保姆,整天要么就是你老公跟你妈吵架,要么就是你跟你婆婆开战。这生活啊,鸡飞狗跳,用不了一年你就得变成黄脸婆。 4.邱莹莹的男朋友被曲筱绡随便勾搭一下就上钩了,其实也并不奇怪,因为↓ 两个年龄相仿的女子摆在你面前,一个像狐狸精一样的美女,家财不少,而且陪嫁丰厚又是个海归。那另一个呢,外地无户籍女子,一无所有长相一般,如果你是男人你会选哪个啊?

5.我们这些外地女孩子,工作才是唯一的依靠,绝对不可以在没有出息的男人 身上冒险。 6小蚯蚓受了情伤回到了欢乐颂哭得稀里哗啦,问樊姐还能不能相信那个男人,当然不能了,因为↓ 贪玩儿是贪玩儿人品是人品,好姑娘就得拿得起放得下,视男人如衣服,像他那种男人就是地摊货 7.天下无不散的筵席,你记住啊,除了你本身,谁都不可能跟你一辈子。 8.安迪明明大小美一岁,但却一直和其它人一样叫她樊姐,得知真相知道的小美怒了↓ 到了咱们这个年龄,大一岁小一岁,已经上升到了原则性的问题。 9.邱莹莹半夜收到白主管的邀请短信,20岁出头的关雎尔一脸羡慕认为两个人是郎情妾意。但小美一语道破天机↓ 如果心诚,邀请短信就应该在适当的时间提前发出,要给女孩儿一个思考矜持的时间,怎么会选择深更半夜啊。 其次,如果是不帅的白主管发这样的短信,你会不会认为这是一种性骚扰。那么请你一视同仁,再帅的白主管发这种短信,都是性骚扰。 10.姐这大好时光,都浪费在绣花枕头上了,这好男人啊,都在跟姐捉迷藏呢。 11.当樊胜美遇上富家女曲筱绡,火药味十足…曲筱绡走了之后,

很有爱的绯闻女孩Blair and Chuck

很有爱的绯闻女孩Blair and Chuck-经典台词语录大全 绯闻女孩经典台词-第一季03 Blair: Do you like me? B:你喜欢我吗? Chuck: Define “like”. C:定义喜欢。 绯闻女孩经典台词-第一季18集 Chuck: Y ou don’t belong with Nate, never have, never will. Blair: Y ou don’t belong with anyone. C:你并不属于N,从来不会,并且永远不会。 B:你不属于任何人。 绯闻女孩经典台词-第二季01 C:Please don"t leave with him. C: 请不要和他走。 Blair: Why? Give me a reason and "I"m Chuck Bass" doesn"t count. B:为什么?给我个理由而“I am chuck bass”不算。 Chuck: "Cause you don"t want to. C:因为你不想跟他走。 Blair: Not good enough. B:不够好。 Chuck: "Cause I don"t want you to. C:因为我不想你跟他走。 Blair: That"s not enough. B:还不够。 Chuck: What else is there? C:还有什么呢? Blair: The true reason, I should stay right where I am and not get in the car. Three words.Eight letters. Say it...and I"m yours. B:真正的理由啊,我应该不上车的理由!三个字,八个字母,说出来,那我就是你的了。Chuck: I... I ... C:我....我...... Blair: Thank you. That"s all I needed to hear. B:谢谢,我要听的已经够了。 绯闻女孩经典台词-第二季 B:whatever you"re going through,I want to be there for you. B:不管你去哪里,我都会跟随着你的。 C:you are not my girlfriend. C: 你不是我的女朋友。 B:but I am me , you are you.we are chuck and blair,blair and chuck. The worst thing you"ve ever done,the darkest thought you have ever had.I will stand by you through anything. B:但是我是我,而你是你。我们是恰克和布莱尔,布莱尔和恰克。你做过的最坏的事情,


