





a. 简要说明研究背景(background)

b. 简要介绍总的发现(general findings)

c. 介绍具体要点(introduction of points)

d. 与现有发现(若有)进行比较(comparison in the context of other stu


e. 意义(suggested meaning)

f. 结论(conclusion)

g. 前瞻研究(future studies)




定:现在时不确定或假设:过去时)的区别他人研究结果(过去时或现在完成时)与本研究结果(过去时)的区别普遍适用的结论(现在时)与只适用本研究的结论(过去时)的其别等。因此,对于however, may, might, could, would,

possibly, probably, be likely to 等词(组)的使用以及we believe (think

/ consider) that, to our knowledge, in our experience (practice) 等插入



parenteral nutrition is being used with increasing frequency as a prima

ry source of caloric support in adult and pediatric patients with gastr

ointestinal problems. numerous complications have been associated with

the administration of tpn, including a significantly increased incidenc

e o

f gallbladder disease [3-5,7]. the data here suggest that cholecyste

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of the 35 patients who required cholecystectomy for tpn-induced gallbla




a. 简要说明研究背景(background)

b. 简要介绍总的发现(general findings)

c. 介绍具体要点(introduction of points)


e. 意义(suggested meaning)

f. 结论(conclusion)

g. 前瞻研究(future studies)


定:现在时不确定或假设:过去时)的区别他人研究结果(过去时或现在完成时)与本研究结果(过去时)的区别普遍适用的结论(现在时)与只适用本研究的结论(过去时)的其别等。因此,对于however, may, might, could, would,

possibly, probably, be likely to 等词(组)的使用以及we believe (think/ consider) that, to our knowledge, in our experience (practice) 等插入语的使用就显得格外重要。


parenteral nutrition is being used with increasing frequency as a primary source of caloric support in adult and pediatric patients with gastrthe administration of tpn, including a

significantly increased incidence of gallbladder disease [3-5,7]. the data here suggest that cholecystectomy is often required for the management of symptomatic gallbladder disease in this group of patients, and is associated with significant risks.[说明研究背景,包括意义]

of the 35 patients who required cholecystectomy for tpn-induced gallbla篇二:英语作文演讲稿

(2009.天津卷)假设你是晨光中学的学生会主席李华。学生会将举办每年一度的英语演讲比赛,本年度的主题为“the english novel i like best”。作为组织者,你将在演讲比赛开幕时发言,请你根据以下提示用英语写一篇发言稿。

1. 说明比赛的意义,如提高英语听说能力,养成读书的习惯等;

2. 说明比赛的注意事项,如每人演讲不超过5分钟,语言流利,发音准确等;

3. 预祝比赛圆满成功。
































ladies and gentlemen,

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

______________________________________________________ ______篇三:英语作文演讲稿



参考词汇:低碳生活(lowcarbon life);节能(energy saving)



good morning, everyone,

i am li hua from xingguang middle school. the topic of my speech is “lets ride bicycles.”




thank you!


how can we solve the problems then?as far as im concerned,riding bicycles is a good solution. for one thing,bicycles dont need any petrol and they are energysaving. for another,bicycles are environmentally friendly because they wont give

off waste gas. whats more,riding bicycles is a good way for

us to exercise and it is beneficial to our health.



倡议。较好地使用了连接和过渡成分,如连接词汇:however, as

far as im concerned,whats more等以及过渡句:how can we solve the problems then.

②词汇短语:运用了较高难度的词汇。如:a popular means of,such as,for one thing?for another,give off, beneficial,take the responsibility,build up等。




洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程: /wenkxd.htm(报名网址)



1)开始时对听众的称呼语最常用的是 ladies and gentlemen,也可根据不同情况,选用 fellow students, distinguished guests, mr chairman, honorable judges(评委)等等。















最普通的结尾就是:thank you very much for your attention。


ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! im very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”。

i hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.

first i want to ask you some questions:

1、 do you know what is youth?

