


1.people表示“人们”时,只做复数用。我们可以说two people , three people , many people等,却不可以说

one people。

若欲表示“一个人”时,应说one person或a person


Call作为不完全及物动词they (主语)call(谓语) the girl(宾语) marry(宾语补足语)

3.在以下例句中old可以用of age代替:He is twenty years old = He is twenty years of age

4.looks young for one’s age = look younger than one really is

You look young for your age = you look younger than you really are你看起来比实际年龄要轻

5.See:看见,和…见面:I see my friends on the weekends我在周末和朋友见面

6.During the day在白天,at night在晚上,以上两个短语做对称用法时,亦可以用by day和by night取代:

John sleeps during the day and works at night = John sleeps by day and works by night

7.Each other表示两者的“彼此”的意思,在句中只作宾语,句中的主语必须限定为两者;one other表示三者或三


8.The wangs = the wang family王氏一家人



John has a dog they have many friends

There be 也表示“有”的意思,但用法与have不同:

In the room has a boy(in the room是表示场所的短语,不能做主语,使用时应于句首置there be,然后置名词,在将表示场所的短语置于句尾),改成there is a boy in the room



Tony also has a dog = Tony has a dog , too He is a student , I am also a student = He is a student ,

I am , too


John and Peter are alike brothers(brothers是名词,该句错误) John and Peter are alike in many ways(正确)





14.They are brother and sister上句中brother和sister是可数名词,照理本句应为they are a brother and a sister,

但两个名词代表的是相对的关系,如父子、兄妹、母子等,这些名词的不定冠词a/an就应省略,故我们应该说they are brother and sister

15.The cat is running for its life猫在逃命

16.专有名词(如John)或表示“人”的普通名词(如my father)形成所有格时,要在这些专有名词或普通名词之后加

“’s”,之后再接名词,即John’s book my father’s book

但专有名词或普通名词之后有“s”形成复数时,则表示所有格的符号“’”要置于“s”之后,即the boys’ father 17.现在进行时语句格式:主语+be+现在分词,现在分词的形成方式如下:动词原形+ing = 现在分词

1.绝大部分的动词原形可直接加ing形成现在分词:do+ing = doing

2.但若动词以不发音的e结尾时,要先删除e,再加ing:write+ing = writing

3.若动词原形为单音短音节,且以一个短音字母结尾时,应将该字母双写,再加ing:run+ing = running

18.the United States美国,美国的全称为the United States of America,一般均以the United States、the States、

the U.S.称呼


20.All表示“全部的,所有的”,修饰三个或三个以上的人或东西。与代词并用时,置于该代词之后(they all);与

普通名词并用时,置于普通名词之前(all the boys);与专有名词并用时,置于专有名词之后(Peter , Mary and Paul all)


21.As a matter of fact = in fact事实上 Overseas Chinese华侨

22.Shop是不及物动词,不能接宾语;shop需接介词for,才可以接宾语:she is shopping for a new dress

23.Either 与Too均为副词,二者皆表示“也”,但用法有别:





26.make+人+动词原形:叫某人… my father makes me clean his bike我父亲叫我清洗他的自行车

27.shake like a leaf(因恐惧、害怕而)抖得很厉害


1.原句有be动词时,该be动词要与主语倒装:why is he crying?

2.原句有助动词can、will、may时,该助动词要与主语倒装:when will you come?


动词原形:where does he live?

29.Near 在…的附近 next to 紧邻…,在…的旁边 across from 在…的对面 in the center of 在…的中央点

1)这些介词或短语介词加了宾语之后,形成表示场所位置的介词短语,与there is/are(有…)并用时,可置于句尾或句首。Near my school there is a swimming pool = there is a swimming pool near my school 2)若介词短语置于句首时,there可省略。Near my school there is a swimming pool = near my school is a swimming pool


1)做及物动词时,句子结构如下:主语+like+宾语(名词或代词)。The boy likes the dog

2)做介词时,之后亦须接宾语,形成介词短语。这个短语使用时,要置于be动词之后(My teacher is like my father)或名词之后(there is no place like my hometown),或主语之前(Like John , I enjoy music)。

31.Fire station消防局 block 街区

32.Dreamin’ = dreaming,在口语或歌词中,常将ing形成的现在分词说成或写成in’,以求发音方便。Singing =



1)dream of/about+动名词梦想要… Stan dreams of being a millionaire

2)dream of/about+名词(或代词) 梦到… I dreamed of you last night


She dreamed a bad dream last night = She had a bad dream last night

I dreamed that we were swimming together

Dream作名词当主语时,可使用动词短语come true,表示“梦想实现”的意思。

His dream came true when he became a doctor

34.search作不及物动词时,常与介词for并用(The police are searching for the criminal);search作名词时,

有一个固定用法be in search of,即等于search for(Pat is still in search of a better job)