绯闻女孩中的对白: 1. Why was your GPA not a 4.0? 1. 为什么你的GPA没有达到4.0? Job: Wireless Engineer at Apple 应聘职位:Apple 无线工程师 这是赤果果的鄙视咩? 2. There 1,000 buckets, one of them contains poison, the rest of them are filled with water. They all look the same. If a pig drinks that poison, it will die within 30 minutes. What is the minimum number of pigs to you need to figure out which bucket contains the poison within one hour? 2. 现在有1000个水桶,其中一只桶里有毒,其它桶里装的是水,但它们看起来是一样的。如果一头猪喝了毒药,30分钟内就会死亡。怎么样才能在一小时内用数量最少的猪检测出哪个桶里有毒? Job: Trading Analyst at Accuen 应聘职位:Accuen交易分析师 大脑是要转得多快才能在面试官的注视下做出来呢? 3. How many piano tuners are there in Massachusetts? 3. 马萨诸塞州有多少钢琴调音师? Job: Game Porting Technical at Happy Cloud 应聘职位:Happy Cloud游戏端口技术员 介个问题有难度~ 4. Name three things that, if you were told were part of the job, would cause you to not take the position. 4. 如果你被聘用了,说出三件能让你放弃此工作的东西。 Job: Applications Support at Allant Group 应聘职位:Allant集团应用程序支持 这……面试官,你到底是要招人才还是撵人才捏? 5. A 22- or 23-year-old girl, who is getting a bachelor's degree, is taking her 100-year-old grandmother for her driving test. What can you say about this family? 5. 一个二十二三岁快要本科毕业的女孩带着她100岁的奶奶考驾照,你对这个家庭有何看法? Job: Actuarial Analyst at AAA NCNU Insurance Exchange 应聘职位:NCUU 3A保险交易所保险分析员 这个问题很对口嘛,风险和价值问题吧~


让人振作起来的经典青春励志语录大全_早上青春励 志语录英文的短句 振作青春励志名言警句 1、不要把成功想得太遥远,有时候,它离我们很近,只是由于我们的疏忽而与它失之交臂。 2、任何事情要想取得成功,必须肯下苦功,并有坚持到底的毅力。 3、只要厄运打不垮信念,希望之光就会驱散绝望之云。

4、面对问题,我们不能退缩,因为退缩并不能解决问题。只有努力寻求解决之道,才是上策。 5、尊严来自实力,实力来自拼搏! 6、失败并不可怕,只要我们怀着一颗不服输的心,勇往直前,那么胜利将不会离我们太远。 7、不为失败找借口,只为成功找方法。 8、雄鹰可以飞得晚,但一定要飞得高。 9、疑问是打开知识大门的钥匙。错误是正确的先导。提出了正确的问题,往往等于解决了问题的大半。

10、时间是宝贵的,抓住了时间就抓住了成功。 11、人生需要时时提醒,责任需要时时敲打。 12、有时,成功就在我们眼前,但却被我们所忽略,以致最终地丧失。把握眼前,坚持做好每件事,那么,成功将会离我们越来越近。 13、生活中所遭遇的种种困难挫折,既能成为掩埋我们的“泥沙”,又能成为我们的垫脚石。只要我们善于运用它,就能克服困难,迈向成功。 14、有时不合逻辑的举动却恰恰有助于应付变化多端的事态,而正常的逻辑有时却只能将自己带进一个死胡同。这就需要我们有逆反思维。

15、凭借财大气粗来改变自己在公众中的丑陋形象是不明智的,一切的成功都是靠自己的努力得来的,并不是靠攀高结贵。 16、学习要专心致志,聚精会神。即使拥有高智商和好老师,但是如果学习三心二意,也是一无所获。 17、每朵花都有盛开的理由。 18、自我反省,做自己的老师。 19、每一种创伤,都是一种成熟。 20、金矿的山上还有着其他花朵,除了具备发现的眼睛外,还需要有着肯流汗的心。成功提示:金子常常就埋在身旁的泥土里,勤奋是最好的点金指。


电视剧《欢乐颂》经典台词 电视剧《欢乐颂》经典台词 1、“不怕你生气,我得说,你谈恋爱的经验可能比小关还少。小关至少还旁观了许多,你,我怀疑你连旁观都懒得,因为你忙,你觉得这种事太小儿科。你知道男人下意识地喜欢什么样的女孩?排首位的是美女,排差不多位置的是清纯,你全占了。偏你又钱多,聪明到可以打死一帮男人,赶追你的一定是实力相当不错的男人。我不知道包大人怎么追你,但换我是男人,为了把你追到手,我肯定使出浑身解数。首先是表达最强烈的诚意,那就是一开始就直奔结婚这个话题;然后是全方位迅速站位,包括你的时间空间,你的心,你的……呵呵,你懂的(我不懂)。然后恋爱慢慢谈,有一辈子时间呢。” 2、“世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即。”迂腐的应小生不可取。“用人事前,不用事后”的小邱冷人心。看人下菜,刀子嘴的曲曲不可亲,“过往有求必应”的樊美眉需借鉴。 3、曲筱绡叉腰站谢滨十步开外,愤怒地指着谢滨道:“我该说的饭桌上都说了,你想说什么快说。我给你两分钟。”“你会犯法。”谢滨只说了四个字。“呸,我让你死个明白。我揍你,第一是你害我爸妈离婚,第二是打飞你的威胁。今晚让你明白,你外杂种休想在海市地盘横行。”安迪与包亦凡正出,安迪一看这场面惊住了,“小曲,干嘛?”“我从不知道吃亏俩字怎么写,谁敢让我吃亏,我让他吃拳头。”