2、 how do you master your youth?




youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshne; it is the freshneof the deep springs of life .

youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody grows old merely by a number of years . we grow old by deserting our ideals.

years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .

whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of whats next and the joy of the game of living . in the center of your heart and my heart theres a wirelestation : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .



when the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80. thank you!




a. 简要说明研究背景(background)

b. 简要介绍总的发现(general findings)

c. 介绍具体要点(introduction of points)


e. 意义(suggested meaning)

f. 结论(conclusion)

g. 前瞻研究(future studies)




用本研究的结论(过去时)的其别等。因此,对于however, may, might, could, would,

possibly, probably, be likely to 等词(组)的使用以及we believe (think/ consider) that, to our knowledge, in our experience (practice) 等插入语的使用就显得格外重要。


parenteral nutrition is being used with increasing frequency

as a primary source of caloric support in adult and pediatric patients with gastrthe administration of tpn, including a significantly increased incidence of gallbladder disease [3-5,7]. the data here suggest that cholecystectomy is often required

for the management of symptomatic gallbladder disease in this group of patients, and is associated with significant risks.[说明研究背景,包括意义]

of the 35 patients who required cholecystectomy for tpn-induced gallbla篇三:大学生英语演讲稿范文100篇

how to be popular

most people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. what is the secret to popularity? in fact, it is very simple. the first step is to improve our appearance. we should always make sure that we stay in good shape and dress well. when we are healthy and well-groomed, we will not only look better but also feel better. in addition, we should smile and appear friendly. after all, our facial

expression is an important part of our appearance. if we can

do this, people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by our confidence.













learn how to say no

weve all been taught that we should help people. it is the right thing to do and will make us popular with others. it may even win us favors in return. however, we must be realistic. we cant say yes to every request. if we did, we would fail or go crazy

for sure. sometimes we simply dont have the time to help. in

this case, we must know how to say no politely.













我们无法一直取悦每个人。拒绝请求是人生的一部分。 how to sell yourself

by following the advice above, you are bound to make a good impression on potential employers. then you will be able to choose the best opportunity for you and take that first step towards success.














responsibility is a badge of honour for youth

im grateful that ive been given this opportunity, at such a historic moment, to

stand here as a spokesman of my gen

eration and to take a serious look back at the past 15 years, a crucial period for every one of us and for this nation as

well.though it is only within my power to tell about my

personal experience, and only a tiny fragment of it at that, it

still represents, i believe, the root of a spirit which has been essential to me and to all the people bred by the past 15 years.in my elementary years, there was a little girl in the class who worked very hard but somehow could never do satisfactorily in her lessons.

the teacher asked me to help her, and it was obvious that she expected a lot from me. but as a young boy, restless, thoughtless, i always tried to evade her so as to get more time to enjoy myself. one day before the final exam, she came up to me and said, could you please explain this to me? i want very much to do better this time. i started explaining, and finished

in a hurry.

pretending not to notice her still confused eyes, i ran off quickly. nat surprisingly, she again did very badly in the exam. and two months later, at the beginning of the new semester, word came of her death of blood cancer. no one ever knew about the little task i failed to fulfill, but i couldnt forgive myself.

i simply couldnt forget her eyes, which seem to be asking, why didnt you do a little more to help me, when it was so easy for you? why didnt you understand a little better the trust placed

in you, so that i would not have to leave this world in such pain and regret?

i was about eight or nine years old at that time, but in a way it was the very starting point of my life, for i began to understand the word responsibility and to learn to always do my duties faithfully and devotedly, for the implications of that sacred word has dawned on me: the mutual need and trust of people, the co-operation and inter-reliance which are the very foundation of human society.

words like individuality and creativity are getting more emphasis and more people are rewarded for their hard work and efforts. such is the era in which this generation ,grows and matures.

such is the era in which this generation will take over the nation from our fathers and learn to run it. yet in the meantime, many problems still exist.

we learn that crimes take place in broad daylight with crowds of people looking on and not assisting. we hear that there are still about 1 million children in this country who cant even afford to go to elementary schools while enormous sums of money are being squandered away on dinner parties and luxury cars.

we buy shoddy medicines, or merely worthless junk in the name of medicines, that aggravate, rather than alleviate our diseases since money, many people believe, is the most important thing in the world that must be made, even at the expense of morality and responsibility.

such an era, furthermore, demands, that we are a generation with a clear perception of our historical responsibility and an aggressive will to take action and solve the problems. history has long been preparing these qualities in this generation and it is now calling us forward to give testimony to our patriotism and heroism towards this nation and all humanity.

