


Water is the source of life.We can't live without water.However,with the increasing population and industrial development,water pollution has become a serious

https://www.360docs.net/doc/0c3919758.html,rge amounts of wastewater go into rivers and seas directly without being treated,which can be dangerous to people.Also lots of people pay no attention to saving water in daily life,while in some place water is badly needed.

It's time for us to take some measures to improve the situation.Factories should treat the wastewater before

letting it go into rivers.We can play a positive role in saving water.For example we can reuse the water for wishing rice to wash vegetables and then clean a mop.


It is generally believed that there is a good supply of fresh water. But to our disappointment, the fact is just the opposite.

As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. What’s more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings. So it’s high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth.

With fresh water, the world will be prosperous.


Water is very important for living things. Without water there can be no life on earth.

As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly

day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a

big population. What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings. So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth.


三年级保护水资源作文【三篇】 【篇一】 在浩瀚的宇宙中,有一个十分美丽的星球,它被一片淡蓝色的光辉环绕着,充满着蓬勃生机。这个美丽的星球,就是地球!地球外表的大部分都被海洋覆盖着,广阔的海洋、流动的江湖……都为地球盖上了蓝色的印章,我们就生活在这样一个美丽的星球里! 水不仅带来了令人心驰憧憬的蓝色,还带来了一条条充满蓬勃生机的小生命。因为有了水,才有了植物的茂盛生长;因为有了水,才有了动物的繁衍生息;因为有了水,才有了人类的开展和生存……可以说,水是我们的生命之源。没有了水,人类将无法生存;没有了水,我们这个丰富多彩的地球也将会不复存在! 可是随着人类文明的不断开展,人们在享受生活的同时,对养育我们的生命之源__水却造成了极度的危害。我们看到巨大的排污管道伸向了河流,本该清澈见底的河水变得浑浊不堪;我们看到大片大片的森林、树木在悄悄地消失,水土在大量地流失,可怕的沙尘暴、泥石流和泛滥的洪水给人类的生存带来了巨大的灾难…… 水资源的污染和毁坏,给人类的生存和开展带来了巨大的危害。保护环境、保护水资源,已是刻不容缓! 地球只有1个,地球上的水资源是有限的,一旦失去,将无法挽回。我们要更加保护水资源、珍惜水资源!让清澈的河流能够永远在我们这个美丽的星球上流淌……

【篇二】 水是生命之源,我们要保护水资源,假如没有水,树木不能生长,花草不能开放,生命会停止呼吸,地球也会变成一个枯黄衰竭的星球。所以,我们要保护好这珍贵的生命之源。 星期四,我和爸爸一起去澡堂洗澡,看见了许多浪费水的水的人。有的人把水龙头开开,迟迟不见人的踪影。我还看见有的人随意把水往外泼,浪费水资源。于是我便上前关上水龙头。还去劝告那些浪费水的人,可是那些人说:“我已经付过钱了,你管不着,我想怎样浪费就怎样浪费。”“浪费是可耻的,我不管你了。”我气冲冲的说道。说完便走了。 我国有十三亿人口,假如每人节约一滴水可以节约多少水资源,不知会有多少人从中受益,现在,我要教大家一些节水小窍门:洗脸用过的水可用来洗脚;淘米水可用来擦家具;洗菜的最后一道水,可用来洗抹布;衣物多时,用洗衣机洗,衣物少时用手洗,洗衣后的水可用来洗拖把;用搜集的家庭废水冲厕所,可以节约清水;垃圾不管大小,都应集中起来,从垃圾通道清除,而不要从厕所用水来冲;洗手时不开很大的水;不用水时应关紧水龙头;设备漏水时,应及时修好。 希望大家可以节约用水,让我们一起保护水资源吧! 【篇三】


保护水资源的英语作文 水是生命的源泉、工业的血液、城市的命脉。下面是xx 为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! 篇一:保护水资源 Water is very important for living things. Without water there can be no life on earth. As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings. So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth. With fresh water, the world will be prosperous. 篇二:保护水资源 Water is the source of can't live without ,with the increasing population and industrial