35.hope作及物动词时,通常有两种用法:以that引导的名词性从句作宾语(Betty hopes that her son will return

home this year),以不定时短语(to+动词原形)作宾语(I hope to meet you again when I visit Tokyo next week);

hope作不及物动词时,通常和介词for并用,hope for+名词希望得到…(I always hope for the best and prepare for the worst)

36.keep right on:keep on + 现在分词 = keep + 现在分词继续做某事(right在这个短语中的意思是“一直”)

37.两者 one…the other…(I have two friends , one is short , and the other is tall);三者 one… another…

the other(Her three sisters are busy now , one is cooking in the kitchen , another is fixing her bike in the yard , and the other is studying in the living room)

38.And连接两个平行单词时,and之前不得置逗号(my friend is handsome and intelligent);and连接三个平行单

词时,第一个单词与第二个单词之间置逗号,and则置于第二个单词与第三个单词之间,and之前则可置逗号,但通常予以省略(my friend is handsome , intelligent , and strong = my friend is handsome , intelligent and strong);and连接平行的句子时,and之前通常置一个逗号,but亦为并列连词,表示“但是”、“不过”的意思,,用来连接平行的句子时,but之前通常也置一个逗号(He loves Jane , and he is planning to marry her this year He likes music , but his girlfriend hates it )


a piece of glass 一片玻璃 two pieces of glass两片玻璃 a glass 一个玻璃杯 two glasses两只玻璃杯


a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 two pairs of glasses两幅眼镜

40.Fair skin白皙的皮肤 white skin特指白种人的白皮肤 Ma’am = madam Bathing suit泳装


可用于肯定句中,作强调的用法(Anybody can answer the question任何人都能回答这个问题)





44.Same之前始终要置定冠词the,常用于下列巨型:A is same as B。the same之前可置副词exactly、much、about

表示相同的程度的深浅之别 exactly the same完全相同 much the same很相同 about the same大致相同


1)上衣:shirt 衬衫 one shirt two shirts blouse女人的圆领衬衫 one blouse two blouses

Coat 西装的上装 one coat two coats

2)裤子:trousers长裤(由于裤管有两个,故始终是复数) a pair of trousers two pairs of trousers

Shorts短裤 a pair of shorts two pairs of trousers

3)裙子:skirt裙子 a skirt two skirts

4)套装:suit男西装(上装及裤子),女西装(上装及裙子) a suit two suits

dress女用服装(一件式) one dress two dresses

46.Listen与to并用,方可接宾语。I am listening to music

47.News新闻(不可数名词),a piece of news一则新闻 That’s good news = That is a good piece of news

48.Wear与put on均表示“穿”的意思,但wear强调“穿着了…”(已穿好的状态),而put on则强调“穿上…”(穿


49.On Sunday这个星期天 on Sundays每逢星期天 take a shower淋浴



1)句中有be动词时,频率副词置于该be动词之后 John is always busy

2)句中有一般动词时,频率副词置于该动词之前 He usually goes to bed late



Though he is nice , I don’t like him = He is nice , but I don’t like him


Because he is nice , I like him = He is nice , so I like him



2)No就等于not any(没有任何一个),换言之,no之后可直接名词,而not则需先接形容词any,才可接名词。

I have no money = I have not any money

53.Buy something for somebody = buy somebody something买东西给某人



Peter has some very interesting books I have some money


Some guy is looking for you = A guy is looking for you


None of the(these、those、my、your、his…) +复数名词+复数(或单数)动词

None of my friends like(likes) music none of those books are(is) interesting

55.Casual clothes休闲装,便服




容词应置于这些代词之后,这种结构成为后位修饰。He is a good boy I have something good for you

2)Something、anything、nothing无复数形式 I have something to do




之后 All the boys like music except John(对的) Many boys like music except John(错的,many不含有完全的意义)

58.Quite a few = many 不少的,相当多的 only a few = few 只有几个,没几个

59.Quilt a little = much不少的,相当多的 a great deal of接不可数名词

60.All I have to do is (to)dream 凡是以all one has to do、all one does、what one has to do、what one does


61.In one’s arms在某人的怀抱里 in the night = at night晚上,夜里 hold + 人 + tight紧紧地抱着某人

62.Dream one’s life away某人在梦想中虚度一生 part from+人与某人分手 homesickness乡愁

63.Further one’s studies深造,进修 at first起初(一般用于过去式) first第一(用来述观点)

64.I was frustrated and depressed我感到泄气和沮丧。 Frustrated和depressed均为过去分词,在句中作形容词


The question is confused(这个问题感到迷惑,错误的) The question is confusing(这个问题令人迷惑,正确的)

The baby is tiring(这个婴儿真累人,是令别人累,这种是正确的)

The baby is tired(这个婴儿感到累的,这种说法也可以,所以是正确的)

65.Frankly speaking 坦白说,老实说 put up a/the tent架设帐篷 fishing rod钓竿 take turns (at) + doing


