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Reflecting is a special kind of thinking. In the first place, it’s both active and controlled. When ideas pass aimlessly through your head, that is not reflecting. When someone tells you a story and it suddenly brings to mind something that happened to you, that is not reflecting either. Reflecting means focusing your attention. It means weighing, considering, and choosing. Suppose you’re going home, and when you get there, you turn the kn ob, the door opens and you step in. Getting into your home does not require reflection. But now suppose that when you turn the knob, the door does not open. To get into the house, some reflecting is in order. You have to think about what you are going to do. You have to imagine possibilities and consider choices.

The second way that reflecting is different from some other kinds of thinking is that it’s persistent. It requires continuous effort. Suppose you’re still trying to get through your front door. You check your pocket for the key. You walk around the house looking for an open window. You go to a phone to call a family member who has a key. Such behavior is proof of persistent reflective thinking. And if someone asks you what you are doing, you may say that you are trying to figure out how to get into your house. But suppose, instead, you go to a nearby record store and look through the new records. If someone asks you what you are doing and you say that you are trying to figure out how to get into your house, that will not make sense. You are only reflecting as long as you stick to the problem or task.

The third way that reflecting is different from some other kinds of thinking is that it’s careful. It aims at making sense. This doesn’t mean that refle cting cannot be imaginative. A great deal of reflection could go into writing a science-fiction story about people who can move through solid objects. The ability to walk through walls could make sense in a science-fiction story. But it wouldn’t make much sense in trying to get through your locked front door. Such imagining would be a kind of thinking, but it would not be reflection.

Memory Fact Sheet:

●When you remember something, your brain probably stores it by creating new nerve connections.

●You have three types of memory ----sensory, short-term and long-term.

●Sensory memory is when you go on feeling a sensation for a moment after it stops.

●Short -term memory is when the brain stores things for a few seconds, like a phone number you remember long enough to dial.

●Long-term memory is memory that can last for months or maybe even your whole life.

●Your brain seems to have two ways of remembering things for the long term. Scientists call these declarative (陈述性)and non-declarative memories.

●Non-declarative memories are skills you teach yourself by practicing, such as playing badminton or the flute. Repetition sets up nerve pathways.

●Declarative memories are either episodic(情景)or semantic(语意)

●Episodic memories are memories of striking events in your life, such as breaking your leg or your first day at a new school. You not only recall facts, but sensations.

●Semantic memories are facts such as dates.

Listening comprehension is __7______________. (one type of the memory)

Play the violin involves _____8________.

You can remember the day you are admitted into the college. You are excited and delighted. This is ______9______memory.( one type of the memory) It is ____10_______ (one of the declarative memories)

Can you tell just by looking at a dish if a man or a woman cooked it? Shiela Keating says that the culinary gap between the sexes is obvious. She has put her theory to the test.

Allegra McEvedy, who co-founded Leon restaurants, wrote that men and women approach food so differently that she could tell the sex of the person who made any plate of food in front of her. She’s not the only one. Alice Waters, whose coking has influenced and inspired restaurant cooking around the world, also believed that “m en and women bring different things to the kitchen. The simpler the dish, the chances are it is probably made by a woman,”she says. “Women’s natural instincts (本能,本性), especially if they have children, are to be nurturing. Our main focus is to feed people something that is good for them and that will make them happy.