英语作文是小学英语学习和考试中的重要内容之一,而如何提高小学英语作文的写作水平和迅速掌握英语作文的写作方法也就成为了老师、家长和孩子所共同关注的一个大问题。其实所谓小学高年级英语作文写作就是让学生围绕一个主题自觉运用所学的单词、句型写一篇短小的习作,考察锻炼孩子能否正确使用英语中的一些固定表达方式和灵活运用所学的一些句型和词汇,提高其从口头表达向书面表达转化的能力。以我个人的教学和对小学作文,尤其是小升初英语作文的研究来看,做好以下事情有助于提高孩子的英语写作水平: 一、培养和激发学生的写作兴趣 兴趣是最好的老师。要提高小学生的英语写作水平,首先要培养和激发他们的写作兴趣。 1.为孩子提供展示作品的机会。每个孩子都有表现自己的欲望,在英语作文训练中,如果老师和家长能为孩子们提供一个“show”出其作品的机会,他们的写作兴趣和动力就会大大提高。例如,家长可以每天睡前或其他适当时间与孩子共同分享他们所写的作文并适当给予鼓励;或者老师能够课前给出孩子十分钟宣读优秀作文,利用这样的方式能让表现出色的学生获得某种心理满足,从而激发他们再接再厉,努力写出更加出色的文章。 2.不要让写作文成为孩子的一个负担。家长或老师在给出孩子写作主题时,可以选择一些学生感兴趣且贴近生活实际的内容,这样孩子们在写作文时就不会感觉无话可说。用最简单的英语语言描述最熟悉的生活,学生们会逐渐感到英语写作其实是一件很简单又很实用的事情,慢慢喜欢上英语写作。 二、运用写作策略充分利用英语教材 1 积累知识,扩大词汇量。现在的孩子由于英语课外读物较少,或者是没有进行课外阅读的习惯, 因此要通过其他途径扩大英语词汇量。个人建议要充分利用小学生爱展示、爱表演的特点,首先让学生背诵教材中的小对话或小短文,然后鼓励孩子们在舞台上将背诵的内容表演出来。学生们通过扮演书中的角色和切身表演,既巩固了所学的词汇和语法,锻炼了语感,又活跃了学习气氛,带动了学习积极性。 2 多读多记,培养语感。家长或老师要打破常规思维模式,将作文训练渗透在日常生活和教学活动中。当家长和老师教授新词汇或词组时,可以鼓励学生用这些词组自行造句。学生通过练习能加深对词语或词组的运用,再写作文时也会自觉不自觉得拿来运用。学生只有说得多了,才能增强语感,进而提高写作能力。 3 进行模仿写作的训练。要注意训练学生的阅读能力,进而提高其写作能力。可以根据教材中的阅读材料让学生进行模仿写作的训练。 总之,小学生英语写作能力的提高必须经过一个持续、有效的训练过程,它需要家长和老师共同有计划地进行组织、训练并正确引导。希望通过大家的共同努力,提高孩子的英语作文写作能力

小学生优秀英语作文my dream

小学生优秀英语作文 my dream 导语:理想好比是一盏指路的明灯,它会指引你到达成功的彼岸。下面是 yjbys 作文 网小编为您收集整理的作文,希望对您有所帮助。 my dream 英语作文_第 1 篇: Ideal! Is everyone, but some people is a pipe-dream; Some people are dreaming. But why would someone come true? That is because of hard struggle. My ideal is to become a scientist. Scientists is a science, see through the world. At the same time is also very holy angels. They explore, in fact, the "?" Straight into a "!" The human ignorance to the civilization of human beings. There are many famous person of science in the home. It took thousands of copper wire - Edison invented the electric light of great figures. He is a to create the indispensable thing in human life, is he gave human light and joy. And Isaac Newton. He because of an apple, and to human "earth has attractive" comments. To the human mind evolutionary played a large role. In this world, there are many such characters. They are the creator of the world and discoverer. Scientists not self-styled, but want to have real ability, really like. Should have their own style and everybody's selection, can be a real scientist. The real angel! I want to be a scientist, is not to famous, not for money, not for fame. Is for the sake of human life in the future. I will create a better future for mankind! Make a great contribution! So, now I have to study hard! To struggle for the scientists of the title. For the sake of human development to lay a solid foundation! 理想!是人人皆有, 只是有的人是空想罢了;有的人是做梦罢了。 可有人为什 么会成真呢?那是因为刻苦奋斗。 我的理想,是成为一名科学家。科学家是一种探索科学,看透世界的人。同


