新编大学英语 第三册 单词

新编大学英语 第三册  单词
新编大学英语 第三册  单词


accent 强调;口音;腔调;重音acquaintance 泛泛之交;了解adversely 有害地

assurance 信心;保证

assured 自信的;感到有把握的circulate 周旋;循环

concept 观念

constant 不断的;始终不变的contrast 对比

converse 聊天

criticism 批评;评论detrimental 有害的

dwell 详述;居中

eliminate 排除;淘汰encouragement鼓励enthusiastically 满腔热情地esteem 尊重

excessively 过多地

hobby 业余爱好

impression 印象;印记improvement 改进

inadequacy 不够格;不充分inferior 差的

inferiority 低劣

interpret 解释;翻译isolate 使孤立

numerous 众多的overcome 消除;压倒overdo 低头

overweight 超重的passive 消极的reasonable 合理的reevaluate 重新评价rejection 拒绝

self-esteem 自尊

shyness 害羞spontaneous 本能的statement 陈述

swirl 旋转

thoughtful 经过缜密思考的timid 害羞的

unattractive 没有吸引力的uncomfortable 不舒服的

worrisome 令人忧虑的

a great many 很多

come along 出现;与某人一起来到dwell on 谈或想的太多

hand in hand 相伴;手拉手地

have something at heart 对…深切关心

in contrast 与…截然相反

of one’s choice 中意的

set aside (为某目的)节约(时间或钱)aptitude 天资

attach 连接;缚;认为有(重要性)awe 敬畏

brand-new 暂新的

confine 限制;监禁

convinced 确信的

crib 有围栏的婴儿床

deafness 聋

despair 绝望

disagreement 分歧

dismissal 解雇

divorce 离婚;分离;与…离婚employer 雇主

enduring 持久的

frown 蹙眉

furry 毛茸茸的

gown 女服

habitual 习惯性的

jail 监狱

jingle 发出叮当响

misfortunate 不幸

neurologically 神经系统方面地newborn 新生的

optimist 乐观的人

overflow 洋溢某种感情

pediatrician 儿科医生

pessimist 悲观主义


prone 有…倾向

prophecy 预言

reassuring 使人放心的

reversal 挫折

self-fulfilling 预言等本身自然会实现的setback 挫败n.

soundless 没有声响的

startle 使惊吓temporary 暂时的undermine 逐渐削弱unusual 不寻常的

be apt to 容易

be prone to 易于

cheer up 使高兴起来

in a …light 从…的角度in the grip of 受…控制

in the meantime 在此期间run for 竞选

academic 学术的acquire 学到;获得


dodge 躲闪;躲避做某事doughnut 炸面卷

dump 傻的;哑的explanatory 解释的fearful 担心的;可怕的guarantee 保证

helpless 无助

hopeless 无用

impress 给…以深刻印象inclined 倾向于……的incompetent 不够格的

inoculate 给…预防注射interview 面试;采访investigate 研究;侦查

justify 证明…正当metropolitan 大都市的performance 表现;性能;表演pessimism 悲观情绪representative 代表

scrutinize 仔细检查

series 连续;一系列

shoelace 鞋带

thinker 深思的人

trial 试验;审讯

triumph 胜利;胜利的喜悦;获胜hold something back 阻碍某人

in a…mood 处于…心情

in part 部分地

keep track of 了解…的情况reach out for 急切地寻求

take credit 接受荣誉


approval 同意

cannon 大炮

cunning 狡诈的delectable 美味的dutiful 各职各责的

dye 染料

eloquent 雄辩的famine 饥荒

feast 盛宴;饱餐grumble 发牢骚

hut 小屋

invitation 邀请;邀请函itch 痒

mat 席子

mischief 恶作剧mischievous 恶作剧的murmur 小声说

orator 演说家

palm 手掌;棕榈树

parrot 鹦鹉

peck 啄

shell 贝壳

skillful 灵巧的

sniff 闻

somewhat 稍微

spear 矛;刺

spokesman 发言人

storyteller 讲故事的人

tortoise 陆龟

ungrateful 忘恩负义的

yam 番薯

at the thought 一想到某事

choose to 情愿,决定

escape someone’s notice 逃过某人的注意rest assured (that)

set off 发生;启程

slowly but surely 稳打稳扎地accustomed 习惯于;惯常的

alas 不幸的是

annoyed 烦恼的

appropriative 感激的

astonished 惊讶的

banish 消除

beast 野兽;残缺的人cheerful 欢乐的

conceited 自负的

consent 准许

consequently 结果

deformity 丑陋

departure 离开;违背destitute 贫困的

elegant 优美的;简练的empty-handed 两手空空的fatten 使变肥

fireplace 壁炉

generous 慷慨大方的

good-natured 和蔼的

greed 贪婪

grief 悲伤;悲伤的事

grief-stricken 极度悲痛的harbor 港口;包庇;怀有hideous 可怕的

horrible 可怕的;使人不愉快的

howl 哀嚎

hug 拥抱

luxurious 奢侈的

magnificent 豪华

mansion 豪宅

mistress 情妇;女主人monster 怪兽;极其残酷的人obedience 服从

onion 洋葱

overjoyed 非常高兴的presence 出席;仪表


roar 熊熊燃烧

rosebush 玫瑰丛

vessel 船

wand 魔杖

wicked 恶劣的

witch 女巫

be consumed with/by 不断受折磨cast a spell on/over 施魔法

in place of 代替

put an end to something 结束某事

accord 自愿

adept 熟练的

alchemist 炼丹术士

altar 圣坛

ashore 在岸上

authentic 真正的;可信的capture 捕获;夺得certainly 肯定;必然的事cleanser 清洁工;清洁剂committee 委员会condemn 判刑;谴责conform 遵守法律;顺应delete 删去