standing here now, i think of the past 15 years of my life as an ordinary student.

probably ill be an ordinary man for the rest of my life. but this doesnt discourage me any, for i know that with my sense of responsibility and devoted efforts to always strive, for the best, its going to be a meaningful and worthwhile life that i will be living.

standing here now, i think of the past 15 years of this nation, which has achieved greatness that inspired millions of people

of my age, most of whom will not attain fame or prestige and only a few of whom will be remembered by posterity. but that doesnt discourage us any, because we

i cant ever forget that little girl in my class who couldnt had

the same opportunities as any of us here to enjoy a wonderful life today and a hopeful world tomorrow.

it is the sacred responsibility of this generation to face up to

the challenges of the new century and to devote our sweat and blood, our wisdom and passion, to the historic cause of

making this nation a greater and happier land for every one of us.we are not going to evade that responsibility. we are going

to let people down. and people, far and near, will hear of us. frost will be brought to their backbones and tears to their eyes when our stories are told and retold, so let us go forth, my fellow members of this luckily chosen generation, and meet

the new century in victory and glory.






























英文书写格式 2010-7-26 21:00 提问者:shewellsina|浏览次数:11275次 例如阿拉伯数字后面的单词要不要空格?标点符号后面的单词要不要空格?我 急需这些书写细节方面的东西,谢谢告之。 我来帮他解答 2010-7-26 21:13 满意回答 数字和标点后面都要空格,另外还有一些规则: 一、字母大写 正确地使用大写字母是写作中一个不能疏忽的问题。大写字母除了用于句首、称呼、专有名词等外,下面几种情况也应予以注意: 1.句子中直接引语的第一个字母要大写无论“某某说”一类的说明语是在句首还是在句尾。如:She said, "It is unreasonable to such a thing." 但当直接引语是一个句子的继续时,则不用大写字母。 如:"It is unreasonable," she said,"to expect such a thing." 2.表示学校里学科的名词的第一个字母一般用小写,但语言学科,如Chinese,English等、第一个字母则要大写。如果学科名词被看作是课程中的一项,或考试的一个项目,则第一个字母要大写。如下面两句中的history的第一个字母分别用了大写和小写。 He is very interested in history. He passed in History but failed in Geometry. 3.表示亲属关系的普通名词有时专指某一个人,其作用相当于专有名词,这时第一个字母可用大写。如: We went to the hospital to Grandfather. What does it mean,Mother? 这类名词第一个字毋大写时,前面都无my或your等限定词。 4.普通名词的第一个字母一般应小写,但当它们作为专有名词的一部分时应该大写。如下面两句中的Professor的第一个字母分别用了大写和小写: She knew Professor Smith. She knew the Professor. 二、英文书写和移行 英文书写应符合书写规范,英文字母要写清楚、写整齐、写美观,字母的大小和字母之间的距离要匀称。书写应做到字形秀丽漂亮,通篇匀称和谐。


英语作文演讲稿模板五篇 英语精选作文演讲稿格式篇一 I lo*e English. English language is now used e*erywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. Learning English makes me confident and brings me GREat pleasure. When I was se*en, my mother sent me to an English school. At there, I played games and sang English songs with other children . Then I disco*ered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the English world. E*eryday, Iread English following the tapes. Sometimes, Iwatch English cartoons. On the weekend, I often go to the English corner. By talking with different people there, Iha*e made more and more friends as well as impro*ed my oral English. I hope I can tra*el around the world someday. I want to go to America to *isit Washington Monument, because the president Washington is my idol. Of course, I want to go to London too, because England is where English language de*eloped. If I can ride my bike in Cambridge uni*ersity, I will be *ery happy. I hope I can speak English with e*eryone in the world. I'll introduce China to them, such as the GREat Wall, the Forbidden City and Anshan. Iknow, Rome was not built in a day. Ibelie*e that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English *ery well. If you want to be lo*ed, you should learn to lo*e and be lo*able. So I belie*e as I lo*e English e*eryday , it will lo*e me too.