66.After a while一会儿之后,没多久 for a while有一会儿 trout鳟鱼(单复数同形) fish鱼(单复数同形)


my father and I went fishing last weekend


He and his father went swimming last Friday We and Mary sang songs at the party


You , he and I are good friends We, you and they are good friends

68.Have fun = have a good time 玩的愉快 have fun (in) doing something

69.Killing two birds with one stone一石二鸟两全其美 take a day off请一天假 take two days off请两天

70.Get angry with somebody 和be angry with somebody的区别:get强调动作霎那间发生,be强调持续的状态

71.Must和have to的区别:

1)表示道德或义务(如爱国,孝顺父母)的“必须”时,只能使用must。Have to 则表示勉强意味(不得不去做)


You must love your country you have to finish your homework = you must finish your homework

2)Must通常只能用来表示现在或未来的状况,不能用于过去式中。而have to除可表示现在或未来的状况外,亦

可改为过去式had to,使用于过去式中

He had to stay here yesterday

72.Should 与ought to均表示“应该”,两词可互换 What should Dan do = What ought Dan to do ?



Let’s go home now He went there with Mary


Let’s go to my home

Home亦可与介词at并用,形成固定用法:be at home在家中 He is at home most of time

75.This way = in this way 以这种方式,这样的话。是作副词用的短语,但way之前有this或that时,介词in


76.To make matters worse更糟的是…



述句:He is nice 感叹句:how nice he is


述句:He worked hard 感叹句:how hard he worked


述句:I love the picture 感叹句:How I love the picture



述句:It was a nightmare 感叹句:what a nightmare it was

述句:They are nice boys 感叹句:what nice boys they are

述句:He did a stupid thing 感叹句:what a stupid thing he did


感叹句:what a nightmare it was 省略后:what a nightmare

感叹句:what nice boys they are 省略后:what nice boys

感叹句:what a stupid thing he did 省略后:what a stupid thing

78.Go see a doctor = go and see a doctor英文中come或go以圆形出现,其后接and再接另一动词圆形时,and




in a(n)…manner 以…的方式 She spoke to us in an impolite manner

80.be popular with + somebody 受到…的欢迎

81.look down upon + somebody轻视某人 look up to + somebody瞧得起,尊敬某人



They respect him 被动句:He is respected by them


He is respected


共同的特征就是最后一个单词一定是介词。如下短语动词:look at,point at,rely on等

I can’t rely on him 被动句:He can’t be relied on Lily looks down upon him 被动句:He is looked

down upon

83.Why或者why not之后可直接用动词原形,形成简略的问句

1)Why + 动词原形 = why should I/we + 动词原形我/我们为何要…?

Why stay here? = Why should I/we stay here?

2)Why not + 动词原形 = why can’t you/we + 动词原形你/你们/我们为何不能…?

Why not stay here = Why can’t you/we stay here



1)句中有be动词时,以该be动词形成反问:He is polite , isn’t he ? You aren’t happy , are you ?

2)句中有助动词时,以该助动词形成反问:He can do it , can’t he ? He won’t come , will he ?


反问部分则仍可使用do、does或did:He studies hard , doesn’t he ? They didn’t like it , did they ?

4)以Let’s(Let us)引导的祈使句,其反问部分固定为shall we:Let’s go , shall we ?

5)以动词原形起首的命令句,其反问部分固定为will you:Come here , will you ?



John is angry with me , isn’t John(错的) John is angry with me , isn’t he ?(对的)


That is good , isn’t that(错的) That is good , isn’t it ?(对的)

These are beautiful , aren’t these(错的) These are beautiful , aren’t they(对的)

3)句子以there is/there are引导时,反问部分仍使用isn’t there/aren’t there

There is a man there , isn’t there ?

