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Crop circles 麦田怪圈
Crop circles are one of the greatest mysteries on Earth, they generally appear in the spring of each year in England, especially in the south of England. 麦田怪圈是地球上最伟大的谜团之一,他们一般出现在英格 兰的每年的春天,特别是在英格兰南部。
Crystal skull 水晶头骨
In 1926 the crystal carving skull has discovered in Honduras's Maya civilization's former site. Taken off lower part of the jaw and touched from some part all of a sudden, its two eyes will shine. Looking from anatomy point of view, although the mold engraved humanity's cranium already was very precise, the tooth linking close and its delicate degree really make people gasp in admiration. 1926年水晶雕刻头骨发现在洪都拉斯的玛雅文明的旧址。拆下颌 骨的下部从一些角度看,它的两只眼睛会闪闪发光。从解剖学的角 度来看,虽然模具刻人类的头盖骨已经很精确,牙连接紧密,但其精致 程度真的让人叹服。
The World of Mysteries
The Earth is a mysterious place. There is much going on around us every day that goes unexplຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduined. 地球是个神秘的地方。在我们身边每天都有很多不明原因的事情。
On the Easter islands there are more than 1000 huge stone statues, standing and facing the sea, each stone statue highly about the 4-5 M, the weight 20 t, the biggest has 90t likely, approximately built about in the A.D.800-900.Some people thought that is constructed to recall some important persons of tribes . Around islands, there is no abundant stone material and not a great deal of manpower for building.Why built the Stone statues , how they have existed ,still kept being a riddle up to now. 在复活节岛屿有1000多座巨大的石像,站立面向大海,每个石像高度 大约在4-5米,重20 吨,最大的可能有90吨,大约在公元800-900年 被建造。有些人认为是为了召回部落的一些重要人士而建造。周围的岛 屿,也没有丰富的石材,这也不是大量的人力能够建成的石像,他们是 如何存在,仍然保持是一个谜至今。
Go with me
Undoubtedly, UFO (Unidentified Flying Objects) exist - is a lot to see in the sky can not be identified things. These may be due to the visual illusion, and some rare natural phenomenon. However, despite careful investigation has found that the majority of sightings can make a scientific explanation, however, some UFO incidents have not been able understand. 毫无疑问,UFO(不明飞行物)的存在 - 是很多看到的在天空中不能被识别的东西。这些可 能是由于视觉的错觉和一些难得的自然现象造成的。不过,尽管仔细调查发现已大多数目击 报告都可以做出科学的解释,但是,有些不明飞行物事件还是一直无法被人们理解。