有朋友递高尔夫棍,曲筱绡拿横在胸前,“安迪你放心,我有法,不会坐牢。”安迪只得道:“赵医生呢?”“害小曲家那样,挨小曲几棍子又怎么了。有种站出别反抗,男人敢作敢当,挨三棍子子。”赵医生抱臂站一边,根本不管。 4、曲筱绡的女友们却是看见了,有人一举扑上,以高难度动作抢了赵医生手中的账单,看都不看,就将银行卡塞到服务员手中。赵医生忙道:“我,我是男士。”抢付女友却道:“姐付是姐们儿嫖你,你付是你一个人嫖这么多姐,不行。” 、“可你们读书人真的看得起我吗?我说话用错一个词,你们哪个没斜眼看过我一下?” 安迪认真解释:“斜眼有两种可能,一种是完美主义,对于身边的错误无法漠视,但也仅仅只是眼皮挑一下的原始反应而已。另一种是不包容,看人片面。赵医生应该不是后者。而你可能夸大前者。” “瞧瞧,瞧瞧,就是你们这种人,说话巴不得用最少的字,你们自己偷懒痛快了,什么前者后者,我们听着的可累了,还得动脑筋想什么前者后者。话就不能好好说吗?我要是这么说话,早被客户打死,哪还轮得到生意。你们就是仗着你们是专业人士,人家一定要听你们,所以说话个个玩玄的,最好人家只能听懂一半,显得你们高明。你们讨厌,好讨厌。” 6、关雎尔忍不住道:“樊姐,如果可以,给王总机会,他那么焦急。”“你还年轻,你不会懂。我刚才想,为什么上赶着要结婚,要恋爱。再想想,其实一个人过得更轻松,想吃吃,想穿穿有的是时间


People do good deeds for many reasons, but sometimes good deeds have bad consequences. 人们做好事的理由有很多,但有时好事却招致恶果。——《绝望主妇》 I have the one thing that you never will. Her respect. 我拥有你这辈子都得不到的东西,她的尊敬。——《吸血鬼日记》 Too late to turn back now. 现在回头为时已晚。——《绯闻女孩》 Whenever we make mistakes, we need to apologize, and then we need to move on. 只要犯了错,就应该道歉,然后释怀,继续生活。——《绝望主妇》 If you want to make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs. 舍不得孩子套不着狼。——《吸血鬼日记》 Every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain. 每个童话都需要一个经典大反派。——《神探夏洛克》 Everyone has members of their family that are difficult to deal with. 每个家庭都会有一些比较难对付的一些人。——《为人父母》 Y ou make me happier than I ever thought I could be. If you let me, I’ll spend rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way. 你给了我难以想像的幸福。如果你愿意,我愿意用我的一生让你感受到同样的幸福。——《老友记》 Friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else. 真正的朋友就是,当你蒙蔽了所有人的眼睛,也能看穿你真实的样子和心底的痛楚。——《绝望主妇》 Happy to know you still care. 很高兴知道你还会关心我。——《吸血鬼日记》 Right now you're my priority, not business. 现在我的重心是你不是工作.——《绯闻女孩》


