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对于圆管内流动,雷诺数小于等于2300,管流一定为层流,雷诺数大于等于8000到12000之间,管流一定为湍流,雷诺数大于2300而小于8 000时,流动处于层流与湍流的过渡区。



高速空气动力学问题也属于可压缩流动的范围,在Fluent中原则上,使用Pressure-ba sed和Density-based求解器都可以。从历史根源上讲,基于压力的求解器以前主要用于不可压缩流动和微可压缩流动,而基于密度的求解器用于高速可压缩流动。现在,两种求解器都适用于从不可压到高速可压的很大范围流动,但总的来讲,当计算高速可压缩流动时,基于密度的求解器还是璧基于压力的求解器更有优势,因此,在使用Fluent计算高速可压缩流动时,推荐使用Density-based求解器。




Solution Strategies for Compressible Flows

The difficulties associated with solving compressible flows are a result of the hi gh degree of coupling between the flow velocity, density, pressure, and energy. Thi

s coupling may lead to instabilities in the solution process and, therefore, may req uire special solution techniques in order to obtain a converged solution. In additio n, the presence of shocks (discontinuities) in the flow introduces an additional sta bility problem during the calculation. Solution techniques that may be beneficial in compressible flow calculations include the following:

##(Pressure-based solver only) Initialize the flow to be near stagnation (i.e. vel ocity small but not zero, pressure to inlet total pressure, temperature to inlet total temperature). Turn off the energy equation for the first 50 iterations. Leave the e nergy under-relaxation at 1. Set the pressure under-relaxation to 0.4, and the mom entum under-relaxation to 0.3. After the solution stabilizes and the energy equatio n has been turned on, increase the pressure under-relaxation to 0.7.

##Set reasonable limits for the temperature and pressure (in the Solution Limi ts panel) to avoid solution divergence, especially at the start of the calculation. If FLUENT prints messages about temperature or pressure being limited as the soluti on near convergence, the high or low computed values may be physical, and you will need to change the limits to allow these values.

##If required, begin the calculations using a reduced pressure ratio at the bou ndaries, increasing the pressure ratio gradually in order to reach the final desired operating condition. If the Mach number is low, you can also consider starting the compressible flow calculation from an incompressible flow solution (although the i ncompressible flow solution can in some cases be a rather poor initial guess for t he compressible calculation).

##In some cases, computing an inviscid solution as a starting point may be h elpful.



目前CFD常用的计算格式有:中心格式,迎风格式以及NND,TVD,ENO等格式。其中中心格式逻辑关系简单,计算量小,但其分辨间断是通过人工粘性在一定程度上抹平间断而得到光滑解来实现的,不仅数值耗散大,而且包含经验性参数。TVD格式与ENO格式构造复杂,计算量大,TVD格式因其构造机制可限制间断附近的振荡,但有较大的数值耗散,在非间断的极值附近也会导致格式降为一阶精度;ENO格式可达到基本无振荡,一致二阶精度,但在所有二阶精度格式中其变量或通量插值的坡度最接近于零,故耗散仍比较大。迎风格式具有计算效率和间断分辨率的综合优势,在一定限制条件下也可得到TVD性质,因而得到了广泛应用。其中Van Leer格式与Roe格式是具有代表性,应用最成功的两种迎风格式。Van Leer格式分裂形式简单,计算效率高,但数值耗散比较大,格式提出之初作者就指出:即便对于精确的接触间断条件,仍然存在数值通量,从而抹平间断,会导致显著的粘性区计算误差,而且通过简单地加密网格或是使用高阶差分并不能消除这种误差。Roe 格式具有间断高分辨率,但当其通量Jacobian矩阵的特征值很小时,会违反熵条件,产生非物理解,故必须引入熵修正,但熵修正引入了额外耗散,而且熵修正依赖于求解的问题有
