


户口regi s tered permane nt res i de nee 民生peopIe' s wellbeing

团购 group buy i ng

乡长town ship head

城管urban management officers

恶搞video spoof

房奴mortgage s I ave

黑车uni icensed cab


安家费sett I ing-in a I I owance

代排族hired queuers

短租房short-term hous i ng/accommodation 二手房pre-owned house; second-hand house 封口费hush money

个体户the se I f-emp I oyed

公务车state-f inanced vehicle

公务员civi l/publ ic servant

假文凭fake d i p I omas

开瓶费corkage fee

两卩艮房house of two I imits; house with I imited pr ice and

habitable area

廉租房low-rent hous i ng

农民工migrant worker

农业稅agr icu Itura I tax

泡网吧hit the Internet bar

双休日two-day weekend

5?义职工work ing coup I e

群租客tenant groups

入住率occupancy rate

潜规则casting couch

闪跳族habitual job hopper

筒子楼tube-shaped apartment bui Iding


学区房schoo丨-nearby house

暂住证t emporary residence perm it

安居工程Comfortab I e/Affordab I e Hous i ng Project 城市补丁run-down neighborhoods

低保制度subs is tence secur i ty sys tem

恶性循环vicious circle

法治政府Iaw-based government

(非法)传销pyramid schemes; multi-level marketing

勻电:去“攵入i I I ega I ear nings; illicit in come 福利彩票we I fare I ottery

改革攻坚fur ther reform in diff icu It areas; t ack I e hard i ssues i n the reform

改革试点pi Iot reform program

公共参与pub I i c/communa I parti c i pation

和谐社会harm on i ous soc i ety

黑恶势力Maf ia-1 ike gangs

基层社区grassro ots comm unity


减员增效downsize the staff to improve eff iciency

空巢家庭empty-nest/chi I d I ess fami I y

就业指导emp I oyment gu i dance

面子工程vanity/image project

民族团结ethnic unity

南水北调Sou th-to—Nor th water d i vers i on

贫富差距di spar i ty in weal th d i s tribu tion

贫困人口impover ished peopIe

权力下放shi ft of power to the grassroots; de I egate power to the lower I eve Is

社会结构soc i a I structure

市政工程munici pa I/pub I ic works

数字鸿沟digital divide

天灾人祸na tural ca I am ities and man - made mi sfor tu nes

同城待遇i denti ca I treatment

无偿南氏血unpaid bIood donation

五好家庭Fi ve-Vi rtues Fami I y

下岗职工unemployed workers and st aff; I aid-off emp loyees

乡镇企业township enterpr i ses

学生减负reduce students' study Ioad

严扌丁斗争s trike - hard opera tion/campa i g n to crack down cr imes

总体规划overa I I plan

弓I 进人才br i ng i n needed personne I

优抚安置provide special assistance to entitled groups

创新型国家inn ova tion - orie nted nation

低收入家庭low- in come househo I d/fami I y

月艮务型政府service-or iented government

高层次人才high-ca I iber personne I

高技能人才highly skilled personneI

公用互联网pub I ic I nternet

固定电话网 f ixed - line t e I ephone network

简易过渡房makesh i ft she I ter

经济适用房affordab I e hous i ng

开放型经济an open economy

科学发展观scientific out I ook on deve I opment

人口功能区funct i ona I popu I at i on zone

三八红旗手March 8 Red FI ag Bearer

下基层锻炼temper oneseIf in a grassroots unit

移动通信网mob i I e commun i ca tion net work

自觉排队日Queuing-up Day

地方保护主义regions I protectionism

城市低收入者Iow-income city dweI Iers

爱国统一战线patr iot i c un i ted front

坚持基本纲领uphoId the basic program

抗灾救灾工作efforts to combat disasters and provide relief 平房改造工程re nova tion pro jec t of sha nty dwe I I ings 人事制度改革reform of personneI system

社会保障工作soc i a I secur i ty work

社会保障体制social secur ity system

社会利益格局interest of d i fferent soc i a I groups

酒后冲突drunken brawl


青年危机quarter I i fe crisis

闪婚flash marr i age


山西老陈醋Shanx i aged vinegar

伏旱summer drought

松花蛋century eggs


骨灰粉丝the hardcore fan/ super fan/crazy fan/ rabid fan/ frenzied fan/addicted fan

穿越剧time-travel TV ser ies

忘年恋May-December romanee



倒叙in ver ted pyramid style

回访return visit

均势ba lance of power

社论ed i tor i a I

试扌番start trial broadcasts

述评comme nt ary

顺叙pyramid sty Ie

主编ch i ef ed i tor
