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Section V Writing --------- 地点介绍类说明

[ 写作技法指导]











①be located/situated in lie in , in the north of/to the east of

②be just like, look like , as beautiful as a flowe, be compared to

③be famous/well- known as/for


①It covers an area of about ...square kilometers

②Its area is ...square kilometers

③It has a populati on of ...

④Its populati on is ...

⑤The average temperature is ...

⑥The hottest mon ths are ...


① It has many places of interest such as ...

②They make the city a tourist attracti on both at home and abroad ...

③It's a won derful place with ...

④It really deserves the n ame of ...





1 •基本概况:人口约

2 000万,面积16 000多平方千米,位于华北平原北部;

2 •气候:四季分明,夏季炎热多雨,冬季寒冷干燥;

3•历史与文化:有3 000多年的历史,是我国的政治、文化中心,有很多著名大学,如清华大学、北京大学等;

4 •交通与旅游:交通便利,有天安门广场、紫禁城、长城等很多旅游景点。


2 •可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯


7. it's convenient to do 做……是方便的

8. places of interest 名胜古迹

9. the Forbidden City 紫禁城

10. play an important role in 在……中扮演重要角色/起重要作用

n .巧用模块句式、语法


1 .北京是我们伟大祖国的首都。(简单句)

Beiji ng is the capital of our great mother coun try— Chi na.

2. 北京人口约2 000万,面积16 000多平方千米。(has a population o, cover)

Beijing has a population of about 20 million and covers an area of more than 1, 000 square kilometers.

3. 北京位于华北平原北部。(the North Chi na Plai n)

Beijing is located in the north of the North China Plain.

4. 北京四季分明,夏季炎热多雨,冬季寒冷干燥。(简单句)Beijing has four distinet seasons」t is hot and rainy in summer and cold and dry in wi nter.

5. 北京是中国的政治文化中心。(简单句)

Beijing is the political and cultural center of China.

6. 北京成功举办了2019年奥运会,吸引了世界的目光。(host; —般过去时)

Beiji ng successfully hosted the 2019 Olympic Games and drew the atte nti on of the world.

7. 北京有很多著名大学,如北京大学、清华大学等。(such as)Beijing has many famous universities, such as Peking University and Tsinghua

Un iversity.

8. 北京也是一个度假的好去处,且交通便利。(enjoy on e's holiday)Beijing is also a great place to enjoy your holiday and it's convenient to travel there.


9 .句1和句2合并为名词作同位语的句子

Beijing ,the capital of China: has a population of about 20 million and covers an area of more than 16 000 square kilometers
