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河南省2012 年普通高等学校对口招收中等职业学校毕业生考试



一、选择题(饭店服务与管理英语1-10;补全对话11-18;阅读理解19-25;餐饮服务与管理26-45。每小题 2 分,共90分。每小题中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂在答题卡上)



A .dim sum

C .snack


A .brocade



A .walk-in guest

C .no-show


A .washer

C .seamstress 5.针织品柜台

A .knitwear counter

C.pharmacy counter 6.灵活的

A .ideal

C .fixed B.dessert D.snap

B.velvet D.brogue

B.reserved guest D.guaranteed guest


D.P.A. man

B.garment counter D.foodstuff counter

B.critical D.flexible

B.perspiration D.performance


A .personality

C .policy




(R-Receptio nist


11. R: Good afternoo n. Sir. Welcome to the Palace Hotel.

G: Good after noon. My n ame is Sims. _________

12 . R: I see that you have your reservati on con firmed, but I can ' find any record

of it. It has bee n misplaced. G: Well, ________

13 . R: I am sorry, Mr. Sims. But I am afraid that we are booked solid. There are

no rooms available.

G: What? _________ Give me a room right now!

14 . R: ________ It ' o s r fault. May I send you to another hotel?

G: Well, it seems to me that I have to accept your offer.

A . I ' just take whatever is available.

B . I am awfully sorry, Mr. Sims.

C . I have a reservati on.

D . I do have a con firmed reservati on.


(RA-Room Atte ndant


15. RA: Good morning, Mr. Sims. May I come through, please?

G: Good morning. It is almost 11 o ' clock ____________

& (女)上衣

A. frock C . shirt 9. 保证性预订

A . con firmed reservati on

C . advaneed reservation 10. 人事部

A . Personal Department C . Security Departme nt

B . garme nt D . dress

B . guara nteed reservati on D . non-guara nteed reservatio n

B . Personnel Departme nt

16. RA: I ' nm orry, Sir. I was just coming along to your room. I ' be there as soon

as I finish this one.

G: Really? Could you do our room first next time? ____________

17. RA: Well, I have a sect ion of fourtee n rooms, and I always do the check-out

rooms first uni ess there is a request.

G: Check-out rooms? What are they? Do you mean that the people who go out early get their rooms done first? __________

18. RA: A check-out room means a room which is being vacated at the end of a

guest ' stay. ________

G: Well, I see.

阅读理解19-25 (阅读下列短文,并根据文章内容选择最佳答案,将所选答案的序号填在答题卡上)

There is a known safe level of drinking, one and a half oun ces of pure alcohol a day, or three one-ounce of whiskey, four eight-ounce glasses of beer, or half a bottle of wine. This limit, of course, is only an average. For some people even one drop of alcohol is too much.

Studies show that the driver who has drunk an amount of alcohol with in this limit

is no more likely to have an accident than the driver who does not take any alcohol. But bey ond this limit, whe n the blood alcohol level begi ns to go up over the 0.05 perce nt

sober "level, the risk of a traffic accide nt jumps greatly. By the time the blood-alcohol level reaches 0.2 percent----the level of most drunk drivers who are not permitted----the risk of an accident is 100 times that of the nondrinking driver.

19. Most people won 'get drunk after drinking ____________.

A. forty-eight ounce of glass of beer