85.In a way就某方面而言 after all毕竟 try one’s best尽全力 Money talks有钱能使鬼推磨



比较级:more+原级 more beautiful 最高级:most+原级 most beautiful


Lesson 122 I quit smoking Lesson one hundred twenty-two. “Hi, Susan! Do you have a light? No. I quit smoking long ago. That’s good! Congratulations! Why don’t you quit as well. It’s really difficult. Come on; where there’s a will, there’s a way. ” 1:22 Sue=Susan lighter Do you have a lighter? 你有打火机吗? I don’t have a lighter with me. Long ago 好久以前 I don’t like Peter. He is very bossy. 咄咄逼人, 跋扈 He’s my boss, but he’s very friendly. I enjoy working with him. But David is bossy. His friends don’t like to work with him. He quit working for David. He quit gambling two years ago. Gamble赌博 He quit working for this company three years ago. 6:28 You must quit smoking. Smoking is detrimental to your health. Detrimental有害的;不利的Smoking is very bad. Smoking is harmful to your health. You should quit smoking. David! Stop smoking. OK. I’ll quit (smoking) someday. 8:33 Father allows me to go to the movies with you tonight. That’s good/great. Good/Great/Cool! We have cool weather today. 不可数 What do you think of this movie? Cool/Great! 10:10 Thanks you’re welcome. Please give my best regards to your father/parents. Please give my best regards to Mr. Li. = Please remember me to Mr. Li. Ok. I will. 13:00 Congratulations on your success! Congratulate +somebody+on He congratulated me on passing the examination. 15:12 As well=also 副词也Why don’t you also quit? Why don’t you quit smoking as well? She can sing. She can dance as well. As well=too She can sing. She can dance, too. As well 前面不加逗号。 As well只能用于肯定句中。Why don’t 虽有don’t 但与why连用也是表示肯定。17:14 Why don’t you do it?你何不做这件事啊?(我希望你做这件事)Do it,please. You should quit as well. = You should quit, too. Quitting smoking is really difficult. There are many people there. There is a man here/(in the room). Where there is a will是一个从句,用来修饰主句。Where连词,代表地方在……的地方Where did you see him?20:26 Where I live, there is a department store. Where=in the place where=in the place in which In the place where I live, there is a department store. In the place in which I live, there is a department store. Where there is a will=in the place where there is a will 20:59 Help with后面加名词I‘ll help you with your work. I’ll help with your work. 24:00 I’ll help him. I won’t help John. I have a lot of homework to do. The work was done by Peter. The letter was written by John. 26:03


Lesson 1 Self Introduction The lesson is very good. Lesson one lesson two “My name is Robert. My friends call me Bob. I am twenty years old. I am Chinese. I come from Beijing. There are six people in my family. I have one younger sister and two old brothers. We are not rich, but we are a happy family.” Part one 第一部分reading 阅读My bicycle my home What’s your name, please? Open the door, please. My name is Peter. Call me, please. Call me when you have time. Give me a call when you have time. 8:18 I am ten years old. He is one year old. I am twenty years of age. I am twenty. How old are you? I am a Chinese. 名词中国人I am Chinese. 形容词中国人的 American 美国人(名词)He is an American. He is American. 美国人的(形容词) This is a book. I come from Guangdong. He comes from Sichuan. I am from Beijing. Where are you from? Where do you come from? I am from Beijing. I come from Beijing. 18:56 There is a book on the desk. 有……. There is a cat in the room. People 两个人以上才能用一个人用one person Two persons 两个人= two people Three people four people I have a book. He has a book. 主语有思想,有生命 25:09 Substitutions Lesson 2 Nice to Meet You “HI! My name is Mike. Hi! I’m Nancy. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from? I’m from Shanghai. And you? I’m from Chicago. ” 1:31 Hi! I am Mike. I’m Mike. HI! There. 嗨!你好。 I see a man there. Hello! I am John/Peter/Mary. Hello! I’m Peter. Hello! I’m Mary. How do you do! 你好!How do you do! 正式场合用 How are you? I’m fine. Thank you. 比较熟时用 He is nice. This man is nice. 6:16 (It is) Nice to meet you. (I’m) Pleased to meet you. (I’m) Glad to meet/see you. Pleased 感到高兴的 I am a student. He is a student, too. He can sing. I can (sing), too. 12:24 Where do you come from? And you? = and where are you from? And那么 I come from Chicago. Hi! My name is David. Hi! I’m Mary. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 16:44 KK. system 美式音标 What do your friends call you? My friends call me Jonny. How old are you? I am twenty-eight years old. I am twenty-eight years of age. Are you Chinese? Yes, I am Chinese. How many people are there in your family? There are six people in my family. How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have two brothers and one sister. Where are you from? I am from Beijing. There’s a man/boy/woman there. There are five Chinese there.


wql2004-12-04 16:41 我急需 cmczbms2004-12-06 12:09 Lesson 01 greetings A Don't forget to say greetings to uncle Wang.#见到王伯伯的时候不要忘了向他问好。 I hope you have a good morning. Who are you? #你是谁? Where are you? #你在哪儿? How are you? #你好吗?回答用,I'm fine. I'm a boy. You are a boy. He is a boy. This bed is bad. #这个床很坏。注意bed和bad的发音区别。 I see you there. #我看见你在那里。 See you. = Good bye. = Bye. = See you later. B hi和hey的区别。 How's it going? Great. = Wonderful. = Cool. How are you doing? =How're you doing? = How are you?#回答用not bad。take care#保重。take care of yourself. You too Have a good time. #过你愉快。 Thanks. You too.#谢谢,你也一样。 cmczbms2004-12-06 12:12 Lesson 1 Greetings 打招呼