珍惜水资源作文500字 导读:珍惜水资源作文500字【1】 在这个世界上,中国是一个严重缺乏水资源的国家。就凭人类刷牙时任水流淌,洗澡搓肥皂时不关淋浴喷头,用过多的水冲洗汽车等等,也足以浪费成千上万吨的水。何况现在河水遭到化学排放物的污染,人类滥用水资源,不珍惜水资源,使全国城市缺水总量为60亿立方米!占水量成为了全球的第四名! 为什么中国的水资源如此稀少?那是因为人类不重视浪费每一滴水、每一盆水、每一吨水的后果,为了自己利益去破坏、污染水资源的后果。人类珍惜水资源的意识大大减少,人们只会片面地想:我浪费了这点水不算什么的,这个世界上水资源多了去了,何必在乎我这点鸡毛蒜皮的。如果每个人都这样想,岂不是这个地球上就算有再多的水都被浪费光了? 此时此刻,只是小学生的我们能做些什么?从小事做起,力所能及吧!我们可以用淘完米的水浇花,用洗衣服的水冲厕所等等。洗菜时一盆一盆地洗,不要开着水龙头冲;尽量少用洗衣机,手工洗衣服比洗衣机要节省得多;用抹布擦拭桌子比直接用水冲洗要干净。除了循环、节约地使用水资源,我们不要向河水里吐痰、丢塑料袋等。不浪费、破坏水资源就是节省水资源最好的办法! 为了我们国家水资源急速减少的危害,我们是不是该行动了呢? 珍惜水资源作文500字【2】 我们要珍惜每一滴水,水是生命之源,如果没有水就没有花草树

木,没有人和动物,我们应该珍惜水资源。 如果没有水,山是光秃秃的,地是有一条条裂缝的阳光是很热,没有水就没有那些昆虫,没有昆虫就没有花,花需要昆虫来采蜜,没有花就没有淡淡的清香,什么都需要水。 现在有些人特别浪费水,他们把洗手的水直接倒在地上,,洗脸刷牙做饭都需要水,水如果是洗菜可以浇花,我们应该好好珍惜水资源,浪费水是不好的习惯,晚睡也是不对的,没水也会很渴。 动物也要用水,动物没有水会渴死的,死的动物没水了,到处找水,体力不支会躺在地上,太久没起来,不久就会变成一堆白骨,鱼没水就会死亡,人呼吸不到空气会很难受。 植物没有水会哭死,农民们自己如果没有水,植物就跟真没水,植物就会从绿色变成棕色的,一抓就碎,植物没有水,就会矮,树没有水,就不会长成参天大树,树长得矮,不会长高。 人没有谁会渴死,没有水就没有饭吃,没有庄稼,也没有大米,长期没有水,人就会饿死。 没有水就没有昆虫,没有水就没有昆虫,没有花,就没有淡淡的香气,没有水就不会有动物,没有水就没有人,让我们珍惜水吧! 珍惜水资源作文500字【3】 在我们的这张试卷上,我看到了这么一幅漫画:一个水龙头手中拿着一束已经枯萎的花,正低着头像一个水滴的雕像默哀,而周围是已经干涸了的大地……而在这幅漫画的左下角,赫然的写着这幅漫画的名字——奠。


保护水资源的小学生英语作文 Water is the source of life.We can't live without water.However,with the increasing population and industrial development,water pollution has become a serious https://www.360docs.net/doc/0c3919758.html,rge amounts of wastewater go into rivers and seas directly without being treated,which can be dangerous to people.Also lots of people pay no attention to saving water in daily life,while in some place water is badly needed. It's time for us to take some measures to improve the situation.Factories should treat the wastewater before letting it go into rivers.We can play a positive role in saving water.For example we can reuse the water for wishing rice to wash vegetables and then clean a mop. 【篇二】 It is generally believed that there is a good supply of fresh water. But to our disappointment, the fact is just the opposite. As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. What’s more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings. So it’s high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth.


