

课题:必修二Unit3 知识点导学案年级:一年级学科:英语






难点: 能够在语境中灵活运用这些重点词汇,短语



1. arise rise raise arouse


(1) The sun _____________ in the east and sets in the west.

(2) We should always keep in mind that accidents_____________ from carelessness while driving.

(3) After the war the standard of living was __________ rapidly.

(4) This book ______________ my interest in politics.

2.consider v.___________

(1)You’d better consider my suggestion. 你最好考虑我的建议。

(2)I’m considering going abroad some day.我一直考虑有一天出国。

(3)We consider him honest.我们认为他很诚实。

(4)At first they considered me as a doctor.起初他们认为我是医生。


consider +n./pron./v-ing____________

consider sb./ sth+.(as)+形容词/名词_____________

3.as 和with的用法区别:As time went by, I was made smaller.随着时间的流逝,我被做得更小了。

As we grow older, we get wiser.随着年龄的增长,我们会变得越来越聪明。

With time going by, they became close friends.随着时间的流逝,他们变成了好朋友。归纳总结拓展:



go by = pass




____________________, our experiences become ________________.

(3) I couldn’t do my homework with all that noise______.

A. going on

B. goes on

C. went on

D. to go on

(4) ______ children get older, they become more interested in the things around them.

A. While

B. When

C. As

D. With


1. in a way_________________

all the way一路上,自始至终,完全by the way 顺便说

in no way 一点也不,决不in the way 挡道,碍事

No way! 别想,没门on one’s way/the way to 在……的路上用way的短语填空:

(1)__________________ to school he came across a boy who lost his way.

(2) There is a truck____________________ and I can’t get through.

(3) _____________, I’m glad you made that mistake, since you can learn from it.

(4)__________________, have you seen my umbrella anywhere?

2. deal with

(1) This is a book dealing with Asian problems. 这是一本论述亚洲问题的书。

(2) How are you going to deal with the money?____________________________

(3) I don’t know what to do with the situation. _____________________________


deal with(意义)_______________________

deal with常与_________连用,而do with则常与________连用。(what, how)


(1)—You look so worried. What’s the matter?

--I don’t know _______ these boring problems.

A. what to deal with

B. how to do with

C. what can I do with

D. how to deal with

(2)With the world changing fast, we have something new ______ with all by ourselves every day.

A. deal

B. dealt

C. to deal

D. dealing

3. so …that ________________

Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(把下列句子翻译成汉语)

My memory became so large that I couldn’t believe it._____________________________________ The problem is so difficult that nobody can work it out.____________________________________ It was so hot a day that nobody wanted to do anything._____________________________________ I made so many mistakes in the composition that the teacher criticized me.






It was such a hot day that nobody wanted to do anything.____________________________________

It is such fine weather that we all want to go out for a walk.__________________________________ They are such lovely children that we all love them.________________________________________ 归纳总结:

such + a/an + ____________ + n. + that

such + __________ +不可数名词+ that

such + __________ +复数名词+ that The Great Wall is _______ tourist attraction that millions of people pour in(涌来,涌进) every year.

A. so a well-known

B. a so well-known

C. such well-known a

D. such a well-known

4.as a result 与as a result of

It doesn’t often rain here. As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden.这儿不经常下雨,因此我们不得不给菜园浇水。

He was punished by the teacher as a result of being late for class again._____________________________ 归纳总结:

as a result______________ as a result of______________

5. In small groups, discuss what they have in common.



I lived in___________ you call “Ancient Greece”.

_____________ I have heard has something in common with __________ you have seen.

This is _____________________yesterday. 这是我昨天(所)买的


common _______________________

They are twins, but they have little in common.他们是双胞胎,但是几乎没有共同点。

This illness is common among the children.这种病在孩子间很常见。

He wasn’t a hero but a common person.他不是个英雄而是一个普通人。


common sense____________

have nothing/little/something/much/a lot in common



(1)We share a ________________________.我们有共同的目标。

I suddenly felt we ______ a lot ______ _______.我突然感觉到我们有很多共同的地方。Though they are twins, they ________.

A. have something in common

B. have a lot in common

C. have nothing in common

D. have a little in common


Module 3 Music SectionⅠIntroduction,Reading&Vocabulary 一、写作词汇检测 根据每一组的提示词,完成或者翻译句子 1.lose 1) in thought,I almost ran into the car in front of me. 2)没有时间可浪费。 答案:1)Lost 2)There’s no time to lose. 2.talent 1)Although he’s less ,he won by working hard. 2)他很有写作天赋。 答案:1)talented 2)He has a talent for writing. 3.impress 1)I have a good on the director. 2)你的才华给我们留下了深刻的印象。 答案:1)impression 2)We were impressed with/by your talent. 运用所学的单词或短语造句 4.be known as 5.as well as 6.It is/was...that 答案:略 二、阅读词汇检测 阅读下列句子,说出黑体词或词组的汉语意思 1.Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. 含义: 答案:天才 2.The audience clapped when the orchestra ended their performance.