1. My view on…(就...问题,我的观点) Model 1 模板一 Para 1第一段 Different people have different views on... It is held/ believed/ thought/ recognized/ acknowledged that...But it is also held that ... 就 ...而言,不同的人有不同的观点(见仁见智)。大家都认为...但也有人认为... Those who hold the first opinion feel…In contrast/however/on the contrary, those who hold the second view believe/suggest/argue/believe/think that… 持第一个观点的人认为...相反地,持第二个观点的人认为 Para 2 第二段 As to me, I agree with the former/latter opinion. Admittedly… /后者 In my opinion, I am for From my standpoint / viewpoint, I am in favor of From my point of view, I am supportive of As far as I am concerned What’s more,… Moreover,… Furthermore,… ,… Para 3 结尾段 In a word, … In sum In brief In short It’s necessary to take a correct attitude to…. Only …, can we … In conclusion 对...持正确的态度是有必要的。只有...,我们才能... To sum up As is mentioned above, Taking all the above into consideration, Model 2 模板二 Para 1第一段 随着...到来/诞生,在我们生活/社会中...变得越来越... When asked about ..., different people will offer different opinions.


英语作文的格式 作文与阅读一样极为重要。在两篇作文中,小作文,就是应用文满分为10分,得高分比大作文容易一些,因为它更加套路化,对语言的要求也不如大作文那么高。可是考生的实际得分却不是很理想,2005年的平均分不到6分。出现这种问题的主要原因在于写作的格式、语言和要点等方面注意不够。我准备用三天的文章来阐述这几个问题。今天介绍的是小作文的格式问题。下面以2005年的小作文考题为例说明这一问题。 Directions: Two months ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine Designs & Fashions. But now you find that the work is not what you expected. You decide to quit. Write a letter to your boss, Mr. Wang, telling him your decision, stating your reason(s), and making an apology. Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use “Li Ming”instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points) 范文(选自胡敏编著的《2007年考研英语高分作文》): Dear Mr. Wang, I am writing to inform you about my decision to resign from my current position. There are a few factors involved that I find intolerable. First of all, the salary has proven to be much lower than you originally promised, and I have a large family to support. In addition, the office is located in the downtown area, yet I live in the suburbs, so it is exhausting for me to spend over three hours commuting every day. Most importantly, I feel rather disappointed and left out on the job itself, as in the past two months I was never given any really important responsibility. I sincerely hope that you approve of my resignation. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.


关于爱国的演讲稿英语作文 爱国主义是民族国家永恒的话题,是各国人民民族感情最深刻的体现,是推动历史前进的强大动力。下面是范文大全为大家准备的关于爱国的演讲稿英语作文,希望大家喜欢! 关于爱国的演讲稿英语作文范文1 dear all, more than 100 years ago, our neighbor japan, through the meiji restoration of road leading onto the bourgeois, than the overall national strength of china. thus, once the chinese subsidiary are resource-poor small countries begin coveted chinese jiangshan magnificent vast territory and abundant resources, they again and again by force of aggression against china, while our once great country of at this time can only be allowed to bully, because of their weak we simply can not carry out a powerful enemy resistance. fortunately, justice will eventually defeat evil. from 1937 to 1945, the chinese people with a full eight years to give the military aggression of japanese militarism hard to bat, frenzied japanese militarism in solidarity the people and the chinese all over the world anti-fascist front of the people of the country has to


英语作文发言稿格式 【篇一:英语演讲稿写作及格式范本】 英语演讲稿写作及格式范本 具体要求: a. 简要说明研究背景(background) b. 简要介绍总的发现(general findings) c. 介绍具体要点(introduction of points) d. 与现有发现(若有)进行比较(comparison in the context of other stu dies) e. 意义(suggested meaning) f. 结论(conclusion) g. 前瞻研究(future studies) 结论往往是论文中最长也是最难写的部分,主要原因是作者要对研究结果和发现进 行分析、推断、演绎和推理,要求作者具有很强逻辑思维能力和英语文字组织能力 。此外,这部分时态比较复杂,要分清实验过程和结果(过去时)与分析意见(确 定:现在时不确定或假设:过去时)的区别他人研究结果(过去时或现在完成时)与本研究结果(过去时)的区别普遍适用的结论(现在时)与只适用本研究的结论(过去时)的其别等。因此,对于however, may, might, could, would, possibly, probably, be likely to 等词(组)的使用以及we believe (think / consider) that, to our knowledge, in our experience (practice) 等插入 语的使用就显得格外重要。 示例: parenteral nutrition is being used with increasing frequency as a prima ry source of caloric support in adult and pediatric patients with gastr ointestinal problems. numerous complications have been associated with