关于《绯闻女孩》 如果把美剧当成一场又一场的走秀,那么《欲望都市》无疑是在教白领怎么穿衣服,《绝望的主妇》是在教中产阶级的贤内助怎么打扮自己,《豪斯医生》是告诉你怎么做一个足够吸引异性的男人,而看到《生活大爆炸》,那些平时不知道怎么打理自己衣橱的理科生们都笑了……而《绯闻女孩》则不一样,它更挑剔,整个电视几乎都像一本“怎么穿衣怎么搭配”的教材。 上东区的女孩们 在开始《绯闻女孩》的时尚之旅之前,应该先说说故事的发生地:纽约上东区。这里是《绯闻女孩》的第一舞台。如果用小说似的开场白,《绯闻女孩》的开头应该这样写:“消失一年后,重新归来的风云人物瑟琳娜,搅乱了上东区平淡无奇的死水。” 在开拍之初,尽管没有巨星的撑场,但拥有第五大道的上东区无疑给这部时尚美剧狠狠地添砖加瓦了一番。上东区因为毗邻中央公园的缘故,因此纽约最有钱的人几乎都居住在这里。与暴发户的张扬不一样,上东区不仅仅代表着富有,它的空气里还弥漫着保守的价值观和旧时的品位,例如在《绯闻女孩》里,珍妮为布莱尔举办的化装舞会,或者恰克为博得老爸欢心而筹备的复古脱衣舞场就表现了这种复古的时尚风。 而在这部第一次将“博客”、“手机短信”、“杀人游戏”当成核心主题的美剧里,就算主人公们喝酒、滥交、相互勾心斗角和美国的普通年轻人相差无几,但私立学校、财团家族等字眼无疑展现了上东区严密的阶层概念,有意无意地告诉人们:本剧说的可是上流社会,是时尚的指标。要知道,在现实世界里,Lady GaGa们、帕里斯·希尔顿们都是从这样的私立学校里走出来的。 曾经有人指责《绯闻女孩》里对上东区的描述过于浮夸,但剧集里女主角瑟琳娜有一句话却最能代表这里的独特气质:“好衣服都留在店铺的后台等着贵宾。”的确,店里的大主顾们常常是几十年的熟客,所以倒不是太刻意煽情来显示顶级品牌的地位。 这就是《绯闻女孩》的发生地,它也许不如巴黎奢华,不如米兰潮流,甚至也没有洛杉矶好莱坞的喧嚣(不过后来在第五季里,《绯闻女孩》的故事转移到了洛杉矶),但它就是有一种时尚却不张扬的态度,这种态度一直贯穿在了整部剧集里,尽管后来有人因为厌倦这种气氛而从《绯闻女孩》的观众群里逃了出来。但就是这种气氛,其它时尚剧集难以企及。 美国版《嘉人》杂志曾经在上东区麦迪逊大街上采访过以为真正来自于上东区的名媛,其实,纽约上流社会的人并不喜欢在公共场合谈论自己的私生活,因为爱八卦的人的确和《绯闻女孩》里的一样多,随着科技的发展,现在人人都可能成为狗仔。 上东区流社会的姑娘被各种家规所约束,她们的八卦仅限于生活在上东区闺蜜之间,她们很少去上东区之外的地方,例如美国版《嘉人》杂志采访的名叫伊蓓卡的姑娘,她24岁了,却只去过两次布鲁克林区。而她的父母从小是邻居(有点像《绯闻女孩》里瑟琳娜的妈妈和恰克的爸爸),前男友的家距离她也不过几个街区,因为在社交圈子里常常见面,所以绝对不能把关系搞僵(例如《绯闻女孩》里布莱尔和几个男孩的关系)。 的确,在一百多年里,上东区已经形成了自己的体系:几代人去同样的学校上学,去同样的餐厅用餐。这有点类似一个庞大的密室,如果这样理解,《绯闻女孩》说的不过是一个加强版“密室探案故事”。 《绯闻女孩》与真实世界 《绯闻女孩》的原版是赛西莉·冯·齐格萨的系列小说,这也是这个家住布鲁克林区的女作家的成名作。幸运的是,当编剧将《绯闻女孩》改编成电视剧的时候,选择了另一种叙述的方式,也就是将影片发生的时间和现实世界捆绑在了一起,形成了一套平行叙述的系统。

《绯闻女孩》里的地道口语 -中英文

Gossip girl: Some one pours that man a drink. 有人要使他难堪了。 * 这里的语境是C被bart发现看脱衣舞,C发现Bart跟另一个女人在一起,他心生报复之念,想要跟Lily告密,这时GG说了这句话。我以前会错意了。 “somebody pour him a drink的意思是“快来个人帮他倒杯酒”。如果是倒酒到某个人的身上应该是somebody pourED a drink ON him 才是”。补充,by 刘仰牧 Blair:Yes, it would be really nice if I was sailing on the may flower. 对,如果我是古代人(这样穿)就好看了。 * May flower 的典故。就是五月花号的那条船,英国人登上新大陆用的那条. Gossip:Be careful what you fish for. 对你调查的东西要小心噢。 * 这里用的fish for,有点意思。 Chuck:I was born loaded. 我是含着金汤匙出生的。 * 原来金汤匙是这样说D。 Nate’s mum: Not another word of this. 别说了。

