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综合英语二下册 15课单词学习表格

far-reaching a likely to have a lot of influence or many effects:影响深远的surpass v (formal) to do or be better than sb/sth:超过;多于

phonograph n (old-fashioned) = record player(美)留声机

innumerable a too many to be counted; very many

SYN countless:无数的;数不清的

practicable a (formal) able to be done; likely to be successful

SYN feasible, workable:可行的;行得通的

concretely ad based on facts, not on ideas or guesses:具体地

understandably ad in a way that seems normal and reasonable in a particular situation

SYN naturally:正常地;合乎情理地;可以理解地

convincingly ad Convincing that makes sb believe that sth is true: 令人信服的,有



alter v to become different; to make sb/sth different:改变,改动

mentality n [usually sing] (pl-ies) the particular attitude or way of thinking

of a person or group

SYN mindset:心态;思想状态;思想方法

revolutionary a 1.[usually before noun] connected with political revolution: 革命

2.involving a great or complete change:巨变的;彻底变革的;划时代的;conception n [C, U] conception (of sth) | conceptio n (that … ) an understanding

or a belief of what sth is or what sth should be:观念,想法

mode n [C] a particular way of doing sth;方式;方法

unchanging a that always stays the same and does not change:不变的

confidently ad feeling sure about your own ability to do things and be successful:


naively ad (approving) (of people and their behaviour) innocent and simple

SYN artless:天真地

accompaniment n accompaniment (to sth)[C] (formal) something that happens at the same

time as another thing:伴随物,伴随发生(或存在)的事物

application n [U, C] application (of sth) (to sth) the practical use of sth, especially

a theory, discovery, etc:应用

impressive a (of things or people) making you feel admiration, because they are

very large, good, skilful, etc:给人以深刻印象的;令人钦佩的instinctively ad Instinctive a

based on instinct, not thought or training:(出于)本能的;直觉的

~ly 本能地;直觉地

bulb n (also light bulb) the glass part that fits into an electric lamp, etcto

give light when it is switched on:电灯泡,电灯

homely a 1.(approving, especially BrE) simple and good:

2.(NAmE, disapproving) (of a person's appearance) not attractive SYN


demonstration n (also informal demo) [C, U] an act of showing or explaining how sth works

or is done:示范

insure v (especially NAmE) = ensure

to make sure that sth happens or is definite:保证,确保

supreme a [usually before noun]

1.highest in rank or position:最优的,卓著的

2.very great or the greatest in degree:(程度)很大的;最大的propagandist n (formal, usually disapproving) a person who creates or spreads


conservatism n (also Conservatism) the political belief that society should change as little

as possible:保守主义

inheritance n [C, usually sing, U] the money, property, etcthat you receive from sb when

they die; the fact of receiving sth when sb dies:继承物,遗产

carriage n [C] a road vehicle, usually with four wheels, that is pulled by one or more

horses and was used in the past to carry people:马车

mixture n 1.[C, usually sing] a combination of different things:混合物

2.[C, U] a substance made by mixing other substances together:混合
