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作为加拿大经济中心的多伦多是加拿大第一大城 市,位于加拿大心脏地区,接近美国东部工业发 达地区
The sights of Canada
Old Montreal
拥有着 多年历史的老城区, With a 300 history of more than 300 years old city, bearing the essence of Montreal's 承载了蒙特利尔历史文化的精粹, history and culture, when you walk in the cobblestone paved old street with different 当你走在鹅卵石铺成的老街, style of European architecture, it will exclaim the other charm of the old city. 便会感叹老城区散发出的另一番魅力。
Capliano Bridge Park 加碧兰奴吊索桥公园
More than 100 years ago, Georgeglan 100 多年前,佐治格兰 · 麦基、印第安人 Maggie, Indian Augus, Jack and wucco, 奥古斯、杰克和伟科,加沙兰奴将一条 and Gaza, suspended a suspension 用大麻绳及香柏木结扎而成的吊索桥悬 bridge with a rope and cedar, which was 吊在距加碧兰奴河 英尺高、横跨 45 of 230 feet high and230 across the 45 feet 英尺的峡谷上。 the canyon.
Beaver Tails 河狸尾巴 Beaver tail is actually a Canadian fried dessert, a Ottawa snack, 其实是一种加拿大的油炸甜点, named for its beaver tail. Sprinkle 是渥太华小吃,因形似河狸尾巴 with sugar, fruit, peanut butter and 得名。上面撒上糖、水果、花生 酱和其他调味品 other condiments.
group 7
Group 7
Delicious food in Canada
肉汁奶酪薯条 A classic snack from Quebec, Canada, and 从加拿大魁北克法裔传出来的一经典小吃,肉汁 gravy and cheese chips may be the most 奶酪薯条可能是这个国家最具异域风情的代表性 exotic cuisine in the country. The truly 美食了。据说这样菜可以追溯到上个世纪50年代。 authentic Quebec gravy cheese fries are 真正地道的魁北克肉汁奶酪薯条是用辣肉汤搭配 made with spicy broth and crispy potatoes 蘸有凝乳的脆薯做成的。 dipped in curd.
Canada, 加拿大, located in the northernmost 位于北美洲 North America, one of the Commonwealth countries, 最北端,素有 known as the “枫叶之国”的美誉, "Maple Leaf country" 首都是渥太华 reputation, the capital is Ottawa.
Butter tarts 奶油塔 Canada's most representative dessert cream pagoda is made from butter, 加拿大最具代表性的甜点奶油塔, maple sugar, eggs and nuts to the 将奶油、枫糖、鸡蛋 crispy skin and is very popular in the 及各种坚果放至油酥皮中烘烤, coffee shop. 在咖啡厅相当受欢迎。
பைடு நூலகம்
Group 7
加拿大首都,位于安大 The capital of Canada,in 略东南部,位于渥太华 southeast Ontario at the 河和里多运河的交汇处。 confluence of the Ottawa River and the Rideau Canal.
As the economic center of Canada, Toronto is the largest city in Canada, located in the heart of Canada, close to the developed industrial areas in the eastern United States.