含义: 答案:乐队 3.The symphony is composed of many beautiful pieces. 含义: 答案:由……组成 4.These musicians spent two months touring Africa. 含义: 答案:巡回演出 5.The boy turned a deaf ear to what his mother said. 含义: 答案:听而不闻 三、用下列短语的正确形式填空 1.He a pop singer all over the world. 答案:is known as 2.The old lady began because of a serious disease. 答案:to go deaf/going deaf 3.We the beautiful scenery when we finally climbed to the top of the mountain. 答案:were impressed with 4.At present,people farmland wasteland as they have cut so many forests. 答案:are changing;into 5. thought,the girl didn’t notice us come in. 答案:Lost in 6.The club 20 members from other cities. 答案:is composed of 7.Qi Baishi is one of the greatest artists in China . 答案:of all time 8.Have you ever the Red Group?They are a pop group. 答案:heard of 9.Jack his family went on a trip to America last week. 答案:as well as 10.Our monitor is a talented man.He organisation. 答案:has a talent for 四、语法填空

人教版高一英语必修三 unit3 知识点复习总结

B3 Unit3 1.bring up ①抚养,养育,教育, ②提出(讨论)等③呕吐 bring about 引起,导致,造成bring out 取出,说话,阐明,出版 bring down (使)飞机降落 降低,减小,使倒下bring in 带进来,赚得,有收入bring back 带回,使想起 2.scene①(戏剧)一场,现场,场面②景色③圈子,活动领域 3.permit v.许可,准许(permitted,permitted,permitting) permission n.允许,许可permit sb sth permit/allow doing sth permit/allow sb to do sth sb be permitted to do sth ②(时间、天气)允许weather permitting =if weather permits ③许可照,执照 apply for a permit deserve doing/to be done winning adj.制胜的a win-win situation 双赢局面increasingly+adj./adv. 越来越... make great efforts =spare no efforts =do as much as I can =do whatever I can尽最大努力

4.go ahead前进,往下说,可以go ahead with sth 继续... ahead of 领先...,早于... look ahead 朝前 ahead of time/in advance提前go against 反抗,违反go by 流逝 go over 复习 go after 追求 go through 经历,遭受5.by accident =by chance=accidentally 偶然,不小心 by design =on purpose=deliberately =intentionally 故意地 6.stare at 盯着,凝视glare at 怒视 look at 看着(无感情)glance at 一瞥,粗略的看7.spot(spotted,spotted,spotting) vt.发现,认出 n.斑点,污点,地点 scenic spot 景点 spotless adj.洁净的spotted adj.有斑点的 spot sb doing sth (be) on the spot =(be)on the scene 8.fault n.过错,缺点,故障faultless adj.无错误的,完美无缺的 be at fault 有过错/责任find fault with sb 挑剔,挑毛病

高中语文必修二学业水平考试复习学案 老师版

2013年语文考试学案 必修(二) 复习要求: 1、重点复习篇目:《荷塘月色》《故都的秋》《氓》《离骚》《孔雀东南飞》《涉江采芙蓉》《短歌行》《归园田居》《兰亭集序》《赤壁赋》和《游褒禅山记》。 2、默写篇目:《氓》《涉江采芙蓉》《短歌行》《归园田居》《兰亭集序》《赤壁赋》和《游褒禅山记》。 【现代文和古典诗歌部分】 荷塘月色 一、给下列加点字注音 蓊蓊郁郁弥望袅娜羞涩渺茫霎时宛然 脉脉酣眠参差斑驳峭楞楞倩影梵婀玲 妖童媛女鹢首徐回棹纤腰敛裾嬉游消受 琐屑踱步 二、文学常识 朱自清:原名自华,字佩弦,诗人、散文家、学者,又是民主战士、爱国知识分子,毛泽东称颂他“表现了我们民族的英雄气概”。散文名篇有《背影》、《绿》、《匆匆》、《荷塘月色》、《桨声灯影里的秦淮河》等。 故都的秋 一、给下列加点字注音 混沌混水摸鱼潭柘寺皇城人海一椽驯鸽落蕊落寞啼唱嘶叫歧韵颓废散文钞廿四桥普陀山鲈鱼二、文学常识 郁达夫,现代作家。主要作品有《沉沦》《薄奠》《春风沉醉的晚上》。《故都的秋》:全文运用对比手法表达了对北国之秋的向往之情。 囚绿记 一、给下列加点字注音 猗郁蕈菌葱茏婆娑淅沥瞥见移徙陆蠡二、成语 涸辙之鲋:比喻处在困境中急待救援的人。 揠苗助长:比喻违反事物的发展规律,急于求成,反而坏事。 急不暇择:因过于急切而来不及选择。 三、文学常识 陆蠡,现代散文家、翻译家,著有散文集《囚绿记》、《海星》、《竹刀》,译著有《罗亭》、《鲁宾逊漂流记》。 《诗经》两首 一、给加点字注音 氓蚩蚩愆期将子无怒垝垣尔卜尔筮咎言