Dialog A A: Good m orning, May. How are you? B: Hi, Tom. I’m fine. And you? A: Not bad. Thanks. B: Good. See you. A: Bye. B A: Hi, May. How’s it going? B: Great. And how are you doing? A: Not bad. B: Ok. See you later. A: Take care. B: You too. A 甲:早啊,小梅。你好吗? 乙:嗨,汤姆。我很好,你呢? 甲:还不错,谢了。 乙:很好,再见。 甲:再见。 B 甲:嗨,小梅。近来如何? 乙:很好。那你呢? 甲:还不错。 乙:好吧,再见。 甲:保重。 乙:你也是。 Substitution 1 Good morning, May. Good afternoon, May. Good evening, May. 早安,小梅。 午安,小梅。 晚安,小梅。 2 How are you? How are you doing? 你好吗? 3 I’m fine. I’m OK. 我很好/还好。

赖世雄美语从头学初级篇Lesson 36学习笔记

Borrow 与lend 的使用介绍 Borrow 向某人借: borrow + 物+ from + 人 I need to borrow some money from John. Lend 借...给某人 Lend +人+ 物= lend+ 物+ to +人 Lend me some money, please. Lend some money to me, pleas. 重点复习不定代词的使用(some, many, much, little…) ================================Title===================================== Lesson 36 A lot of bills ===============================Article==================================== Do you have any money with you? Not much. Why? I need to borrow some. What's the matter? I have a lot of bills to pay this month. ===============================Words==================================== ==============================Grammar=================================== Need vt.需要 Need to +动词原形需要… You need to be more Patient. Borrow vt.借 Borrow + 物+from +人向某人借某物 Can I borrow a pen from you? Matter n.事情 What's the matter( with you)? = what's wrong ( with you)? ================================讲解===================================== Lesson thirty-six a lot of bills.


Lesson 83 A Nice Person This man is nice. I like to be with him. “Shelly doesn’t like people who are unreliable. She especially doesn’t like people who tell lies. On the other hand, she likes people who are humorous and honest. She really likes people that are easygoing and sincere. However, Regardless of whom she likes or dislikes, she is nice to everyone.”1:44 They are unreliable. You are reliable,but he is unreliable. 化简为Shelly doesn’t like unreliable people。5:40 A lie, two lies I love music and I especially love jazz. 7:50 On the other hand, she likes humorous and honest people . This man is houmorous. This man is honest. He never tells lies. She really likes people who are easygoing and sincere. She really likes easygoing and sincere people. 11:22 He is patient with us. A good teacher should be patient with his students. 16:04 Vicious凶恶的,凶猛的;残忍的 She attends school everyday. 20:50 I graduated from that university. 22:19 ;分号可以连接2个句子。


Lesson 108 Slow down Lesson one hundred and eight You`re driving too fast. Slow down. 1:10 “Slow down, Carl. I can`t keep up with you. You walk as slowly as a snail. How do you keep so fit? I work out as often as I can.” All right. This is a short dialogue between Rosa and Carl. They are walking and evidently Cral walks a little bit faster. 2:23 Keep up with…进度一样的,并驾齐驱的 You should study hard, or you`ll not keep up with me. Or 否则 Catch up with…迎头赶上(暗示已经落后了) You `re lagging behind. You should study harder to catch up with me. You `re falling behind. You should study harder to catch up with me. Lag 落后lag behind You `re lagging behind. You should study (even) harder to catch up with me. 5:39 Slowly 副词修饰walk He works very hard. he`s working there. He `s walking there. He`s walking in the park. You walk as slowly as a snail. As…as 第一个as 副词一样地,第二个as 连词和…She`s very beautiful. He studies very hard. She is beautiful. She is as beautiful as Mary. He studies hard. He studies as hard as John (does). 9:25 Keep = Remain=stay fit 健康的 If you want to stay fit, you should exercise every day. Stay fit=Stay healthy He is healthy. He will stay fit If he does exercise. He will stay fit If he exercises every day. 12:00 Work out exercise运动 work out尤指原地的运动。如举重,打太极,体操,舞蹈等增进体能的运动 Exercise运动比较广,指慢跑,健身操都可以。 you should exercise every day. you should work out every day. Jog 慢跑I jog every day. 13:00 As often as 尽可能As…as I can尽可能怎么样第一个as 一样地第二个as和 You must study hard. You must study as hard as you can. You must study as hard as possible. You should run fast. You should run as fast as you can. As possible Careful you must be careful. You must be as careful as you can. You must be as careful as possible. 16:30 练习 Get along with+宾语 He gets along with us well. He gets along with Peter very well. To get along with the boy 是真正的主语To get along with the boy is very difficult. A good teacher must be patient. 20:00 To work with him is easy. He is easy to work with. He is hard to work with. 22:01 They were walking along the street. The road is long. Long 可作动词I long to see him. I`m longing to see him. I`m eager to see him. 25:07