disciple 信徒

distill 精炼;提炼

divine 极好的;神的dragon 龙

emperor 君王enlightened 有见识的festival 纪念活动;节目fulfill 实现;满足furnace 火炉

goddess 女神

governor 领导者

grant 给予

hazard 危险

hell 地狱

immortal神仙;不朽的immortality 永垂不朽的infernal 地狱的infuriate 激怒invulnerable 不会受伤的irresponsible 不负责任的jade 玉

judgment 判决;判断力kingdom 王国

leap 跳;激增

lid 盖子

magic 有魔力的misbehave 行为不端paradise 天堂

peach 桃子

peak 山峰

persecute 迫害

pilgrimage 朝圣之行

piss 撒尿

prodigious 巨大的

proof 证据

saint 圣人

scripture 经典

scripture 经文

siege 围攻

stable 稳定的

stray 犯错误;迷路的

strife 冲突

summon 振作

superintendent 主管人;负责人;警长temptation 诱惑物

territory 属地

victorious 胜利的

vow 誓言

weapon 武器

wickedness 邪恶

adept at 擅长于…

at will 随心所欲

be greeted with/by 受到…对待

behave oneself 表现得当condemn someone to death 判处死刑conform to 遵守

hand …over 移交

of one’s own accord 自动地

take revenge on someone 报复

with certainly 确定无疑地


accessibility 容易得到的advisable 明智的

arise 出现;起源于

athletic 体育运动的

burden 负担

candidly 坦率地

compel 强迫

compelling 使人非注意不可的conversely 相反地

dinnertime 正餐时间

doze 打盹

enable 使可能

expense 花费

fee 费用

foster 收养

frightening 可怕的fulfillment 满足感;实现furthermore 此外homemaker 主妇housing 房屋

invaluable 极宝贵的isolation 孤单

maturity 成熟

optimum 最佳的overwhelming 势不可挡的phenomenon 现象priority 优先考虑的resentful 怨愤恨的salaried 拿月薪的secure 安心的;安全的steadily 持续地suppress 抑制

tuition 学费

unlock 开锁unsupervised 无人看管的

void 空虚感

widespread 广泛的

youngster 少年

after all 毕竟

all to often 屡次三番

cope with 对付

doze off 打盹

in case of 在…情况下

in the long run 从长远来看

look on …as 看待

take…into consideration 考虑某事work out 想出

barman 酒吧男招待

bet 打赌

cater 承办酒席

clientele 顾客

gambler 赌徒

heroin 海洛因

integrate 取消种族歧视

mister 先生

mug 行凶抢劫


pusher 非法销售者respectful 恭敬的showbiz 娱乐性行为stuff 原料

terrify 使害怕

wares 商品

come on 来吧

let go of 放开

abruptly 突然地

appall 使……=大吃一惊attentive 注意的

bang 撞击

bar 酒吧

blonde 金发女人

boot 靴子

breathless 气喘吁吁的bystander 旁观者collision 碰撞

currency 货币;流通damn 该死

deceitful 欺骗的destination目的地;目标

enumerate 例举

fare 费

glossy 有光泽的

grimace 怪相

grit 咬紧牙关

heartbeat 心跳

identification 身份证明;鉴定identify 个性

instant 瞬间

intact 完好无损的

knot 发髻

marine 海军的

membership 会员身份

missing 丢失的

muster 鼓起勇气

rage 狂怒

recede 退去

scatter 散开

somehow 以某种方式;不知怎么的suffocating 令人窒息的

terminal 终点站;晚期的;不治的tile 瓷砖

worldly 老练的

X-ray x射线

all at once 突然

catch sight of 注意到

hang on to 紧紧抓住

in place 在合适的位置

in the presence of 当着某人

kill time 消磨时间

rip off 偷

trip someone up 绊倒


acceptable 令人满意的;可以忍受的alternative 抉择;选择的余地avoidance 避开

bliss 极乐

clerical 办公室工作的contingency 意外事故

counselor 顾问

crystallize 思想变得清楚daydream 空想

defensive 防卫的


dominant 支配的;居高临下的estimate 估计

flaw 缺点

foresee 预知

formula 方案;处方frantically 紧张地

hastily 急急忙忙地

hop 换来换去

implication 可能的后果;暗示incorrect 错误的;

