高三复习(高考英语) 话题11 词汇公开课(18页PPT)

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the fastest runner. (2)法庭判给受伤者500英镑的赔偿费。
The court __a_w_a_r_d__e_d_£500 in damages___t_o___ the
3. apologise(=apologize) vi道歉;认错
搭配:熟记下列搭配。 (1)apologise for sth. 因……而道歉 (2)apologise to sb. for (doing) sth 因(做)某事向某 人道歉
4. As time goes by, I am getting older
and older. I become very forgetful. That’s why I need a memo(n.备忘录) to
_r_e_m__in__d_ me of the important events
6. At the end of her letter, Susan wrote, "I l_o_o_k__fo_r_w__a_r_d_t_o__ hearing from you soon”.
7. All theories _o_r_ig_i_n_a_t_e_f_r_o_m___ practice and in turn serve practice.
The most … is the one that… 最…的就是…
The most surprising event is the one that he was admitted to Peking University.
2.Once you make a promise, you must
k_e_e_p__y_o_u_r__p_r_o_m__i_se_/_w__o_r_dand mustn’t break it.
3.This museum was built _in__m__e_m__o_r_y__o_f__ a great
Revision of phrases
dress up take place keep one’s word/promise look forward to
be meant to do sth. in memory of originate from
have taken place
1. Great changes ____________ in China since 1979.
Extension of words
1A. pMolyogsyon(n.o)ft–enapborleoagksizem(yvt.c)offee cup, so he Apoulosugailzlye_t_ao_p_od_lo_o_gfi_zo_er__(_d_otionmge).s(tahpo. logy)
4._D__r_e_s_s_e_d__u_p__ as Father Christmas, he set off for
the party.
Revision of phrases
5.Festivals __a_r_e_m__e_a_n_t_t_o___ celebrate important times of year.
伤心欲绝, 王母娘娘最后决定让这对夫妻每年跨过银河相
Finding (that)+ sb./sth. is + adj., sb…
(1)发现没有人在房间, 他悄悄地带走了照相机。
Finding there was no one in the room, he took the camera away quietly. (2)看到我很累了, 妈妈建议我休息10分钟。 Finding (that)I was tired, my mother suggested I should have a rest for 10 minutes.
运用:根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。 (1)我为刚才说的话道歉。
I __a_p__o_l_o_g_i_z_e__f_o_r__w__h_a__t__ I said just now.
He ___a__p_o_l_o_g__iz_e__d__t_o__ his girl friend___f_o_r__ having
The most important days are the ones that we spent in America.
2. Finding that Zhinu was heart-broken, her grandmother finally decided to let the couple cross the Milky Way to meet once a year. (B3 P7)看到织女
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
forgimvaabnl.e(f(oardgji.v)可e)宽恕的 –
sftohr.got my birthday. As for
5Bb.eeTaauhumtetieyf,_u(i_ltn_(bi.a_s)edn_a_’jut._)ft__oy__r_g__i_v_a_ibs_l_es.o(f_ob_re_ga_ivu_e_t)i_fu__l ___ that it is Beauutnifnyec(evsts.a) ry to __b_e_a_u_t_if_y____ her. (beauty)
2a. rrOinve(tvhie.) f–aamroruisvaslin(nge.)ra’rsrival__________, the
audience cheered up.(arrive)
3i.nCdheipneesnedpeenoptl(eafdoju.g)ht for the _in_d__e_p_e_n_d_e_n_c_e____
Guessing some important words from
this unit.
1.On April Fool’s Day, people always try their best to play _t_ri_c_k_s_ on you. If they succeed in
cheating you, you will be called the April Fish.
(T(12((h))12这请i))s__s首提__o__nc歌醒__wgh__使我are__era__我给mnt__i__想她n__d__起回sssmb了电b.e.我话oo_ff_的。s_sott_h家fh_.._乡提骗m。醒取y /h某警om人告et某某ow物人n.… P(le3a)_se__rae_cm_c_iun_sd_e_m_e_s_b_t._oo_cf_a_slt_lh_. 控her告b某ac人k. … (3()4他)_提_c_醒o_n_我v__i还n_c_没e__有sb浇. 花of 。sth. 使某人信服… H(e5)___r__ei__mn__fi__no__dr__me__d____t_h__as_tb_._oIfhsatdhn. ’通t w知at某er人ed…the flowers.
搭配:award sb sth =award sth to sb授予某人某奖 be awarded sth.被授予……
说明:award的宾语常为a prize, medal及金额等,表 示授奖的原因,用for短语。
运用:根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。 (1)他跑得最快,因而获得了金牌。
He __w_a__s_a__w_a__r_d_e_d__ the gold medal ___fo__r__ being
indeopfenthdeeirncec(onu.n)try--. inFdineaplleyndCehnintlay(abdecva.m) e
4fo. rg⑴_iiv_ne_dM_(e_vpy_te._)n_fd-_a-e_tfhn_oet_rr_g_iv.wi(niangsd(aeapdej.n)kdi宽nend容ce的)and f_o_r_g_iv_i_n_g_
2.Recently, Mo Yan has received a/an __a_w_a_r_d__ of Nobel Prize in Literature. It’s a wonderful news to all Chinese people.
3. Use a verb to summarize the picture.
every day.
1. trick n. 诡计; 恶作剧; 窍门vt. 欺骗; 诈骗
搭配:play a trick on 搞恶作剧; 诈骗; 开玩笑 trick sb into doing sth 哄骗某人做某事
I(2’d)他lik哄e骗to我lea给rn了_他__钱_t_h。_e__t_r_ic_k__s_o__f_____ the trade.
1._F_a_l_li_n_g(fall) on August 15th of the Lunar calendar, Mid-autumn Festival is an 2._t_ra_d__it_io_n_a_l_ (tradition)festival observed by us Chinese. This festival is a time 3._w_h_e_n_ those who work far away from home go back for family reunions, enjoying a large meal with their family. After dinner, children will play with 4._t_h_e_ir_ own toy lanterns or set 5.__o_f_f _ fireworks, having fun 6._w__it_h_ each other. At night, people will sit together admiring 7.__th__e_ moon and eating moon cakes, a symbol of fullness 8is._asu_n_cdh__anfa9ma.p_il_py_et_ao_lgi_ne(tgahpeprneaels)sa. nMdidim-apuoturtmanntFfeessttiivvaall 10._t_h_a_t__ everyone looks forward to it every year.
H(3e)孩tr子ick们ed捉m弄e 了__他_in_们_to_的_g_老i_v_i师_n_g。____ him the money.
The children teacher.
2. award n. 奖金; 奖品;奖状 vt. 授予; 判定
Important sentences from the text
1. The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. (B3 P2) 最富有生气而又最重要的节日就是告别冬天 迎来春天的日子。
kept her waiting for a long time.
4. remind vt. 提醒; 使想起
搭配:熟记下列搭配。 (1)remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人干某事 (2)remind sb. of sth./sb. 使某人想起或提醒某事/ 某人