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1.【2015·湖南】It is a truly delightful place, ________ looks the same as it must have done 100 years ago with its winding streets and pretty cottages..

2.【2015·北京】Opposite is St.Paul's Church, ________ you can hear some lovely music.

3.【2015·重庆】He wrote many children’ s books, nearly half of________ were published in the 1990s.

4.【2015·浙江】Creating an atmosphere employees feel part of a team is a big challenge.

5.【2015·四川】The books on the desk, covers are shiny, are prizes for us.

6.【2015·天津】The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere ______ his

employees enjoy their work.

7.【2015·陕西】As the smallest child of his family, Alex is always longing for the time he should be able to be independent.

8.【2015·福建】China Today attracts a worldwide readership,_______ shows that more and more

people all over the world want to learn about China.

9.【2015·江苏】The number of smokers, _____ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.

10.【2015·安徽】Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon______ school education depends.


1.【2014安徽】The exact year Angela and her family spent together in China was 2008.

2.【2014北京】I borrow the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week, ______ my classmates recommended to me.

3.【2014福建】Students should involve themselves in community activities they can gain experience for growth.

4.【2014湖南】I am looking forward to the day my daughter can read this book and know my feelings for her.

5.【2014江西】Among the many dangers sailors have to face, probably the greatest of all is fog .

6.【2014山东】A company ______profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad.

7.【2014陕西】Please send us all the information _________ you have about the candidate for the


8. 【2014重庆】We'll reach the sales targets in a month ____we set at the beginning of the year.

9.【2014四川】Until now, we have raised 50.000 pounds for the poor children,______ is quite unexpected.

10.【2014天津】English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each of _________ uses it differently.

11. 【2014浙江】I don’t become a serious climber until the fifth grade, ______ I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree.

12. 【2014江苏】The book has helped me greatly in my daily communication, especially at work ____ a good impression is a must.


1.【2013北京】Many countries are now setting up national parks______animals and plants can be protected.

2.【2013福建】The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of those ______lives were affected.

3.【2013湖南】Happiness and success often come to those ______are good at recognizing their own strengths.

4.【2013江苏】The president of the World Bank says he has a passion for China, ______he remembers starting as early as his childhood.

5.【2013江西】He wrote a letter ______ he explains what had happened in the accident.

6.【2013辽宁】He may win the competition, in _____ case he is likely to get into the national team.

7.【2013山东】There is no simple answer, _____ is often the case in science.

8. 【2013山东】Finally he reached a lonely island ____was completely cut off from the outside


9.【2013陕西】_____ is often the case with children, Amy was better by the time the doctor arrived.

10.【2013四川】Nowadays people are more concerned about the environment _____ they live.

11.【2013天津】We have launched another man-made satellite, is announced in today’s newspaper.

12.【2013新课标II】When I arrived, Bryan took me to see the house_ I would be staying.

13.【2013新课标I】—You can’t judge a book by its cover.

—the old saying goes.

14.【2013浙江】The children, all of ______ had played the whole day long, were worn out.

15.【2013浙江】The museum will open in the spring with an exhibition and a viewing platform ______visitors can watch the big glasshouses being built.

16.【2013重庆】John invited about 40 people to his wedding, most of______are family members. 17【2013安徽】29. Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012, ______made one of the Chinese people’s long-held dreams come true.


1.【2012全国II】That evening, ___ I will tell you more about later, I ended up working very late.

2.【2012安徽】A lot of language learning, has been discovered, is happening in the first year of life, so parents should talk much to their children during that period.

3.【2012重庆】Sales director is a position ______communication ability is just as important as sales skills.