英文通知范文格式 书面通知 是英语作文的一种常见类型。下面是小编帮大家整理的英文通知范文格式, 希望大家喜欢。 书面通知的英语作文格式要求 1.通知的标志:标志一般要醒目,多用 Notice 作标题。 2.出通知的单位和时间:一般分别位于正文的右下角和右上角。不过,这两项有时可以省略。 3.通知的正文:要写明所做事情的具体时间、地点、概括性内容、出席对象 及有关注意事项。 4.通知的对象:一般用第三人称,但如果带有称呼语,则用第二人称来表示。 5.通知的文体:注意用词贴切,语句简洁。 通知的英文格式范文 ( 一 ) An English Evening to Be Held Notice It is our great desire to improve our English studies to a new stage 。So an English evening is going to be held in our school meeting-hall from 8:00 to 10:00 p。m。 next Friday 。 You will enjoy English stories,songs,poemsand short plays at the evening 。 Mr and Mrs Green from the USAworking in our school,together with their children,will be invited to our evening 。 They will give us wonderful performances。 All the teachers and students are welcome to attend our English evening 。 We hope all of you will like the performances。 Student's Union Nov。 16 , 1998 通知的英文格式范文 ( 二 ) Dear classmates, I ’ve something to tell you. The school League Committee has decided to organize a volunteer activity for the League membersthis weekend---to do general cleaning at the railway station . All the League members are


一、26个英文字母的书写规则 1. 斜度:每个字母都要稍向右斜约10°左右,斜度要一致。 2. 大写字母的书写规格是:上不顶天下立地。即笔画的上端稍离第一线,笔画的下端必须紧贴第三线,不许离线也不许出格。 3. 占中间格的小写字母有a,c,e,m,n,o,r,s,u,v,w,x,z 13个,它们笔画的上端必须紧贴第二线,下端必须紧贴第三线,不许离线也不许出格。 4. 占一格、二格的小写字母有b,d,h,k,l 共5个,它们笔画的上端必须顶第一线,下端必须顶第三线,不许离线也不许出格。 5. 小写字母i和t也占一格、二格。但t的上端在第一格中间,短横重合第二线;i的小圆点在第一格中间稍偏下处。 6. 占二格、三格的小写字母有g,q,y 3个,它们的笔画的顶端要紧贴第二线,下端要紧贴第四线,不可离线也不可出格。 7. 占一格、二格、三格的小写字母有f, j, p 3个。其中f的上端稍离第一线(和大写字母一样),下端紧贴第四线,短横重合第二线;j的小圆点与i的小圆点位置相同,下面一笔的上端顶第二线,下端紧贴第四线;p的上端略高于第二线,约占第一格的三分之一,下端紧贴第四线。 8. 要注意书写的规范,字母a,d,g,o,q等上端必须封闭,不可开口,不可写成下列样子。 9. 字母l, k的收笔处是圆钩,不可写成尖钩或竖弯钩,不可写成下列的样子。 10. 字母r的收笔处不可多加一个弯,不可写成下列的样子。 11. 字母g,j,y收笔的弯钩要自然弯曲,不可太长,也不可太钩。不可写成下列的样子。 要做好字母的教学,我认为首先要引导学生充分认识学好字母的重要性,其次是要求学生读音正确、书写规范。这样才能为以后的英文书写打好基础。 二、抄写英语句子应注意: 1.英语句子的第一个单词的第一个字母要大写。如:Good Morning! 2.单词与单词之间要有适当的距离,一般说,以空出小写字母a的宽度为宜。例如:My name is LinTao.不可写成:MynameisLinTao. 3.要注意每个字母的书写格式。抄写句子中的每一个单词都要像抄写字母那样认真。根据每个字母的要求,在这三格四线中占据自己合适的位置。 4.抄写时,每个字母上部都要稍稍向右倾斜/。