载笑载言于嗟鸠兮桑葚犹可说也其黄而陨自我徂尔淇水汤汤渐车帷裳罔极靡有朝矣咥笑夙兴夜寐隰则有泮玁狁不遑靡盬孔疚骙骙小人所腓象弭鱼服雨雪霏霏信誓旦旦二、成语积累 夙兴夜寐:早起晚睡,形容勤劳。 信誓旦旦:誓言诚恳可信。 三、文学常识: 1、《诗经》是我国最早的诗歌总集。它收集了从西周初期到春秋中叶约500年间的诗歌305篇。先秦称为《诗》或《诗三百》,西汉时被尊为儒家经典,始称《诗经》。 2、《诗经》按乐曲分为风、雅、颂三部分。“风”指十五国风,绝大部分是民间歌谣;“雅”分大雅小雅,诗宫廷乐歌;“颂”有“周颂”“鲁颂”“商颂”,是宗庙祭祀的乐歌。《诗经》的表现手法有:赋、比、兴。 3、《诗经》六义:风、雅、颂、赋、比、兴。 4、《诗经》开创了中国诗歌的优秀传统,是我国现实主义文学的光辉起点。现实主义的《诗经》与屈原浪漫主义的骚体作品交相辉映,并称“风骚”。 5、《氓》运用第一人称手法,叙述了一个劳动妇女从恋爱、结婚、被丈夫虐待,以致最后被抛弃的不幸遭遇,反映出奴隶社会中妇女们处于被压迫被损害的地位。 离骚 一、文学常识 屈原(约公元前340—约前278),战国时期楚国人,伟大的爱国诗人、政治家,“楚辞”的创立者和代表作者。《离骚》是屈原的代表作,370多句,2400多字,为中国古代最长的政治抒情诗。 《楚辞》收集战国时代屈原、宋玉等人的诗,由西汉刘向编辑。 《诗经》与《楚辞》并称为“风、骚”,是我国古典诗歌现实主义和浪漫主义的两大源头。“风”指国风,代表《诗经》,充满着现实主义精神;“骚”指《离骚》,代表《楚辞》,充满着浪漫主义气息。 二、给加点字注音 修姱嫉妒謇忳郁悒侘傺溘死鸷鸟 方圜攘诟谣诼延伫芰荷偭兰皋 椒丘岌岌杂糅昭质可惩 孔雀东南飞 一、文学常识 《孔雀东南飞》是我国古代最优秀的民间叙事诗。沈归愚称为“古今第一首长诗”,因此它也被称为我国古代文学史上最早的一首长篇叙事诗。原名《古诗为焦仲卿妻作》,最早见于南朝徐陵所编的《玉台新咏》。它是继《诗经》《楚辞》以后较早的一部古诗总集。后人把《孔雀东南飞》与北朝的《木兰辞》合称为“乐府双璧”。