《赖世雄美语音标》学习感悟 《赖世雄美语音标》学习感悟 经过两个月的认真学习,很快乐终于学完《赖世雄美语音标》了,这是我第一本完整从头学到最后的英语教材,期间反复听赖教师的讲解,反复跟读,从一开始简单的句子都无法读顺,到后来越读越顺,单词、句子也都反复听写,从一开始老听错,到后来越来越分辩得清不同的读音,感觉自己的英语学习总算走上了正轨,对以后的英语学习也更有信心了。 我和大多数中国人一样,在学校开始学习英语,自认对外语学习的悟性不高,所以只能跟着书本和跟着教师学,假如书本上没有的,教师没讲解到的,自己是悟不出来的。那时学音标,教师只是匆匆的把每个音标的发音教一次就算完成了,接下去就是学课文了,学课文也就是跟着课本学单词、学语法、读课文、背课文这样一步一步学,最记得教师总是提醒我们不要把单词最后的辅音吃掉,要发清楚,至于s后面的p、k、t要发成b、g、d更是没说清楚,还有懒惰式英语的模糊发音,非重读的an、of、can、before等单词的发音,以及一些音标标注和外国人实际发音的差异等等都没有教,但赖教师的教材都做了很详细的讲解,特别针对中国人经常搞错的元音发音,如U和u的发音,i:和I的发音,还有辅音在字尾的发音,如l发"欧"的音,p发"普"的单等等,都做了非常详细和耐心的说明,并在整个学习音标的过程中不断反复提醒,让学习的人能把这些重点、难点牢牢的掌

握,自然而然的融会贯穿到日常的发音中去。学了赖教师的这套美语音标教材,才知道自己原来的很多发音都是错了,也明白了为什么自己学了这么多年英语,但实际能听懂的单词怎么这么少,现在才知道原来我学的跟美国人实际的发音有这么多的不同,虽然只是学了两个月的音标,但感觉在实际中听到的单词比原来多了,也因此对英语学习更有兴趣和更有信心了。 我对赖教师这套音标教材的最深领会就是赖教师太了解中国人在学习英语过程中碰到的难点和痛点了,因为他也是被那些自己都没有跟外国人交流过的所谓英语教师教过的,这些教师不知道很多单词外国人其实不是按我们的英语课本和字典发音的,完全照本宣科的对着那些中国人自己编的英语教材来教,教出来的学生假如悟性不高,又没有什么时机和外国人交流的话,基本上最利害的也就只能学个哑巴英语,看资料、写篇文章还将就,听和说就完全不行了。而一些悟性高,特别是有时机和外国人交流的学生,很快就能发现这些问习题,并进行调整。为什么大家一直都很认同学习英语要有英语的环境,最好能出国,这样对英语的听和说都会有莫大的帮助,退而求次则参加有外教的培训班,实际上我现在才明白这真是无奈之举,只是我们学校的英语环境出了问习题,所教的英语发音与实际外国人的发音有这么大的差异,才造成了中国的英语学习者花费了这么多年的时间学习英语却连简单的对话都听不明白,自己说的更是让人不知所云,这不能不说是中国式英语教育的悲哀。 赖教师的这套教材正如他在序中提到的,整个内容是他个人几十


赖世雄初级英语笔记1-15 .Lesson 1 Self Introduction[] My name is Robert. My friends call me Bob. I am twenty years old. I am Chinese. I come from Beijing. There are six people in my family. I have one younger sister and two older brothers. We are not rich, but we are a happy family. 自我介绍我叫罗伯特。我的朋友们都叫我鲍勃。我20岁,中国人,籍贯北京,家里有六口人。我有一个妹妹和两个哥哥。我们虽不富有,但家庭却很幸福。 lesson+数量词第...课Self Introduction 自我介绍Part I. 第一部分Reading n.阅读句型: My name is... 我的名字是...(可将My替换为Your,His,Her 等的物主代词) 问句: What is your name, please? 请问你叫什么名字?(更委婉的问法: May I have your name?) call vt.称...为...,打电话(不完全及物动词,后接宾语再跟名词,补足句意.成为宾语补足语) Call me, please. Call me when you have time. 等你有时间时给我打电话. Give me a call when you are free. (注意give的用法: give sb. sth.) I am... years old. 我...岁了.(old= of age) You look young for your age.= You look younger than you really are. 问句: How old are you? 你多大了?(注意:由于文化不同,不能随意问对方) 句型: Where do you come from? 你是哪儿人?= Where are you from? come from v.来自... 句型: There be+ 单/复数名词+ 表示场所的介词短语(表示"有"的概念) Substitution: 1. A: What's your name? B: My name is Peter Wang.= I'm Peter Wang. 2. A: How old are you? B: I'm eighteen years old.= I'm eighteen years of age. 3. A: Where are you from? B: I am from Shanxi.= I come from Shanxi. 4. A: How many people are there in your famliy? B: There are five people in my familiy.= Five. Lesson 2 Nice to Meet You [] Mike : Hi! My name is Mike. Nancy: Hi! I'm Nancy. Nice to meet you. Mike : Nice to meet you, too. Nancy: Where are you from? Mike : I'm from Shanghai. And you? Nancy: I'm from Chicago