insight 深刻见解;洞察力instability 变化无常inventory 评估;详细目录logical 合乎逻辑的

moral 道德的;教育意义的necessarily 必然

observer 观察者;目击者occupation 工作;消遣periodically 周期地

phase 方面;阶段

planner 规划者

probable 可能的

新编大学英语 1 词汇测试 2

Vocabulary Test 2 (Unit 4--Unit6) I. Directions:Choose the most appropriate word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences. 25% 1. All the ______ to the Palace were guarded by soldiers. A. means B. ways C. approaches D. methods 2. The baby’s first step caused great ______ in the family. A. stimulation B. distress C. inspiration D. excitement 3. The living room is usually ______ with flowers three days before Christmas. A. provided B. furnished C. decorated D. equipped 4. Since he _____ refused to discuss the matter any further , we had to look for other ways of solution. A. absolutely B. nearly C. fairly D. relatively 5. Early ______ education , schooling for young children , usually beginning at age three , intended to prepare them for elementary grades. A. childhood B. childish C. childlike D. childless 6. I find the British legal system extremely ______ and its really difficult for me to understand it. A. complicated B. sophisticated C. influential D. objective 7. Most of the old people don’t want to be taken out of their daily ______. A. frustration B. routine C. trifle D. reluctance 8. The clock can be _______ for one year. A. guaranteed B. ensured C. assured D. insured 9. Although the main characters in the novel are so true to life, they are entirely _____. A. imaginative B. imaginable C. imagination D. imaginary 10. Air pollution ________ to many kinds of diseases. A. confirms B. contributes C. communicates D. consumes 11. Flexible working hours __________ parents to spend much more time with their children. A. permitted B. convinced C. caused D. denied 12. I hope this will _______ you to change your mind. A. convince B. instruct C. predict D. upset 13. Barbara _________ in doing it again though she had failed more than a dozen times. A. consisted B. insisted C. persisted D. assisted 14. I seem to have _______ two copies of this book. A. required B. approached C. applied D. acquired 15. The picture ____ to me my school days. A. remembered B. recalled C. reminded D. memorized 16. The president refused to _______ on the rumor that he had planned to give up his position. A. relate B. treat C. comment D. state 17. I spent the whole day repairing the computer. The work was _______ easy.

新编大学英语4 单词默写表

1 ★ 官僚主义者 漫画家 ★ 澄清,解释 ▲ 小丑 # 喜剧演员 # 相声 # 双关语 有趣的,令人愉快的 熟悉,精通 聚会 幽默(作)家;有幽默感的人 缺乏幽默感的 ★ 笨蛋,蠢材 ★ 恼火的,不耐烦的 可笑的,荒唐的 笑,笑声 误用;滥用 相互的;彼此的 # 神气活现地走或移动 最重要的,主要的 # 双关语 有礼貌的,有教养的;有品位的 ▲ 谜,谜语 # 出谜语的人 有选择地 # 机制,结构 # 滑稽表演,打闹剧 ★ 闪亮的,闪光的 一连串,一系列 # 使人产生邪念的,挑逗的 ★ 戏弄,取笑 ★ 怂恿,引诱(某人)去做 普遍的,全体的 ★ 粗俗的,庸俗的 在某人伸手够不着的地方 对某人一笑 努力做某事,试图做某事 嘲弄;拿。。。开玩笑 ▲ 贵族 集合,聚集;收集;组合,装配 # 发条装置 证明,(宣判)。。。有罪; 囚犯 ★ 温暖舒适的;亲切友好的 过时的;老式的 发觉,察觉 戏剧,电视剧 小说的,虚构的 园丁,园艺工人 ★ 等级制度 # 未完成的部分 审判不公,误判 道德上的,道义上的 ▲ 着魔,迷恋;困扰人的想法 刑罚,惩罚,处罚 可预料的,可预言的 心理地 短缺,缺乏,不足 ★ 使不安,扰乱 ▲ 行踪,去向 # 侦探小说、电影 不正确地,错误地 以 结束 简而言之,总之 极有规律性和准确性地;顺利地 呈现(某种品质),以 面貌出现

被捕,在押 确实,(用于强调某个观点) 2 # 冷淡的,超然离群的 描绘,描述 的特征 报纸或书页上的栏 ★ 赞美的,赞赏的 ★ 诚挚而友好的 值得,应得,应受 ★ 不利条件,缺点,弊端 企业,公司 新意;勃勃生机 不真诚的 激励人心的;启发灵感的 ★ 激起 的好奇心(或兴趣),迷住 投资(额) 远距离的,长途的 市长;镇长 ▲ 备忘录 # 导师,指导者 重大事件,里程碑 ▲ 早该发生的;早该完成的 便笺本,拍纸簿 富有诗意的 ▲ 从事者,实践者;医师,律师 精确的,准确的 # (书页)折角的,破旧的,翻旧了的 ★ 接受者,接收者 ▲ 品味,体验;品尝 # 潦草地书写,乱涂乱画 ★ 多愁善感的,多情的 鼓舞人心的 ▲ 文具,信纸 兴旺,繁荣;茁壮成长 天河 打字机 # 冷淡的 # 乐观的,快乐的 含糊的,不明确的;不清楚的,模糊的 差不多实际上 # 良好祝愿 表扬 在手边,在近处 认为 重要;重视 认识到 的重要意义;有头绪 采取后续行动 鼓舞,激励 养成 的习惯 使某人非常高兴 传递,转交 (由于害怕或缺乏信心等)回避(做某事),躲避 (使)向好的方向发展 行业,职业;社会阶层 # 皮夹子 ▲ 脱口而出 不乐 # 棺材 令人愉快的;漂亮的 # 易怒的;不安的 农舍 ▲ 不停地 # 淘气,调皮 # 新手的,生手的 没有恶习新手 允许