第三章相互作用 专题一:力的概念、重力和弹力 1.力的本质 (1)力的物质性:力是物体对物体的作用。提到力必然涉及到两个物体:施力物体和受力物体,力不能离开物体而独立存在,(不离开不是一定要接触)有力时物体不一定接触。 (2)力的相互性:力是成对出现的,作用力和反作用力同时存在。作用力和反作用力总是等大、反向、共线,分别作用在两个物体上,作用效果不能抵消. (3)力的矢量性:力有大小、方向,对于同一直线上力的矢量运算,同向相加,反向相减。 (4)力作用的独立性:几个力作用在同一物体上,每个力对物体的作用效果均不会因其它力的存在而受到影响。 2.力的作用效果 $ 力对物体作用有两种效果:一是使物体发生形变,二是改变物体的运动状态。这两种效果可各自独立产生,可同时产生。 3.力的三要素:大小、方向、作用点 完整表述一个力时,三要素缺一不可。当力 F1、F2的大小、方向均相同时,我们说F1=F2。 力的大小可用弹簧秤测量,也可通过定理、定律计算,力的单位是牛顿,符号是N。 4.力的图示和力的示意图 力的图示:用一条有向线段表示力的方法叫力的图示,用带有标度的线段长短表示大小,用箭头指向表示方向,作用点用线段的起点表示。 5.重力 (1).重力的产生: - 重力是由于地球的吸收而产生的,重力的施力物体是地球。 (2).重力的大小: ○由G=mg计算,g为重力加速度,通常g取米/秒方。 ○由弹簧秤测量:物体静止时弹簧秤的示数为重力大小。 (3).重力的方向: 重力的方向总是竖直向下的,不一定指向地心。 (4).重力的作用点——重心 ○物体的各部分都受重力作用,效果上,认为各部分受到的重力作用都集中于一点,叫做物体的重心。(假设的点) $ ○重心跟物体的质量分布、物体的形状有关,重心不一定在物体上。质量分布均匀、形状规则的物体其重心在物体的几何中心上。 (5).重力和万有引力 重力是地球对物体万有引力的一个分力,万有引力的另一个分力提供物体随地球自转的向心力,同一物体在地球上不同纬度处的向心力大小不同,但由此引起的重力变化不大,一般情况可近似认为重力等于万有引力,即:mg=GMm/R2。除两极和赤道外,重力的方向并不指向地心。 重力的大小及方向与物体的运动状态无关,在加速运动的系统中,例如:发生超重和失


2019-2020学年高中英语人教版必修三 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note 重点词汇1. scene n. (戏剧)一场;现场;场面;景色 behind the scenes 在后台;在幕后on the scene 在现场;当场set the scene 为……做好准备the scene of the accident 事故现场 scene 指展现在眼前的情景, 也可以指scenery 的一部分, 大多包括景物中的人及活动在内, 如Firefighters were on the scene immediately. scenery 指某地总的自然风光或景色, 尤指美丽的乡间景色, 如The scenery in the mountains is very beautiful. sight 既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观, 也可以指名胜、风景, 在表示“名胜、风景”时, 用复数形式, 如The cave is a very nice sight in that place. view 常指从某个位置或角度所看到的景色, 还可表示“观点”, 如From the top of the hill you will have a nice view of the whole city. 2. permit vt. &vi. 许可;允许;准许n. 通行证;许可证;执照(可数) (1)permit sth. /doing sth. 允许某事/做某事 (2)permission [口头]允许, 许可(不可数) with/without one’s permission 得到允许/未经允许ask for permission 请求允许give sb. permission to do sth. (=permit sb. to do sth. )允许某人做某事 permit permit和allow在许多情况下可以通用, 但它较allow正式, 含有“积极地、正面地允许”的意义, 指权威性地(明文规定)准许、批准 allow allow指“并不反对”或“不加阻止”, 偏重“默许”或“听任”(既无明文规定也无明令禁止), 含义较消极 填空: The nurse _______ him to remain there, though it was not _________. 3. account vi. & vt. 认为;说明;总计有n. 说明;理由;计算;账目 ①He could not account for his absence from school. 他无法说清楚为什么旷课。 ②Sports account for a growing amount of income made on the sales of commercial time by television companies. 运动在电视商业销售收入中占的数额日益增长。


Unit 3 Computers(必修二)复习学案 一..单词拼写 1.人造的,假的adj. 2. 无论如何,总之adv. 3.优点,优势;有利条件n. 反义词 4.创造,创作;造成vt. 有创造力的adj. 创造者n. 5. 漫步、徘徊;迷路vi. 6.共同的,共有的adj. . 7.计算vt. 8.智力,聪明,智能n. .聪明的adj. 9.完全地,整个的adv. 全体的,全部的adj. 10.不同意,不一致vi. 11.亲自的,就本人而论adv. ;个人的adj. ;身体,人格,人n. 12.普通的;通用的;宇宙的adj. 13.工艺;科技;技术n. 科技的adj. 14.解决;解答vt. 解决方法n. 15.真实;事实;现实n. 真实的adj. 16.出现;发生vi. 17.外观;外貌;出现n. 出现vt. 消失vt. 18.类型n.打字vt&vi 二.短语填空 1.________________ 从……时起 2.________________ 结果 3.________________ 如此……以致于 4.________________ 在某种程度上 5.________________ 在……的帮助下 6.________________ 处理;安排;对付 7.________________ 看守;监视 8.________________ 共有;共用 9.________________ 弥补 10.________________ 毕竟 三.重点词汇 1. arise vi.出现;发生;起身,起床 (1)作“呈现;出现;发生”之意时,主语多为抽象argument/problem/quarrel/question/movement


