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(1) looking away from “把眼光从某人身上移开” ,该动
名词短语在句中作__主____语,谓语动词用 单 数。
① _C__o_ll_e_c_ti_n_g_(collect) stamps is my hobby. ②___L_y_i_n_g___(lie) is wrong.
(2) in most cases 在多数情况下;往往 ① Journalists have a sixth sense of news in most cases.
1.美育包括美术教育和审美教育,文化 是美育 的底色 和灵魂,不能忽 视文化 精神的 培养。 2.欣赏中国绘画,应该了解其中计白当 黑、浓 淡生趣 、意境 天成等 艺术手 法和精 神追求 。 3.美育在中国近代历史上是一个很重 要的概 念,一直 承载了 爱国救 亡、除 弊振新 的重任 。 4.当下美育应重传统轻西方,融汇西方 与民族 、古典 与现代 的文化,形成好 的审美 教育体 系。 5. 要推动人工智能规模化应用,就必须 推动人 工智能 与各行 业融合 创新,在 制造、 农业、 物流、 金融等 重点行 业和领 域开展 人工智 能应用 。 6. 美国各执行机构每年与白宫主管预 算科技 政策办 公室沟 通,说明 优先推 动人工 智能发 展情况,按时列 明计划 ,可期 获得该 项目预 算优先 权。 7.用金银珠玉来装点堂皇的宫殿庙宇 ,这种 行为使 得大量 珍贵的 人力物 力降低 为符号 的陪衬 ,只能 揭示意 义的贫 瘠和精 神的无 力。 8.让日常的景色转换成大师的杰作, 使普通 的词语 凝结成 千古不 朽的诗 句,这 些审美 和艺术 创造, 体现着 人的精 神世界 的富足 。 9.“富”的美应该是一种由内而外的 富贵气 ,它是 一种自 然流露 的美, 它得自 个人长 期的、 自觉的 涵养, 也得自 社会的 普遍氛 围,与 金钱没 有必然 关系。
Unit 4 Body Language Showing our feelings
1. He had a wonderful childhood, _t_ra_v_e_l_in__g_ (travel) with his mother to all corners of the world. 2. She was the only one to get (get) a scholarship. 3. He was about to tell me the secret when someone __p_a_t_t_e_d_h_i_m__o_n__th_e__s_h_o_u_l_d_e_r .(拍他的肩膀) 4. Tom raised his hand as if ___t_o_s_a_y_____( say) something. 5. Not all hope was lost. = __A__ll_h_o_p_e__w_a_s__n_o_t_l_o_s_t._ 6. James didn’t attend the meeting, _n_o_r_d__id_______ I. 7. Only by working together can we have a wonderful time during our school days.
2.A smile does not always mean _____ _th_a_t_o_n__e_is__h_a_p_p_y_._
4. If someone “loses face” they may smile _to__h_i_d_e_it.
frowning and turning one’s back to someone
3.A smile can hide 1.A smile usually other feelings: _i_n_t_en__d_s_t_o_p_u_t_ _a_n_g_e_r_,_f_ea_r__o_r_ _p_e_o_p_l_e_a_t_e_a_s_e_. _w__o_r_ry_._
the experiment half-done. (3) __S_e_e_in_g___(see)my parents waving in the crowd, I
went running to them.
(4) The students entered the classroom, __fo_ll_o_w_i_n_g_ (follow)their English teacher.
showing respect to people
It is probably not a good idea to give a hug to a boss or teacher.
Language points
1. means n. 方式,方法,手段 搭配:by this means 用这种方法;
the past. (3)She does not like playing ping pong, but
her brother does .
Summary 1. means 用法 2. even if 引导让步状语从句 3. doing 作状语 4. doing 作主语 5. do/did/dose代替前面出现的动词
Part 2 Examples of some body language.
(Para 2-Para5)
Part 3 (Para 6)
There are differences in body language, and it’s important for us to know them.
Universal gestures
2. even if =even though引导让步状从, 译为:即使,纵然, 尽管, 虽然
(1) Even if it rains tomorrow, we won’t change our plan.
(2) Even if (he is) invited won’t go to the party.
5. so it is an amazing thing that we understand each other as well as we do!
句中的we do 代指understand,用do/did/dose代 替前面出现的动词,以避免重复。
(1)He studies hard as well as I __d_o____. (2)She plays the violin better than she did in
making a fist and shaking it
nodding the head shaking the
up and down
head from side
to side
showing boredom
looking away from people or yawning
(5) __L_i_s_te_n_i_n_g___(listen) to English every day,you’ll
learn it well step by step.
4. Looking away from people or yawning will, in most cases, make me appear to be uninterested.
(invite), he
3. -ing形式作状语,表__主_动____、_进__行____
(1) _B_e_i_n_Hale Waihona Puke Baidu__(be) a teacher,you should help your students
in every way. (2) He died from a sudden traffic accident, _le_a_v_in_g_(leave)
Leading in Well-done Ok victory!
stop quiet
Divide the text into three parts and conclude the main idea with each part.
Part 1 (Para 1)
Body language is one of the most powerful means of communication.
by means of 借助、依靠 (1) Only by this means can we do it well.
注意:单复同形。若用作主语,其谓语的数需根据 句意来确定。
(1)All possible means have been tried. (2) Every possible meanshas been tried.