《小学生英语作文》 小学生英语作文(一): 我的理想职业My Dream Job When my teacher asks me what do I want to be in the future, I have nothing to tell her, because I dont know what I want to do。 But when I see a good movie about a teacher, I know the answer, my dream job is to be a teacher。 Just like my dear teacher, she inspires me all the time and gives me the courage to move on。 当我的老师问我将来想要做什么时,我没有什么能告诉她,因为我不明白我想做什么。但当我看到一部关于一位老师的电影,我明白了答案,我想成为一名老师。就像我亲爱的老师,她一向激励着我,给了我继续前进的勇气。 小学生英语作文(二): 快乐的时刻The Happy Moment Last night, I went to see the movie with my friends。 It was a cartoon movie, my friends and I were immerged into the story。 It was the first time for me to go out at night, because my parents never let me do that before。 Now they think I have grown up and can protect myself, so they allow me to go out at night。 It is such a happy moment for me。 昨晚,我和朋友们出去看电影。那是一部卡通电影,我的朋友们和我沉浸在故事里。这是我第一次在晚上外出,因为我的父母从来不允许我这样做。此刻他们觉得我已经长大了,能够保护自我,所以他们允许我晚上出去。那对于我来说是一个快乐的时刻。 小学生英语作文(三): 妈妈的手 My mother is the most diligent person in my house, she takes care of me all the time and does all the housework。 As I grow up, I realize that my mother is such a great woman, what she does for us surpasses everything。 I find my mothers hands are not as smooth as other persons, but in my eyes,they are the most beautiful hands。 我妈妈是房子里最勤奋的人,她一向照顾我,做了所有的家务。当我长大了,我意识到母亲是这样一个伟大的女人,她为我们所做的事情超越了一切。我发现妈妈的手不像别人一样光滑,但是在我眼里,却是最美丽的手。


小学五年级优秀英语作文:My Home 下去是由语文迷网小编精心为大家整理的My Home英语作文范文,欢迎大家参考选择。 My Home【篇一】 I have a beautiful home .It is big and tidy. In my home, there are two bedrooms, a living room, a study, a bathroom and a kitchen. My father often stays in the living room. He watches Tv there. My mother often stays in the kitchen. She cooks there and she cooks well. And I often study in the study. There are many books in my study. I like reading very much. This is my home . What about your home? Can you tell me? My Home【篇二】 I have a warm home.I love my home. Into the gate, you will see a large living room.Turn left is the kitchen.If, go straight, then we can see three rooms.Central Which room is mine.It is not big, but very sweet.Room filled with my favorite doll.My parents are next to rooms. This is me at home.A lovely's home。 My Home【篇三】 My home is an old but comfortable house located in the suburbs of Wuhan.There are near it a few parks,a bus station and an elementary school.People in my neighborhood are friendly and cooperative.There is neither crime nor pollution there.Children are often found playing in the parks.A market,shops and a big department store are within walking distance.There are around us some more expensive,bigger and more beautiful houses,but none is as warm as mine.


小学二年级保护水资源作文(三篇) 我们住在这蔚蓝的星球里,这星球给予了我们生命,给予了我们 万物,而我们,却无情将它们毁灭。 水,是万物最重要的资源,而我们,却污染了它,工业排出的废气,垃圾,最重要的是样它难过的流泪,不过,假如没有水,人类就 无法生存下去,动物将会死去,植物将会枯萎,因此,大家请珍惜水 源吧!请把废弃排放到别处去,垃圾倒到规定的垃圾箱,注意节约用水。这样,地球妈妈就不会再哭泣。 树木,是支撑世界的栋梁,可以防沙尘暴,洪水。但我们,砍伐它,用来做房子,铅笔,使灾难侵犯了我们漂亮的家园。3月12日是 植树节,我们应该在所不辞,把小树培养起来,我们不应该再砍伐它们,应该爱护它们,样它们巨恤支撑世界的栋梁! 地球是我们的家园,我们应该珍惜它和它给我们的资源,只有这样,就再也不会哭泣! 【篇二】 今天班队课老师给我们讲怎样爱护水资源。张老师讲我国的水资 源排名世界第四,但是我国的人均水资源仅为世界水平的1/4,是全球人均水资源最贫乏的国家之一,不过,中国又是世界上用水量最多的 国家,大约占世界年取用量的13%。我国还有些地方严重缺水,导致土地产生裂缝。许多地方的小朋友喝不到洁净的水。 听了张老师的话后,我明白了爱护水资源的重要。我们小朋友要 从小养成节约用水的好习惯,用水后要马上拧紧水龙头,别让水空流。我们还要珍惜纸张,发展绿化,爱护我们的环境。我们要多做宣传, 形成一个珍惜水资源、节约水资源、爱护水资源的良好社会风尚。 【篇三】 水,是滋养生命的天使,是服务人类日常生活的天使。