Unit3 知识点(班二) 词汇要点 1.determine vt.决定,决心,确定,测定 Determination n. 决心,毅力determined adj. 坚毅的,下决心的decide[同义]v.决定典型用法be determined to do sth ⑴She is a girl of great ______________ (determine). ⑵He is determined ________ (face) out the situation. ⑶There is a ____________ (determine) look on his face. 2.similar adj. 类似的,相似的 be similar to[搭配]类似于,与……相似the same ...as...[近义]与……相同 https://www.360docs.net/doc/1715385821.html,anize v.组织 organization n.组织,机构organizer n.组织者organized adj. 有组织的 4.surprise vt.使惊奇,使诧异n. 惊奇,诧异 Surprised adj. 感到惊讶的surprising adj. 令人惊讶的 be surprised at 对…感到惊讶to one,s surprise (=surprisingly) 令人感到惊奇地是 (1) Everybody here was ____ (surprise)the news. (2) ________________________ (surprise),he was so frank that he told me all of his secrets. 5..transport n.& v.运送;运输 派生:transportation n.运输;交通工具 6.persuade vt.说服,劝说 persuade sb. to do 说服/劝服某人去做 persuade sb. into doing 说服/劝服某人去做 persuade sb. out of doing说服/劝服某人不做 注意:劝而不服则要用advise sb.to do sth.或者try to persuade sb.to do sth.。 ⑴我们劝李老师戒烟,他不再抽烟啦! __________________________________,and he never smoked at last. ⑵我们劝王老师戒烟,可他不戒。 ___________________________________________________________,but he didn’t. 7.graduate v.毕业n.大学毕业生派生:graduation n.毕业 短语:graduate from 毕业于 (1)After ____________ (graduate),what are you going to do? (2)My sister graduated ______ Beijing University ____ 1982. (3) He is _____ graduate of Oxford. (填冠词) 8..care vi.关心;介意n.关心;照顾 care about ( be worried about/concerned with)忧虑;担心;惦念


课题:必修二Unit3 知识点导学案年级:一年级学科:英语 班级:姓名:使用时间: 编写人:许壮丽审核人:审批人: 学习目标:1.掌握重点词汇,短语的用法 2.能够在语境中灵活运用它们 重点:掌握重点词汇,短语的用法 难点: 能够在语境中灵活运用这些重点词汇,短语 学习过程: 一.重点单词探究 1. arise rise raise arouse 填一填: (1) The sun _____________ in the east and sets in the west. (2) We should always keep in mind that accidents_____________ from carelessness while driving. (3) After the war the standard of living was __________ rapidly. (4) This book ______________ my interest in politics. 2.consider v.___________ (1)You’d better consider my suggestion. 你最好考虑我的建议。 (2)I’m considering going abroad some day.我一直考虑有一天出国。 (3)We consider him honest.我们认为他很诚实。 (4)At first they considered me as a doctor.起初他们认为我是医生。 归纳拓展: consider +n./pron./v-ing____________ consider sb./ sth+.(as)+形容词/名词_____________ 3.as 和with的用法区别:As time went by, I was made smaller.随着时间的流逝,我被做得更小了。 As we grow older, we get wiser.随着年龄的增长,我们会变得越来越聪明。 With time going by, they became close friends.随着时间的流逝,他们变成了好朋友。归纳总结拓展: as是________词,引导时间状语从句; with是_______词,后接名词或代词构成的短语或with构成的复合结构。 go by = pass 即境活用: (1)时间慢慢逝去_______________________ (2)随着年龄的增长,我们的阅历也益加丰富。 ____________________, our experiences become ________________. (3) I couldn’t do my homework with all that noise______. A. going on B. goes on C. went on D. to go on (4) ______ children get older, they become more interested in the things around them. A. While B. When C. As D. With 二、核心词汇总结: 1. in a way_________________ all the way一路上,自始至终,完全by the way 顺便说 in no way 一点也不,决不in the way 挡道,碍事 No way! 别想,没门on one’s way/the way to 在……的路上用way的短语填空: (1)__________________ to school he came across a boy who lost his way. (2) There is a truck____________________ and I can’t get through. (3) _____________, I’m glad you made that mistake, since you can learn from it. (4)__________________, have you seen my umbrella anywhere? 2. deal with (1) This is a book dealing with Asian problems. 这是一本论述亚洲问题的书。 (2) How are you going to deal with the money?____________________________ (3) I don’t know what to do with the situation. _____________________________ 归纳总结: deal with(意义)_______________________