浙江大学《新编大学英语综合教程(1)》(第3版)学习指南 Unit5 一、词汇短语 In-Class Reading Pre-Reading Do Animals Have Culture? speak of谈到;论及 【例句】He didn’t speak of the accident.他没有提到那次事故。 common[]adj.共同的,公有的;普通的,一般的 n.公有地,普通,平民 【词组】in common共同的 【派生】commonness n.共性;平凡 of behavior行为模式 pattern[]n.型,模型;样式;花样,图案 v.仿制,仿效 【例句】We patterned this plan on the previous one.我们仿照以前的图样设计了这张图纸。

【词组】pattern sth.on/after根据…做某事,仿造 【助记】pat(轻拍)+tern(燕鸥)→燕欧轻拍留下图案 make up for补偿,弥补 【例句】Hard work can often make up for a lack of ability.努力工作经常可以弥补能力的不足。 claw[]n.爪,脚爪 v.抓 【例句】They clawed each other in Parliament.他们在议会中互相吹捧。 cooperate[]vi.合作,协作 【例句】The British cooperated with the French in building the new craft.英、法两国合作制造这种新式飞船。 【词组】cooperate with(sb.)in(sth.)和(某人)合作(某事) 【助记】co(共同)+operate(操作)→共同操作→合作 【派生】cooperative adj.合作的;合作社的 cooperation n.合作,协作;协力 dividing line分界线,界线 this is not the case情况不是这样的;事实并非如此


第二版新编大学英语Book II Unit 1 adjust cling to complain about coordinate despite be envious of frustration indignity kid v. pace precisely punch reluctance severely trifle unworthy urge sb. to do engage in let on now that see to it that subject …to // commodity confidentially dependent devotion gaze at impulsively insecure monopoly overnight pill recognition shift slide staff stroll tuck…in watchful withdrawn wrinkled deprive…of turn up additional appreciation be capable of be entitled to interaction popularity pressure relaxation remark scratch security therapy touching identify with in return Unit 2 acceptance assistance assume conflict convey emphasis exaggerate factual ignore literally misinterpret mislead quit react feel like lead to on the verge of pull out take…lightly// accomplish ment admirable cheerfully determination distinguish exhaust fatigue gratitude memorize neglect possess promising sacrifice solely burst into tears hold back in a different light pull over turn out Unit 3 appropriately capability capacity contribute to cruelty dependence dominate evaluate flexible genuinely guilt

新编大学英语第一册Unit 1单词听写

Word Dictation of Unit 1 Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word of this unit. 1.Most wines contain between 10% and 15% ____________ 2.She left suddenly, for no ____________ reason. 3.His hand shook slightly when he ____________ the key into the lock. 4.One of the college girls became a ____________. 5.He smokes an ____________cigar, but he doesn’t smoke regularly. 6.When his parents were killed in an accident, the little boy became an __________. 7.The drugs brought him some ____________ from the pain. 8.We are making slow but ____________ progress. 9.The man’s body was ____________ when it was found in the snow. 10.The driver of the car was shocked but ____________. 11.The prisoner before the judge with life ______ ______ ______ ______. 12.He was even prepared to ______ ______ his life for his friends. 13.I ______ ______ a cry of pain. 14.The ____________ between the two is shown by a line on the map. 15.Don’t forget to take out the ____________. 16.The building was ____________ used as a prison. 17.Y our clothes always look ______ ______ ______. 18.They didn’t go there because of ____________ reason. 19.Some boy ____________ when a pretty girl smiles at them. 20.There isn’t enough room for us, ______ ______ my guests.