我们家乡的水资源就没有爱护好:许多工厂一直没有停止排放污水;临河而居的人们也往黑河里排放污物,把河水弄得脏兮兮的;假 如你来到渭河边,你会发觉污染情况也非常严重,河水里有许多杂物,如塑料袋、矿泉水瓶……还有一股难闻的臭味。 往常清澈的护城河近几年又多了一些灰色的赃物,这种物质持续 扩散,使得清澈的河水变了样。虽然市政府曾动用大量人力、财力来 对这一状况进行治理,但是,没过多久,护城河里又变得脏乱不堪。 许多游客因此不再同意去观赏护城河的景观,就连平常来这里晨练的 人也少了。 看着那些混浊的河水,我心想:工厂能否不再往河里排放污水呢?如能这样,小河里的水则又可以清澈见底了;游客们能否不再往护城河、黑河里投掷污物呢?如能这样,咱们的饮用水就会更加甘甜了! 我真希望西安的水资源能早日恢复原样!


保护水资源高三英语作文 水资源短缺,我们要从小培养保护水资源的意识。以下是我带来的英语作文,希望对你有帮助。 篇一: Water is very important for living things. Without water there can be no life on earth. As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings. So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth. With fresh water, the world will be prosperous. 篇二: Water is the source of life.We can't live without water.However,with the increasing population and


【导语】英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,英语作文要求阅读、写作能力比较高,也是考生最容易失分的题型,因此培养学生写作能力是非常有意义的。以下是无忧考网整理的《小学生英语作文范文10篇》,希望帮助到您。 小学生英语作文范文篇一 Last week, my father took me to the swimming pool, he told me that I should learn to swimming, so that I could protect myself when I meet the emergent situation. I was so afraid of the water at the beginning, my father asked to be brave, I tried to go into the water many times, finally I made it. It is a good try for me, I believe I can swim soon. 小学生英语作文范文篇二 There are 5 members in my family, my father,mother,elder brother, elder sister and me.My brother and sister were married,my brother has a 4 years old daughter. We moved to Shanghai when i was 3 years old, my parents are running business in a company until now. My father is a little bit childish, he feel that nothing is important than children happy, so he always satisfy to what we want since we were small. my mother take much care to this family, i used to feel than my mother is annoying, but now i understand what my mom did was for our own good. My brother is cuteand very tolerate, my sister is a strong-determination women, we fought everyday when we were small, but our relationship is close. I feel happy to have such family. 小学生英语作文范文篇三 Last night, my parents told me that they needed to go out for work at night, so they couldn’t cook for me, they asked me to live with my grandparents. Thinking about staying at home alone, I felt excited, I told them I could take care of myself. When the darkness came, I felt hungry, I cooked the simple dinner, what’s more, I washed the dishes. I can take care of myself. 小学生英语作文范文篇四 I like to watch comedy so much, because it makes me laugh happily and I will forget about the annoyance. The comedies from Zhou Xingchi are my favorite, no matter how many times I watch them, I just can’t help laughing out loudly. Watching comedy is a good way to relax, it helps me to keep the good mood. 小学生英语作文范文篇五 My uncle is a policeman. He is very tall and very strong. He punishes the bad people and protect the good people. He always helps others. He is my hero. When I grow up, I want to be a policeman like my uncle. I want to help people and protect them, so they can live a safe life.


