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第二部·第五节 语法大战——两篇文章让你吃透两条语法 第 1 篇:巨大的进步 ——大战形容词和副词的比较级 【疯狂星级】 ★★★ 三星级·高中生级·国际公民级 【疯狂短评】 随着全球一体化的进程,英语的使用频率将会越来越高。全民的英语水平,正逐渐成为 衡量一个国家经济实力的标志。 疯狂英语成功地帮助了成千上万人突破英语难关, 也同时带 给我们积极向上、自信奋斗的精神。赶快加入到我们的“疯狂英语”行列中来! A Big Improvement 1 Paul recently completed/finished a Crazy English class, and he's very proud of the results. His family has noticed 察觉到;注意到』 『 that he's speaking English more loudly, more clearly, more fluently『流利地;熟世自如地』and more confidently『自信地』than ever before. His boss has noticed that he's more effective『有效的;有效果的』and successful in his work. All his friends tell him that he's friendlier, less shy and more outgoing『外向的;喜 欢社交的;容易亲近的』than before. And Paul himself has noticed that he's more comfortable and relaxed when he speaks in front of people and he's even enjoying himself more at parties.【极其重要的人生改进】Paul is feeling much better about himself these days. that's why he's now recommending『推荐;介绍;推许』Crazy English to everybody he knows. 2 Feeling good about yourself is the key to a happier and more productive『丰 富的;有成效的;有生产力』life. Being a good English speaker will definitely make you feel good about yourself. 【李阳·克立兹“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为:30 秒】 【李阳·克立兹“一口气”训练记录为:2.5 口气】 【参考译文】 巨大的进步 1 保罗最近结束了疯狂英语的课程,他为自己的成绩感到骄傲。他的家人发现他在说 英语时,比以往更大声,更清楚,更流利,而且更加自信;他的老板发觉他在工作中更有效 率和更成功了。他所有的朋友都告诉他,他变得比以前更友好,更直爽,而且不那么害羞/ 胆子也大了。保罗自己也察觉到他在众人前面说英语时,愈加轻松自如,甚至在派对上都玩 得更开心。保罗这些天自我感觉好很多。这就是他现在向所有认识的人推荐“疯狂英语”的 原因。 2 自我感觉良好是拥有更快乐和更有成就感的生活的关键/是拥有快乐生活和成功事 业的关键。作为一个口语流利者,你一定会有一种全新的感觉。 【额外成就感】 notice: become aware of (sth/sb); observe *I'm so upset. You didn't notice my new dress. (我很沮丧/伤心/难过,你竟然没有注意到我的新衣服。) *I noticed a familiar face in the crowd. (我在人群中看到一张熟悉的脸。) *I noticed that he looked terrible. (我注意到他气色很不好。) *I noticed(that)he was wearing dirty socks. (我注意到他穿着脏袜子。)
【参考译文】 1 2000 年对于唐娜来说真是太幸运了。她一月份被 Stone-Cliz 国际英语推广公司聘 为私人助理;三月份, 公司派她去学习信息管理;四月,获得了一次加薪; 就在一个月以后, 她又被提升为所在部门的主管。 2 七月份,她被评选为“本月最佳员工” ;九月,她再一次得到了加薪;十月,她获得 一次机会,申请公司驻纽约的海外办事处的职位;十二月,唐娜获得那份工作,并动身飞往 美国走上了她的新的工作岗位。 3 这对唐娜来说当然是不可思议的一年,她简直不敢相信自己被聘用一年以来,遇上 了那么多幸运的事情。 4 你瞧,全身心投入工作换来了唐娜的成就。她深知道为人的黄金准则,那就是“有 付出才有收获” 。她付出了百分之百的努力,也取得了令人难以置信的成功。 【额外成就感】 如果通过上面这段文章能够掌握王牌成语“pay off” ,就已经大功告成了! *“Your effort will pay off in the long run.” (你的努力最终会有回报的。) *The anti-drug campaign is paying off. (抵制毒品的运动正在奏效。) *His election is a payoff for years of loyal party work. (他的当选是多年来忠实致力于党务工作的结果。)
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
*Did you notice where I put it? (你注意到我把它放在哪儿了吗?) 【疯狂联想】 This sentence is extremely useful. I know I say it at least ten times a day because I am always misplacing my keys, my phone or my books! *She noticed a man looking at her a couple of times. (她察觉有个男子朝她看了好几次。) recommend: to praise sth as suitable for a purpose/praise sb. as suitable for a post, etc. *She was strongly recommended for the job. (她被大力推荐担任这项工作。) *Can you recommend me a good English book? (你能为我介绍一本好的英语书吗?) productive: achieving a lot; useful *It wasn't a very productive meeting. (这个会议成效不太大。) *We had a productive discussion. (我们进行了富有成效的讨论。) *They work hard, but their efforts are not very productive. (他们很努力,但效率不太高。) 第 2 篇:辛劳的回报 ——被动语态的妙用 【疯狂星级】★★★ 三星级·高中生级·国际公民级 【疯狂短评】 不知道大家有没有过在公司平步青云的时候。 我就有过, 那真是令我惊喜若狂, 不过„„那是昨晚在梦里发生的事!但我绝不会放弃努力!只要我坚持“好学、肯做和做人” 这三条黄金法则,我一定会成功! Hard Work Pays Off 1 2000 was a great year for Donna. In January she was hired by the Stone-Cliz International English Promotion Company as a personal assistant. In Marych she was sent to school by the company to study information management. In April she was given a raise. Just one month later, she was promoted to the position of supervisor『主 管;管理人;监督员』of her department. 2 In July she was chosen“Employee of the Month.”In September she was given another raise. In October she was invited to apply for『申请』a position in the company's overseas office in New York. And in December she was given the new job and flown to America to begin to work. 3 Donna certainly has had a very incredible year. She can't believe all the amazing things that have happened to her since she was hired just one year ago. 4 You see, hard work and devotion paid off『换来了成功;取得了成就;得到好结果』for Donna. She knows the golden rele『黄金准则』 “you must give to receive.”She gave one hundred percent effort to her job and reached『(经过努力)获得』unbelievable『令人难以置信的』success! 【李阳·克立兹“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为:35 秒】 【李阳·克立兹“一口气”训练记录为:3 口气】