The Million Pound Bank Note 知识点归纳 I. 重点短语 (1) permit doing sth. (2) permit sb.to do sth. 与 permit 具有相同用法的单词还有: doing sth. allow/forbid/advise + 允许 /禁止 /建议 (某人 )做某 事 sb. to do sth. sth./sb.doing (1) spot that ...发现 ... 发现某物/某人做 .... (2) be spotted with 散布;点缀着 .... (3) on the spot 当场;在现场 (1) account for 解释;说明 (2) on account of 由于;因为 on no account 决不 (置于句首时,句子用部分倒装 ) on any account 无论如何 (3) take ...i nto acco unt = take ...i nto con sideratio n 考虑 (4) open an account 开设账户 4. make a bet 打赌 就某事打赌 I bet that ...我敢说 make a bet with sb. 与 打赌 make a bet on sth. 就某事打赌 5. bring up 培养;抚养;教育;提出;呕吐 bring about 引起;产生;导致;带来 bring sth.back 带回某物;使想起 bring dow n 让 .... 降下来;使倒下 bring in 引入 6. go ahead 前进; (用于祈使句 )可以;往下说 7. take a chance 冒险;试图做某事;碰运气 (1) take a cha nee = take on e's cha nce/take cha nee 冒险 (2) by chanee 匕 by accident)偶然;碰巧 (3) The cha nces are that-可能 .... 必修 3 Unit 3 允许做某事 允许某人做某事 1. 2. bet on sth.

新人教高中英语必修三unit3 diverse cultures 知识点 学生

Book3 unit3 1.admit v. admit (to) doing/having done sth admit sb to be/as... (be admitted as)... admit...to/into... ①As a matter of fact,we all admit him ____________ (be) an honest man. ②Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted ________ competitors. ③He was Beijing University. 2. occur vi. sth occur to sb It occurs to /strikes/hits sb that... ①A good idea occurred to me all at once. ②It occurred to me that I had left the door unlocked. occur结构中主语不能是人,而是想到的事情或it。 3.seek vt.& vi.(sought,sought)寻 seek for seek sb/sth out 3.earn vt. earnings n. earn money(=make money) earn success earn a/one’s living (=make one’s/a living) earn sb sth Your efforts will earn you a good reputation. 4.select vt. select...as/to be... select sb to do sth select...for... ①Daff was selected from the whole class ____________ (go) on the trip. ②She has been selected ____________ the England team. choose 用法最广,表示“选择,挑选”,侧重于通过意志或判断,是最普通的用语. You can choose a book from these.你可以从这些书中选一本. select “精选,挑选”,指从同类的许多东西中仔细辨别后选择,挑选最合适的,从而淘汰一部分. We selected some for seeds.. ___________ pick “挑选,挑捡”,是仔细挑剔和苛刻地选择,多指挑选有形的东西. Will you help me pick strawberries? __________ 5. claim vt.& n. claim to do claim responsibility/ victory


