2020高中英语 M2U2 reading单词学案 牛津译林版必修2 精品

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2020高一英语学案:M2U2 reading 单词(牛津译林版必修2)

Centent :Learn words and expressions about Reading in M2U2

Learning aims:Learn words and expressions

Learning difficult and important points:Grasp the related usage about words 自主学习过程

1.adventure 名词 n. [U] 冒险,冒险精神; He is a man full of adventure. n. [C]冒险的经历,奇遇The explorer told the children about his adventure. adventurous adj 冒险的,大胆的,危险的

※及物动词 vt. 冒险去做;使冒险

No man would adventure it.

※不及物动词 vi. 冒险[+to-v][(+into/upon)]

2.arrange 安排,准备,排列,整理

arrangement (n.) 安排,整理

arrange sth for sb


arrange sth to do sth 为了做某事而安排某事,

arrange for sb to do sth 安排某人去做某事

arrange to do sth 安排去做某事

arrange for sth 安排某事

We must arrange a proper time and place for the meeting.


adj.unexpected,surprising or strange 意想不到的,令人惊奇的

not normal ,not ordinary;better than usual 不平常的,卓越的

she is a truly extraordiary woman.

4.desert n.[C,U]沙漠,荒漠,荒原 v.抛弃,遗弃 adj.荒芜的,沙漠的

5.dusty adj.尘土飞扬的,满是灰尘的 “-y ”

This room is rather dusty , I ’m afraid.

6. altogether

※总共(=in all ) There are altogether 100 families involved.

※完全地,(=entirely ) The thing is not altogether impossible.

※总的来说,总而言之(=entirely ) Altogther ,I ’m sorry it happened.

[易混单词辨析] altogether


all together 一道,一起,同时

together 一道,一起,(常与动词搭配使用)

7.rough 汹涌的,粗糙的,大概的,粗鲁的

Our car bumped up and down on the rough road. In rough

粗略的,大致的 be rough on sb 苛刻的(粗鲁的)对待某人

rough sb up 殴打某人,对某人施以暴力 live/sleep rough 风餐露宿

8.in advance 预先,提前(=ahead of time )

Before visiting him,I call him up in advance.

advanced 高级的(adj.)


(近义词有:offer ,provide)

supply sth to sb 供给某人某物(=supply sb with sth )

supplies 可表示“公共必需品”或“生活必需品”如:medical supplies 医疗用品 The media supplies lots of information to us every day

= The media supplies us with lots of information every day

a good supply of 大量的

a short supply of 短缺的

supply and demand 供求关系

10.defence 防御,防备

defenceless adj.没有防卫能力的

defend vt.保护.保卫

There are plans to increase defence spending by 60%

come to sb ’s defence 帮助(保护)某人

in defence of 为了捍卫…

in sb ’s defence 为某人

defend sb /sth .against /from 保护某人/某人

protect sb …against/from 保护某人免受…

defend oneself 自卫


※ v. 使恐惧,使惊吓,使害怕 scare sb 惊吓某人

The thunder scared the baby and he began to cry.

※ n. 恐慌,恐惧,惊恐

The news gave them a scare.

Scary adj. 恐惧的

※ scared adj.(人)害怕的,恐惧的