Unit 2 Emphasis(重点n) As a student,we should put great emphasis on study. factual (真实的adj)The reporter checked out the story and found it to be factual. Exaggerate(夸张v) I couldn’t sleep three days.I’m not exaggerating. Assistance(帮助n) Our teacher provides advice and assistance in finding work. Ignore(忽视v) My advice was completely ignored. Emotional(情感上的adj) I am in great need of emotional support. Literal(表面的adj)The literal meaning of blue is a color. Metaphor (隐喻n)She was a caged bird,to use her own metaphor,that had to break free. Argument(争论n)We had an argument about what to eat. acceptance All people should practice acceptance(容忍) and live together in peace. conflict There is a conflict between what you said and what you did. quit He quit his job after an argument with a colleague. Verge(边缘n)I tried to hide her grief, but I was on the verge of tears. assume (假定)We’ll assume that he isn’t coming,if he is not here in 5 minutes. romantic I have a romantic idea about study. Chart Our chart will help you to choose what to eat. mislead Don’t let his friendly manner mislead you into trusting him. react When I heard the good news,I reacted with a smile. unsupportive His unsupportive parents would not help him attend college. Superlative Biggest is the superlative of big. convey(传送)My luggage will be conveyed to school. misinterpret The driver misinterpreted the policeman’s signal and turned in the wrong direction. Unit 3 appropriately We should use time appropriately. rigid (刻板的adj)He is very rigid in his ideas. Contribute smoking contributed to his death. Uniqueness It is the uniqueness of her painting style. creatively I’d like write creatively. nutrition Good nutrition is important for good health. cruelty He saw a lot of cruelty in the prison. Evaluate(评估v)The teacher is evaluating our marks. independence She shows great independence of mind. guilt I often have feelings of guilt after making mistakes limitation It’s important to know you own limitations. Inadequate(不充分的adj)This is obviously inadequate Manipulate(影响v)She uses her charm to manipulate people. capability No one doubts her capability for his job. Dominate(支配) No one is allowed to dominate the project. capacity She has a great capacity for hard work. flexible We should make our time flexible. channel Please don’t change the channel.(话题) potential We should not be worrying about our potential limitations

新编大学英语 第三册 单词

第一单元 accent 强调;口音;腔调;重音acquaintance 泛泛之交;了解adversely 有害地 assurance 信心;保证 assured 自信的;感到有把握的circulate 周旋;循环 concept 观念 constant 不断的;始终不变的contrast 对比 converse 聊天 criticism 批评;评论detrimental 有害的 dwell 详述;居中 eliminate 排除;淘汰encouragement鼓励enthusiastically 满腔热情地esteem 尊重 excessively 过多地 hobby 业余爱好 impression 印象;印记improvement 改进

inadequacy 不够格;不充分inferior 差的 inferiority 低劣 interpret 解释;翻译isolate 使孤立 numerous 众多的overcome 消除;压倒overdo 低头 overweight 超重的passive 消极的reasonable 合理的reevaluate 重新评价rejection 拒绝 self-esteem 自尊 shyness 害羞spontaneous 本能的statement 陈述 swirl 旋转 thoughtful 经过缜密思考的timid 害羞的 unattractive 没有吸引力的uncomfortable 不舒服的

worrisome 令人忧虑的 a great many 很多 come along 出现;与某人一起来到dwell on 谈或想的太多 hand in hand 相伴;手拉手地 have something at heart 对…深切关心 in contrast 与…截然相反 of one’s choice 中意的 set aside (为某目的)节约(时间或钱)aptitude 天资 attach 连接;缚;认为有(重要性)awe 敬畏 brand-new 暂新的 confine 限制;监禁 convinced 确信的 crib 有围栏的婴儿床 deafness 聋 despair 绝望 disagreement 分歧 dismissal 解雇 divorce 离婚;分离;与…离婚employer 雇主