2013年教材知识整合 必修二 班次: 姓名: - 1 - 2013年 必修(二)复习学案 复习要求: 1、重点复习篇目:《荷塘月色》《故都的秋》《氓》《离骚》《孔雀东南飞》《涉江采芙蓉》《短歌行》《归园田居》《兰亭集序》《赤壁赋》和《游褒禅山记》。 2、默写篇目:《氓》《涉江采芙蓉》《短歌行》《归园田居》《兰亭集序》《赤壁赋》和《游褒禅山记》。 【现代文和古典诗歌部分】 一、掌握下列文学知识: 1、《荷塘月色》:作者朱自清,字佩弦,号秋实。中国现代著名散文家,又是民主战士、爱国知识分子。毛泽东称他“表现了我们民族的英雄气概”。代表作品有《春》《背影》。 2、《故都的秋》:全文运用对比手法表达了对北国之秋的向往之情。作者是郁达夫,现代作家。主要作品有《沉沦》《薄奠》《春风沉醉的晚上》。 3、中国古典诗歌发展简史:《诗经》—楚辞—文人五言诗和乐府—唐诗—宋词—元曲。 4、《氓》:《诗经》是我国最早的诗歌总集,共收录西周初年到春秋中叶诗歌305篇,又称为《诗》或《诗三百》。按内容分为风、雅、颂三部分,“风”——国风,160篇,民间歌谣;“雅”——大雅和小雅,105篇,宫廷颂歌;“颂”——周颂、鲁颂和商颂,40篇,是宗庙祭祀的乐歌。按表现手法分为赋、比、兴三部分,赋是直接叙述其事,比是打比方,兴是起兴,先言他物以引起所咏之物。风、雅、颂、赋、比、兴合称为“诗经六义”。《诗经》开创了我国现实主义文学的先河。《氓》运用第一人称手法,叙述了一个劳动妇女从恋爱、结婚、被丈夫虐待,以致最后被抛弃的不幸遭遇,反映出奴隶社会中妇女们处于被压迫被损害的地位。 5、《离骚》:屈原,战国时期楚国人,“楚辞”的创立者和代表作家。我国历史上第一个伟大诗人,浪漫主义诗歌的奠基人。代表作有《离骚》《九歌》《天问》。《离骚》是《楚辞》的代表作,我国古代最早的政治抒情诗,也是我国古代最长的抒情诗。《楚辞》收集战国时代屈原、宋玉等人的诗,由西汉刘向编辑。 《诗经》与《楚辞》并称为“风、骚”,是我国古典诗歌现实主义和浪漫主义的两大源头。“风”指国风,代表《诗经》,充满着现实主义精神;“骚”指《离骚》,代表《楚辞》,充满着浪漫主义气息。 6、《孔雀东南飞》:是我国古代最早也是最长的五言叙事诗,全诗以血的事实揭露控诉了封建礼教的罪恶,突出地暴露了封建家长制的残酷,寄托了青年男女对坚贞不渝的爱情和幸福婚姻的热烈向往,具有深刻的社会意义。与北朝民歌《木兰辞》合称“乐府双璧”。 7、《涉江采芙蓉》:选自《古诗十九首》,《古诗十九首》是东汉末年一批文人诗作选辑,刘勰的《文心雕龙》称之为“五言之冠冕”。 8、《短歌行》:汉乐府旧题诗。诗中作者通过宴会的歌唱,抒发了时光易逝、人生短暂的感慨,表达了招纳贤才、统一天下的雄心。曹操, 东汉末年的政治家、军事家和文学家,建安诗人的代表。与其子曹植、曹丕合称“三曹”。 9、《归园田居》:全诗通过描写幽雅、闲适的田园生活,表现了诗 人厌恶官场生活、回归自然的美好愿望。陶渊明,东晋末年的伟大诗人, 死后世人称他为“靖节先生”。作品多为五言诗,从内容上可分为饮酒 诗、咏怀诗和田园诗三大类。主要作品有《桃花源记》《五柳先生传》《归园田居》 《归去来兮辞》《饮酒》等。 10、成语:(1)了解成语的五个来源:神话传说,寓言故事,历史故事,文人作品和外来文化;(2)了解成语的内部结构关系:主谓关系, 并列关系,动宾关系,偏正关系,补充关系;(3)了解成语所保留的古 汉语的语法特点:宾语前置,状语后置,成分省略,词类活用,互文;(4)掌握常见成语的读音、写法、意义和感情色彩,并恰当地熟练运用。 11、《家》是巴金的《激流三部曲》(《家》《春》《秋》)之一,以爱情和婚姻纠葛为主要线索,叙述了觉慧、觉新、觉民三兄弟在爱情 婚姻上的不同遭遇。主要表现了青春和美好的感情如何受到封建家族统 治的迫害,以及年轻一代的叛逆和反抗。 12、《巴黎圣母院》是19世纪伟大的浪漫主义文学家、法国文学史 上最伟大的作家之一雨果的第一部长篇小说。他的作品还有小说《悲惨 世界》《海上劳工》《笑面人》。《巴黎圣母院》是一部叙说人的“命 运“的作品,集中体现了雨果的”美丑对照“的原则。主要人物有敲钟 人卡西莫多、吉卜赛少女爱斯梅拉达、穷诗人甘果瓦、弓箭队长弗比斯、 副主教弗罗洛。 二、掌握下列词语,并给加点的词语注音: 点缀. 袅.娜 踱.步 煤屑.路 匪我愆. 期 颤.动 纤.腰 纤.夫 潭柘.寺 混混沌. 沌 婆娑. 蕈.菌 涸.辙 城垣. 一椽. 破屋 脉脉.. 倩.影 敛裾. 窈窕.. 瞠. 目结舌 陆蠡. 重创. 瞥.见 侘傺.. 否泰.. 如天地 罹.难 溘.死 剑鞘. 商榷. 越陌度阡. 创.伤 数载. 踯躅.. 廿.四桥 其黄而陨. 陪衬. 鹢.首 肄.业 诺.言 咥. 其笑矣 媛.女 訾.詈 造诣. 闭塞. 将. 子无怒 侈.谈 兑.现 蜕.变 庐冢. 道义相勖. 邮戳. 裨.益 贻.误 扁.舟 浅尝辄.止 赎.罪 砥.砺 泥淖. 愀.然 舳舻.. 千里 癸.丑 自缢. 哽咽.. 霎.时 垝.垣 颓.废 猗.郁 敷衍. 伶俜. 刀俎. 切磋. 偌.大 蜷.缩 三、根据拼音写汉字: 羞s a du ? 步 di àn 记 sh ī 酒临江 Qi àn 影 点zhu ì zhu ? 壮 qi ē cu ō 学问 葱l ?ng 房l ǐn sh ù 守 y à 苗助长 P án 石 钟q ìng 拾du ō ch ?ng 山峻岭 幽h a 窈ti ǎo 砥l ì 余音ni ǎo ni ǎo y ì 业 典j í 造y ì lu ?y ì 不绝 商qu a 敷y ǎn zh ěng 救 以身作z ? 束f ù w ū 蔑 q í 视 h ài 人听闻 Di ān 量 落ru ǐ 驰ch ěng 责无旁d ài 四、结合语境,解释下列句中加点词语的含义: 1、有袅娜..地开着的。 2、那是一个热闹的季节,也是一个风流..的季节。 3、我们知道学习是不能走终南捷径....的。 4、道义相勖..。 5、为社会所訾詈..。 6、黑人义愤填膺....的酷暑就不会过去。 7、无论面对何种情况,他都是安之若素....。 五、根据课文内容填空: 1、桑之未落, 。于嗟鸠兮, ;于嗟女兮, 。士之耽兮, ;女之耽兮,不可说也。 2、桑之落矣, 。自我徂尔,三岁食贫。淇水汤 汤, 。女也不爽, 。 , 二三其德。 3、 ,言笑晏晏。 ,不思其反。 4、涉江采芙蓉, , ?所思在远道。