珍惜水资源作文800字 保护水资源水,与我们的生活息息相关;水,是甘甜的,但有时也是苦涩的;水是宝贵的,但有时它又泛滥成灾;水是清冽的,但在一些地方它却变得污浊不堪;一切生物都离不开水,但在一些特别需要水的地方,它却变得那样吝啬。 小时候我想,自来水龙头里的水不是一直流个不停吗?小时候,我对停水没有概念,因为停水了,我还是有水用。爸爸妈妈常常给我讲哪些地方最近又闹干旱了,不要说种庄稼,就是人喝的水都难以保证。我总觉得不可想象,水不是地球上最多的东西吗?大江、大河、大湖、大海不是有那么多吗?怎么会缺水呢!也许有些人以为水是取之不尽用之不竭的,但事实并非如此:水是地球上所有生命的源泉。地球上的总水量为 1.淘米水洗菜,再用清水清洗,不仅节约了水,还有效地清除了蔬菜上的残存农药; 2.夏天给室内外地面洒水降温,尽量不用清水,而用洗衣之后的洗衣水; 3.冲厕所:如果您使用节水型设备,每次可节水4一5千克; 4.洗菜:一盆一盆地洗,不要开着水龙头冲,一餐饭可节省50千克; 5.将卫生间里水箱的浮球向下调整2厘米,每次冲洗可节省水近3千克;按家庭每天使用四次算,一年可节药水4380千克。

总之,我们需要从现在做起,从身边做起,从点滴做起,节约宝贵的水资源,才能让我们的未来更加美好。如果人类再不保护水资源,那么,世界上最后一滴水就是我们的眼泪!珍爱生命之水,人人有责! 一篇人类濒危的财富 人类很早就知道水、利用水. 有人说,我们的地球应当叫水球。这是有一定道理的,因为我们生活的这个星球有水,而且71%的表面积被水占着。在宇航员看来,地球是一个蓝色的球,十分璀灿,太阳系家庭中独一无二。 地球上的水,尽管数量巨大,而能直接被人们生产和生活利用的,却少得可怜。首先,海水又咸又苦,不能饮用,不能浇地。其次,淡水只占总水量的2.6%左右,其中的绝大部分,被冻结在远离人类的南北两级和冻土中,无法利用。只有不到1%的淡水,它们散布在湖泊里、江河中和地底下。加上我国水环境恶化的问题十分突出。主要是江河湖泊等水体受到污染,污染的河流长度约占一半。;北方河流断流的现象加剧,居民饮水困难,工农业生产受损。水土流失治理缓慢,草原退化、沙漠化面积仍不断扩展。 所以我们都要节约用水,加强环保意识,保护我们少的可怜的水资源。现在我就给大家介绍几种节水方法。洗衣机大家都有,可是不是做到了节约呢?其实洗衣机洗少量衣服时,水位定得太高,衣服在高水里飘来飘去,互相之间缺少摩擦,反而洗不干净,还浪费水。如果将漂洗的水留下来做下一批衣服洗涤水用,一次可以省下30-40升


英语作文 题目:A Happy Day in Spring 提示:Mr. Black 一家人在春天的某一天在野外游玩的场景。请用一般现在时描写,可作适当的想象和发挥。 要求:1、条理清晰,意思明确、连贯,句子通顺,标点正确,书写工整、规范。 2、不少于70个单词。 A Happy Day in Spring It’s spring. It’s sunny and cloudy today. There are many big trees in the park. Mr. Black’s family have a picnic in a park. They bring many food there. They bring fruit, drink and bread. Mr. Black and Mrs. Black talk with each other. They talk very happily. Ann reads a magazine. Tom likes flying a kite. The kite flies very well. They are hungry now. They want to eat their food. They are very happy. 2、根据给出的材料,写一写Mike这个周末的活动计划。 Mike is a student. He is my good friend. He is busy at the weekend. He is going to read a magazine this Saturday morning. He is going to go to the zoo this Saturday afternoon. He is going to buy a book this Sunday morning. He is going to learn Kungfu this Sunday afternoon. He is going to watch TV this Sunday evening. 3、根据下面提供的内容,写一篇英语短文。要求语句通顺,条理清楚,字数不少于50个单词。 Amy是个美国女孩,六年级学生,十二岁。她向别人自我介绍,并介绍她的家庭。她有个双胞胎姐姐,爸爸是医生,妈妈是老师,她非常爱他们,他们也很爱她。 My name is Amy. I come from US. I am an English girl. I am a student. I am in Grade Five. I like my teacher. Her English is good. There are four people in my family. I have a twin sister. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. I love them very much. They love me, too. 4、题目:My net friend(我的网友) 要求:1.条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范; 2.要将提示词全部体现在作文中;不得少于50个单词。 提示词:(1)computer (2)net friend (3) talk with each other(互相交谈)