Vanessa: Baby steps. 慢慢来嘛。 Blair: Next you cross me, I won’t be as forgiving. 下次你再背叛我,我就不会手软了。 * 背叛用的cross,手软用的forgiving,算是意译? Dan: I’m doomed. 我完蛋了。 Nate’s pa: I can hardly contain my joy. 我无法抑制自己的狂喜。 Blair: Guard my drink. 看着我的酒。 * Guard~ Gossip girl: Prohibition never stood a chance against exhibition.“阻止”在“表现”面前是没有用的。 * 这个。。押韵。。还有stand a chance. Nate: I’m not over you. 我忘不了你。 * Over的感觉很棒,ASH新专辑里LITTLE MISS那首“I’m not over it”有感觉。 Dan: Mum’s having an affair. 妈妈有外遇了。 * 可能有人不知道affair有这个意思。。比如某迷。 Father: You don’t say. 不用说这个。


欢乐颂经典台词语录 1、对,没错,说话要讲究方式方法,这是她的不对,我一定会批评她的,但不是现在,太晚了明天好吗? 2、一个人不理你,可能是对方的问题,一群人不理你,就要从自身找原因了。多站在对方角度思考问题,谁都没有义务照顾你。 3、还说什么精英,其实就是一小公务员,要求还挺多,厚着脸皮跟我说,可不可以跟我一起按揭买房啊,脑子坏掉了。 4、我以一个毕业比你早一年的师姐身份实话告诉你,你用错力气。你应该学我,趁年轻记忆好,多考几个证傍身。只有一个个硬派司才是真正属于你的。那些拼死拼活做的工作你怎么写到履历上去?你难道打算在履历上写你天天工作十六个小时吗?你可别被工作压得没时间思考前途。 5、不要总是观察我、试探我、考证我。 6、我又不跟你谈恋爱,你干嘛要带我去吃饭。 7、这燕子生蛋之前还知道给自己垒个燕子窝呢,何况是你了。 8、到了咱们这个年龄,大一岁小一岁,已经上升到了原则性的问题。

9、爱情即便是体现在精神上的,那也总有一点是体现在玫瑰上吧。 10、保持本真的自我,不要被外界所影响。 11、贪玩儿是贪玩儿,人品是人品,好姑娘就得拿得起放得下,视男人如衣服,而渣男,就是地摊货。 12、从那以后我就知道两件事,第一,人生苦短,充满变数,只要遇到自己喜欢的,就要紧紧捉住,绝不放手;第二,不管遇到什么样的困难,一定要坚持往前走,每个人的人生都有不如意的时候,你不用费力诋毁自己,更不用把我推开,我之所以站在这里,是因为我喜欢你。 13、生活就是这样,不管再难都要咬着牙挺过去。 14、大龄少女无权谈恋爱,只能谈对象。 15、成人的世界里,岂止是真话假话那么简单啊。 16、就算你是一支狗尾巴草,也要把自己包装成一支有特色又有气质的狗尾巴草,合作的时候先夸大,之后再做实事。记住,你就是一支自己特立独行又优雅的狗尾巴草,千万别把自己说成玫瑰。 17、一个人不理你呢,有可能是对方的问题,但是如果大家都不理你,就要从自身找问题了,不要只站在自己的角度去考虑问题,心


欢乐颂刘涛经典台词 1.老妹..那啥子,我问一下.你非要嫁给我..那啥子..你们天上没有老爷们吗? 2.你说你让我等你一天两天四五六七天,你就直接说让我等一个礼拜就得了呗.. 3.他老嫌户夜(热),那哪嘎达凉快啊?太平房凉快,你去唱去吧 ..就有一个鼓掌的都能把你吓死.... 4.唉..锁我喉是不?``` 呀哈..再来个小擒拿....我跟你说.我 腰今天不好,要不你这几招,我早就给你破了... 5.你也不要说2000,我也不要说60 ,咱就一口价,我给你扔70块钱得了... 6.命都没了还要尊严有啥用啊~ 最后送你一句话:活着~~真好!! 7.我只听说过万里长城永不倒,没听说过万里长城挪不了.. 8.天啊 ..我这是怎么了耶..病魔啊.病魔...你为啥子要这么折 磨我那... 9.那啥子,你打听打听,村里...谁怕过我.... 10. 那啥子,工友伴侣们..我到家了.... 11.你给我站好了,你看我这家伙式没有....我告诉你,你偷着乐吧.和谐社会把你给救了... 12.现在啥子节目能让你们在几秒中开怀捧腹?也就二人转呗..也就~ 13. 滚一边去...我喜欢你离我远一点...