13人小班课堂第一课 授课日期:2017.10.09 教学主题:相互认识、必修一第一单元单词 教学重点:简单的自我介绍句子、重点单词拓展、重点单词造句举例 教学难点:单词拓展与使用举例 教学目标:1.学生与老师快速适应; 2.学生能够正确使用简单句介绍自己; 3.学生至少掌握5个重点单词的词形转换与简单例句。 教学内容: 一.简单自我介绍 范文一: Hello, everybody. My name is XXX. I studied in the XXX Middle School in the past three years ,during which I have been very fond of and good at English and Chinese ever since. My hobbies include swimming in summer, skating in winter as well as reading novels and listening to music in my spare time. I am a warm-hearted girl who like communicating with others and making more friends. That is my character is extroversion's. Nowadays, I am glad to be one of you and looking forward to my brand-new life. Thank you! 范文二: My name is ________. I am graduate from ________ school . There are ________ people in my family. My father works in a computer company. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my family. In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlarge my knowledge. As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning. But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese. My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.


高中英语学习材料 ***鼎尚图文理制作*** Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note 课文知识点解析Warming up 1.A rich person gives you a large amount of money to use as you like.What will you do with it? 一个富人给了你一大笔钱,让你随便花,你打算怎么办呢? (1)a large amount of sth. (不可数名词):大量的,大笔的…… e.g.a large amount of work/money/furniture 大量的工作/钱/家具 比较: A large amount of money was spent on the bridge.(谓语动词用单数) Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge.(谓语动词用复数) 建这座大桥花了一大笔钱。 注意:“the amount of+不可数名词”表示“……的总数、总额、总值”。 (2) as you like“按照你喜欢的方式”,as conj.是连词,引导方式状语从句。 e.g.Leave the room as it is. 房间的东西不要动。 Do as I told you to. 按照我的要求去做。 (3)do sth. with sth. 主要用于疑问句中,与what配合使用,意思是“处理、对付,安排”。 e.g.What have you done with my umbrella? 你把我的伞放哪里去了? What are we going to do with the food left over from the party? 我们宴会上剩下的食物怎么办呢? She doesn’t know what to do with herself. 她不知道怎么办才好。 What will you do with this kind of letter? 你打算怎么处理这封信呢? 2.Have you ever made a bet with a friend? 你和朋友打过赌吗? make a bet 打赌 He made a bet with me on whether the famous actress would come. 思维拓展 a large amount of/a great deal of/a little/a bit of 这些词后都跟不可数名词。 a great/good many/a large number of 后只能跟可数名词。 a lot of/lots of/plenty of/a large quantity of/large quantities of 后既可跟可数名词,又可跟不可数名词。 思维拓展 as conj.还可以有其他用法:当……时/在……期间 e.g.I watched her as she combed her hair. 她梳头的时候我一直看着她。 思维拓展 deal with 处理、对付 e.g.What’s the best way to deal with the grammar points? 处理这个语法点的最好办法是什么?deal with 在疑问句中与how搭配。 e.g.How to deal with the waste is still a problem. 如何处理这些垃圾还是个问题。 思维拓展 bet v. 打赌、赌博 e.g.I don’t enjoy betting. 我不喜欢赌博。 He spent all his money on horses. 他把所有的钱都用在赌马上。 I bet that...= I’m sure that...我敢肯定……