新编大学英语第二版第三册 第五单元课文翻译 我是怎样识字的 在我记忆中,我一生最重要的日子是我的老师安妮·曼斯菲尔德·沙利文走进我生活的那一天。至今,每当我想起这一天仍会惊叹不已:是这一天把(我过的)截然不同的两种生活连在一起,那是1887年3月3日,离我7岁生日还有三个月。 我那个重要的日子的午后,我呆呆地站在我家的门廊上,内心充满了期盼。从我母亲给我的手势和屋子里众人来来往往的忙碌中我隐约猜到将有不同寻常的事发生,于是我来到门口,在台阶上等着。午后的阳光透过覆盖着门廊的忍冬花簇照射到我仰起的脸庞上。我的手指近乎下意识地抚弄着这些熟悉的叶片和花朵。它们刚刚抽叶开花,迎来南方温馨的春天。至于我的未来究竟会出现什么样的奇迹,我茫然不知。几个星期来,愤怒和怨恨一直折磨着我。这种激烈的情感争斗之后是一种极度的疲惫。 你可曾在航海时遇上过浓雾?那时,你仿佛被困在了触手可及的一片白茫茫中,不见天日。你乘坐的巨轮,靠测深锤和测深线的指引,举步维艰地靠向海岸,既紧张又焦急不安;而你则心里怦怦直跳,等着什么事情发生。我在接受教育之前正像那艘巨轮,所不同的是我连指南针或测深线都没有,更无从知晓离港湾还有多远。我的心灵在无声地疾呼:“光明!给我光明吧!”而就在那个时刻,爱的光芒洒在了我的身上。 我感觉到有脚步由远及近,于是我伸出了手,以为会是母亲。有人抓住了我的手,将我抱住并紧紧地搂在了怀里。正是这个人的到来,把整个世界展示给我,最重要的是,给我带来了爱。 在老师来到我家的第二天上午,她把我带到了她的房间,给了我一个玩具娃娃。这娃娃是帕金斯学校的小盲童们送给我的礼物,劳拉·布里奇曼给娃娃穿上了衣服,不过这些是我在后来才知道的。我玩了一小会儿之后,沙利文小结慢慢地在我的手上拼出了“d-o-l-l”(玩偶)这个词。我一下子便对这种手指游戏产生了兴趣,而且试着模仿它。当我终于正确地拼出了这几个字母时,内心充满了孩子气的喜悦和自豪。我跑到楼下找到母亲,伸手拼出了“玩偶”所含的字母。当时我并不知道我是在拼一个单词,甚至还不知道有“单词”这么回事;我只是像猴子那样用手指进行模仿。在接下来的几天里,我就这样,虽然并不知词识义,却学会了拼写好些单词。这些单词中有“别针”、“帽子”、“杯子”,还有些动词,如“坐”、“站”和“走”。但是等我懂得了每样东西都有名字时,已经是我和老师在一起好几个星期之后的事了。 一天,我正在玩我的新玩具娃娃,这时,沙利文小姐把我的大布娃娃放在我的膝上,又给我拼了一遍“d-o-l-l”,想让我懂得“d-o-l-l”这个单词适用于这两件东西。就在当天早些时候,我曾和她因“m-u-g”和“w-a-t-e-r”这两个词发生过争执。沙利文小姐想让我记住“m-u-g”是“大杯”,而“w-a-t-e-r”是“水”,但我却总是把这两个词的意思给弄混。失望之余她暂时搁起这一话题,但一有机会她就马上旧事重提。我却对她一遍又一遍的努力感到忍无可忍,于是就抓起新的玩具娃娃,狠狠地砸在了地板上。当我感觉到脚边摔碎的玩具娃娃时,产生了一种强烈的快感。在这种强烈的情感发泄之后,我没有一丝伤感或懊悔之情。我从没有喜欢过那个玩具娃娃。在我所生活的那个无声、黑暗的世界里是没有柔情或情感的。我感觉到老师已把碎片扫到了壁炉炉床的一边,此时我有一种满足感,因为让我不快的东西已不复存在了。她给我拿来了草帽,我知道我将要走出屋子,到温暖的阳光下。一想到这(如果一种无法用言语表达的感觉也可以称为想法的话),我便高兴地又蹦又跳。 我们沿着小路来到了井房,井房上布满了忍冬,它的芳香深深地吸引了我们。有人正在抽水,

新编大学英语 1 词汇测试 1

Vocabulary Test ( Unit 1---Unit 3 ) 1.Diretions: Choose the most appropriate word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences. (25%) 1) The crowd cheered in _____ when the player caught the ball. A. recognition B. appreciation C. interaction D. participation 2) Everyone interviewed had been _____ to unfair treatment. A. subjected B. adjusted C. devoted D. entitled 3) The ____ of life in the village was slow and restful. A. way B. step C. pace D. routine 4) You are ______ by law to stop your car after an accident. A. deprived B. derived C. engaged D. required 5) She is enjoying the job more _____ she has got more responsibility. A. until B. now that C. whereas D. unless 6) Please see to it that no one ____ in without identification. A. will come B. should come C. comes D. came 7) Peter, who was usually shy, found himself ____ to the girls. A. spoke B. speaking C. spoken D. speaks 8) Very reluctantly I _____ to lend her my new car. A. refused B. consented C. proposed D. intended 9) They would ____ him of any progress that he had made. A. deprive B. derive C. relieve D. inform 10) The refrigerator keeps food at a(n) _____ temperature. A. constant B.instant C. lasting D. permanent 11). Her rough, red hands reflected a life of hard physical work. A. recalled B. returned C. showed D. reacted 12). Everything will ultimately depend on what is said at the meeting next week. A. finally B. certainly C. truly D. actually 13). Her announcement this afternoon confirmed that she would in fact be resigning (辞职). A. stated B. declared C. demonstrated D. proved 14). He is ______ to finish this work within 2 days. A. possible B. probable C. likely D. maybe 15). The director gave me his ______ that he would double my pay if I did my job well. A. warrant B. obligation C. assurance D. certainty 16). It’s high time you ______ that you are not the most important person in the world. A. have realized B. should realize C. realize D. realized 17). She was ______ treatment when I hurried to the hospital. A. on B. under C. of D. in 18). His attitudes have _____ little despite the events of the last few years. A. modified B. moderated C. changed D. exchanged 19). Let me _____ you to your hotel.