14.赵四说玉田“你就犟吧你,你这孩子,你就,你就,你就犟吧啊!!” 15.刘能我心力跟你闹笑话呢,你下死手 ~~~~ 吭.. 16.滚一边去你...我就不信:你走着走,能撵上我骑自行车的.. 17.你认不认识我能怎么地,我跟你说,你让我给你干活儿,差一分钱都不好使 18.你说谁是电工,人家我是木匠 ~~~ 19.伴侣啊,伴侣,那啥子唱你可曾想起了我,一路来... 20.打你还用俩人吗 ?我个人都收拾你卑服的.. 1、我知道,你是在乎我的。 2、胡说!她明明喜欢景天,却把他让给你,你这个笨蛋还不知足,如果我是她,就抢了你的身体成为人,这样神界也奈何不了她,反正你也是个没有魂魄的家伙! 3、原以为抛开过往,以后的日子就只会有偶尔的悲伤。可原来再在努力,再用心,落得仍是痛彻心扉的悲伤。也原来有很多记忆,人会情愿永远抹掉它。没有忆,则没有痛。 4、谁让你是我的人,我不管你要管谁啊? 5、不许嗯!以后醉生梦死的男人都不许嗯!我燕三娘要的东西,自己会偷回来。——燕三娘 6、你有什么可伤心的!还假惺惺地掉几滴眼泪来赚同情?想想那个夕瑶吧!她为了你什么都不要了,到下界还不知会转世成什么东西,如果你还哭,她岂不是要屈死?


美剧中那些励志的英文经典台词 Don't let your pride leave you all alone. 别让你的骄傲使你孤独一人。——《吸血鬼日记》 I used to think the worst feeling in the world was losing someone you love, but I was wrong. The worst feeling is the moment that you realize you've lost yourself. 之前我一直认为,世界上最悲伤的事情就是失去你深爱的人,但是我错了。世界上最悲伤的事情是你意识到,你迷失了自我。——《吸血鬼日记》 When you lose somebody, every candle, every paryer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing that you have left is a hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be. 当你失去一个人,每一支蜡烛,每一段祷告都不能改变这个事实,你仅有的只有忍受那个你在意的人曾在你心里居住的地方变成一个洞。——《吸血鬼日记》 I will start fresh. 我要重新开始,做全新的自我。——《吸血鬼日记》 Trust is earned. 信任是要靠行动争取的。——《吸血鬼日记》 I met a girl.We talked,and it was epic. But then the sun came up and reality set in.Well,this is reality.Right here. 我遇到一个女孩,我们聊天,就像诗一样美好。但是当太阳升起,现实的生活开始...是的,这就是现实,就在这里。——《吸血鬼日记》 If it feels easy, don't do it. Don't let the world spoil you. 不要选择轻松的那条路。别让这个世界惯坏你。——《行尸走肉》 Better not to ignore the past but learn from it instead. Otherwise, history has a way of repeating itself. 最好不要忽略过去,而是从中得到些教训,否则历史会不断重复上演。——《绯闻女孩》The Transformers teach us that things are not always what they appear to be. 变形金刚的故事告诉我们,事情的真相往往与其外在表现不同。——《生活大爆炸》My dear, when tragedies strike, we try to find someone to blame. In the absence of suitable candidate, we usually blame ourselves. 亲爱的,当悲剧降临,我们总想把责任归咎于他人。如果无人可以指责,我们往往责备自己。——《唐顿庄园》 If your gods are real and if they are just, why is the world so full of injustice? 如果你的神真的存在,如果他们真的公正,那为何世上尽是不公之事?——《权力的游戏》 小李子获奥斯卡影帝感言全文:附语言点精析 Leonardo DiCaprio finally won his first Oscar for his portrayal of Hugh Glass in The Revenant, and he delivered a powerful message about climate change while accepting his award on Sunday night.莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥最终因在《荒野猎人》中饰演休·格拉斯获得了第一个奥斯卡小金人,他在周日晚上的一番领奖词提到了气候变化,并传递了满满的正能量。 “The Revenant was a product of the tireless effortsof the unbelievable cast and crewI got to work alongside.”