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fields such as city high-pressure water supply, air-condition water circulation, fire fighting system and
pressurization for water transportation in product technical process.
1. 使用前的准备 (1)水泵安装好后,必须进行一 次全面检查,特别要检查管路和泵内 是否有小零件、小工具、纸垫、木块 等物遗留在里面,检查基座固定螺栓 是否旋紧,用皮带传动的空间和边缘 不能搁置物体。 (2)将机组外部各处的油腻、污 物擦干净。 (3)对于用稀油润滑的泵,参照 右图往轴承室内加入润滑油。 (4)用手盘动联轴器或拉动皮带 轮应感觉轻快,松紧要均匀。 (5)当泵处于倒灌情况下时,打 开吸入管路闸阀,引液体到泵内。如 非倒灌情况,则需从螺孔引入液体灌
泵结构图 Sectional Drawing……………………………………………………………………(9)
泵性能表 Table of Standard Performance ……………………………………………………..(10)
泵外形尺寸表 Table of the Outline Dimensions ……………………………………………………(21)
动力机热后再开到额定转数。 (2)当水泵以全转数工作时,压力表显示适当压力,然后打开真空表旋塞并且慢慢地打开排水管路
上的闸阀到需要的范围为止(即压力达到预计的水泵扬程的压力时) (3)当要停止水泵时,慢慢关闭排水管路闸阀,关闭真空表旋塞,并停止原动机,然后关闭压力表
旋塞。如为皮带传动,先将水泵降到(750 转/分)以下运转约 5 分钟再停车。如果所处的环境,外界温度 是 0℃或低于 0℃时,应把泵内的积水和水管内积水放尽,以免冻裂。
400—Nominal diameter of impeller 400mm
A—Impeller cut via the first time, the performance data will be reduced.
泵主要由泵体、叶轮、密封环、泵盖、轴和悬架等零件组成。采用后开门结构,可以在不拆进、出口 管路的情况下进行检修。
泵体是轴向吸入、径向排出,脚支撑式。 泵进出口法兰尺寸标准采用 GB9113.3-88(1.6MPa),等效于 HG20595-97(1.6MPa)。 改进 IH 泵轴承支撑方式,靠联轴器端采用两个向心推力球轴承,能够承受两个方向较大的轴向力, 使泵能够适用流量大幅度突变的场合,提高了泵的变工况适应能力。轴承用 N32 号机械油润滑。如需采用 黄油润滑,请在合同中注明。
Series ISh pump is medium pressure circulating pump. It is designed and improved on the base of type IH pump. The ISO2858、ISO3069、ISO3661 are observed strictly in its design and manufacture with a high efficiency
泵外形及安装尺寸 The Outline and Installation Dimensions …………………………………………..(22)
泵进出口法兰尺寸表 Table of Inlet and Outlet Flange Dimensions………………………………………..(26)

加油的同时注意 观察油位,勿超过 图示规定的油位。

翻转油位计,往油位计中 加入适量油。
1. 请按①~④步 骤加油。切勿加多 油,否则会造成漏 油。 2. 润滑油牌号: N32 号机械油。也 可以用粘度接近 的汽油机油、柴油 机油或汽轮机油 代替。
Guilin Lixin Pump Co., Ltd.