Anatomy n.构造,结构解剖(学) Bureaucrat n.官僚主义者 Cartoonist n.漫画家 Clarification n.澄清,解释 Clown n.小丑 Comedian n.滑稽演员,喜剧演员 Cross-talk n.相声 Double entendre n.双关语 Entertaining adj.有趣的,令人愉快的 Familiarity n.熟悉,精通 Gathering n.聚会 Humorist n.幽默(作)家;有幽默感的人 Humorless adj.缺乏幽默感的 Idiot n.笨蛋,蠢材 Irritated adj.恼火的,不耐烦的 Laughable adj.可笑的,荒唐的 Laughter n.笑;笑声 Misuse vt.n.误用;滥用 Mutual adj.相互的,彼此的共同的,共有的 Prance vi.神气活现地走或移动 Principal n.校长adj.最重要的,主要的 Pun n.双关语 Refined adj.(人)有礼貌的,有教养的;有品位的 Riddle n.谜,谜语奥秘,费解之事 Riddler n.出谜(语)的人 Selectively adv.有选择地 Setting n.(某事、戏剧、小说等的)背景 Setup n.机制,结构 Slapstick n.滑稽表演,打闹剧 Sparkling adj.闪亮的,闪光的 String n.一连串,一系列弦;线一行,一串 Suggestive adj.使人产生邪念的,挑逗的 Tease v.戏弄;取笑 Tempt vt.怂恿;引诱(某人)去做引诱,诱惑 Universal adj.普遍的,全体的通用的 Vulgar adj.粗俗的,庸俗的 Beyond the reach of sb.在某人伸手够不着的地方 Flash a smile对某人一笑 Make an attempt to do sth.Try to do sth.努力做某事,试图做某事Make fun of嘲弄,拿……开玩笑


2010大学英语三级词汇 a(an)art.(非特指的)一(个);任何一个;每一(个)A.D.n.公元 A.M.ad.上午,午前 abandonv.放弃;抛弃,离弃abdomenn.腹;腹部 abidev.(by)坚持;遵守;容忍 ability n.能力,智能;才能,才干;技能ablea.能够,有能力的 abolishv.废除,取消 about prep.关于;在…周围;在…各处ad.大约 above prep.在…上方;(数量,价格等)大于…abroad ad.出国,在国外 abrupt a.突然的,意外的;陡峭的,险峻的;(举止,言谈等)不流畅的absence n.缺席,不在场;缺乏absent a.(from)缺席的,不在场的;漫不经心的 absolute a.绝对的;完全的;专制的absorb吸收;吸引,使专心 abstracta.抽象的;深奥的n.摘要;抽象v.摘要;转移absurd a.愚蠢的;荒唐的abundanta.丰富的;充足的 abusev.&n.滥用;谩骂academica.学院的;学术的,教学的 acceleratev.加速;促进 accentn.腔调,口音;重音(符号) acceptv.认可,接受 accessn.接近,进入;入口,通路;接近(或进入)的方法 accident n.事故 accidental a.偶然的,意外的accommodate v.留宿,收容;供应,供给;容纳 accommodations (-s) Accompany v.陪伴,陪同 Accomplish v.完成,实现 According(to) Account n.帐户 Accumulate v.积累,积蓄;堆积accurate a.精确的,准确的 accuse v.(of)控告,谴责 accustom v.(to)使习惯 ache v.痛;哀怜n.疼痛,酸痛 achieve v.完成,达到;获得 acid n.酸a.酸的;酸性的 acquaint v.(sb.with)使认识,使了解acquaintance n.熟人;相识;熟悉 acquire v.取得,获得;学到 acre.英亩 acrobat杂技演员 acrossprep.穿过;在另一边,在对面ad.横越actv.行动;做 actionn.行动,行为;动作,活动;(on)作用 activeadj活动的,活泼的,活跃的;主动的,积极的;敏捷的;剧烈的 activityn.活动 actorn.男演员 actressn.女演员 actuala.实际的,事实上的;真实的 ad (=advertisement)n.广告 adaptv.(to)(使)适合;改编,改写 addv.加 addition n.加,加法;附加物 additionala.附加的,另外的 addressn.地址 adequatea.足够的,充分的;符合要求的adherev.(to)粘附;坚持,遵循adjectiven.形容词,a.形容词的 adjustv.调节,校正;(to)(使)适应administrationn.管理,经营;行政(机关,部门);政府 admirev.羡慕,赞赏,钦佩 admitv.承认 adoptv.采用,采纳;收养 adultn.成(年)人;成体 a.成年人的;已成熟的 advancev.前进;取得进展 advanceda.高级的,先进的advantagen.优点,优势 adventurev.大胆进行,拿…冒风险n.冒险活


Aloof n.冷淡的,超然离群的 Characterize vt.描绘,描述…的特征;成为…的特征 Column n.(报纸或书页上的)栏;(报纸的)专栏Complimentary adj.赞美的,赞赏的 Cordial adj.诚挚而友好的 Deserve vt.值得,应得,应受 Drawback n.不利条件,缺点,弊端 Enterprise n.企业,公司;事业;计划,行动 Freshness n.新意;勃勃生机 Insincere adj.不真诚的 Inspiring adj.激励人心的;启发灵感的 Intrigue vt.激起…的好奇心(或兴趣),迷住 Investment n.投资;投资额 Long-distance adj.远距离的,长途的 Mayor n.市长;镇长 Memo n.备忘录 Mentor n.导师,指导者 Milestone n.重大事件,里程碑 Overdue adj.早该发生的;早该完成的;延期的,过期(未付)的Pad n.便笺本,拍纸簿;护垫,衬垫 Poetic adj.富有诗意的 Practitioner n.从事者,实践者;(尤指)医师,律师 Precise adj.精确的,准确的 Rag-earned adj.(书页)折角的,(书等)破旧的,翻旧了的