高考英语作文演讲稿模板5篇 高考英语作文演讲稿模板篇一 Dear friends! Do you still remember your first English teacher? You may say:“ Yes.” Everyone has his teachers, in my mind, I’ll never forget her ------my first English teacher Ms. Li. Without her, I wouldn’t be standing here. She is a young and lovely lady with beautiful eyes. Her voice sounds sweet and she speaks English very well. That was the first impression she left on us when she first gave us an English lesson. In her class, she taught us carefully and patiently. She always made opportunities for us to speak English. She gave us many beautiful pictures to talk on them, played games with us and told us many interesting stories. Little by little, I had interest in English, but English was a new subject to me, I had many difficulties in learning it well. I often felt very confused. It was Ms. Li who helped me to find ways to overcome my difficulties. She helped me to practice speaking English everyday. She always encouraged me


英语作文范文英语作文书信格式范文 一,英语作文书信格式: 1,最上面顶格写你要把信写给谁。 2,第二段写你要对这个朋友要说的话。 3,写完后最后的一行写上你自己的名字。 二,范文: Dear Mike, I am glad to introduce my family to you. My family is a warm and happy family.There are 5 people in my family, my grandpa, my grandma, my father, my motherand I. My grandparents are both teachers, they are still teaching in a university.Grandpa is for maths, and Grandma is for English, sometimes their students eto our home to send their greetings to them. My father is working in an American factory,he is very busy. Every evening he is doing his work in the midnight. At weekend he alwaysgoes to

factory for his work. My mother is a nurse. Her hospital is near my home. I am a student in Junior high school. I hope you will introduce your family to me yours sincerely Tom 拓展资料:英语写作文的注意事项: 英语书信的常见写作模板 开头部分: How nice to hear from you again. Let me ___ you something about the activity. I’m glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th.


英语应用文写作格式总结常见的应用文格式:)a job application letter求职信( 3.)invitation邀请函(2.) memo备忘录(1. notice通知(5. 感谢信4. 7. E-mail )a leave of absence请假条(6. ):(memo)备忘 录)November 10,2009 时间Date:( )Kelly Anderson, Personnel Manager 收文人TO:( )J.Hign, assistant to the Customer Service Director 发文人From:( Subject: Reasons of decreasing sales (正文) : )invitation邀请函( Topic: You must organize an annual academic conference which will be held on December 15.Write an invitation to Dr. William. Dear Dr. William, 地点和内容,表示自己的诚恳请求),正文 (说明开会的具体时间 I am writing to invent you sincerely to attend the……结束语(诚恳地邀请对方,期待对方的到来) If you can come, pls let me know. I am looking forward to ….. Yours, name : )a job application letter求职信(和邀请函格式基本相当) October 10,2009 写信日期(Dear Mr. Peter, 正文 Yours sincerely, name : ) notice通知( NOTICE 正文(介绍活动的 所有相关信息))English Department发文单位(有 的话写,看题目。感谢信:)Date时间(Dear Sir or Madam: 正文(开头,中间) Thank you for your ……..


英语六级作文万能模板 一、常见开头 1:It is well-known to us that……(我们都知道……)==As far as my knowledge is concerned, …(就我所知…) 2:Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus. ==Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……(最近……问题引起了关注) 3:Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face.(现今,人口过剩已成为我们不得不面对的问题) 4:Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.(互联网已在我们的生活扮演着越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了许多好处但也产生了一些严重的问题) 5:With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为……) 6:It is a common belief that……==It is commonly believed that……(人们一般认为……)二、阐述观点 1:People's views on……vary from person to person. Some hold that……However, others believe that……(人们对……的观点因人而异,有些人认为……然而其他人却认为……)2:People may have different opinions on……(人们对……可能会持有不同见解) 3:Attitudes towards (drugs)vary from person to person.==Different people hold different attitudes towards(failure)(人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异) 4:There are different opinions among people as to……(对于……人们的观点大不相同)三、结束语 1:In short, it can be said that……(总之,他的意思是……) 2:From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that……(从上面提到的,我们可以得出结论……)


