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( )1 ---Red-crowned cranes need more people’s help.

---Yes. People working in the reserves are doing everything they can ________ these birds.

A.protect B.protecting C.to protecting D.to protect

( )2 ---There _______ lots of fish living in the river. ---Yes. It’s an ideal home for fish. A.has B.have C.are D.is

( )3 More space for farms and buildings ________ there will be ______ space for wildlife. A.mean; more B.mean; less C.means; less D.means; more

( )4 Nobody can hunt birds in this reserve. All birds can feel ______ in this place.

A.safely B.happily C.safe D.dangerous

( )5 Heilongjiang is _________ of China. It’s usually very cold in winter there.

A.to the north-east B.in the north-east C.in the north-west D.to the north-west ( )6 ---How many students are there in your school?

---__________ the students in our school ________ over seven hundred.

A.The number of; is B.The number of; are C.A number of; is D.A number of; are ( )7 Betty is a _________ girl and she does everything _________.

A.careful; careful B.carefully; carefully C.carefully; careful D.careful; carefully ( )8 Jim fell off his bike yesterday. __________, he didn’t hurt himself.

A.Lucky B.Unlucky C.Luckily D.Unluckily

( )9 It’s ________ for the students to talk __________ in class.

A.correct; noisily B.incorrect; noisily C.incorrect; noisy D.correct; noisy ( )10 How _________ she dances to the music!

A.beautiful B.beautifully C.wonderful D.good

( )11 The question is __________ for that little boy to answer.

A.easy enough B.enough easy C.easily enough D.enough easily

( )12. Japan is______the east of China and _____ the east of Asia.

A. in, in

B. in, to

C. to, in

D. to, to

( )13 Kitty is _____________ tomorrow.

A.going bird-watch B.going bird-watching C.go bird-watching D.go bird-watch ( )14 Our teacher is coming. Please stop ________ and keep _________.

A.talking, quiet B.to talk, quiet C.talking, quietly D.to talk, quietly ( )15. Zhou Jielun is good at . He is a good .

A. singing; sing

B. sing; sing

C. singing; singer

D. sing; singer


1 Many of my classmates come from the __________ (north) areas of China.

2 It’s __________(wet) today tha n yesterday.

3 The farmers in China are living more and more ____________(comfort).

4 The boy students in our class take part in sports _____________(active) after class.

5 My teacher looks __________. He is looking ________ at Tom at the moment. (angry)

6 Simon, __________ (not drop) litter carelessly.

7 Swans usually have white ________ (feather).

8 Her brother often tells a lie. He is __________(honest).

9 He is ________(able) to speak English well because he doesn’t know a word.

10 It is ________ cold today. What ________ weather it is! (terrible)


1 People should share the __________ (大自然) with all the animals.

2 The Maths problem is not difficult at all and you can work it out very e___________.

3 It is gong to rain. We must find a house for s________.

4 People usually say they love birds, w________ many of them don’t know their problems.

5 Who came and ________(使) them cry?

6 The boy doesn’t know the _________ (重要性) of study.

7 The Chinese _________(政府) wants to protect these ____________(濒临灭绝的) birds.

8 Every year, a lot of t_________ go to Zhalong N________ Reserve.

9 “Gaden” is an i________ spelling. It must be “Garden”.

10 Please do your homework as carefully as p_________.

11 It’s _________(必要) to take an umbrella with you in London.


1 我们最好为野生生物腾出更多的空间.

We’d better ________ ________ __________ __________ wildlife.

2 扎龙是世界上最有名的湿地之一.

Zhalong is one of _______ _________ ___________ __________ in the world.

3 我们需要更多的人采取措施来帮助鸟类.

We need more people _________ ___________ __________ to help birds.

4 通过研究鸟类数量的变化,我们可以了解它们的生存状况.

We can learn how birds live by studying the __________ __________ ____________ ______________.

5 那位老师常年在这个小山村里工作.

That teacher works in the small mountain village _________ __________ __________.

8 对于你来说清晰地写出报告是很重要的.

It is ____________ for you to write your report ___________.