赖世雄初级美语入门 赖世雄初级美语入门篇》听课笔记,持续更新中~(原创)这是《赖世雄初级美 语 入门篇》听课笔记,需要的请下载~~~wql 2004-12-04 16:41我急需cmczbms 2004-12-06 12:09Lesson 01greetingsADont forget to say greetings to uncle Wang.见到 王伯伯的时候不要忘了向他问好。I hope you have a good morning.Who are you 你是 谁Where are you 你在哪儿,How are you 你好吗,回答用,Im fine.Im a boy. You are a boy. He is a boy.This bed is bad. 这个床很坏。注意 bed 和 bad 的发 音区别。I see you there. 我看见你在那里。See you. Good bye. Bye. See you later.Bhi 和 hey 的区别。Hows it goingGreat. Wonderful. Cool.How are you doing Howre you doing How are you回答用 notbad。take care保重。take care of yourself.You tooHave a good time. 过你愉快。Thanks. You too.谢谢,你也一样。cmczbms 2004-12-06 12:12Lesson 1Greetings打招呼DialogAA: Good morning May. How are youB: Hi Tom. I’m fine. And youA: Not bad. Thanks.B: Good. Se e you.A: Bye.BA: Hi May. How’s it goingB: Great. And how are you doingA: Not bad.B: Ok. See you later.A: Take care.B: You too.A甲:早


《美语从头学·入门篇》笔记 Lesson 1 Greetings 打招呼 (1) Lesson 2 Courtesy 礼貌 (3) Lesson 3 Name,Age and Nationality 姓名、年龄和国籍 (5) Lesson 4 Introductions 介绍 (7) Lesson 5 Occupations 职业 (8) Lesson 6 Time 时间 (10)

Lesson 1 Greetings 打招呼 Ⅰ.Dialog 会话 Dialog A A:Good morning,May.How are you? B:Hi,Tom.I'm fine.And you? A:Not bad.Thanks. B:Good.See you. A:Bye. 甲:早啊,小梅。你好吗? 乙:嗨,汤姆。我很好,你呢? 甲:还不错,谢了。 乙:很好,再见。 甲:再见。 Dialog B A:Hi,May.How's it going? B:Great.And how are you doing? A:Not bad. B:Ok.See you later. A:Take care. B:You too. 甲:嗨,小梅。近来如何? 乙:很好,那你呢? 甲:还不错。 乙:好吧,再见。 甲:保重。 乙:你也是。 ★1.Greetings Greetings这个词是复数 n.问候招呼致意 Don't forget to say greetings to uncle Wang. ★2.Dialog 会话 ★3.Good morning Good morning=I hope you have a good morning. ★4.bad Bad 坏 Bed 床 This bed is bad.这张床坏了。 ★5.Thanks 这个词是复数 ★6.Hi Hi≈Hey。Hey不礼貌。 ★7.Great=wonderful=cool Ⅱ.Vocabulary﹠Idioms 单词短语注解 ★1.good morning good morning--good afternoon--good evening晚上好 Good night 晚安、再见≠good evening ★2.It's a fine day today.今天天气不错。 Ⅲ.Grammar Notes 语法重点 ★1.good morning 早安(见面时使用)Good afternoon 午安(见面时使用) Good evening 晚安(见面时使用) Good night 晚安(道别时使用) ★2.再见 Goodbye、 bye、 see you later、 see you、 see you tomorrow. ★★3.注意下列问候语的区别: ①How are you? 你好吗?(多用于正式场合) ②How are you doing? 你好吗?(多用于熟朋友之间) ③How are you getting along? 你好吗? ④How have you been? 你最近还好吗/近况如何?


