2019-2020学年上海市高三下英语开学摸底测试 整理版 含答案

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I.Listening Comprehension(略)

II.Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

Directions:After reading the passage below,fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.

Brain implant lets man with paralysis move and feel with his hand.

A brain implant has restored movement and a sense of touch in the hand of a man with a severe spinal cord injury.Patrick Ganzer at Battelle Memorial Institute in the US and his colleagues have developed a brain-computer interface(BCI)that(21)______(allow)28-year-old Ian Burkhart to grasp and feel objects again.

Burkhart has a severe upper spinal cord injury and has complete paralysis in his hands and legs,(22)______ can move his elbows and shoulders.He had a brain implant inserted in2014as part of research aiming to restore movement in(23)______right arm.

The BCI uses the implant(24)______(record)brain activity that is sent to a processor that decodes these signals into movements,which in turn feed in to bands around the forearm which electrically activate his hand muscles.

“We’ve made a lot of progress in the last six years:he can play[the video game]Guitar Hero,swipe a credit card and do about20different hand grips,”says Ganzer.

But because Burkhart had no sensation in his hands,he previously had no sense of touch or pressure when(25) ______(grasp)objects,and if blindfolded,was not able to detect small objects such as a pencil.

The researchers discovered that(26)______Burkhart’s hand cannot feel anything,the brain implant stills registers a faint sensory signal when he touches an object.

They boosted this signal by incorporating a band around the bicep which vibrates when Burkhart’s hand receives sensory information.

As a result,Burkhart is able to detect objects by touch alone.The BCI is also able to detect different levels of touch and adjust the strength of Burkhart’s hand movements depending on the object–a light grasp,for example, for a paper cup.

The researchers believe it is the first BCI(27)______can simultaneously restore movement and touch.When the brain implant was inserted,it(28)______(intend)solely for controlling movement,but the(29)______(add) touch is possible because there is some overlap(30)______the sensory and motor areas in Burkhart’s brain,says Ganzer.

Section B

Directions:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box.Each word can be used only once.Note that there is one word more than you need.







G.moderately H.progressed I.distribution J.significantly plement

AI can distinguish between bots and humans based on Twitter activity

Artificial intelligence is being used to spot the difference between human users and fake accounts on Twitter.

Emilio Ferrara at the University of Southern California in the US,and his colleagues have trained an AI to detect bots on Twitter based on differences in(31)______of activity between real and fake accounts.

The team analysed two separate datasets of Twitter users,which had been classified either manually or by a pre-existing algorithm as either bot or human.

The manually verified dataset(32)______of8.4million tweets from3500human accounts,and3.4million tweets from5000bots.

The researchers found that human users replied four to five times more often to other tweets than bots did. Real users gradually become more interactive,with the fraction of replies increasing over the course of an hour-long session of Twitter use.

The length of tweets by human users also decreased as sessions(33)______.“The amount of information that is exchanged diminishes,”says Ferrara.He believes that the change may result from a cognitive depletion over time, in which people become less likely to expend mental effort(34)______original content.

Bots,on the other hand,show no changes in their interactivity or the length of information they tweet over time.

The team also analysed the amount of time between any two consecutive(连读的)tweets from a single user. When this(35)______is plotted,bots showed spikes for certain time gaps,such as tweeting at30-minute or 60-minute intervals.

The team then combined these(36)______to train an existing bot-detection algorithm,called Botometer,on the difference in activity patterns.The AI was(37)______more likely to accurately detect to fake accounts than when it was not taking into(38)______the timing of posts.

The algorithm could be used to(39)______other bot-detection tools that analyse the language within posts, says Ferrara.

One of the study’s(40)______is that the Twitter data the team analysed is from three years ago.In that time, it’s possible that bots have become more human-like in their activity patterns.
