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A:Oh,drar,I've got a temperatuer.B:You(should)...it. A:Mary does a lot of housework before going to work.B:(Me too ) going to clean the house B:I'll do the shopping A:I'm A:I'd like (some)information about...B:You could hane(a).. A:I sleep late on Sundays. B:So (do) I. A:How(much) is the rent?B:It's about 200 pounds a month A:How was your job interview? B:Oh ,I couldn't feel(worse)...asked. A:How (many) bottles of wine will we need?B:We'll...think A:Has he got any dictionaries? B:Yes, he (has) A:Could you sign the register,please?B:(yes,of course) A:Can I use the phone in the hall ?B:(Of course) A:Are you free on Monday? B:No,I'm sorry...(What about)Wednesday? A:Are there any Aerobics classes (at)...B:Yes,we..(on)Sunday A:(Would you like) to come to dinner tonight B:Yes,... A:(Why) was the meeting like? B:It was very exciting. A:(Where)is the nearest supermarket,please?B:It's... A:(Where)is the nearest chemist's B:On the corner A:(What) was there?B:Tim Brown A:(What) is David from?B:I think he's an American... A:(How)do you feel today?B:I feel very tired.... A: What is your job? B: (I am) an accountant A: (Where) aer your parents? B:They are in China. A bridge was built (over) the river. (Why don't you)call a taxi? (Sometimes) she goes to a bar in...her colleagues (Look out)!There's a train coming (Jones')football is under his bed. (Don't speak) Chinese in your English class (Does)your mother(does)some cleaning on Sundays? (Does)Tom(have)to work hard to help his family?Yes ,he(does) ( Are) you a student of ShanghaiTV Unievrstity? (A) bottle is made of (glass)
My uncle lives (at) 105 Handan Road My name (is) Lin Yan ,and I (am )28 years old My grandma (eill come) in half an hour My (elder)brother is two years (older)than I. Mr.Smith (writes) shout stories ,but he(is writing)a TV... Mary was (never) late for classes until she lost her watch Mary is sitting (in front of) Tom Mary is (less experienced at)website design than john Mary doesn't like going....She is very(shy) Mary (tries)on shoes when she (buys)them Many young people enjoy (watching)sports games. Look at Tom !What (is he doing)? Kate and Mike always do(their) homework together Jenny (will see )you later James is (a bit better at)French than polly. I've been expecting(some)letters the...aren't(any)for me It(is raining)hard,and I can't go home... It takes ages (to do the shopping). It happened to be very cold (on) the ...meet It (often rains) in summer in England In front of the house are (Tim't and Jack's)cars In autumn, the(leaves) fall down from the trees I'm Japanese.Where(do you come) from? I'm Chinese.Where(are you)from? I'll meet you (on )the corner of Smith Street. I'll give (it to her) If a story is (excited),you are(exciting) when you read it. I think Unit2 is (much easier)than Unit 1 I prefer watching TV (to reading the paper) I need (a lot of)cloth,for I am going to make(many)clothes I Don't like (talking about)things I don't ...well I cannot hear the radio.Wluld you please(turn it up) I (am interested in )the flat in the centre of the town I (am going) to the cinema .I (go) there every Sunday How long (does the journey take)? How about (taking a houliday) He is writing (his girlfriend a letter). He is (traveling)on the 8 o'clock train on Monday evening He decided to visit the family(on)Friday night He always thinks (of) other people first. He (is having) lunch with a customer now He (don't live)in London.He (lives)in New York. Dick is doing his homework now ,We(shouldn't)disturb him Can you show me how (to use the washing machine) Beijing is (the) capital of China.Tt's (a) very big city A:Would you like to have a coffee? B:(Yes ,please) A:What would you like to drink?B:(Beer,please) A:What time is it now? B:It's (ten to nine) A:What time does the post office open(in)..B:It Open(at)the... A:What is he doing? B:(He is talking to Mary). A:What doer he (look like)?B:He is tall and good-looking A:What do you do? B:(I'm an advertising mangager)
选择填空,选最佳答案 Yoy can see (a packet of prawns)on the table. You can talk (face to face)with him You (don't have to do)it if you don't have time You (can't be noisy) in the office Would you like (to go shopping with me)this afternoon? Why don't you have (some) bread? Why (do you often)go swimming there Which(/)teacher(gives)lessons to you verery day? Which do you prefer,(potatoes) or(tomatoes) Which choice is wrong? (He doesn't has any ...match) When is she (traveling) for Paris? What't the weather (like) this winter? What (does Tom ususlly do) on Sundays We should not be (cold)towards our comrades We brush ort (teeth) twice a day This isn't (an)easy job.I can't finish it in (an)hour This is not (my) dictionary.It's (Jane's sister's) They had a party(on) Christmas Eve They are looking (for) a flat....graden These (women's handbags) are very expensive There is enough time ...you (don't need to go )in a hurry There is a chair (in )the corner of the room There is a beautiful clock(on)the wall of her bedroom There is (some bread)on the table There aren't (any) books in my bag There are (twelve)months in a year.(The twelfth)month is December The time is 9:40 .It's (twenty to ten) The table is (not big enough) for two people The shop opens (between)9:00am and 10:00pm(on)...Sunday The rent is (2,000 yuan)each month The new house (costs) 300 a mojnth The IT Department is on (the) eighth floor of that building The gym is open (from)6:00am to 11:00pm ...(to) Friday The girl often(catches)cold when she(dances) The employees' (salaries )in that ....a month The cup is (next to )the desk lamp The coat is (much) too large for me The bus broke down and all the passengers had to(get off) The book cost ten (dollars) and fifty (cents). That is my CD,and (those)are yours Tables are made of (wood) She (is worrying from)her sick mother. Shall I ask him(a second) time Shall I (phone him now)? Rose (has got) two cousins in New York Please wait for me (at)the corner(at)three o'clock Please (put )it on the small table Our classroom is (brighter)than (theirs) On the table there are vegetables, meat and...(bowls of rice) On the table there are (five ten-dollar bills). Next month(Molly will be)eighteen