Lesson 91 computers “Computers are becoming a part of our everyday life. In fact, they are almost everywhere. In many countries ,more and more companies are replacing people with computers. Telephone companies are no exception. When making a long-distance call on a pay for in America. You will no longer talk to an operator. Instead, a computer will answer. It will tell you what to do. No wonder people say that computers are taking over the world.”2:00 Computer可数名词,养成习惯前面没有冠词就用复数,表示整体的概念,所有的计算机。同样用单数前面放定冠词the +computer 也可表示整体的概念。 The Computer is becoming a part of our everyday life. 一部分 Jogging has become a part of my everyday life. I jog every morning. 我每天早上慢跑4:05 Everyday 形容词,后放名词。That`s my everyday life. Every day 副词,通常放句尾。He goes to school every day. In fact=as a matter of fact He is not nice. In fact, he`s very bad. He is not nice. As a matter of fact, he`s very bad. 5:58 Replace A with B 用B取代A John is lazy. He`s not competent for his job. 胜任 The boss is planning to replace him with David. 8:15 Competent 有能力的,胜任的he is competent for his job. he is not competent for his job. Cut out be cut out for he is cut out for the job. 他胜任这个工作 I like john. John works very hard. he is cut out for the job. He`s competent for his job. 10:01 Are no exception 不例外exception 例外 Everybody should do it. Peter is no exception. Everyone should go out. You are no exception. You are an exception. You don't`t have to go out. You may stay here. You are an exception. 11:40 When making a long-distance call on a pay phone in America, =When you make a long-distance call on a pay phone in America, you will no longer talk to an operator. When引导的状语从句,如果从句主语和主句相同的话,状语从句的主语第一步去掉,然后动词变现在分词。如果动词是be动词时,being可省略。 When I am free, I will help you. When free, I will help you. 17:54 While 强调某一段时间动作正在进行。 While I was writing a letter, I was singing. While writing a letter, I was singing. If ,once ,though,when,unless Though I am tired, I `ll help you. Though tired, i`ll help you. He is no longer here. 21:56 He is not nice.instead, he is bad. No wonder…难怪…做词用,放在句首 He studies hard. No wonder his teacher likes him. 24:14 Though poor, they were happy.=Though they are poor, they were happy. Unless sick, he always comes to work.=Unless he is sick, he always comes to work. While in school, you must study hard.=while you are in school,you must study hard.


赖世雄美语从头学-初级篇(上) 1.people表示“人们”时,只做复数用。我们可以说two people , three people , many people等,却不可以说 one people。 若欲表示“一个人”时,应说one person或a person 2.不完全及物动词:即接复合宾语动词,其后不仅跟一个宾语,同时需要一个宾语补足语,用来说明宾语的特点。 Call作为不完全及物动词they (主语)call(谓语) the girl(宾语) marry(宾语补足语) 3.在以下例句中old可以用of age代替:He is twenty years old = He is twenty years of age 4.looks young for one’s age = look younger than one really is You look young for your age = you look younger than you really are你看起来比实际年龄要轻 5.See:看见,和…见面:I see my friends on the weekends我在周末和朋友见面 6.During the day在白天,at night在晚上,以上两个短语做对称用法时,亦可以用by day和by night取代: John sleeps during the day and works at night = John sleeps by day and works by night 7.Each other表示两者的“彼此”的意思,在句中只作宾语,句中的主语必须限定为两者;one other表示三者或三 者以上的“彼此”,在句中只作宾语,句中的主语必须为三者或三者以上的人物。 8.The wangs = the wang family王氏一家人 9.Same相同的,在使用本单词时,之前一定要置定冠词the 10.Have做及物动词表示“有”的意思,使用have时,主语一定要是表示“人或者动物”的名词或代词: John has a dog they have many friends There be 也表示“有”的意思,但用法与have不同: In the room has a boy(in the room是表示场所的短语,不能做主语,使用时应于句首置there be,然后置名词,在将表示场所的短语置于句尾),改成there is a boy in the room 11.Also与too均为副词,表示“也”的意思。但使用时,too至于句尾,其前要有逗号;而also则置于一般动词之 前,若与be动词或助动词并用时,则also该置于be动词或助动词之后: Tony also has a dog = Tony has a dog , too He is a student , I am also a student = He is a student , I am , too 12.Alike相同的,相似的。使用本单词时,不可置于名词前: John and Peter are alike brothers(brothers是名词,该句错误) John and Peter are alike in many ways(正确) 13.省略句的功能就是省略两句重复的部分,使句子结构简单又不失清楚的涵义,省略句形成的先决条件是: 1.两句的结构必须相同(亦即两句有相同的时态及动词,第二句方可形成省略句) 2.第一句若为肯定句,第二句则为否定句;第一句若为否定句,第二句则为肯定句(形态有三:be动词,助动词, 一般动词) 14.They are brother and sister上句中brother和sister是可数名词,照理本句应为they are a brother and a sister, 但两个名词代表的是相对的关系,如父子、兄妹、母子等,这些名词的不定冠词a/an就应省略,故我们应该说they are brother and sister 15.The cat is running for its life猫在逃命 16.专有名词(如John)或表示“人”的普通名词(如my father)形成所有格时,要在这些专有名词或普通名词之后加 “’s”,之后再接名词,即John’s book my father’s book 但专有名词或普通名词之后有“s”形成复数时,则表示所有格的符号“’”要置于“s”之后,即the boys’ father 17.现在进行时语句格式:主语+be+现在分词,现在分词的形成方式如下:动词原形+ing = 现在分词 1.绝大部分的动词原形可直接加ing形成现在分词:do+ing = doing 2.但若动词以不发音的e结尾时,要先删除e,再加ing:write+ing = writing 3.若动词原形为单音短音节,且以一个短音字母结尾时,应将该字母双写,再加ing:run+ing = running 18.the United States美国,美国的全称为the United States of America,一般均以the United States、the States、 the U.S.称呼
