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听力:1—5 CBABA 6—10 BABCA 11—15 ABCAC 16—20 BABCB

阅读:21—23 CBD 24—26 CBC 27—30 CDDA 31—35 CBFAD

完型:36—40 BCABD 41—45 ACBDA 46—50 DCDAB 51—55 CBCAD


56. when 57. a 58. made 59. mine 60. impatiently

61. nodded 62. another 63. shouting 64. from 65.worlds


Dear Miss Lee,

I’m writing to apply for a position working as a teaching assistants in your school as is advertised on the Internet. I am longing to get this job to better qualify myself and help others as well.

For me, Chinese is my mother tongue and I’m excellent in it. Besides, having learned English for 9 years, I’m rather proficient in both spoken and written English. And I’m willing to help foreigners learn the Chinese language and culture.

I’d appreciate your consideration of my application. Looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Paragraph 1:

By now we were standing in the long Holiday line to pay the bill, and I figure it was a good chance. I lay down on the ground and began screaming, “I want that telephone,”over and over again. Weary Christmas shoppers looked as my mother calmly said, “Becky, you better get up by the count of three or else. One…Two…Thr ee.” Nothing. I was still in full tantrum. So then she lay down beside me on the floor, and began kicking and screaming, “I want a new car, I want a new house, I want some jewelry, I want…”Shocked, I stood up.

Paragraph 2:

“Mama, stop. Mama, get up,”I tearfully pleaded. She stood, and brushed herself off. At first stunned, the others waiting in line began to sporadically clap, and before I knew it they were cheering and laughing and patting my mother on her back. She blushed and took a little bow and the next thirty minutes in line was pure misery for me as various parents leaving the store, shake their heads at me and say with a smile, “Your mom got you good. I bet you’ll never try that again.”And I didn’t, because it left a lasting mental picture more effective than any physical mark.



Text 1

M: Wow! The painting looks great. What do you think of mine?

W: Er, well it’s nice, but mine is better. I mean it’s more beautiful.

Text 2

W: Mr. Li, it is time to hold a meeting.

M: Uh… What’s the time now?

W: It is a quarter to nine.

M: OK, I will arrive in five minutes.

Text 3

M: I decided that I need to challenge myself with an adventure.

W: Wow!

M: I’m going on a month-long trip to explore the caves of Mexico

W: You’ve never done anything like this b efore, and I think it will be very exciting!

Text 4

W: Excuse me, Sir. If my fish cannot be served in the next 5 minutes, I’ll cancel that course. I’ve been waiting for half an hour already!

M: I’m so sorry, Miss. I’ll check it for you right away.

Text 5

W: I really enjoyed the TV special about the life of Walt Disney last night. Did you get home in time to see it? M: Oh, yes, but I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing.


Text 6

M: Rosie, hurry up! Look, here is the karaoke bar.

W: (Breathing heavily) Dean, why is the bar on the top floor? So many stairs. Help me, please. Oh, I’m so unfit. I need to start doing more exercise. I’m going to join the gym tomorrow.

M: Tomorrow? Why don’t you join the gym today?

W: I will join tomorrow, and then I will go every single day. I will, I really will.

M: Rosie, you’ve been saying that for months, but you never actually do it.

W: This time I will. I promise.

M: That’s what you always say.

Text 7

W: Oh, I feel so relieved. I just resigned.

M: You what?

W: You know the old saying? The last straw that breaks the camel’s back.

M: Tell me what happened.

W: This morning I was just busy with a billing report, then my boss, Fargo asked me to buy him some black coffee first. After that, he said he would fine me for I still hadn’t finished the billing report. You know what? He just gave me this “billing report job” two hours ago! And I had to buy him coffee first.