泵。 (6)检查出水管闸阀、压力表及进水管的真空表的安装是否正确;并将旋塞闭上 (如果泵上装有这些
附件)。 (7)检查原动机与水泵的旋转方向是否相同(原动机回转方向在安装时已试验确定)。水泵绝对避免
反转以免叶轮螺帽等因反转松开(用爪型连轴器传动的泵只能开动动力机作瞬时转动检查其转向)。 2. 起动与停止 (1)准备工作完竣后启动原动机,并打开压力表旋塞。如为皮带传动,先将水泵开在 750 转/分,待
Capacity: 5.6~900m3/h
Head: 4~125m
The meaning of the model: ISh200-150-400A
ISh—Single-stage single-suction circulating pump
200—Inlet diameter 200mm
150—Outlet diameter 150mm
in energy-saving and performance is reliable. The material of parts which contact with liquid are made by cast
steel or ductile iron. It is available to pump the clear water and the other liquids similar to the clear water physically and chemically. The liquids temperature are not more than 80℃. The pump widely used in different
3. 机械密封使用说明 (1)装拆机械密封时应仔细,保持密封零件的干净和光洁。 (2)动环、静环端面绝不能划伤、碰破。
Description of Use 1.preparation before use (1)The pump must be through a comprehensive examination after installation, especially inspect if there are small tools and spares, spacers of paper and wood blocks inside the pipeline and casing. Inspect if the fixing screws of foundation are tightened. Don, t put matters in the space and the verge of which driven by belt. (2)Clean the filth and oiliness of the surface of unit. (3)Pour the machine oil into the bracket oil box of the pump which lubricated by thinner oil. (4)Rotate the shaft coupling or draw the belt pulley by hand should feel lightly and freely, and the degree of tightness must be even. (5)In case that the pump is pumping up liquid, to open up the gate valve of inlet pipe route to draw in liquid to the inside of the pump. If not in the same case, it is necessary to draw in liquid from screw hole to fill it in the pump. (6)Check to see if the installations of the gate valve of drain pipe, pressure gauge and vacuum meter are correct, and close the cock. (If the pump fix these accessories). (7)Inspect if the direction of the rotation of the shaft and motor is identical. (The direction of the motor had
性能范围:流量:5.6~900 米 3/小时;扬程:4~125 米。 泵型号意义举例说明:ISh200-150-400A
ISh——单级单吸循环泵 200——泵吸入口直径 200 毫米 150——泵排出口直径 150 毫米 400——泵叶轮名义直径 400 毫米 A——泵叶轮经一次切削,性能参数降低
General Description
Guilin Lixin Pump Co., Ltd.
Baidu Nhomakorabea
ISh 系列循环泵是在 IH 型泵基础上派生的节能产品。该产品具有设计合理、技术性能先进、标准化程 度高的特点。产品符合 ISO2858、ISO3069、ISO3661 标准。泵过流部件一般采用铸钢和球铁制造,适用于 泵进口有压力的场合,供输送清水及物理化学性质类似于水的介质,介质最高温度不高于 80℃,广泛用于 城市高压给水、消防系统、空调循环水以及生产工艺循环增压输送。
概述 General Description …………………………………………………………………(. 1)
结构说明 Construction Description ……………………………………………………………(1)
使用说明 Description of Use …………………………………………………………………..(2)
运转及维护保养 Operation and Maintenance …………………………………………………………(4)
轴封 Shaft Sealing ………………………………………………………………………(5)
可能发生的故障及其解决方法 The Possible Malfunctions and Solutions ……………………………………………(7)
Guilin Lixin Pump Co., Ltd.
泵叶轮螺母采用钢丝螺套防松,有效防止由于泵运行中的振动或反转造成的叶轮螺母松脱。 油位计采用自动补偿油位计,使泵运行中的润滑得到可靠的保证,提高了泵的寿命。 从驱动机端看泵,泵为顺时针方向旋转。
Construction Description The pump consist of pump casing, impeller, sealing ring, pump cover, shaft and Bearing house etc. The pump adopts a structure of rear-door, for facilitating maintenance without dismantling pipe system of inlet and outlet. Much convenience in application. The pump casing is designed with feet below, and discharge is positioned upward, suction in the axial. The size of the pump flange adopts GB9113.3-88(1.6MPa),equivalent to HG20595-97(1.6MPa). Rotor part is supported by rolling bearings, the bearing uses N32 machine oil for lubrication, if you want to use grease for lubrication, please make a note in the ordering. The impeller nuts adopt steel spacer for preventing loose, which can effectively prevent loose and misplace of the impeller nuts due to the vibration in the operation and reverse rotation. Oil gorge adopts automatic making-up type, so to guarantee the lubrication during operation, thus raising up the lifetime of the pump. Viewing from the end of driver, the rotation direction of the pump is in clockwise.