译林牛津版高中英语选修9教案:U4 Project

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单元:Unit 4 Behind beliefs


Thoughts on the design:

本节课是把英语听、说、读、写的训练从课堂内拓展到课堂外的探究性学习课,旨在通过学生对阅读材料——中国最古老的佛教寺庙白马寺“The White Horse Temple”的熟悉的基础上,使学生在积极参与听、说、读、写等一系列的课堂活动的同时,了解佛教如何传入中国、白马寺的建筑风格及它在中国佛教史上的重要地位,以此引导学生探索“介绍一个宗教圣地”该从哪几个方面入手及该类文章的基本结构。然后根据具体的步骤,通过小组讨论、分工合作、信息检索、交流汇报等形式的活动,用英语完成一份报告:介绍历史上某个有影响的宗教圣地,最后呈现学习成果,创造性地完成学习任务,培养学生综合运用英语的能力。

Teaching aims:

After reading a report about a historic religious site “The White Horse Temple”, the students will be able to know about the oldest Buddhist temple in China and what needs to be covered in a report like this. The students will also have the chance to practise their listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities while participating in classroom activities. At the end of the class, the students will practise how to write a report about a historic religious site.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in (PPT4)

1. Look at some pictures of oldest temple in China.

Q: Do you know which Buddhist temple is the oldest in China?

Then present two pictures of the White Horse Temple and students will know that the White Horse Temple is the oldest Buddhist temple in China. (PPT5) [Explanation]

学生在该部分主要了解中国最古老的佛教圣地——“The White Horse Temple”。

Step 2 Reading comprehension

1. Analyse the structure of the report

Listening (PPT6)

Listen to a report about a historic religious site The White Horse Temple. While listening, please find out what aspects about the White Horse Temple the report mainly covers.

Then ask the students to answer the following questions.

Q: What aspects about the White Horse Temple does the report mainly cover?

(PPT 7)

A: A brief introduction of the temple.

The story behind the temple.

The architecture of the temple.

The importance of the temple.

Q: Which paragraphs of the report mainly cover the above aspects? (PPT 8)

A: Paragraph 1 gives a brief introduction of the temple. Paragraphs 2-5 tell the story behind the temple. Paragraph 6 tells about the architecture of the temple, and Paragraphs 7-9 cover the importance of the temple.

Q: So what’s the structure of the report? (PPT 9)

A: Part 1 (Para 1) A brief introduction about the temple.

Part 2 (Para 2-5) The story behind the temple.

Part 3 (Para 6) The architecture of the temple.

Part 4 (Para 7-9) The importance of the temple.

2. Comprehension

Part 1 Para 1 A brief introduction of the temple (PPT 10)

Read Para 1 again and fill in the blanks:

The White Horse Temple is __________ in ___________, Henan Province in the ___________ east of China. Being the ________ _________ temple in China, it _________ one of the most __________ temples in all of China.

Answers: located; Luoyang; central; first; Buddhist; is/remains; important

Part 2 Para 2-5 The story behind the temple.(PPT11)

Read Para 2-5 again and try to answer the following questions: (PPT12-17)

Q: 1. What did the story originate in?

A: The story originated in a dream the Emperor Mingdi of the Eastern Han Dynasty had one night.

Q: 2. What did Mingdi dream of that night?

A: He dreamt of a golden man flying over the palace.

Q: 3. What was the golden man like?

A: He was almost four metres tall, and there was a bright light coming from his head
