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English for Outbound Tour Leaders

Unit I At The Airport



We have a connecting flight on MH235 to Kuala Lumpur.


Should I check in here for taking Flight AF310 to Paris?


This is the final call for TG Flight 260 to Bangkok.

4、您是来做生意还是还观光的?Are you here on business or for pleasure?

5、请出示您的护照和入境卡。May I have your passport and arrival card, please?

6、入境卡:Arrival card/entry card/disembarkation card/incoming passenger card

7、出境卡:Departure card/exit card/embarkation card/outgoing passenger card

8、我在免税商店买了一瓶XO。I bought a bottle of XO at the duty free shop.


You will be informed the departure time when it is checked up.

10、我可以叫我们的地勤人员替您找。I’ll have our gro und personnel try to locate it for you.

11、我那时候刚买了一条烟准备路上抽。I had just bought a carton to take with me on the trip.

12、太感谢您的帮助了。I really appreciate your help.

13、非常感谢您的及时帮助。We greatly appreciate your timely help.

二、Sentence storage 语句装备库


Is this the right counter to check in for the flight to Sydney?


Can I have my luggage checked in here for the flight to Bangkok?

16、登机手续有哪些?What are the check-in procedures?

17、飞机会准时起飞吗?Is the plane on schedule?

18、飞机什么时候起飞?What’s the departure time of the flight?

19、请到候机室等待通知。Please wait at the departure lounge until it’s announced.

20、你有多少行李要托运?How many pieces of checked luggage have you got?

21、您的箱子需要经过X光检查,贴上验放标签。You have to X-ray your bag for a label.

22、我可以随身携带这个吗?Can I take this as a carry-on?


Here are two tags for the suitcases and two labels for the hand luggage.

24、你的行李超过免费限额。Your luggage exceeds the free baggage allowance.

25、请问免费行李有什么规定?What’s the free luggage allowance, please?


30kg free luggage allowance for first class and 20kg for enconomy class.

27、您对座位有什么偏好吗?Do you have any seat preferences?


Which seat do you prefer, a window seat or an aisle seat?

29、可以给我一个靠近机尾的座位吗?Can I have a seat in the back of the plane?

30、上机时您得出示登机牌。You will have to show the boarding pass on your way to boarding the plane.

31、请记得领取您的托运行李。Please don’t forget to claim your checked luggage.

32、你可以随身携带一件手提行李上飞机。You may carry one piece of hand luggage into the cabin.


Let me take some stuff out as hand luggage. Is that alright?

34、我该在哪里搭乘接驳的班机?Where should I take my connecting flight?

35、我可以在这里转机到洛杉矶吗?Can I make a connecting flight here to Los Angeles?

36、我们必须在这里等多久?How long do we have to wait here?

37、我的过境证掉了,怎么办?I lost my transit card. What should I do now?

38、从这里怎么到过境大厅?How do I get to the transit lounge from here?


This bag is for storage in an overhead bin or under the seat.


Thai Airways announces the departure of Flight 454 to Bangkok. Will passengers for this flight please go to Gate 7?


Your attention, please. Flight BA328 from London will be one hour late on account of a big fog.


Would you show me the baggage claim area for Flight SQ318?

43、所有的行李都出来了吗?Has all of the luggage come out already?