小学三年级优秀英语作文 I have a happy family.They are my father, my mother, my grandma and me. I like my mother very much. My mothe is a tall woman.She has black hair.Two eyes.A pair of glasses.A small nose.And a small mouth in head. She like wear skirt. So she is a customer.My is a cook,too.She cook delicious dinner everyday .This is my mother. 小学三年级优秀英语作文篇二 I have a good friend. she is a beautiful girl. she has long black hair, two big black eyes and a red mouth. her voice is better. she is good at singing. She is a clever girl. she likes reading books , playing computer games and chess. she is also nice. she often helps us . our classmates like her very much. 我有一个好朋友。她是一个美丽的女孩。她有又长又黑的头发, 两个黑色的大眼睛和一个红色的嘴巴。她的声音是更好的。她擅长唱歌。 她是一个聪明的女孩。她喜欢读书,玩电脑游戏和象棋。她还好。她经常协助我们。我们班的同学非常喜欢她。 小学三年级优秀英语作文篇三 My English teacher is a young lady. Her name is Kate. She looks beautiful. 我的英语老师是一位年轻的女士。她的名字叫凯特,看上去很漂亮。


三年级保护水资源的作文 【篇一】 同学们,俗话说:“水是生命的源泉,农业的命脉,工业的血液。” 地球上所有生物都需要水。你可知道水占人体的65%,还有专家测试过,人假如没有食物,还可以活两个月;假如一个人没有水,只可以活一个星期。没有了水,地球上的人就会渐渐地渴死,到时候地球再也没有欢声笑语,一片沉寂,荒无人烟。动物和植物一样也需要水,假如没有了水,植物就会加快枯萎的速度,动物和人一样也会渴死,到时候地球上不再有生命存在。农业和工业也都是于水息息相关的,农业的瓜果需要水的滋润才能茁壮的生长。工业也离不开水,原料需要用水彻底清理干净,钢铁刚刚炼上来要用水降温,做纸也需要用大量的水。 让我们一起珍惜水资源吧! 【篇二】 人类需要水,动物也需要水,甚至植物也需要水,水是如此珍贵,为什么有些人还要随意浪费它呢? 我们要学会珍惜水资源;洗手、洗脸、刷牙的时候,用小盆接住留下的水用来冲厕所;不一下子倒满整个杯子,而是少倒一点,喝了再倒;洗手、洗脸孔的时候尽量把水开得小一些……我认为生活的一

点一滴都应当珍惜水资源,你们说不是吗? 有一句话是这样说的:“水是生命的源泉,农业的命脉,工业的血液,假设人们不珍惜水资源,地球上的最后一滴水将会成为我们的眼泪。”我们要像爱护眼睛一样珍惜水资源,水是大自然给予我们生存的礼物,我们要用自己的实际行动来珍惜水资源,大家为了一个美妙的世界,小小的举动,又怎么会为难呢? 让我们一起行动起来,保护水环境,珍惜水资源,共建美妙家园!【篇三】 我在电视里看到许多有关珍惜水资源的公益广告,受到了很大的启发,今天我就跟大家讲讲水吧。 大家听说过“魔鬼三公式”吧:三分钟没有氧气人会死;三小时没有热量人会死;三天没喝水人会死;三周没有食物人会死。由此可见,水对人的生命多么重要。男人的身体50%是由水组成的,女人的身体70%是由水组成的,小孩子的身体80%是由水组成的,所以说水是组成身体的主要成分珍惜水资源。很多山区里都缺水,他们知道水的宝贵,而我们生活在大城市里的人,却没有缺水的忧虑,假如我们宁波市每个市民每天节约二瓶矿泉水,就可以供好几十个山区用水难习题。 “珍惜水资源从我做起”,每个人节省一点点水,就可以换来一大片绿洲。