Email ●Email messages should be direct, straight forward, short and clear Parts of an Email ●Subject line -This is the title. Should be on topic and easy to understand. Avoid flowery language. ●Salutation -Dear Mr. Li, ●Body -Introduce->Explain->Conclude -Detailed emails will follow typical essay model (Introduction, Body, Conclusion) only simplified and more direct ●Closing -“Thank you”, “Sincerely”, etc. followed b y your name. Introductory Paragraphs ●Introductory paragraph -Introduces the main idea of the essay ●Body Paragraphs -Gives support for the idea offered in the introduction ●Concluding paragraph -Summarizes the essay and gives any conclusions that were met while writing ●Your introduction must: -State the topic of your essay -Grab the readers attention -Focus readers attention on what you will discuss in the remainder of your essay ●An introductory paragraph should start with a few lines used to grab the readers attention (hook) ●Explain the ideas that lead to your main idea. (background) ●It then should state the main idea that will be developed in the essay (thesis statement)


保护野生动物英语作文【带翻译】 Animals Need Protecting Animals are natural resources that people have wasted all through our history.Animals have been killed for their fur and feathers,for food,for sport, and simply because they were in the way. Thousands of kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever. Hundreds more are on the danger list today. About170kinds in the United States alone are considered in danger. Why should people care? Because we need animals, and because once they are gone,there will never be any more.Animals are more than just beautiful or interesting. They are more than just a source of food. Every animal has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying one kind of animal can create many problems. For example,when farmers killed large numbers of hawks, the farmers' stores of corn and grain were destroyed by rats and mice.Why? Because hawks eat rats and mice, with no hawks to keep down their numbers, the rats and


励志英文演讲稿大全 英语励志演讲稿范文(一) ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i‘m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is ―youth‖. i hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it. first i want to ask you some questions: 1、do you know what is youth? 2、how do you master your youth? youth youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life . youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody grows old merely by a number of years . we grow old by deserting our ideals. years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . worry , fear , self –distrust bows


1.现象解释类 In modern society, _________________(现象或趋势)。On the one hand, _____________. One the other hand, _______________________. The reason for this phenomenon can be listed as follows. Firstly, ___________________. Secondly, _______________________. Finally, _______________________. As a matter of fact, _____________________. For one thing, _________________. For another, ____________________. All in all, ____________________. 范文: Craze for National Civil Servant Test. 1.当前,越来越多的人参加公务员考试。 2.产生这一现象的原因。 3.我对该现象的看法。 In modern society, the number of people taking part in the national servant test has increased dramatically. On the one hand, college graduates are busy in preparing for such examination. On the other hand, some people who have already worked for a couple of years also join in this team. The reasons for this phenomenon can be listed as follows. Firstly, in recent years, it is hard for college students to find satisfactory jobs


Today,I will talk about whether friendship is a necessity. I hold that friendship is a necessity in life. Of course ,the majority of people will agree with me. Friendship is a kind of human relations. It is a human instinct to make friends. It plays an important part in our life. Friendship not only brings us a lot of happiness,but also reduces the sense of loneliness.Because friendship is a basic source of hope in our lives .For example,when we are happy,we can share our feelings with friends; when we achieve success ,we can also tell friends to share our joys.when we are sad,friends are good listeners who can give us suggestions to make us get rid of it,if we are in trouble, we can turn to friends for help , friends will surround us and friends will offer us support and encouragement. Every one of us needs friends, so that we can depend on each other. people want to do friends favours and hate to break a promise. In contrast with marriage ,there are no friendship ceremonies to strengthen the association between two persons.But the supporting and understanding of each other does seem to a powerful bond ,which can overcome differences in background ,and break down barriers of age, class or race. In terms of real friendship, true friends share not only joy ,but more often they share sorrow. As we get to know people, we take into account things like age, race ,economic conditions,social position,and intelligence.To the true friendship , these factors are not of prime importance. close friends just have similar ideas and beliefs and have attitudes and interests in common . Friendship is also a bridge between people to communicate with each others, which let us understand each other better. in the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections.Diffient people will make our minds more advanced and mature . To me, I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. without friendship, we will be denyed with fortunate and happiness. Therefore, friendship is necessity. That’s all. Thank you.