Recipient n.接受者,接收者 Savor vt.品味,体验;品尝 Scribble vt.潦草的书写vi.乱涂,乱画,乱写Sentimental adj.多愁善感的,多情的 Spirit-lifting adj.鼓舞人心 Stationery n.文具;信纸 Thrive vi.兴旺,繁荣;茁壮成长 Typewriter n.打字机 Unresponsive adj.无反应的,冷淡的 Upbeat adj.乐观的,快乐的 Vague adj.含糊的,不明确的;不清晰的,模糊的Virtually adv.差不多;实际上 Well-wishing n.良好祝愿 A pat on the back表扬,鼓励 At hand在手边;在近处 Attach importance to认为…重要;重视 Be on to sth.认识到…的重要意义;有头绪Follow sth. up采取后续行动 Lift up鼓舞,激励 Make a habit of养成…的习惯 Make sb.’s day使某人非常高兴


barrier 障碍;屏障;障碍物,栅栏,关卡 blossom 花;开花;成熟,兴旺,健康发展 childish 孩子的,孩子般的 confound 使混淆 consciousness 意识,知觉 continually 多次重复地,一再地;不间断地,不停地 dense 浓密的,不易看透(或呼吸的);密度大的 eventful 重大的,重要的 expectant 期望的,期待的 flushed 兴奋的,充满喜悦的 footstep 脚步声 fragment 碎片;使成碎片,打碎,分裂 fragrance 芳香;香水 gush 喷,涌;夸张地表达(爱慕、愉悦等) hearth 壁炉周围的地面 honeysuckle 忍冬(一种攀援植物) imitation 模仿;仿制品,赝品 immeasurable 无法估量的,无限的 keenly 强烈地 languor 倦怠 linger 逗留,徘徊;很长时间才消失 misty 模糊的,不清楚的,朦胧的 outburst 突然爆发 passionate 表现出强烈感情的,充满激情的 penetrate 进入,渗入;同察,了解 plummet 测深锤,铅坠 prey 使持续苦恼,折磨;捕食动物等 quiver 发抖 rag 破布,碎布 renew 重新开始 repentance 后悔,懊悔 rod 杆,竿,棒 sensation 感受,感觉;感官的感觉能力;轰动,激动;引起轰动的人spout 壶嘴 tenderness 温柔,柔情 thrill 激动,狂喜 tussle 斗争,争执,争辩 uncomprehending 不理解的,困惑的 unconsciously 不知不觉地,无意识地 upturned仰着的,向上翘的 vainly 徒劳地 wordless 无言的 at the close of 结束时,末尾处 at the first /earliest opportunity 尽快


BOOK 3 (UNIT 1~7) Quiz 1 1) His speech was so eloquent that all the birds were glad they had brought him, and nodded their heads ________ approval of all he said. A) in B) at C) to D) on 2) The official in the tax office ________ that the shopkeeper was innocent. A) contented B) consented C) contained D) contended 3) The new furniture does not ________ to the design of the new room. A) conform B) confine C) condemn D) confirm 4) The employer is ________ to ask for references. A) conceited B) entitled C) condemned D) despair 5) I am very ________ of all the support you gave me. A) eloquent B) jealousy C) appreciative D) spoiled 6) Although they are sisters, they are the ________ opposite of one another. A) very B) much C) little D) just 7) The rumors of an attack were later ________. A) convinced B) confirmed C) conformed D) confined 8) His self-confidence was ________ by repeated failures. A) underestimated B) underexposed C) undermanned D) undermined 9) I have ________ you that it's not worthwhile to take the risk. A) secured B) ensured C) assured D) insured 10) The gun ________ the monkeys and they all escaped. A) bothered B) impressed C) overflowed D) startled 11) Knowledge without common sense ________ little. A) counts B) counts on C) counts up D) counts for 12) The police have ________ all the other suspects, so only one now remains. A) reduced B) eliminated C) diminished D) removed 13) He's very ________ to his pupil's need for encouragement and knows when to praise them. A) sensational B) sensitive C) sensible D) sensuous 14) Reading the newspaper ________ one of my parents' life habits since they retired. A) become B) are becoming C) have become D) has become 15) My uncle was made ________ his research work due to his ill health. A) giving up B) given up C) to give up D) give up 16) He will never ________ the window this afternoon when he was playing football in the front yard. A) admit to break B) admit to have broken C) admit having broken D) admit him break 17) He has a very strange ________ on life. A) interview B) perspectives C) outlook D) angle 18) They ________ themselves that the accident was a million-to-one chance. A) reassured B) realized C) insured D) instructed 19) I ________ my fear of flying by taking several short flights last month. A) undermined B) overcame C) confronted D) challenged 20) There is noise on this ________. I can hardly hear you. A) occasion B) connection C) case D) scene 21) If anything happened to the kids I'd never _______ myself. A) forgive B) dismiss C) threaten D) convince 22) These events are a major ________ to the establishment of a peaceful settlement of the conflict.
